Percy turned to the gods, his face remaining stoic, not showing any emotion. The gods were looking at Percy wide eyed, as if unable to comprehend what just happened, like their brains couldn't process the information. Percy could see a faint flash beside the Olympians, Percy turned to the gods and raised an eyebrow. The gods were still in disbelief as to how they got defeated so easily.
"How?!" Ares screamed, Percy ignored the god. The flash grew brighter as the demigods looked away. Percy and Merlin however looked at the flash, not fazed whatsoever. The light died down revealing the rest of the Olympians who remained peaceful towards Percy. Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, Apollo, and Artemis.
Percy was silent. Everyone was. Percy and Poseidon both stared at each other, as if having a silent conversation. Percy didn't know how to react. He was rooted on the spot. Both of them didn't know what to say, they haven't seen each other in millennia. Percy was glad he could see his father again, and vice versa.
"Percy-" He was cut off by Percy hugging him, he may have hated the Greek pantheon, that was an understatement, he loathed it. But, there were some exceptions. Hades cleared his throat breaking the father and son duo apart.
"I'll be the first to say it, welcome back." Hades said, a smile tugging on the corner of the gods lips. Percy smirked giving Hades a high five. It was weird to say the least, Merlin too was in quite the shock. Merlin still had a lot he didn't know about his best friend. Percy went back to Merlin, he had a lot of explaining to do.
"Percy?" Merlin asked, Percy sighed, he gave a small nod.
"That was my name, past tense." Percy signed, Merlin gave a slight nod.
"You need to fill me in sooner or later, I'm curious to say the least."
"Yeah yeah, I know." Percy signed, rolling his eyes.
"Tell the gods to prepare themselves, clear all the mortals away from Manhattan, this is going to be a battle worse than any battle we've ever seen." Percy signed, Merlin gave a small nod and walked to the gods to explain their plan. Percy sighed, he has done this before, in every lifetime, but each time, he couldn't help but feel nervous. He buried up all those memories and repressed it at the deepest part of his mind, he felt guilty for all the innocent lives lost. It haunts him in his dreams, he gave up trying to fight it, he just learned to live with it.
Percy crossed his arms and examined the swords and spears that were in the armory. Every once in a while a demigod would go in, strap their armor on, grab their weapon of choice and bolt right out. Everyone was nervous, ever Percy, even the gods. They didn't know what they were up against, Percy knew there were monsters, but he didn't know if there were something more powerful than monsters.
"Well shit."
Percy jumped in surprise, turning to the door with wide eyes, Merlin smirked and walked towards Percy, patting him on the back.
"You know, this might be the last battle I will ever fight." Merlin stated, Percy raised an eyebrow.
"How so?" Percy signed
"Well, first of all, I can sense the amount of monsters, and believe me, they have enough to fill a whole fucking city." Merlin sighed, exasperated.
"Don't be like that." Percy signed.
"You've survived plenty of battles, some more gruesome than the last."
Merlin chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Percy smiled and patted him on the back, amongst all the anxiety, nervousness, and fear that gripped the heart of everyone there, it was a breath of fresh air to have some laughs. Percy played with the necklace on his neck, it was a force of habit. He'd do it every so often when he was nervous. He remembered the day he got it.
"Hey Percival, look what I found!" Wymer said beckoning Percy forward. He raised an eyebrow.
"A necklace." Wymer stated, it was beautiful to say the least. Percy sighed, he had no need for any jewelry, he thought it was something important.
"Here you go." Wymer said tossing Percy the necklace, Percy widened his eyes and catches the necklace just in time before it hit the ground. Percy raised an eyebrow. Wymer sighed and gave Percy a small pat on the back. Percy gave Wymer a look of confusion, not knowing why he gave it to Percy. Wymer knew that Percy didn't want any jewelry, he never did.
"You'll thing of a use soon enough, think of it as a gift." Wymer said and went back to his tent.
Percy walked silently, the demigods were currently marching towards Manhattan. They were either silent, or speaking in hushed whispers. Percy was at the very back, not giving a damn to anyone but his close friends. Elizabeth nudged Percy, snapping him out of his senses. Percy rubbed the side a bit, feeling the electricity coursing through his veins.
"What the fuck?" Percy mouthed
"You were staring off into space!" Elizabeth argued. "So I did the most logical thing to do."
Percy rolled his eyes and gave a small grin. Elizabeth chuckled.
"You know, I've been to battle before, I participated in both the second Titanomachy and Gigantomachy" Elizabeth stated.
"But never before have I seen something like this happen." Elizabeth said, Percy raised an eyebrow.
"What I mean is, well basically, never before have I seen a god bested by a demigod."
"Gods." Percy corrected
"Right, gods. The Olympians nonetheless." Elizabeth added.
"And I never gave a proper thank you before, when you saved me from the Vaporsnare." Elizabeth said, Percy was curious as to where this was going.
"Basically all I'm trying to say is-"
"I'm trying to say thank you." Elizabeth finished, Percy smiled giving her a small nod.
"Not a lot of people would try and combat a Vaporsnare, a monster than almost cannot be killed, until you showed up." Elizabeth added.
"You're welcome." Percy signed. Elizabeth smiled a bit and gave Percy a light peck in the cheek.
"Don't get yourself killed alright" Elizabeth said and jogged up to the front lines. Percy turned red a bit, touching his left cheek. Percy could feel his cheeks burning as blood rushed to his head and painted his face with a light colour of pink. From behind, Percy could hear the sound of clapping. Percy turned around and saw his best friend Merlin, clapping and giving wolf whistles. All the while laughing hysterically.
"Dude!" Merlin cheered. "Nice!"
Percy gave him the middle finger.
They were stationed at the Empire State Building. Every mortal in the entirety of Manhattan were flashed out and sent to Olympus, they however were put to sleep to prevent anyone from seeing mount Olympus itself, the mortals themselves would absolutely lose their shit if they were to see that the Greek gods were real. Percy shook his head, the reason they were near the Empire State Building was to maximize the power of the gods, they were at the territory where the gods were the most powerful.
Percy was silent, everyone was. Percy was at the front lines, waiting anxiously for what was to come. It was agonizing to say the least. It was bad to know that a battle was taking place, but to wait anxiously, knowing that it could start at any moment, waiting for what could be your doom, it was bone chilling.
In the very distance of Percy vision, he could faintly see a horde of monsters approaching the demigod army. Percy readied himself a bit. The gods were all wearing their battle armor, along with that, they all held their symbols of power, ready to fight. The monsters army came to a sudden halt, as if having a stare down. Percy shifted anxiously, looking at the very front of the army.
In the very front of the monster army was the figure. Percy growled a bit, remembering the time they fought, Percy remembered all the lifetimes that the two fought. The figure still had his black cloak, smoke seeming to flow from his body, Percy needed to be both cautious and wary. His opponent was not someone who jests.
"You still try and oppose me?" The figure asked, the demigods and gods stayed silent, not one uttering a word, probably from fear.
"You gods still stand with the demigods?" The figure asked, the gods stayed silent.
"Oh has it been too long since I've seen you brothers, but, I have to kill you, nothing personal." The figure said. The figure turned to his monster army and nodded his head.
The monster army suddenly charged towards the demigods. Percy unsheathed Excalibur and slashes at the incoming monsters, killing every one in the front lines. The demigods readied themselves and made a phalanx, the gods disappeared and reappeared on the more challenging foes. The Titans. Whilst the gods were busy, the figure was watching intently.
Percy clutched Excalibur in his hand and walked towards the figure. Percy clutched Excalibur tightly as the figure held his own sword.
"You're going to lose Percival, it's destiny." The figure said. Percy remained stoic, the two circling each other, waiting for the other person to make their move.
"You may know me as Mordred, you may know me as Collin, hell I'm everyone you ever fought. But I'm much more than that." The figure said, Percy was intrigued. He however didn't let his guard down.
"I'm a being of immense power, power you can't even comprehend." The figure added. Percy clutched his sword.
"Like you, I was cursed, I was cursed by Chaos." The figure stated.
"You want to know why I was cursed?" He asked, Percy gritted his teeth.
"I was cursed for being the Primordial of Evil, he sent me down to this shit planet, prophesied to get beaten and beaten, every single lifetime by a hero until the end of time." The figure said.
"All because I had a title."
"But I don't care anymore, I'll kill you, and everyone here, I'll kill and shred this planet to bits, I'll reach out for the cosmos, and confront Chaos himself for the torment he placed upon me." The figure said.
"Because I am Uzotl, Primordial of Evil. I won't lose this time!"
Uzotl launched himself towards Percy readying his sword and launching a flurry of slashes towards Percy. The demigod backed up and blocked every strike that the cursed primordial made. To the naked eye, they were simply flashes of yellow and black. None seemed to land a strike. Percy however was being put on the defensive. Uzotl seemed to keep pressuring Percy to the point of no return. Percy couldn't even make a simple counter attack from the barrage of slashes that the primordial sent his way.
Percy gritted his teeth and stepped back, he was running out of energy real fast. Uzotl laughed and pointed his sword at Percy.
"You're tiring." Uzotl stated, Percy clutched his sword and attacked, sending a flurry of slashes towards the primordial. He dodged and blocked, occasionally doing a counter attack every once in a while. Percy was in pure concentration, everything around him seemed to be blurred out. The only thing that was in his mind was the fight that was escalating between him, and Uzotl.
"You're good hero, I got to admit." Uzotl said and rolled out of the way. Percy anticipated this and sent a slash on his way. He widened his eyes and blocked the attack, sending him back a few feet. He wiped the blood from his robes and turned towards Percy.
"Correction, you're really good." He corrected.
"But not good enough."
Percy widened his eyes and blocked just in time for his blade to collide with Excalibur, the force from the attack sent Percy flying. The primordial smirked and dashed towards Percy. The demigod rolled out of the way and blocked another attack that sent him flying. Each and every attack the Uzotl sent his way had so much force in it that Percy couldn't keep up. Percy couldn't take it anymore. The black blade collided with Excalibur, sending the sword flying from Percy's grasp, landing on the road beside him.
Uzotl plunged his blade, a large gaping wound appearing in his shoulder. The demigod gasped in pain and dropped to the ground with a thud. The primordial turned to Percy and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying. Percy could feel his adrenaline fading. Percy looked at his shoulder and saw the wound. Percy gasped as Uzotl kicked Percy in his wound, sending the demigod to the ground.
"You gave up a good fight, I got to admit." Uzotl commented.
"But it was bound to happen." He added.
"Now watch, as your gods and friends die trying to protect the world from my wrath, watch as they die for a cause they cannot win." Uzotl said, grabbing Percy by the head and making him stare at the battlefield. Slowly, the demigod army kept was getting smaller and smaller as the monster ravaged the demigods. The gods too were having much trouble with the Titans, they all had injuries that needed tending, but they kept fighting on, the demigods kept fighting on.
Percy punched Uzotl in the gut sending him to his knees. Percy grabbed Excalibur and plunged it straight into the ground. Yellow light filled the battlefield as power surged throughout the city. Uzotl shield his eyes, the blinding light seeming to be too much. Slowly, each monster and Titan melted away out of nothing, leaving only dust. It seemed as though they were never even there.
The demigods looked around in confusion as to what just happened, the gods too were confused. Uzotl turned towards Percy and kneed him in the face. Percy dropped to the ground with a thump as anger coursed through Uzotl's eyes. Percy couldn't help but smile.
"You lost." Percy mouthed. Uzotl kept kicking and punching Percy. His face was banged up, almost every part of his body was either bruised or cut. He has seen better days, that's for sure. Percy was still smiling. He knew what had to be done. Uzotl relied on his army. Without his army, he could do nothing. The gods of earth would all unite to defeat him, and Uzotl could do nothing about it. Percy coughed up blood as the surrounding demigods looked at the scene with horror.
Percy however wasn't fazed, it was the curse, he would start something, get betrayed, die, and the rest would take care of itself. It was the cyclical hell that Percy was living in, except when it wasn't.
"You may not be fazed by your physical injuries." Uzotl said, a sword materializing in his hand.
"But let's see if you can handle mental ones." He said and disappeared in smoke. Percy's mind went overdrive, his brain wondering what he meant. Percy widened his eyes and turned towards the crowd of demigods. Percy could see him. Behind Elizabeth was a shadowy figure that seemed to radiate energy. Percy realized too late on what was about to happen.
Percy widened his eyes as time seemed to slow down. Percy saw it. He saw the blade plunge into her chest. He could do nothing but watch helplessly as the colour seemed to drain from her face, as blood started to leak from the wound. Uzotl pulled the blade out as Elizabeth dropped to the ground with a thud. Percy widened his eyes and crawled to her. Tears staring to brim his eyes.
"Go on then, crawl to your oh so precious love." Uzotl mocked. Percy ignored him and kept crawling, he didn't stop. All he could do was see the pool of blood that for, formed around her. Percy reached her and looked at the wound, there was a gaping hole in her chest. Percy turned to Elizabeth, seeing the life drain from her eyes.
"No!" Percy screamed mentally. This wasn't supposed to happen, Percy was always supposed to die before here. Percy knew that from the start, he was looking at Elizabeth with tears blurring his vision. Percy ripped a piece of cloth from his shirt and pressed it onto her wound, his orange CHB shirt soaking with red liquid. Elizabeth turned to Percy with almost lifeless eyes, her usual tan complexion turning to a pale white. She caressed Percy's cheek, a smile evident on her face to her face.
"I-" She couldn't finish as she coughed up blood.
"I never got to say this to you but." She coughed up more blood.
"I love you, you idiot." She said with a chuckle and gave Percy a peck on the lips, Percy was too shocked as he held back the tears.
"Never forget that." She gasped out as she breathed her last. Percy saw the life drain from her eyes, as her soul left her body, her hand going limp. Percy sobbed, burning his head on Elizabeth's neck, a single tear dropped from Elizabeth's eyes as she finally passed onto the underworld.
Percy balled his fists as anger suddenly coursed through his veins. Percy went to a kneel, carrying Elizabeth bridal style as he stood up. Percy walked to Merlin who had tears brimming his eyes. Percy kneeled back down and set Elizabeth on the pavement. Percy gave Elizabeth a small kiss in her forehead.
"I'll love you, from this life, to the next." Percy signed. Percy turned to his best friend and wiped the tears from his eyes, he locked eyes with Merlin and gave off a small nod, a silent agreement.
"Protect her."
Percy turned towards Uzotl who had his hood dropped, a wicked smile in his face.
"Oh, you're still going to try?" Uzotl asked, mockery evident in his voice. Percy stood up and walked towards Uzotl, his fists balled. Anger flooding through his veins. Percy reached for his back, unsheathing Excalibur, the sword glinting with elegance. The sword seemed to glint with a deadly glow to it. Uzotl readied himself for the battle.
"Guess I'll just have to teach you another lesson."
Percy kept walking and walking, his footsteps seeming to get heavier and heavier. Power seemed to flow from Percy like never before, the windows of the buildings started to break, the car alarms started to go off. Uzotl stepped back in shock at the sudden power surge.
"You think you can still defeat me?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice. Percy clutched the grip on Excalibur on his right hand. His right hand itself was starting to turn white. Percy balled his left hand and reached for his back, the silver necklace disappearing with a shimmer. A scabbard appeared at Percy's back, seeming to glow with power. Percy grabbed the hilt and unsheathed the sword, the whole area filling with a silvery light.
"What? No, it can't be." Uzotl said, his eyes widening in surprise. Percy walked, each step cracking the pavement below. There was a reason Percy fought with one sword, there was a reason he didn't use his fighting style. For his fighting style was a unbeatable, the style of dual wielding swords.
"Holy shit." Merlin said with wide eyes, for the silvery sword that glinted beside the golden sword.
Was the Holy Sword Caliburn.
The two swords were glinting with a deadly glow, filling the area with both golden and silver light. With the two swords revealed and reunited, nobody can oppose it, for combined. They were an unstoppable force, and with a swordsman as powerful as Percy. Merlin only thought they were myths, but they were real.
The Twin Swords of Camelot
Word Count
So guys, another chapter out, I did not make you wait another month :DDDD
Only a few more chapters remaining until this book ends, we're almost at the final battle. But, of course I had to leave it in a cliffhanger, I mean, I wouldn't enjoy this is as much if I didn't see those type of comments.
So, the introduction of Caliburn, twin sword of Excalibur. The Dual Swords of Camelot. Unlike Excalibur, it glows silver rather than gold. Excaliburs power is that it can absorb any attack and return it back to the sender. Caliburn though you might ask, what is its power? That will be for chapter 26. Also Elizabeth's death, oh no, right as his love interest finally loved him back, she dies. :D
Also, I think I hinted on Caliburn last chapter, it was very subtle, but it was there nonetheless. When Percy was fighting the gods, there were glints of silver every now and again, you can check back if you want. Anyways, that just about it.
I don't know what else to say, I have a lot of ideas on how the ending should be, I still need to work on it for a bit. Anyways, I have no more things to say. Also, I forgot, feedback?
Oh right, I forgot, this chapter was the April fools chapter, I just deleted all the words and wrote on the same chapter if that makes sense. So that's why there's a lot of comments saying "I'm confused", "Is his April fools?", "Fuck you!" Etcetera.
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