"What do you mean there's an attack?!" Arthur said with wide eyes, looking at the messenger kneeling before the throne, his forehead beaded with sweat, breathing heavily probably from running from the gate to the main castle. Percy was looking at the messenger with shock, Merlin too was pretty pale faced.
"I mean what I said sire, Saxons, they are making a march towards us, they are coming, with a big army, ten times greater than the one before." The messenger said.
"But they made an ultimatum, their leader said to fetch him the king, if Camelot gives him their king, the Saxons will not harm Camelot or its inhabitants, they won't harm any land that Britain has, they gave us one hour to decide, if the king isn't there, then they march forward to Camelot, with an army, a massive army." The messenger said, Arthur was pondering over this, still sitting in his golden throne.
"Thank you for the information, you may go." Arthur said, his mind going crazy, the messenger nodded, instantly scurrying away from the throne room, Percy was deep in thought, as of right now, only the Knights of the Round Table were there to witness the event, only they knew the war that was about to come.
"What are we going to do?" Lancelot asked turning towards Arthur who was deep in thought.
"I dunno." Arthur said, for one of the few times in his life, he didn't know what to do, it was an ultimatum, a big ultimatum.
"I need some time to think, excuse me for a minute." Arthur said, pondering on what to do, the Knights nodded, exiting the throne room, all that was left was Merlin, Percy, and Arthur. Arthur chuckled a little, the two turned towards their best friend in worry.
"And here I thought we finally drove the Saxons back." Arthur said chuckling a little, shaking his head.
"Just as we finally United all of Great Britain, they come and ruin it." Arthur said. The two looked towards their friend with worry.
"Heh, but I know what I must choose." Arthur said, Percy gripped his sword handle, feeling anger rise in him, the Saxons were really pushing them to their breaking point.
"Don't you dare go, you will die." Merlin said, Arthur shook his head.
"I know." Was what Arthur simply said. "But I can't bear to have in my mind, that if I don't go, I would be the reason for the deaths of most of Great Britain, I can't have that in my mind."
"We can hold our ground here in Camelot." Merlin added, Arthur shook his head.
"We can't, even though we have an army, theirs is just too powerful, they have more advanced tactics, more advanced weapons and military, we can't." Arthur said, Merlin sighed, he knew he couldn't knock some sense into Arthur, he would go, no matter what he said. Merlin looked at the floor in defeat, Percy released the grip on his sword, approaching Arthur with a sad smile.
"So, this is the end now huh?" Arthur said turning towards Percy, Percy smiled a little.
"Well, I want you to have this." Arthur said, grabbing a sword from its sheath, handing it towards Percy. Percy however shook his head, he didn't want it, Percy grabbed his own sword, pulling it out of its sheath raising it up in the air a little, by now Arthur catches on to what Percy was saying.
"Oh no you don't." Arthur said, Percy shook his head, patting Arthur on the back, Percy walked towards the main entrance of Camelot Castle waiting for Arthur, Arthur was still shocked, wide eyed.
"Percival is right, if you're going to your death wish, well, what's stopping us from coming." Merlin said, grabbing his staff, Arthur was still gobsmacked.
"No, you guys can still live full lives, why waste it here!" Arthur said.
"We're your friends, best friends, that's what we do for each other." Merlin stated, Percy gave a slight nod in response.
"But-." Arthur was cut off by Percy placing his sword on his neck, Arthur widened his eyes looking at the blade, Percy raised an eyebrow towards Arthur.
"Fine, alright, you guys are stubborn little buggers, you know that?" Arthur said, Percy smirked sheathing his sword giving a small thumbs up.
"Says the one who wants to walk to his death." Merlin said with a small smirk.
"Touché mate." Arthur said laughing a little, Percy sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, let's go Percival." Arthur said sheathing his sword in his belt, the three knew that this was basically a death wish, they were walking to their deaths, willingly, but it would save thousands upon thousands of lives, three lives for the exchange of a thousand innocent lives, the exchange was worth it. Percy would've done the same as Arthur, it was what the three would do if it came to it, they knew they couldn't persuade each other if that happened, the were just that stubborn, but it was what made them friends, they would die for each other, if one was walking to their deaths, the two would gladly join them, if they die, they die as best friends, that was the pact that they swore a few years back, when Camelot was still a village, they called it the Blood Pact, they were just teens that cared deeply for each other.
The three stopped at Camlann, a flat plain that bore nothing but land, pure land that stretched far and wide, multiple trees were around the area, but not much, animals were all gone, as if sensing the massive bloodshed that was about to happen, this was, simply, an execution. The three stared at the horizon, the messenger wasn't kidding, the army stretched far and wide, it was ten times bigger than the army when they attacked the village. Percy gulped a little, looking at the army.
A lone figure was seen walking towards the three, wearing solid gold armor, like all Saxon generals, the army behind him was static, non moving, as if they were robots, they were awaiting for the generals orders, Percy turned towards the lone figure who was now a few feet away from the three, Percy felt uneasy, he was pretty sure Arthur and Merlin were too.
"I only asked for the king, you two, go if you value your lives." The general said, his voice a little muffled from the helmet that covered his face. Arthur looked beside him, as if telling gem to retreat and live a full life, Merlin and Percy remained stationary, with Percy clutching his sword, and Merlin holding his staff.
"Well, I guess you can die with him." The general said, turning to his army, he raised his hand in the air, war horns blew overhead, signaling the attack, the general turned towards the three with a smirk, looking at them with glee.
"Good luck." The general said as the army behind him suddenly advanced, their colours in the air, flags and banners were all over, signaling to attack.
"Well, good seeing you blokes." Arthur said, clutching his own sword, Merlin clutched his staff, slowly chanting a small spell, blue light engulfed the whole area, the whole first wave of the Saxons disintegrating to dust almost instantly, but it was nothing compared to the whole army of Saxons, it was overwhelming, the whole wave Merlin took down wasn't even one percent of their army, the army from before pales in comparison to this army.
Percy clutched his own sword, holding it tightly, the waves upon waves of Saxons kept pouring in, like zombies hungry for flesh. Merlin gritted his teeth and kept chanting, the second wave of Saxons disappearing to dust. The army was now running full sprint towards us, nothing stopping them from attacking, the impact was coming, the three friends, versus a whole Saxon army, things were looking down hill for the three.
Percy braced himself and made a slash, killing off a dozen Saxons in that single blow, Percy instantly leaped in, doing multiple slashes towards the soldiers, each one landing and effectively killing them, this once again contradicts Percy's beliefs of killing people, monsters were different, these were people. Percy shook his head and focused, it was them, or him. Percy rolled out of the way, avoiding a slash that was meant to decapitate him and behead him in an instant.
Percy turned towards the perpetrator, clutching his own sword and lunging at him, piercing the armor in an instant, sending the soldier to lie on the ground, dead. Percy observed his surroundings, seeing multiple Saxons surrounding him, they weren't engaging, they simply made a circle around Percy, they were scared to step foot, they knew what happened to their comrades, it was as if they were trying to make a plan.
That plan didn't work as Percy lunged instantly, adrenaline fueling him, Percy slashed and slashed, the circle of Saxons instantly melting figuratively. Percy kept slashing, if he was to go down, he would take a hundred Saxons with him, he'll he'd even do a thousand. Percy made intricate movies, not one scratch on his body, droplets of blood and dirt were tainting Percy's Royal guard outfit, but for now, he didn't care.
Percy slashed his sword but stopped it mid swing, Percy's reaction time was flawless, if not, he would've decapitated his best friend Arthur. Arthur looked at the sword inches close to his face with wide eyes and an open mouth, his jaw dropping to the floor.
"Save it for them not me." Arthur said pointing at the Saxons, Percy smirked and slashed at a Saxon that was sneaking up behind Arthur.
"Thanks." Arthur said, grabbing his own sword and slashing at the Saxon behind Percy. Percy smirked giving Arthur a thumbs up, the two instantly went to action, slashing and slashing at Saxon after Saxon, it was as if they were fighting monsters all along, but they weren't monsters, they were people.
"Percival, we need to take down their general, like last time." Arthur said pointing at the person who was overseeing the battle with an unamused face, his eyes and most of his face was covered in a mask, his lips a straight flat line.
"Cover me." Arthur said, running towards the person. Percy scratched the back of his head in annoyance and followed, killing any Saxons that come close to both Arthur and Percy. Arthur clutched his sword and made a large arc with his own sword, killing a dozen Saxons in his path, clearing a small pathway towards the general. The general though was looking at Arthur with a raised eyebrow, the general held up his hand, the Saxon army suddenly stopped dead in their tracks.
Percy looked at them weirdly until he noticed the general, he was looking at Arthur, unamused. As if on cue, Merlin teleported in, looking around in confusion.
"What the hell is happening?" Merlin asked, Percy widened his eyes a little, looking at the commander, it was a sign.
"Wait, you don't mean to tell me." Merlin said, looking at the general. The general lowered his I hand, the Saxons remaining still, watching the interaction. Arthur walked up the small hill, meeting the general at the top of the hill.
"It's a duel." Merlin said, confirming Percy's suspicions.
"Arthur Pendragon of Camelot, I challenge you to a duel, if you win, my army will retreat, if you lose, well, I'll kill everyone of you on the spot." The general said, his voice muffled.
"I accept." Arthur said, clutching his sword.
"Well then." The general said, grabbing his helmet and placing it on the ground. The general had brown hair and royal blue eyes, his skin had a pretty tan completion, much like Arthur. Arthur however gripped his sword tighter, looking at the general with gritted teeth.
"Mordred, you bastard." Arthur said clutching his sword.
"Ah yes, Arthur, didn't expect me to be the one to kill you eh?" Mordred said with an evil smirk, Arthur kept clutching his sword.
"Why did you do this, why go to the Saxons side?" Arthur said, anger in his voice.
"Ah, you see I told you when we were little, I wanted to be king, king of all of Great Britain, that I would be the one to unite all of them, to be treated as the greatest king to ever live." Mordred said.
"I fought when the Saxons first attacked, I funded all of the rebuilding, I helped fund the building of Camelot castle." Mordred said.
"But, they still chose you as a king, all of the things I did, was for Camelot, all I wanted was to rule peacefully, yet, I wasn't even in their minds when the coronation was planned, you were the one, that was the moment I knew, that I would kill you, I don't care about being king anymore, my only desire, is to kill you." Mordred said evilly.
"But, I couldn't do that before, not with those two always around, I needed to face you alone, I needed you without your companions, without your so called Knights, and now, here we are." Mordred said with a small evil smirk.
"Duel to the death." Mordred smirked. "Cousin."
Arthur charged, clutching his sword and did multiple slashes, Mordred easily avoided the slashes, counterattacking with a thrust, Arthur skillfully rolled away and swiped at Mordred's feet, alas, it wouldn't be that easy. Mordred jumped, avoiding the attack and kicking Arthur straight in the chest sending him flying. Percy could do nothing but watch as his best friend was sent tumbling to the ground, bruises already forming, he couldn't do anything, if he did, it would violate the sacred Celtic rule, a duel was unbreakable, no one can interfere, it was a fight to the death, and Percy was unable to do anything about it.
Arthur got up, shaking his head from the daze, he turned towards Mordred with anger in his eyes, his eyes were as if flaming with rage.
"You can't beat me Arthur, I'm stronger than you now, you are weak, we aren't kids anymore, this is real life, and you're going to die." Mordred said, easily avoiding a slash from Arthur, Mordred elbowed Arthur in the ribs, sending Arthur back. Mordred smirked, looking towards the bruised king of Camelot.
"Is this the only thing you can do King of Camelot?" Mordred said, looking at Arthur with a small smirk.
"Is this what you can do, I'm not even trying and you're already losing, you can't do anything." Mordred said, grabbing the hilt of his sword and bashing it into Arthur's back, Arthur was sent to the ground, coughing up some blood.
"Is this what you are made of?" Mordred said, placing a foot on the downed Arthur, Percy turned towards Merlin who was also worried, looking at the battle that was unfolding.
"How can Camelot be safe, if you're the one protecting it, you can't been beat a general, there are still people higher up the rank than me, how do you expect to defend a kingdom of that size." Mordred said.
"Come on, stand up, I'm not done with you yet." Mordred said, lifting his fort from Arthur's back. Arthur stood up weakly, his body was beaten and bruised from the pounding he received. Mordred coiled his fist and punched Arthur straight in the jaw, sending him back down onto the ground.
"Come on, stand up, a king shouldn't be in the dirt." Mordred mocked, Arthur weakly pushed himself up, his face bruised, blood leaking from his nose. Mordred approached and kneed Arthur in the stomach, Arthur doubling over in pain. Mordred grabbed Arthur's arm and pulled on it tightly, Arthur screamed in pain, a crack was heard, his bones were either dislocated, or broken, Percy winced.
"Come on Arthur, stand up and fight." Mordred said, Arthur tried to stand up but ultimately ended up on the ground. Mordred laughed, looking at Arthur with a glee in his eyes. Arthur pushed himself up, screaming from the pain in his shoulder, Arthur stood up, looking at Mordred. Arthur weakly made a punch, Mordred avoided easily, Mordred coiled his fist and made an uppercut, punching Arthur in the jaw, sending him tumbling down the hill, rolling on the ground like a rag doll, Percy clutched his sword in anger, seeing his friend bloodied, bruised, and broken.
Mordred walked down the hill looking at Arthur, grabbing him by the neck, Mordred lifted him up, holding him by the neck as Arthur weakly clawed at his hand.
"This is the king of Camelot, a pathetic peasant that can't even stand." Mordred said, the Saxons behind laughed at Arthur's state. Percy gritted his teeth, balling his fist, his nails digging into his skin.
"Arthur Pendragon, a weak little pile of shit." Mordred said. (Sorry)
"At this moment forth, I, Mordred Pendragon, will kill you, and strip Camelot of their filthy King." Mordred said, clutching his own sword, Percy widened his eyes looking at the scene unfold, he couldn't believe it, Merlin was pale faced, looking at the scene with wide eyes. Mordred turned to Arthur who was still clawing weakly at his arm, Mordred plunged his sword directly into Arthur's heart.
Arthur widened his eyes, releasing a few gurgles, blood leaked from the open wound, soaking the green grass below, Mordred smirked, twisting his sword, causing Arthur more pain, he let out a few gurgles, his eyes wide from shock. Arthur closed his eyes, slowly a small smile forming in his face.
Mordred widened his eyes in return, dropping Arthur, his sword still impaled onto Arthur's body, Mordred looked at himself with a horrified expression, a sword sticking out from his chest, Arthur's sword. Mordred fell to the ground with a thud, blood leaking from the wound. Percy widened his eyes and instantly ran towards Arthur, kneeling beside his best friend horrifically. Percy looked at Arthur, seeing the sword impaled at his chest, Percy kept looking at his friend, trying to do anything to keep him alive.
Merlin snapped out of his senses and instantly surged forward, kneeling beside Percy, looking at Arthur's wound, to this Merlin paled, looking at the sword lodged against his chest, stabbing his heart. Merlin clutched his staff, the area glowing at a small yellow light, Percy and Merlin didn't care about Mordred or the Saxons, they just cared about their friend. Merlin chanted, trying to make a healing spell, he stopped, a bloody and bruised hand holding Merlin's staff.
"No, don't." Arthur said weakly, Percy and Merlin had tears in their eyes looking at their best friend in shock and sadness.
"Didn't think I would go out this way." Arthur said choking a little, Percy looked at his friend, teary eyed.
"But it had to be done." Arthur said, he turned towards Percy with a small smile.
"Here, take this, as a parting gift." Arthur said, slowly grabbing a golden bracelet from his hand at handing it to Percy, Percy shook his head, he wanted it to be a gift not from his friends dying breath.
"Keep it, as king, I order you to." Arthur said, pushing the bracelet to Percy, Percy could do nothing but obey, it was his friends wish, Percy sobbed, looking at Arthur sadly.
"Merlin, I have nothing to give you, but my thanks, thank you for the protecting Camelot, for protecting all of us, your friendship here with us, even though you are a traveler, was very enjoyed." Arthur said weakly, his eyes slowly closing.
"Now live your full life." Arthur said snapping his fingers, Percy and Merlin suddenly disappeared in golden light, the two being transported back to Camelot. Arthur smirked, closing his eyes, his arms lying limp on the ground, the sword still impaled on his body.
The King of Camelot, has fallen.
Word Count
Last arc, then a new chapter begins, I have far more planned for this story than you guys anticipated, this, is just the beginning, also, I killed of Arthur, I'm sorry, I had to do it, plot wise, Arthur actually was one of my favorite characters, but I needed to, which was pretty hard on my end, chapters worth of story building just to kill him off, I'm looking at you Rick Riordan, lol no, okay I'll stop.
Anyways, I don't have much to say, I'm going to go now, I dunno when I will update next, probably tomorrow if I have the time, this was actually supposed to be released tomorrow but I got lazy and only wrote around 1.2K words so I decided to continue it now, I still have stuff to do like update my second book that I'm rewriting which is conjoined in my update schedule along with those book, I'm planning on updating this book three times every week, which I still haven't done correctly, as you can see, and I plan on updating the other book four times every weeks along with this book which in total is seven which means like a chapter every day which I dunno, I still haven't done, anyways I got go bye.
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