2. Guilty Heart
Seraphina cast a wary glance out the frosted windowpane, as if expecting more wolf walkers to come hunt them down. Behind her, the faint beeping of Silas's heart monitor reassured her that he was still alive. Deeply wounded, but not dead.
An undertone of bleach and lemon-scented cleaning solutions wafted through the clinic's room. Seraphina didn't contact the Supernatural Council or drive him to their local hospital in Briarwood because she feared how they'd react upon discovering his bite mark. Lycanthropy was a blood curse. A fatal one.
If she'd taken him to their hospital, they would've blessed his damned heart with a mercy injection to halt the transformation. The only alternative was a back-alley clinic in Nevermourn of a vampire that she'd known long enough but rarely visited. Seraphina couldn't bear to watch him die after he'd risked his life to save hers.
Slithers of sunlight pooled in from beyond the curtains she'd opened earlier to brighten up the dimly lit room, devoid of any interior decorating otherwise. Seraphina noticed the bed was equipped with restraints that tucked underneath the crevices and shivered at the thought of having to use them. Some vampires lost complete control when deprived of blood for too long or fell into an intense bloodlust, so it was understandable to have, but it still gave her goosebumps. At least they didn't need them for Silas.
The door cracked open just wide enough for a man with moonblessed skin that nearly matched his white lab coat. His short, windswept black hair resembled ruffled raven feathers and his crimson eyes shifted over to Silas on the bed, causing Seraphina to instinctively reach down for his hand, squeezing it tightly.
"He'll sleep for quite a few hours." The vampire doctor frowned at something on his clipboard, but whatever it was, he didn't elaborate. "That's usually when the symptoms hit the worst once infected, but I've given him a strong pain medication so he hopefully won't feel a thing during it."
"Will he be okay, Sebastian?" Seraphina asked, her voice catching in her throat.
"You brought him here just in time. Had you not, there's no telling what might've happened to him. His heart's quite fragile. That's why I've given him a sedative as well, to keep him from awakening during the first transformation."
"Gods." Seraphina bit her trembling lower lip. "He put himself in danger to save me. Hells, he came out of nowhere! I rarely see anyone up at these hours. I'm usually all alone when walking to the bakery to prepare the baked goods."
"Guess he had his reasons." Sebastian shrugged, his slim fingers rolling on his thigh as he leaned against the wall. "If you're busy, I don't mind watching over him."
"No, I need to do it. I got him into this mess. The least I can do is be here."
"There's something else I should prepare you for." Sebastian moved to place his clipboard on the nightstand. "Silas may not wish to live as a wolf walker."
"I can't imagine anyone would." Seraphina's throat tightened with guilt.
"I can only control what happens within my clinic, but he could seek outside help with ending things. Many folks around here sell potent elixirs and protection charms to ward off wolf walkers. It would be simple enough to get his hands on wolfsbane," Sebastian explained.
Seraphina tensed. "Why would he do such a thing?"
"You've witnessed how cruel your wizard community is when it comes to vampires." Sebastian bared his fangs with a grimace. "Imagine how hateful they'll be toward wolf walkers once they learn one resides among them. Silas will need to be cautious of everyone."
"It should be me laying there. Not him." Seraphina folded her arms across her chest, shivering.
"Don't blame yourself." Sebastian frowned. "It's concerning how a rogue wolf walker crossed into Briarwood with your council's warded barriers, so either someone amongst them gave it access or it knew how to break through the magic undetected. You'll have to inform the Supernatural Council soon, especially when they discover the slain wolf in the middle of the street."
"I know. I'll tell them eventually." Seraphina pursed her lips. "But this stays between us. Nobody can know he was bitten, okay? Not unless he tells them."
"How do you expect him to keep this hidden?" Sebastian asked, skepticism laced his voice. "Once he turns into a wolf on nights of the full moon and blood moon, he can't hide it. Even if he wanted to."
"Then I'll bring him out here in the woods on those nights." Seraphina spread her hands. "What else can I do? If I could swap places with him, I'd do it in a heartbeat."
"When he turns into a full-blooded wolf walker, you need to stay away from him. For your own safety. Otherwise, he could accidentally eat you."
Seraphina blanched. "Gods, I didn't even consider that."
"He's more than welcome to live here in Nevermourn. We can find him his own cabin," Sebastian suggested.
"I don't know if he'll want that." Seraphina spared a pitiful look down at Silas on the bed. "We'll just have to wait until he wakes up. Please, be here with me when I have to tell him."
"Of course." Sebastian agreed. "This isn't your fault, okay? You didn't make him throw himself into danger."
"Perhaps not, but someone sent that wolf walker to kill me." Seraphina clenched her teeth, shaking her head. "This is far from over yet. It was no accident or random attack."
Guilt tangled around Seraphina's heart like a vine of thorns as she reluctantly released Silas' hand. Little furs prickled his arms and chin. Every beep from his heart monitor seemed to get louder and quicker, constantly echoing in her mind.
Bone-chilling winds stung Seraphina's rosy cheeks as she adjusted the hood of her wool-lined coat. Snow flurries landed on her face, but they melted as she blew out warm air from her lit cigar. Strawberry smoke filled the air. She savored the delightful flavor and the blissful pleasure that seeped into her veins and slowed her heart.
It wasn't proper for ladies to smoke like chimneys. Once, her mother caught her as a teen and smacked it right out of her mouth like a toddler about to eat a bug. Seraphina bought another pack the following day but hid them better and smoked away from their house.
Morning bled well into the afternoon, but the weather only worsened. Snowfall pelted the lands in a sheet of white, as if burying them like corpses.
Behind her, the frosted glass pane door creaked open. Sebastian stepped outside. "He's awake."
Seraphina nodded as she put out her cigar. "Did he say anything?"
"Threatened to kill me." An amused smile touched his face. "Nearly hit me in the head with a clipboard. I tried to explain things delicately, but he demanded to see you."
"Ah, lovely." Seraphina followed Sebastian back inside and tossed the remains of her cigar in the waste can. "Can't imagine how well he'll take it when I tell him he's a wolf walker now. Perhaps I should have baked a cake. You know, it's hard to be mad about something when you have a cake."
Sebastian raised a curious brow. "I guess so."
"Once, when I was a small girl, I accidentally hexed my hamster to death. Made his little head turn into a rose, then explode," Seraphina explained, gesturing with her hands. "Anyway, seeing how sad I was, my dear mother thought to buy me my favorite strawberry cake to cheer me up. It became her thing. When I was upset, she got me cake."
"Very, uh, interesting." Sebastian nodded.
When they reached the room, Sebastian eased the door open, and stepped aside so Seraphina could walk in first. She hoped Silas didn't try to hex them or launch another clipboard their way.
Heartbeat pounding in her chest, she inhaled a sharp breath and took the plunge into the room. Silas had sat up in bed, looking like a frazzled stray cat plucked out of an alleyway and ready to claw someone's eyes out. Yet when he met her gaze, she noticed his body relax just the tiniest bit, and that was a small comfort to her.
"How are you feeling?" Seraphina asked.
Silas stared at her as if she'd sprouted demon wings. "Where are we?" he croaked. His wide eyes filled with fear as he gazed behind her at the vampire doctor.
"A clinic in Nevermourn," she replied. "Sebastian owns this place. They help care for vampire needs."
"Why am I here?" Silas asked.
"Well, you remember being attacked by that wolf?" Seraphina rocked on her feet.
"My mind's a little fuzzy, but I remember intervening so it didn't hurt you. How did I end up here in a vampire clinic?" Silas frowned at the IV hooked up to his arm, and as if sensing his movements, Sebastian gently warned him not to yank it out.
"It was a wolf walker," Seraphina rasped. "And it bit you beneath a blood moon."
Silas clutched the blanket over his body. "Impossible." He shook his head. "No, you must be mistaken. Maybe it bit me but I'm not a wolf walker. I'd feel like one. I'm still me."
"Sebastian's given you an elixir and pain medication to help ease you through the transformation," Seraphina explained gently. "That's why you likely feel okay. You'll need to keep taking moonlight elixirs for the rest of your life. On nights of the full moon and the blood moon, there's a high chance that you'll turn. So we just need to ensure you're out here in Nevermourn when it happens."
"Wolf walkers rarely attack vampires," Sebastian said as he stepped forward. "We don't mimic the same heartbeat as prey nor do our bodies have enough blood for them. I have a close friend who was cursed years ago. It's difficult to live with, but not impossible. I'll provide you with everything you need."
Silas remained very still. A look of both horror and disbelief washed over his rigid face, nose twitching ever so slightly. "You brought me here because you knew they'd kill me back home," he finally said.
"Yes, I did." Seraphina confirmed.
She would not lie to him or sugarcoat the truth. If any member of the Supernatural Council had found him in such a wretched state, they'd have given him a mercy injection without hesitation.
"How did you get me here?" Silas asked as he tilted his head. "It's quite far from Briarwood."
Not a question she anticipated. Seraphina merely shrugged. "I carried you to my delivery car at the bakery and drove you out here."
"What about the wolf walker?" Silas asked. "Surely someone has found it by now."
"It's in the trunk of my car."
That also garnered Sebastian's attention. "Pray tell, why do you still have that in your car?"
"I figured I could exchange its valued parts for elixirs for Silas," Seraphina replied. "I'll simply tell them how I slayed the wicked beast."
"Perhaps this is all a misunderstanding?" Silas asked with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Surely I'm not cursed."
Seraphina raised a brow at the sudden growth of fur on Silas's knuckles. Familiar hazel eyes glistened a hungry blood red. As delicately as she could, Seraphina said, "Well, at least your hands will stay warm this winter."
One glance down at his furry hands and Silas released the most blood-curdling scream she'd ever heard. The reality was settling in. Seraphina wished there was more she could do for him or find a way to break the blood curse. But that was impossible. Lycanthrophy couldn't be cured. Only managed.
"This can't be happening." Silas shook his head, trembling as he examined his hands. "Am I going to turn right now?" Fear pooled in his vibrant eyes that shifted to a beautiful shade of blended hazel and crimson.
"No, you already did that earlier while unconscious," Sebastian explained as he took cautious steps toward his bed, keeping his hands in sight so Silas knew he posed him no harm. "It's just lingering now, but you won't fully turn again until the next full moon. The hair will shed throughout the day."
Silas merely nodded.
"We'll stay in Nevermourn tonight," Seraphina said. "Just in case. I'm also working on finding out that wretched wolf walker's identity. It's very likely he resided deeper in the forest."
Silas curled up with his blanket. "But it's dangerous out there. You shouldn't go alone."
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Seraphina failed to mask the worry in her voice as evidenced by the way Silas looked at her, as if he'd be willing to take on a horde of monsters for her sake. And that only made her feel worse about everything. Silas was such a sweet soul, and he deserved none of this.
"I'm coming with you." Silas pushed his blanket aside and sat up tentatively.
Seraphina exchanged a brief look with Sebastian. "When can he leave? I don't want to rush him while he's still recovering."
"I'd advise not to return to Briarwood just yet, but a walk around here should be okay. I patched that wound up and used a strong healing potion, but just be careful not to overdo it. His heart's also settled back into a steady rhythm and the elixirs administered to him will last up until nightfall," Sebastian explained. "Honestly, I was going to suggest he might want to walk outside for a bit. He can get used to his new heightened senses."
"Perhaps we'll venture into Caverott," Seraphina suggested. "At this hour and with this horrendous weather, there won't be many people out."
Silence filled the room, cut shortly by the ravenous rumble of Silas's stomach. His face reddened.
"We'll find a place to eat first," Seraphina said. "Don't worry, I'm hungry too."
Silas offered an apologetic smile. "Yeah, that sounds good to me. But wait. Is there any sort of strict diet I have to follow now?" He turned to Sebastian with a worried look.
Sebastian cleared his throat. "Well, wolf walkers devour the hearts of their victims. It gives them strength and power."
Silas blanched, face growing as pale as the snow outside. "Don't tell me I have to eat that. I think I might be sick." He clenched his stomach. "Can't I be a vegetarian wolf walker?"
Seraphina snorted.
"You won't need to change your diet," Sebastian explained. "Just expect to find a newfound craving for meats, especially red meats."
"I guess that's not too bad." Silas shrugged, yet apprehension remained visible on his face.
Sweet hell, why did they have to curse such a kind and innocent soul?
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