Percy instantly jolted awake, giving off a small groan, looking around the sorroundings, Percy's head was groggy, his throat was parched, his whole body was sore as hell. Percy gave off another groan, looking around, Percy widened his eyes, touching his throat, trying to speak, he was unable to, the seal prevented him from speaking, though it did allow grunts and groans, though it seemed useless for Percy.
Percy rubbed his eyes, his head shaking, having a small migraine. Percy stood up, looking around the area, there was nothing but trees and wildlife around him. Percy dusted the dust from his body, Percy remembered everything that happened, Percy clenched his fist, remembering what Zeus has done. Percy shook his head, ridding himself of the memories and trying to get to the task at hand, finding food.
Percy walked around, trying to find any sort of source of food, so far, searching for a hour on end, results weren't existent. Percy touched his throat, feeling his dehydration taking the best of him, including the fact that he couldn't talk was adding onto the stress he was receiving right now. Percy roamed the forest, eventually managing to leave the forest and arriving at some sort of plain, Percy smirked, a smile gracing his lips, there was a village.
There were multiple people roaming around the village, gathering food and collecting it, some were doing their daily routine, chopping down trees, mining some minerals, raising livestock, or simply collecting the food on the farms. Percy walked to the village, seeing a few guards on patrol, holding either a spear or sword, Percy turned towards them, the guards taking notice and raising their weapons.
"Halt." The guard said raising a spear, Percy raised his two hands, not trying to cause any harm.
"State your business." The guard stated, Percy tensed up, he didn't know how to react to that, having no voice was a completely different scenario, the guard was still waiting for an answer. Percy tried to speak, opening his mouth, nothing came out but wind, Percy touched his throat trying to signal his disability. The guard instantly took this as a threat and tried thrusting his sword.
A boy around the same age as Percy intervened, going to the guard and going in front of him, stopping the guard from almost killing Percy. The boy intervened, he was around the same age as Percy, around the age of eighteen, the guard raised an eyebrow, looking at the boy with a raised eyebrow. Percy too was confused at the sudden intervention of a person he didn't even know.
"Don't worry, leave him be, I can vouch for him." The boy said in an English accent. The guard raised an eyebrow, still clutching his spear, he sighed, releasing the pointed spear towards Percy, ultimately trusting the boy.
"Fine." The guard said.
"Besides, it's not our way to kill random travelers." The boy said, the guard nodded, going back to his patrol, the boy turned towards Percy, with a small sigh, a welcoming smile in his face.
"Welcome traveller, it's nice to meet you." The boy said extending a hand, Percy gladly accepted it, shaking it in return.
"Don't worry about him, it's his first day on the job." The boy explained, Percy nodded. The boy himself was wearing pretty normal clothes, he wore a brown tunic, his trousers the same as his tunic. Percy turned towards him, his eyebrow raised.
"Anyways, are you planning to stay, or to just visit?" The boy asked with a raised eyebrow, the village was pretty small one, a humble village to say the least, Percy only noted about three guards, it was probably cut away from most civilization. The village itself was right outside a forest, at some plains where there was nothing but flat grass as far as the eye can see. Percy turned towards the boy with a raised eyebrow
"Excuse me, are you planning to stay? Or are you just visiting?" The boy asked, Percy tensed up again, not knowing how to reply, Percy simply pointed at his throat, opening his mouth, trying to say a sentence, nothing came out. The boy nodded in understanding, giving a small sigh.
"I'm sorry for asking." The boy said, Percy shook his head, waving the boy off.
"Anyways, there is an inn nearby, it's incredibly cheap." The boy said, explaining, pointing at a nearby wooden building to the side. Percy smiled sheepishly, placing a hand in his pocket and pulling out non existent money. The boy sighed, looking around, seeing multiple people passing by, not minding the two. He placed a hand in his pocket and grabbed a few coins in his pocket, handing it to Percy.
"Here you go, I don't usually give people that I just met some money, but I know you're not like any of those people." The boy said, handing a handful of silver coins to Percy. Percy smiled, clutching the coins in his hand with a small smile, turning to the boy, giving off a small nod, not really knowing how to thank him properly.
"You're welcome." The boy said with a small smile. The boy turned behind him, giving off a small sigh.
"Anyways, I've got to go, the sun is starting to set, you better settle in at that inn, the money I gave you will probably last you at most three days at that inn, take care of yourself." The boy said, going away in a small jog. Percy nodded, clutching the coins in his hand and placing it in his pocket. Percy went inside the inn and was instantly greeted with a pretty cozy environment, there were multiple wooden benches scattered around.
There were a few people inside the inn, populated by mostly travellers, but it was otherwise a pretty empty inn. Percy walked to the counter, seeing a person sitting behind a table, Percy turned towards the person, the person himself looking at Percy with a raised eyebrow, he straightened himself and looked at Percy straight in the eye, a smile gracing his lips.
"Hello sir, how may I help you?" The person asked, Percy stiffened again, he really wasn't accustomed to this Seal of Silence thing, it was pretty weird to not be able to speak. Percy shook his head, grabbing a few coins in his pocket and handing it to the person.
"Ah, you're room is at the end of the hall sir, this will last you up to three days." He spoke in an English accent, grabbing a key and giving it to Percy. Percy himself nodded, grabbing the key and traveling at the end of the hall, going to the door and placing the key inside, twisting it and entering the room. It was a pretty comfy, there was a bed at the side, a table, and some chairs scattered along the room. There was a window, opposite of the bed, it was a pretty straightforward room.
Percy instantly turned towards his pocket, he still had a few leftover coins, the boy gave him a little too much. Just that instant, his stomach grumbled, Percy sighed, clutching his key and leaving the room, intending to grab some food in the market. Percy locked the door, traveling outside of the inn, trying to find the market. Surprisingly, the market was pretty easy to find, the sun was starting to set, so Percy had to buy food and water fast.
Percy stopped at a small stall, seeing a young lady, around the age of fifteen, sitting behind the stall bored, business was very slow. Percy bit his lip and walked towards her, intending to cheer her up a bit by buying some food. She instantly lit up, seeing a customer approaching, she cleared her throat, placing a smile on her face.
"How may I help you my good sir?" She asked with enthusiasm, her voice had an English accent, like most of the villagers. Percy pointed towards a piece of bread, she instantly smiled, turning towards Percy.
"That sir will be three pounds." She said, Percy raised an eyebrow, not knowing what a pound is. Percy grabbed all of his money and placed it in the counter, the girl counted, grabbing some of the money and leaving some of it to Percy.
"Thank you sir, as a bonus, I will add a mug of water along with it." The girl said, grabbing some bread and handing it to Percy, additionally, she grabbed a small mug and handed it to Percy, he instantly dove in, eating the bread as quickly as he can, devouring all of it in one go, the girl laughed a little. Percy wiped the bread crumbs from his face and pointed at another piece of bread, Percy grabbed what he assumed was three pounds and handed it to the girl.
The girl grabbed another piece of bread and handed it to Percy, which Percy, this time took time eating his bread, sa boring the flavor of it. Percy finished the last bite, grabbing the mug of water and gulping it down, his thirst instantly quenching, his body starting to rehydrate. Percy placed the mug down, a smile on his face. He turned to the girl and started to think of how to say thank you, Percy sighed, just giving a small bow.
"Thank you sir, come again." She said, Percy waved a smile on his face, walking back to the inn to get some rest. His body was still sore, he didn't know where the hell he is. He didn't know where the hell Mount Olympus or the rest of the gods were, all he knew was he had to survive, he had to start from scratch, starting from the ground up. Percy entered the inn, walking back to his room and opening the door, locking it on the way in.
Percy plopped down on his bed, heaving a sigh of relief, his body suffering from major soreness, Percy could slowly feel his eyes starting to close, the tiredness starting to take him over. Eventually, everything, the tiredness and fatigue taking him over, his eyes closing, darkness covering his vision. Percy closed his eyes, feeling his body starting to take a rest for the first time since the curse.
Percy woke up, going upright, looking around in confusion, not knowing where he is, Percy suddenly recalled the events of yesterday. The boy that helped him yesterday, the guard, the girl in the stall, the inn, everything. Percy sighed, touching his throat, trying to form any words, even the slightest word would cheer Percy up, nothing came, nothing but the wind and useless sighs. Percy stood up, waking himself up.
Percy gave off a yawn, looking at the door and left, locking the door behind him, two more days to go until he officially needed to leave the inn. Percy was intending to find an income to what the people called pounds. Percy walked outside, trying to find any possible tasks that he could do to get some money, his instant thought was farming, Percy looked around, trying to find any other jobs that was available.
Sadly, it looked like farming was the only thing to do. Percy walked around the town, trying to find anything or anyone that was looking to hire someone, Percy gave off a sigh, after an hour of looking, he couldn't find anything. Percy instantly stopped, looking at a certain building, seeing a small paper attached to the wall, they were hiring people. Percy smiled, walking inside the building.
They were hiring bartenders, Percy suddenly stopped, how could he be a bartender if he can't speak. Percy sighed, turning back around, trying to find another job, a hand suddenly stopped him from leaving. Percy raised an eyebrow looking at the person, he was wearing simple clothes, he seemed to be the owner of the bar.
"Are you looking to find a job?" The man asked, Percy raised an eyebrow but ultimately nodded.
"Well apply here, we're looking for bartenders." The man said, Percy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, Percy pointed at his neck, opening his mouth and closing, explaining to him without words that he couldn't speak
"You have a pretty situation there mate." He said.
"But that's okay, you don't need to speak, actually, you don't need to be a sort of waiter, just stay behind the table, and if someone orders, give them what they need, you're going to be mainly in the liquid section, seeing people either, water, wine, or just straight up alcoholic drinks." He said, Percy debated whether or not he would do it, Percy sighed giving off a small nod, there was nothing he can do, this was the only establishment that was hiring.
"Thank you very much." He said shaking Percy's hands.
"Are you okay with starting right now? We're opening today." The man said, Percy nodded, he needed to earn money, and fast.
"Thanks again." The man said, he turned towards Percy. "Also, there's a set of bartender clothes at the back, change into that if you want."
Percy nodded, walking behind the table and entering a door, seeing multiple stocks of food and drinks, Percy saw a pair of clothes neatly placed on top of a small table. Percy grabbed the clothes and instantly changed into it, the pair of clothes were pretty straightforward, it was the normal bartender ourfit, with its signature black and white color, a black tie along with it.
Percy was about to step out of the room when he managed to get ahold of a mirror, Percy widened his eyes, stepping back in shock, his whole appearance was altered, his hair was light brown, his complexion was pretty pale, it wasn't deathly pale, but it was pretty pale, Percy widened his eyes, how, Percy shook his head, the curse had something to do with it, Percy noticed even his eyes changed, it was once sea green, now it was golden. Percy sighed, stepping out of the room, turning to see multiple customers were already seated at tables.
Percy walked behind the counter, multiple gallons of wine behind him, glass cups, and mugs were placed beside him, ready to be of use. There was two other waiters that were taking orders from the customers and giving it to the chef. Percy however was sitting at the side of the bar, awaiting for any possible orders, Percy straightened his tie, fixing his collar. Percy didn't notice, but a customer already make his way towards him.
"Sauvignon Blanc." He said, Percy turned towards the barrels of wine, each of them labeled, Percy grabbed a mug and placed it under the tap, filling it with the delicate liquid. Percy closed the gap and handed it to the person, the person himself dropping a few coins in the counter, there was a small sign that stated the prices of each individual drink. The person sat in a tall barstool, slowly sipping away at his Sauvignon Blanc. Percy turned towards another person who was walking towards him.
"Pinot Noir please." He said, Percy turned behind him, grabbing a mug and filling it with the liquid, placing the mug under the tap and opening it, the coloured liquid filling the mug. Percy closed the tap and handed it to the person, seeing a few small silver coins already on the counter, Percy handed the drink to the person, grabbing the money of the two people and placing it at the small box.
Percy could easily steal it, but he didn't, it just wasn't his way to get money, he wanted to earn money by hard work, stealing was simply unforgivable. Percy turned towards another person who was ordering.
"A cup of Merlot my good sir." Percy was starting to get used to this, Percy grabbed a mug and rinse and repeated, handing him a cup of Merlot. Percy grabbed the payment and placed it at the box, more customers filling the store and ordering either food, or a small drink. Percy sighed, cracking his knuckles, readying himself for onslaught of customers.
A Few Hours Later.
Percy sighed, the last of the customers leaving, the place was a wreck, there wasn't any drunjkards or anything, which Percy was thankful for, Percy hated those types of people. Percy grabbed some mugs and grabbed a small piece of cloth, cleaning the inside of the mug, repeating this at every mug they used, Percy turned towards the manager who hired him who was smiling with excitement.
"Thank you everyone for doing a splendid job, as a reward, you get to have drinks, on the house." The manager said with a wide smile, Percy smirked a little, shaking his head, it felt at home in this store. He suddenly felt multiple people staring at him, either chefs or bartenders, Percy gulped nervously, the spotlight pushed onto him. Percy grabbed a few mugs and was ready to take orders again.
"Tempranillo please." One of the bartenders said, Percy grabbed a mug and filled it with the liquid, sliding it from the counter and into the bartenders hands.
"A Chardonnay my good chap." Another one of the bartenders said, Percy grabbed a mug and placed it under the tap, filling it with the precious wine and tossing it over to the bartender. Percy smiled a little, even though he was working a little overtime for this, the bartenders were pretty friendly, they welcomed Percy into their group with arms spread wide. The manager sat at the barstool looking at Percy with wide eyes.
"How about you? Don't you want a drink on the house?" The manager asked, Percy shook his head.
"Nonsense, I'm going to get something from the back, you may like it." The manager said, leaving Percy to chat, well, not chat but listen in on the conversation of his fellow workers.
"Pretty rough day huh?" One of the bartenders said, taking a small sip.
"It was okay, besides, we got a drink on the house." Another one said, turning towards Percy.
"Also, good job out there, hard to believe this is your first day." He said with a small smile, Percy bowed in return as a sort of thank you. At that time, the manager went inside the store, holding a small ceramic cup, a small plate of glass below it. The manager handed it to Percy, some smoke rising from the drink.
"Try it, you might like it." The manager said to Percy, Percy raised an eyebrow suspiciously but still drank the cup. It had a small tinge, the hot liquid traveling down his throat, it was pretty delicious, although it was very bitter, Percy took his time enjoying the liquid, preferring it over wine.
"See, I told you you would like it." The manager said.
"That my good chap is tea." The manager said, Percy's eyes lit up with excitement and drank the tea slowly, savoring the flavor, right as he finished his tea. Multiple screams were heard, Percy, being shocked, spat out some of his tea.
"What in the bloody hell was that?!" One of the bartenders said, drinking the last of his wine and exiting the establishment. The rest followed, looking around in confusion, Percy widened his eyes, looking at the distance, seeing multiple monsters advancing, there were already monsters Percy didn't notice attacking the towns folk. Percy failed to notice a monster leap towards him with claws, feline like.
A sword pierced the monsters chest, the monster instantly turning to dust. Percy blinked a few times, looking at who dealt it. Percy was surprised to see the boy from yesterday, standing in front of him, wearing the same outfit he had yesterday, a sword in hand, a look of determination in his face.
"We better move, quickly, I need to save more people." The boy said, Percy raised an eyebrow, trying to ask an inaudible question. The boy raised an eyebrow.
"What?" He asked, Percy face palmed, it was very hard to communicate. Percy did multiple gestures, the monster army approaching, as far as Percy could tell, the feline monster was the only monster that managed to reach the village that fast. Percy eyes was still trained on the vast approaching monster army, he really needed a sword, and fast. The boy nodded in response, a smile gracing his lips.
"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me, I forgot to give you my name." The boy said, Percy nodded, it was about time they knew each other's names.
"I didn't get to properly introduce myself. Hello, I'm Arthur."
"Arthur Pendragon."
Word Count
Hey, second chapter is out.
Second chapter of this book is officially out and I am very hyped, the story is now stating to build up, this is where the very foundation of the story will begin, also, take note. Percy isn't a demigod in this story, well, he sorta is, but he's not like a son of Poseidon, a sonf of Zeus or something, he is just a normal human who got cursed, got betrayed, or something, and is the strongest human/demigod in existence, just a heads up, but that doesn't mean he isn't as powerful as one, in fact, Percy as a human is still even more powerful than Heracles.
Also, I decided to hint at what was happening all around the chapter, starting with the pound system, which was very common in Britain, the use of English slang, and also I sprinkle the "in an English accent." After a dialogue, which was a clue in itself, but not that much to know that this takes place in Britannia, well, in the 1st century it's called Brittania, then it was changed to Great Britain or something.
This story, well, 25% of it anyway will take place in Camelot, Britain, if that doesn't make sense, since the introduction of Arthur Pendragon wasn't a huge reveal as itself, I don't know what is. Now, what do I plan on this story, yes, this is a mix with Arthurian legend and Greek mythology, and no, not just Arthurian legend, you know, just stay tuned in future chapters to know what I am talking about.
Also, to those people that came from The Elememtals, do you guys remember in my note before I uploaded this book and ended that book, I talked about something that I called a risky move. That risky move was the Seal of Silence, making Percy, a sarcastic badass, mute. I don't think anyone has made a story out of it, I know someone made a one shot, wink wink, but I don't think anyone made a full fledged story to where Percy is completely silent, let's just see how this turns out.
So anyways, I'm not going to bother you guys anymore, see you guys on tomorrow's chapter. Hope you liked it.
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