The world meeting had just started. Matthew Williams stood at the window. He watched as everyone rushed in. It seems that nobody wanted to be outside in the cold winter of Moscow, Russia. He looked out the window, it was snowing lightly. "Who are you?" The small bear in his arms asked for the seventh time that day.
"I'm Canada." He always had to deal with Kumajiro forgetting his name all the time. He turned around, only to see that everyone has taken their seats, and the only one left was next to Russia. He shivered as he sat down. At the very least he wasn't being sat on.
Ivan looked blankly over at the Canadian who sat next to him. Yawning he looked over at England and France. He could barely register the argument they were having.
"Francis! My Cooking is better than yours!" England Yelled. France laughed.
"Says the person who sets water on Fire~" France looked at the Englishman. "Arthur, everyone knows my cooking is much better than your Horseshit." France scoffed. England started to strangle him.
Ivan looked back at Canada, who was staring at France and England. He then looked at the polar bear in Canada's arms. How the hell does he carry that thing around? He questioned to himself. He felt out of it. He was out of it. He dozed off
Matthew looked at Russia for the first time since the meeting started. He noticed that Ivan seemed to doze off. He looked back at the meeting's chaos. Germany seemed to be losing his patience, and fast. It wouldn't be long before he started shouting, when his brother stepped in.
"Yo dudes! Calm down, I don't want scary guy to start yelling like the last 15 times." America spoke, gesturing at Germany. Matthew coughed, and poked Russia.
Ivan was startled awake by something. He looked around, noting that the argument died down. He glanced at Canada, who seemed to stare right through him. It would've been creepy if he didn't have a concerned expression. Hah, Who would express concern to a monster like me? He thought with a pang of sadness. Now.... All I need to do is try to stay awake the rest of the meeting.
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