Chapter 1- chanced encounters
"(Y/N), (Y/N), wake up! You're gonna be late!" I was being shaken awake gently whilst the voice itself was frantic.
I bolted upwards, quickly glancing at the time the numbers glaring at me.
I darted out of bed, throwing off my duvet and promptly...fell to the ground having gotten my feet trapped in the sheets landing headfirst into the plush carpet.
Immediately, my friend bent over to help me up fussing over me as she examined my head, carefully cupping it in her hands before giving a butterfly kiss to my cheeks.
"Ahh, stop it unnie. I'll be late." I giggled as I tried to get up, rushing to my wardrobe to grab clothes before darting into the bathroom but just as I was entering, I stubbed my toe making me hop around and try not to curse knowing unnie was watching me.
Quickly getting dressed, I ran over to grab my bag, pulling on my socks and hopping on either foot as I pulled on my boots. There was no time for breakfast. I'd have to grab something in between lectures.
"Bye unnie, I'll be back late, I have a shift at the café today." I called out as I grabbed my keys and left.
"Yah! You haven't eaten anything. You missed dinner too." Her voice called out just as the door slid shut.
I waited for the elevator to arrive on the ground floor, darting out as it did, shouting out a goodbye to the lovely housekeeper as I dashed past.
Luckily the dorms weren't too far from campus, so I was only a tiny bit out of breath as I dashed into the lecture hall, keeping my head down refusing eye contact as I hurried to the back.
I sat down bringing out my notebook and pencil case. I preferred hand-writing notes in lectures and then typing them up at a later point. The professor entered the lecture hall and set up the screen for the slides. My hands worked on autopilot, making notes as I somewhat payed attention to the lesson. The hour passed slowly, and I could slowly feel the pangs of hunger gnaw at me.
"And that's it, please read up on the theory of deprivation by Bowlby for discussion next lesson. You're dismissed." Their voice rang out and the hall echoed with all the student's saying thanks.
I lethargically got to my feet, packing up my writing materials before slinging my backpack on. I had another lecture to get to within the next 15 minutes so I couldn't pop over to the café just off campus for a quick drink and snack. Sighing at my misfortune, I trudged towards my literature class.
"Hey! (Y/N) wait!" a voice called out, I spun around to face the person my eyes widening in alarm and recognition.
The tall male ambled forward, long legs easily catching up to where I stood frozen and the traffic of students had clustered to watch.
Once he got near me, he flashed his signature boxy smile.
"You dropped this in the lecture hall." He said holding out my pencil-case. I looked at the hands holding it out towards me. I hesitated whilst looking at his long-fingered limbs.
"Your notes are really pretty." He added looking at my still-silent self.
The whispers around me filtered through my ears. They weren't hushed with the intention of not being heard. I knew that.
"Why isn't she taking it?"
"I reckon she left it on purpose, such an attention seeker..."
"How convenient, look at her pathetic attempt..."
"She made one of the Bangtan Boys really follow her all this way because she can't function like a basic human being..."
I edged my fingers forward, sweater drowning most of my hand as I tentatively reached over to pinch at the edge of my pencil-case.
I avoided meeting his eyes, bowing my head quickly in thanks before rushing away, the whispers louder and the glares and stares more penetrating as I hurried forward.
I darted into the respite of my English literature class, body loosening as I was met with smiles from the small seminar group.
"(Y/N)-ah, over here." Mingyu oppa called waving his hand dramatically. Next to him Eunbi unnie was rolling her eyes and trying to dodge his energetic arm.
I left the worries of what lay beyond the room at the door as I forcefully shook them off and plastered a smile onto my face before walking towards them.
I sat in the chair between them, it was an old habit because the two bickered like an old married couple and more than a few times ended up disturbing the class.
I pecked both their cheeks in greeting, trying to flail away from the hair ruffling that ensued.
"What's wrong (Y/N)-ah, you looked down as you entered the class?" Mingyu oppa asked, concern lacing his tone. Eunbi unnie nodded looking towards me.
I sighed, nothing got past them. Apparently, I was extremely transparent and like an open book for anyone to saunter over and read.
"I'll tell you later." I promised, turning to pull out my English notebook and the pencil-case which I was still clutching at the edges, as though holding it completely would trigger something.
I didn't notice their eyes narrow from over my bent head but then the professor swept in and all was forgotten.
For now.
I entered the campus cafeteria; it was quite crowded, and I drew in on myself to avoid bumping into others. I heard my name being called and I carefully navigated my way to the table where my friends were seated.
I called out a hello, receiving calls of response and slight grunts from Mingyu oppa and JB oppa who had food in their mouths. I dropped my bag off and went to get some food. The cafeteria was bustling with chatter, bodies mingling in the crowded space but near off to the side there was a table which was untouched, which had an invisible barrier that students dared never to break. In the corner seated around a round table were the Bangtan Boys. No-one dared intrude but eyes were always on them, shaking my head at the heads drawn towards them, I carefully made my way through to the queue, got my food, and carefully made my way back.
As I sat down, I caught slithers of gossiping and chatting.
"Did you hear what happened this morning?"
"Poor Tae oppa was forced to follow this skank and hand her belongings back..."
"She had the nerve to be disgusted at him..."
I slunk deeper into my seat, drawing concerned stares.
"What's wrong (Y/N)-ah? Is it something to do with what happened earlier?" Eunbi unnie asked.
I whipped my head around to look at her, eyes blown wide. How did she hear?
"You know, what you were gonna tell us about later..." she added.
"Umm...the thing is, Kim Taehyung-ssi returned my pencil-case to me which I forgot in my Psychology class. And now the whole campus is gossiping." I whispered.
Understanding dawned on their faces and then worry settled in.
"Do you wanna get outta here? I know how you get anxious about attention." JB oppa said, as an arm slid around my shoulders rubbing soothingly at the back of my neck.
I nodded, appetite gone, replaced with a sick, shaky feeling instead.
He got up with me, frowning at the untouched tray before ushering me out. His arm remained slung around my shoulders as he picked up my bag.
"Let's go (Y/N)-ah. Oppa will treat you to something at the café." As he guided me out of the bustle and into the quiet relief of the hallway.
I released a shaky breath, trying to control my emotions. I kept my head bowed as we walked, ignoring the sounds of chatter.
We walked to the café that sat behind the large library, it was often quiet at this time and it was tucked away from the majority of the buildings making it one of my favourite retreats.
The monochromatic design was always soothing somehow. The colours weren't garish, loud or screaming for attention, they were simple and classy.
I fiddled with my sleeves as I sat in a corner table for two waiting for JB oppa to return, he came forward bearing a receipt.
He leaned over to softly grab my hand, wrapping it into his larger one.
"So that was a close call, huh?" he said, thumb idly drawing circles on the inside of my wrist.
I nodded, not quite trusting myself to speak.
The door opened, the gentle tinkle of the chimes alerting their presence.
I focused on our hands, at the hand that swallowed mine. But I was grateful for the warmth, as jumpy as I might act, I loved skinship and tactile comfort. It was a shame I could never let my walls down in front of many.
The waitress arrived with a tray, quickly setting it down and leaving without saying anything, having picked up on the tenseness that surrounded us.
I made a mental note to thank her later.
JB oppa used his other hand to bring one mug in front of me and taking the other one. He picked up the tray of arrayed bakery and used the tongs deftly to transfer them onto a plate. He pierced a piece of cake with a fork and bought it upwards towards my mouth, nudging at my lips. I opened them slightly for him to bring the cake forward. I didn't bother arguing when he got like this, it was noticeable to anyone that JB oppa had a protective streak a mile long. He was a large teddy bear personality wise, but he also loved coddling people.
He continued to feed me cake, not letting go of my hand whilst I used my other hand to carefully bring the mug up and gently blow at it before taking a sip.
Hot chocolate was my go-to comfort drink, it soothed me, and chocolate did wonders for my nerves anyways.
He placed the fork down and started sipping at his latte.
We sat there in amicable silence; it was comforting. Sometimes words didn't need to be said.
Not to mention that JB oppa could read thoughts, he learnt to block out the majority, but he could tune himself into ours. He claimed he did it because 'we never told him everything' and it was his way of making sure we were okay.
He didn't tend to use his ability though, listening to someone's thoughts could be easily tiring and not to forget, it gave him an awful headache.
I was so grateful for him, it wasn't easy to find people you were truly comfortable with, I loved JB oppa- and I was happy he'd approached me that day.
And when he looked up and smiled, having heard my thoughts, he gave me such a tender loving look. That I thought, at this moment I was perfectly happy, and I didn't want anything else.
After watching (Y/N) disappear and hurry off into the crowds, I gave up, sighing as I trudged to my photography lesson. I slumped down into my seat next to Kookie, downcast as he kissed my cheek in greeting.
"What's wrong hyung?" he asked.
I shook my head, why was I so bothered? I didn't have any need to be.
"Nothing Kookie. I'm just bummed that I got work for Psychology, and we're gonna have to do a group assignment soon. You know how horrible it is working in groups." I said, partially speaking the truth.
We did have reading to do and we did have a group assignment coming up. But I was feeling oddly hurt and kinda frustrated that (Y/N) practically ignored me and ran away like I was contagious. Eunwoo sat down next to Kookie, smiling, and joking around with his fellow 97 liner.
We packed up an hour later, having received the assignment that we were to take a fellow student and use them as the model for our next project, but it had to revolve around a chosen concept. Waving goodbye to Eunwoo, I wrapped an arm around Kookie as we walked towards the café for some lunch. I didn't feel like eating in the cafeteria and the café hidden behind the library was fairly secluded. It meant we wouldn't be gawked at whilst trying to eat, chat and just be with each other.
Darting a text to the hyungs to make their way over there we slowly walked over, enjoying the sense of completion and lightness that came from being around your soulmate. My body was thrumming, and I could sense Kookie's own happiness and contentment as we made our way to the café, our other soulmates waiting for us outside.
I beamed at them, my negativity vanishing as I basked in the sense of wholeness that came from being in their company. Jin hyung had an arm wrapped around Hobi hyung, Jiminie and Joonie hyung had an arm each wrapped around Yoongi hyung who looked to be falling asleep standing up. Kookie dragged me, whining over his shoulder that he was hungry as the rest of them followed laughing.
The door chimed as we entered and we made our way to a large table, quickly falling into seats as the waitress came over.
"Welcome to Mono. What can I get for all of you today?" she spoke up.
Jin hyung rattled off a large order, knowing from our preferences what we liked as he said the usual combo of foods and drinks we ordered whenever we came here.
"Tae why were you upset earlier. I felt it through our bond midmorning." Hobi hyung spoke up as his eyes narrowed onto me.
The others turned to face me, and I tried to focus on one face but all six were fixed onto me.
"I was just kinda disappointed, I guess?" I said, shrugging my shoulders.
"You guess?" Jin hyung leaned forward, ever the perceptive one.
"What happened?" Joonie hyung asked leaning forward, head propped up by a hand.
"I wanted to make friends with this girl, but she just brushed me off and ran before I got to even talk to her properly." I pouted, bottom lip jutting out remembering the scene of her running away from me playing in my mind on a constant loop.
" don't do that; you're tearing my heart apart. So...this girl. Who is she?" Hobi hyung said.
"(L/N) (Y/N). She's in my psychology class. She's the only girl I've come across who doesn't seem to care who I am. She doesn't crowd over me or make excuses to sit near me. She's never talked to me at all, even if I try initiate it." I sighed.
A few chuckles broke out.
"You want to be friends with someone who ignores your existence?" Namjoon hyung summarised looking slightly perplexed.
I nod.
"Hyung that's kinda weird." Kookie commented.
"(L/N) (Y/N) ...why does that name ring a bell?" Jin hyung pondered, trying to recollect where he'd her name before.
"You mean the lovely girl who works at Serendipity?" Jimin piped up, my head jerking to look at him.
"You know her?!" I asked.
"She works at the cat café ten minutes away from campus. Ah right! I don't think you've been there when she works." He explains.
The flow of conversation broke as the waitress came back with a large tray, quickly setting down our drinks and the numerous plates of food before walking away.
We started eating, sharing food, bringing up forks to feed each other habitually. The energy between us all was natural, we had become in tune and synced with each other, able to sense and predict each other's moves. It was an effortless harmony.
"Oh, isn't that JB hyung?" Jimin called out, around a mouthful of food as he gestured towards a table, our heads spinning around to see.
"Oh and (Y/N) too." He added.
JB hyung and (Y/N) ...wait what?!
(Y/N) POV:
I felt my hunger return, reminding me I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday. I had no time to get food today, the gap I did have I used to make sure I didn't bump into Taehyung again. Or any of the other boys for that matter.
I hummed happily as I ate some of the small sandwiches, pausing mid-bite to put some food onto JB oppa's plate too.
"Eat up oppa, you didn't finish your food. Don't think I didn't notice." I said as I nudged the plate forward.
My eyes fell on a chocolate éclair, eyes widening with surprise.
JB oppa noticed and chucked.
"Go on, I know how much you love sweet stuff." He gestured with his head.
I bit into it, melting at the taste.
" eat so well. That is when you bother to eat." He chided, swiping a napkin to dab at my lips, wiping away a smear of cream.
My eyes crinkled as I beamed at him, trying to swat away his hand.
"Stop moving, let me get it over with." He insisted, gently swiping at my lips to make sure they were clean.
Suddenly a voice called out loudly.
"Oh, isn't that JB hyung?" and then following it seconds later, the words that made my heart sink.
"Oh and (Y/N) too.", both of us turning our heads to the source of the sound.
The Bangtan Boys were sitting at a large table, Jimin's arm outstretched as he pointed at us.
The combined intensity behind the seven pair of eyes made me instantly withdraw on myself, trying to make myself a smaller target, I felt panic start to settle, a low tingle of paranoia thrumming through my blood. JB oppa's head whipped back to stare at me, I knew he was picking up on my thoughts again. That's how he knew that the seven men were my soulmates, the recognition that had lit up in his eyes faded as something else settled in.
His hand returned to grip mine, a quick glance showing that I had eaten, and my mug was empty. Even in such situations he made sure that I was well-fed, I would've giggled or teased him if it had been any other situation but now, I wanted to physically pass through the seat and disappear from view.
The stares didn't seem malicious or cruel, but I withered under it. JB oppa got up to come around, briefly shielding me from view, providing a temporary respite before he grabbed our bags and tugged at my hand.
"Let's get out of here." He whispered to me; tender concern laced in his voice. I nodded, the pressure and stress kicking in and mounting rapidly.
We hurried towards the door, but to get to it we had to pass them.
JB oppa spoke up to them.
"Hey, I'm so sorry but we'll have to catchup another time." he said apologetically, not once loosening his hold on me.
"Jaebum-ah wait!" Seokjin called out from behind us.
I felt JB oppa tense, as much as he wanted to rush me out of here and he squeezed my hand lightly in apology.
He began to twist around making me turn with him. boots looked really interesting and oh look! JB oppa's feet are bigger than mine. How interesting indeed!
"How've you been Jaebum-ah?" the same voice spoke up.
"I've been good hyung. Busy these days but good." As he tried to hint that he couldn't stay.
"Oh, the second semester always seems to become busier, maybe it's the break..." I tuned the voice out.
Suddenly the mention of my name brought me out of my inner turmoil.
"Why haven't you introduced the lovely young lady next you? (Y/N), isn't it?" Seokjin spoke up.
I hesitantly raised my head, focusing on the space between Hoseok and Yoongi where I could see a slither of the window. I needed to leave. Pronto.
I tilted my head in apology, acknowledging them before sliding my hand out of JB oppa's grip. I slid to his other side and tiptoed upwards to get my bag off his shoulder.
Hiking it over my own shoulders, I pulled up my hood, grateful for the slight covering it provided me as it covered my eyes.
"I'll get going oppa, you stay here and chat. See you later." I said quietly, wrapping my arms around his waist in a quick embrace.
I rushed off before any more conversation could be made, feeling my frazzled nerves settle with each step I moved away from them. That was too close, my mind was screaming at me.
My body slumped with relief as I exited, before I dashed back in.
"Thank you for the food." I quickly bowed to the server who was standing behind the till, cheeks flushing I ran back out creating more and more distance between me and the café.
Two run-ins in one day. And the semester had just begun.
I needed to make a more active effort. There was no space for coincidences to happen.
Hmmm... I'll be using photos for references for outfits and maybe places. What else?
Ooh yes! I'd be grateful if you can give an idea for a nervous/stress related activity for (Y/N), I'd love to incorporate your ideas, so it makes the character more well...YOU.
I hope you don't mind if I use photos for references on how the character may look, I feel it makes imagining it easier.
That's it for now!
I'm going to be experimenting a bit with this fic, so bear with me!
Stay healthy, happy and true to you!
PurpleQueenie <3
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