Chapter 10- it all goes downhill
It had been three weeks. Three weeks since we'd had the chat and let it all out in the open. Three weeks since we'd all intended to slowly bring (Y/N) out of her shell. And we all could say confidently that it had been three weeks and no progress had been made. Our eyes and ears were peeled for her, any mention, someone calling her name, but it was like she had slipped under the radar and somehow managed to evade all 7 of us. How, we couldn't tell. She still attended her lessons, so she wasn't absent. She had somehow managed to time her entrance to class to the last second, her usual habit of being early postponed and because of that none of us could find a moment to talk to her outside the class. She only talked to us when necessary and an answer or response was warranted but even then, there was none of the cordiality, friendliness and warmth that radiated from her when she was with others. Even when she bumped into someone and it was a stranger, she still managed to be more open and friendly to them than she was with us all. But why?
It was frustrating how easily she managed to slide out of lessons the moment the bell rang, or the professor dismissed the class, easily merging into the crowds or placing herself in the midst of her friends who just drew her in and coddled her.
Jin tried to work next to her in the kitchen but JB became an overprotective mother hen whenever he dared approach; shooting him reproachful looks and warnings with his eyes to leave her be. Jaehyun had also become close to (Y/N), laughing around with her, cracking jokes, and flirting. The boy kept on flirting, even though it seemed like neither of them were interested in each other romantically, (Y/N)'s cheeks would flush under his flirty behaviour and Jaehyun would look so smug. For once, it seemed like Jin was the outsider in the group, he'd never really experienced how it'd felt but it made him more determined to slowly ease her out of the protective walls she'd thrown up.
Jimin became an even more frequent visitor at Serendipity, having worked out (Y/N)'s work schedule he was almost always there when she entered and left a while before she did. He always ordered when she was working at the till, spent time playing with the cats so he could observe her from an even closer vantage. When he was eating or drinking one of the many times he ordered during his stay, his eyes would be covertly watching her interact with the other customers, or how her face scrunched up with pure joy when she played or tended to the cats. But that smile, that ease wasn't directed at him, he was always greeted with a cool professionalism. But even though it was bittersweet, he hung onto the moments where she smiled at him whilst taking his order. Maybe one day it would be beyond the barrier dividing them as customer and worker.
Yoongi didn't have classes with her, nor was he the same age as her. Instead he would observe her behaviour whenever he passed her by chance. He took in every instance she interacted with others or when she was by herself. She was very sociable and friendly; he didn't think she knew many people, but he was always surprised when he saw a seemingly random figure approach her and it turned out they knew her. She was full of surprises. She was often surrounded by people, but it seemed like she wasn't bothered if she was alone- she seemed to enjoy her solitude too, headphones over her ears as she walked around the city or campus- he'd seen her in both on frequent occasions.
Hoseok also did Psychology but their classes were separate. However, the papers written by each student were available to access given their consent and luckily (Y/N) had given consent. He had stumbled across a few of hers and surprisingly he'd learnt a lot about her personality and beliefs through her arguments. It felt silly of him to admit but he couldn't help but feel closer to (Y/N) than the others, he understood what she had written and the person behind those words. She strongly advocated free will and that everyone deserved love but also that one could find a course of happiness without finding someone. It was such a fresh way of looking at life especially in a world where happiness is nearly always connected with the existence of soul marks. Then he remembered she didn't have one and it dimmed his thoughts but filled him with the determination to help her be happy. He did also see her at the park next to the very tree they'd first met at and rather than intrude on her personal space, he watched the look of content from a distance, smiling when he saw she slipped off in a daze or when she just sat there, large tablet in hand content to work in silence.
Jungkook saw her occasionally pop into the photography rooms, he was startled the first time and ducked behind the equipment room door to watch with wide eyes as she approached Eunwoo! How did she know him?! But she saw the ease with which they joked around with each other, the soft murmurs he couldn't make out but the burst of laughter, (Y/N)'s laugh was lovely- it was a tinkling sound that filled the room and caused heads to turn and smile instinctively in response. He watched as they stood close to each other, practically glued to the hip, how (Y/N)'s small hand darted out to pinch Eunwoo's cheeks or stretch up to ruffle his hair. He watched as Eunwoo stood behind her spooning her as they worked and how he pecked her cheek or constantly smothered her with his affection and attention. She had such a bright aura, it seemed like people naturally gravitated towards her, students in his class who were closed off, reserved or generally preferred silence couldn't help but smile at her.
Namjoon was blown away. Here was someone who challenged his thoughts, philosophy and arguments without a hint of fear, instead he found himself often staring at the ways her eyes lit up, the spark of competitiveness entering her when they debated, the way her lips curved upwards as she talked- so passionate in what she wanted to get across. She still sat with distance between them, but he couldn't help but lean forward in interest, drawn in by the strong, confident aura she gave off as she talked or discussed. But she only talked to him when required, she rushed out the door or away from him the moment the lesson ended. It seemed like after every lesson he was to be treated to a threatening glare or look of warning by the guy he'd seen her with at the beginning of these lessons. He also felt like he was being watched but that wasn't too out of the blue. What slightly surprised him though was that no-one in the class seemed to harbour ill feelings for (Y/N), nor did they comment about her maliciously. It looked like she was respected and liked within her class, but he feared if their interactions were seen beyond the class- she might've been given a hard time.
Taehyung was insistent on being friends with (Y/N). He even began coming to lessons earlier so he could be waiting for her when she came in and they could chat, but it saddened him to see her begin to enter at the last moment and rush to her seat just as the professor entered- then there was no time for chatting. Whilst making notes, more than often he'd find his eyes drawn to her small delicate hands writing out notes as she listened, he couldn't see her face clearly but he could see her head tilt in confusion at times when she didn't get was being said and the cute small wriggle in her seat when she understood it. It was endearing to just watch her, but he wanted to be friends, to laugh with her, spend time with her, make her laugh to th extent she had to physically support herself on him. But it didn't happen, he wondered many times if her ability was invisibility because she managed to vanish the instant, he turned to pack his bag, turning to see an empty seat.
But he was not giving up, neither of them were.
(Y/N) POV:
It has been three weeks of avoiding, sneaking off like a guilty person, trying so hard to maintain a distance and more than that fighting against the growing urge to close the distance between us and finally, finally feel complete. And it didn't help that they kept on trying to talk to me, be friendly, super nice because even though I knew it was them being genuine- it wasn't fake or forced behaviour and that's what made it hurt. They were genuinely nice people who were making effort after effort to become friends, but I kept pushing them away. I had to remind myself countless times that it was for the benefit for us all, but my resolve was slowly crumbling, and I wondered how long I could last.
I saw the hints of sadness on their faces when they thought I wasn't looking, and it hurt to know I had put it there. But it was for them. I had to remember that. They were better off without me poisoning the wonderful balance they had and the love they shared and deserved.
They didn't need to know that the pain steadily grew worse, rendering me immobile until it passed. They didn't need to know the tears of pain and sorrow and longing I shed. They didn't need to know that it physically and mentally tore me apart to run away from them. They didn't need to know that more than anything, all I wanted was to belong.
I could feel myself steadily growing weak, headaches were normal, so were the black dots that obscured my vision. I slung my backpack over my shoulders, slowly making my way down the steps as fatigue weighed heavily down on my body. I stumbled, tripping over my feet the last few steps of the stairs, mind taking too long to realise I was falling, heading face first into the ground when two steady pair of arms caught at me, gripping at arms in a gentle but strong hold before letting go, fingers brushing lightly as they stepped back. I breathed slowly, trying to get over the panic before straightening up to thank the person but all I could see where the crowds of students walking. I couldn't see who it had been. A warm fuzzy feeling filled me, gratefulness for the random stranger who had saved me from injury, heart lightening at the thought of kindness still existing. I smiled unconsciously, suddenly more alert and awake as I made my way to my dorm, a spring in my step.
I felt terrible when I woke up. It wasn't just my mark burning anymore, the pain had spread throughout my torso and engulfed me. It hurt to move, it hurt to breathe, each breath making my chest twinge with the fiery pain that spread upwards. I didn't know why my symptoms were worsening, was it because I was constantly near them but not yet bonded? I waited and prayed for the pain to dissipate, head spinning when I slowly tried to get up. My arms gave out at first, trembling under the exertion, my body weakened suddenly before I tried again at a slower pace. I felt like I was going to be sick, my stomach churning as I hurried to the bathroom on convulsing legs, but I didn't throw up and after showering it had lessened slightly. Maybe I should get myself checked out, I thought as I made my way out the dorm, but I also knew the only solution they'd give me would be to bond with my soulmates.
I spent the day in a haze, the pain coming and going but I forced it to the back of my mind. I couldn't let anyone catch on. And I definitely needed to hide from JB oppa, he would pick it up in an instant. He'd either read my mind or if I enforced a block, he would question why it was there and that'd make him more suspicious. I knew I stood no chance against him and his group, they'd be onto me in a second. So, for the rest of the week I avoided going to lunch in the cafeteria, didn't go to my usual spots, just stayed out of the dorm for lessons or work. That was it. But with each passing day the pain was growing rapidly, it hadn't been this bad the past three weeks so I couldn't understand why it was getting worse. And I saw the look of worry on Seo-yeon unnie's and Soo Jin's face when I stumbled into the dorm each day. I didn't know what to tell them and they seemed fearful of the answer they'd get. I spent the hours in my room drawing the webtoon when my body had finally given me a reprieve from the pain and my mind was clear and void of the pressure that built up. It was that or I spent it curled up with Soo Jin and Seo-yeon unnie feeling comforted being in their presence and thankful for the hugs, kisses and soothing words they offered. They knew who my soulmates were, but they respected my decision even though I saw doubt building up on their faces this past week.
It was Sunday when I decided to go out for some fresh air, the dorm was slowly becoming suffocating for me and even though I saw the resistance on their faces I smiled at them before leaving, kissing each of their cheeks and squeezing their hands in gratitude.
"I won't be long. I should be back in an hour or so." I said, closing the door gently behind me before walking to the elevator. Taking the stairs were too strenuous, more than I'd ever confess to anyone. I knew if I did, they wouldn't let me go to university. And I didn't need my personal problems affecting my life beyond my bedroom walls.
I walked down the usual path I took that took me through the bustling streets, shopping centre and through to the park. Some time at the park would do me good, entering it I felt a feeling of serenity and security settled on me. The park had been a place of refuge since my childhood, when things got too bad, nature was my solace. And it listened to me and my woes patiently.
I had just entered when a sudden wave of dizziness swept me, my feet becoming unsteady...and then it all went wrong. My head exploded with pain, feeling as though shards of glass were being jabbed in from every angle, I clenched at my head as though the act would somehow control the pounding sensation as it violently throbbed. I tried to blink away the dark spots, but they grew bigger and bigger, blinding me completely. It felt like I was being spun around and around, my limbs were turning to jelly and no matter how much I blinked, I couldn't see. It felt like my there was a heavy weight pressing down on them making it difficult for me to open them. It didn't matter, whether opened or closed I couldn't see. It felt like I was spiralling out of control, body cut off and weightless, the sensation of falling and then the impact of my head with the gravelly path. Then nothing.
I was seated with the Bangtan Boys, in a bistro restaurant waiting for the rest of my group to arrive. Of all days for me to be punctual and them to be tardy it had to be now. I felt all seven pairs of eyes flicker to me numerous times, it was like they were having a silent conversation and even though I could read thoughts, it wasn't polite dinner table manners and besides it was soulmates talking to one another- why should I intrude?
Then a clearing of throats and I looked at them to be met with determined postures and eyes.
"So Jaebum-ah, how do you know (Y/N)?" Jin hyung asked, immediately my body stiffened. Why were they bringing her up? I straightened up from my loose posture.
"(Y/N)? Why she's my darling baby." I said, watching as their expressions faltered slightly.
"What do you mean baby?" Tae leaned forward, eyes sparking in curiosity, his low voice urging me to speak.
"Like my baby...she means everything to me, and my group and we wouldn't hesitate to do anything for her." I said firmly, I had a suspicion Tae had used his hypnosis ability through his voice, but I was going to answer anyways. I wouldn't hesitate to hide what (Y/N) meant for us.
I saw slight frowns on their faces, why were they disappointed with my answer?
"Are you guys romantically involved?" Namjoon asked delicately, posture giving away that he thought he might be overstepping a boundary.
"If by romantically involved you mean I hug her, kiss her, take her out, invite her to sleepover at our house's not just me, it's my entire group, and second thing...I don't see what it has to do with you." I replied, purposely evading answering the question and making them draw wrong conclusions. I knew that her romantic partners should be them, but they didn't know that. And I saw no need whatsoever to tell them.
Just then my phone rang, and I took it gratefully, aware of all the flurry of thoughts bursting out of their heads that they may as well have said them out loud. I expected it to be one of the guys giving excuses why they still weren't here yet. It was an unknown number, so I decided not to answer it. I cut the call but moments later it began ringing again. It was the same number. Throwing caution to the wind, I answered it bringing it to my ear slowly.
"Hello." I said into the phone.
"Hello is this Jaebum-ssi?" a frantic voice asked. My throat tightened at the urgency in the voice.
"Yes, who is calling?" I said tentatively into the phone.
"I'm calling from Seongdong Hospital." My heart clenched in fear and hundreds of scenarios ran through my head, were one of them hurt? And images of them in countless situations bleeding, injured, eyes closed. I felt my hand shake slightly. Focus.
"You are listed as the guardian for (L/N) (Y/N)-ssi, is that correct?" the voice said.
(Y/N). It was like the world had suddenly crashed onto my shoulders. What was wrong with her?
"I'm afraid she's in critical condition, I can't disclose anything over the phone...." Was all I heard before I bolted to my feet, answering to the voice that I'd be there soon. One phone call had caused my world to crash, one voice that had no name, no face had been the bearer of bad news.
My body shook with nervous tremors and I hadn't realised the guys were listening or that they had stepped closer to me when I'd been on the phone.
A hand came to touch my arm, the touch reminding me of where I was. Was her health deteriorating because of them? I couldn't think of that now. I had to leave.
I shrugged off the hand turning to leave but another came, insistent, as they pulled me to face them.
I looked at Yoongi hyung's hand grasping my jacket firmly.
"What is it Jaebum-ah?" he said, low voice holding softness in it.
"I- I need to go hyung. You don't understand, I need to leave now...." I shouted in a panic.
"I'll take you." He said firmly.
Why didn't he understand? He couldn't. I tried to pull free, but his grip remained firm.
"Hyung please!" I begged for him to let go, tears slipping down my face, voice coming out as a pained shout, voice cracking. In the moment of hesitancy and shock I pulled away, shuddering.
"If the guys come tell them, tell them it's kitty, Seongdong Hospital." I said before rushing off, no time to explain. The boys would know what it meant, and the guys would tell them I went to the hospital. But right now, (Y/N) needed me more than ever.
Stay positive, happy, safe and be you!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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