Chapter 102- change is scary
(Y/N) POV:
Something in wrong. It's wrongness is felt in the way dinner is a slightly subdued affair and the way Dae Hyun had flinched back when Tae had reached out to ruffle his hair.
A full bodily flinch as he'd jerked back before his eyes had filled with apology, lips dragging downwards as he mumbled an apology. And then bolted. Bolted to sit between both Ha-Eun and Hyun Jae, a stiffness in his posture as he'd lowered himself in the seat between them.
Had allowed himself from their enthusiastic chatter to draw him in, slowly loosening as dinner went on, even if that smile would freeze when his eyes would catch sight of any of his dads. Head dropping forward and fingers clenching tightly around his utensils.
Something was wrong.
And that part of me tied with my children, tied with each of them was restless. Knew that something was bothering him. But what that something was he wouldn't say.
So began a game of tiptoeing around the house.
Dae Hyun started to actively avoid meeting eyes, and when he did there was always something so fearful and hesitant in them; as if he needed to look up but it terrified him to do so.
He became more protective over Hyun Jae and Ha-Eun too. At first it was silent and subtle. At first it was just easily slotting himself in beside Hyun Jae or Ha-Eun, allowing his little sister to wriggle close and tease, allowing for Hyun Jae to lean entirely against him, a hand wrapped around either sibling.
And then it became more noticeable when it became apparent he was slotting himself in to become a barrier between us and them.
Lightly tugging back Ha-Eun and curling around her with a fond grin, that seemed strained at the edges, when Hobi oppa made to twirl her around, lips stretched with laughter. Until they weren't. Stilling, slightly confused.
But good-natured as he clutched at his chest.
"First your mum and now your sister. You're stealing my girls Dae-Hyunie"
But that hadn't made Dae-Hyun let go. If anything his hold had tightened around Ha-Eun before he'd forced cheeriness into his voice.
Small dimples appearing as he stretched out his lips into a strained smile.
"Ha-Eunie, oppa will take you to the movies if you want." He'd offered even though there had been something desperate in his eyes as he'd waited for her response.
Relaxing when she'd twisted, giddy and excited and nodded.
Pecking his cheek before ducking away.
"Dada~ can I have money for sweets?" was the loud yell that trailed through the house as she rushed off.
Her voice making him stiffen, head jerking around with alarm as he realised he'd scooped her away from one dad just for her to run to the other.
"Ha-Eun wait!" he'd yelled.
But I'd stepped forward, hand light on his wrist.
Silently pleading that our fifteen-year-old wouldn't tear his grip away.
Wouldn't move away from me.
Not knowing how I'd feel if he did.
But knowing just how much it had hurt Tae, had felt the sorrow and pain seep into the bond when our own son had jerked away from his light touch.
" everything okay?" I ask softly.
Knowing that everything wasn't. Knowing that he needed to open up.
Even as my soul yearned and pleaded, wished for him to turn around.
And then he turns.
A face that was going to slowly begin to mature, was going to sharpen more with time. But he'd already began to settle into his image.
With the mixture of soft full cheeks and a sharpening jaw. With the same lips that looked entirely like Jinnie's but hadn't smiled for so, so long. Hadn't smiled and let those beautiful dimples show.
His eyes, a soft brown, didn't sparkle.
Seemed to fill with pain and hurt and something fierce as he looked at me.
Body crumpling inwards slightly.
"Mum...mum you don't know. You're just as uncertain. You don't know..." he says, sounding anguished.
For me. For him. For Ha-Eun.
"What is it I don't know Hyeonie love? What's hurting you?" I whisper, tugging him closer.
He stumbles forward those few steps. Shooting a wary glance to Hobi oppa before he sags, curling around me in a tight sudden embrace.
Grip tight as his arms, thin and slender, curve around me and his head comes to rest on my shoulder, dropping his head and hiding. He clutches at me tightly, shaking as he hugs me.
And as I wind my arms back around him, shooting a concerned look to Hobi oppa over his shoulder. See the way his own face creases with worry, smile fading as he takes in our trembling son.
"Don't get hurt mama. Please don't get hurt." he whispers, pained and pleading.
Clutching tighter when my hand goes to settle at the back of his head, pressing a kiss to his hair.
"I'm not going to get hurt sweetheart. I'm a healer remember?" I say, trying to go for light, but knowing, knowing he needed reassurance too.
"You're lumped with me for a long, long time darling." I promise.
"We've got forever Dae Hyunie." Hobi oppa echoes.
But the sudden stillness at Hobi oppa's words makes me wonder what exactly it is setting Dae Hyunie off. What is it that's making him so terrified and worried. What's hurting my son?
"You can't make anyone stay forever dad. Not without choice." Dae Hyun says, head rising as he looks at him with teary eyes, lips trembling as he shakes.
"Oh love...your dad isn't saying anything bad, sweetheart talk to us." I plead, hand curling around his wrist.
But he shakes.
Tugs his wrist free and shifts back, eyes unable to tear away from Hobi oppa.
Tears trickling down his cheeks.
"You can't make her stay forever." Voice cracking as his body stumbles.
And I feel the devastation flooding the bond when he shrinks back from Hobi oppa's arms that had darted out to steady him.
See him flinch and his face crumple at the rejection from our son.
And when he rushes to the doorway, he ducks away even as Ha-Eun reappears, coat tugged on and Jinnie oppa standing beside her. The line of his spine stiffening when he sees the arm around our daughter's shoulder.
And vanishes.
Ignores the calls after him as he hurries away.
And when the door slams shut, I feel my heart crack.
And hear the sob behind me.
And know that in the balance, the ambience we loved, the atmosphere of our family was darkening, there was a crack spreading out across the surface.
And I wanted to fix it before it worsened.
Wanted to fix it before Dae Hyun was lost to whatever it was that was haunting him.
And now it wasn't just tiptoeing.
It was running away.
I shut the door quietly behind me, breathing out shakily as I lean against it. Wanting nothing more than to banish the phantom, haunting thoughts curling around my mind.
Wanting nothing more than for it all to stop.
I knew they wouldn't hurt her. Knew just how helplessly in love my parents were with each other.
But I couldn't get the images out of my head.
Couldn't make them stop.
I toe off my shoes, slipping quietly into the hallway, making a move to get to the stairs. To slip up and into my room without anyone noticing.
What I don't expect is for a soft, tired voice to call out for me.
Or that when I turn I see my mum, straightening up from the couch, hair tousled and pyjamas loose and baggy. I knew they belonged to my dads because I'd seen them at times wearing the top themselves.
"You're back." Voice relieved and wavering as she sits up quickly, watching as I make my way towards her.
Head dropping with shame when I realise she'd been waiting this entire time for me to get back. That she hadn't gone to bed but had stayed, body stiffening and shifting with discomfort as she stretches.
But then her hands dart out to take mine and draws me close.
Pain and love in her eyes.
"I'm sorry mama." I whisper, sinking to my knees in front of her as she holds my hands, peering up at her.
She shakes her head, lips wobbling.
"Nothing to be sorry for. But I will say time and time again... Dae Hyunie you need to tell us, tell me what's hurting you. I can't...I can't see you looking so scared in our own home." She pleads.
Eyes shining with unshed tears.
Begging for me to open up.
But could I say? Could I tell her exactly what was haunting me?
I take a deep breath.
"I need you to answer something first mum. I know...I know that not one of them would...but is any dad hurting you?" I ask.
Hating myself for saying it, for even allowing that seed of doubt to take root.
But I needed to know.
Needed to hear her say it.
Her face stills. Devastated and the tears trickle over as she shakes her head.
"Never. Never have your dads hurt me Dae Hyun." She says, voice firm and steady even as she cries.
My heart aches for being the reason the tears spilled over.
"You promise?" I ask.
She nods.
"I swear it." Without hesitation.
And then my head drops forward, disgust churning my stomach for even asking.
"I had to make sure...because I keep seeing things mum. I keep seeing flashes and images and I know they're not like that but I saw blood...and I saw you still...and I see fangs. I'm going mad mum...I'm hallucinating." I say, voice trembling as my head bows over her lap, eyes stinging fiercely with tears.
Hating the images. Hating what I saw with them.
Hated that they made me on edge and made me feel scared and terrified at home. That everytime I saw my dads open their mouths, I couldn't help but stare to confirm that they didn't have fangs. That when I met their gaze, their wasn't bloodlust colouring them crimson.
That when I hugged mum, she wasn't still and cold or pale but warm and healthy and alive. Heart thudding as she easily accepted my embrace and pressed kisses to my forehead or cheeks.
Her hands come to card through my hair. A gentle light caress.
"You're not mad. If you're seeing things then there's a reason. But you're not mad sweetheart." She whispers.
She sounds so certain. So sure.
I raise my head slowly, peer up at her.
"How can you say that so certainly? I keep seeing blood and fangs and you don't have a heartbeat." I sob.
Her hand takes mine, draws it to her wrist, allowing my fingers to flutter and settle there.
Feel the steady thud of her pulse. Beating. Living.
Wholly alive.
"I'm alive. I'm not dying Dae Hyun. And your dads aren't hurting me." she promises.
She cups my cheeks, wiping away tears as she looks at me, face blotchy with her own.
She's tired, slight shadows under her eyes, her cheeks are stained wet with tears and her hair is rumpled, dressed in pyjamas too large.
But she looks perfect. Alive and beating and living. In front of me.
She's there. She's not going anywhere.
Her face is slightly thoughtful as she wipes away tears and presses kisses to my cheeks, warm and chasing away the numbing pit of fear.
"I think...I think your ability might be starting to manifest. And I think we should get it verified. So you're sure that it's not real. So you can live without fear." She says.
Empathy. Energy. Persuasion. Sound. To name a few under this roof.
But mum and dads had abilities that helped. That made things remain balanced. That kept the peace and on purpose...occasionally broke it too.
Abilities were gifts.
Not curses.
Not this.
But if I could get any answer I'd take it.
I needed it.
I nod, tilting into mum's touch.
"Please." I whisper.
So when she tugs me upright and draws me to lie on the couch, head resting on her lap, I peer up at her, frowning at the exhaustion clinging to her.
"Sleep sweetheart. Mama will stay." She whispers.
She'll stay. And chase away the bad.
Her fingers begin to brush through my hair, leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead.
"Sleep Dae Hyun. And live without fear." She whispers.
And her promise and warmth lulls me to sleep.
A night where there is no flashes of images. No snippets of pain coming to wake me.
She stays.
And guards me from them all.
I wake to the feeling of a blanket being drawn over me. And blink blearily at the sight of plump lips and mussed hair as dad leans over me, tucking me up.
His body stills with surprise before he makes a shushing motion, finger pressed to his lips as his gaze flits fondly to mum.
My eyes follow his to see her leaning against the back of the couch, head tilted at an angle and hand still in my hair.
"Don't wake her up. She never came to bed last night but it's clear why." He says fondly, thumbing at the corner of my lips where I feel drool.
My eyes widen, embarrassed as I wriggle my head to the side.
But he's already smiling and leaning back.
"You're still a baby. Drooling over mama." He says.
"Dad shhh!" I hiss. Eyes flitting nervously to see if mum's begun to stir.
She hasn't.
"You shhh!" he retorts playfully.
But there's relief glittering in his eyes and a looseness to his posture.
Clearly reading our closeness, knowing that last night eased some things.
And when I look at him, see the way my dad's gaze is tender and smitten as he looks at mum, I feel foolish for ever doubting, for ever worrying.
Know that they'll protect her against harm than ever let her face it.
Know that when they whisper and giggle or curl up together, there's years of love winding between them.
My head feels clearer.
Clearer than it has been for the past fortnight.
Clearer now that I know it'll be okay, that it's my ability trying to settle.
I'll be okay.
And then dad is producing a pillow out of nowhere, curling around it as he leans over to cup the back of mum's head, settling the pillow behind her.
Stilling when the movement makes her awaken instead.
Despite all his quiet precautions.
"Minnie...morning baby." She murmurs, eyes fluttering as she leans into the kiss dad presses to her forehead, cupping her face.
"Morning. Sorry I woke you." he whispers.
She shakes her head as she straightens, gaze going to me and sleepy expression stretching into something warm and tender.
"Feeling better baby?" she asks.
I nod.
Parallel tear.
That's the name the doctor gives it as he examines me with interest, peering at me from behind rimmed glasses. Young face alit with excitement and intrigue.
Parallel tear.
A tear in the fabric between dimensions. An ability that allows me to see the same people in another life, another world.
"You'll see flashes of memories and moments of the people you're with." He says as he leans forward, face propped up by a hand.
The hand that had been holding mine squeezes, reassuring and grounding.
"What if it begins to affect his daily life? What if he's swarmed with memories all the time?" mum asks from beside me.
The doctor frowns.
"That could be an issue as his ability settles. With time he'll be able to block them if he wants but as a growing person...we could prescribe some temporary blockers. They won't harm him any way...just dampen how many memories he'll be swarmed with." He says.
I turn to look at mum.
See her staring back at me.
Silently waiting.
My choice. My choice to make.
"Will it make my ability weaken?" I ask.
The doctor hums as he straightens up.
"No. When your ability is settled, it'll be easier. It's just to prevent it from hurting you right now." He says.
It would make living easier. It would make me feel normal again.
It would help.
"Then please." I say.
And the hand squeezes again.
Comfort in her touch.
Parallel tear.
And just like that the images have a name, have a reason for their existence.
And just like that it becomes easier to bear.
"Dae Hyunie your mum's looking for you." Appa says, dimpled smile as he peers into my room.
I twist on the bed, letting go of the webtoon in my hand.
He steps in, approaching the bed.
Face turning at once nostalgic and fond as he reaches for the webtoon, ruffling my hair before he straightens.
"Mind if I read whilst you see what mum needs?" he asks.
I nod.
And immediately he sinks onto my bed, uncaring for how his shirt and trousers might rumple as he splays out. Eagerly thumbing to the first page, fingers brushing tenderly across the cover as he settles against the headboard.
"I've missed this webtoon." He confides with a small smile as I'm leaving, facing him in the doorway before I step through.
Something so strong in his gaze as it drifts to settle onto the pages.
Appa's hands cradle the book preciously, tenderly. Holding it close as he begins to read it.
Cursed Fate.
Crafted by his own wife and soulmate. Written and drawn by her.
A life spilled onto pages as a secret.
A life of surviving and enduring and living.
All my dads would without hesitation say time and time again that mum was the strongest woman, the strongest person they knew.
And with how mum was helping me through this, through tackling random flashes and spurts of memories, through staying up with me or talking them out with me, I knew her heart was just as strong and fierce.
A phoenix soul as every one of our dads said.
Strong and eternal.
She waves at me to join her and dad on the living room floor, a black tablet sitting on her lap.
"Kookie and I've thought of something Dae Hyunie." She says excitedly as I sit down beside her.
The tablet turns on, a blank page awaiting her hand as she lowers the stylus pen to it.
"We're going to create stories. Out of the parallels you see...we're going to make them into stories, so that they can live. They can be read later on by you. So you can see just how lucky and rare this gift is for our precious son." She coos, poking the tip of my nose.
I scrunch it at the touch, wrinkling it.
And she laughs.
Shooting a glance to dad over her shoulder.
"He's got your scrunches baby." She says with a smile.
And just to make her laugh he scrunches his too when she pecks it, leaning into him slightly.
Unconsciously curving close.
But her gaze is on me, nudges the stylus towards me.
Lets me curl my fingers around it and draw the tablet to my lap instead.
"Let the story live beyond your mind. Let it live and don't be trapped by it sweetheart." She encourages.
Her words guide my hand down to the screen, the pen moving across the screen.
This is where a story of another world, another dimension begins.
This is where my parents get their happily ever after all over again.
This is a world where there wasn't me in it but a girl instead. Someone with soft cheeks and red eyes and wispy curls and chubby fists as she gurgled on a lap.
This was a world unfolding even as we lived in ours.
My hand moves to write down the title. Smiling at the screen, excited to let a new tale begin.
Bound by Blood.
By Dae Hyun.
It's been an honour to go on this journey with you. It's been overwhelming and amazing so thank you!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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