After the first Titanomachy
A boy, probably at the age of his teens, around eighteen was sitting on a cliff edge, admiring the sunset, the sun itself casting beautiful rays of orange throughout the whole scenery. The boy smiled, breathing in a sigh of relief, enjoying the fresh cool breeze on the boys skin. The boy turned slowly behind him, a small flash of light was seen behind a tree, the boy raised an eyebrow, instinctively reaching for the sword next to him. The boy sighed, a person stepping out of the tree with a raised eyebrow.
"It's just you." The boy said, placing down the sword, the boy himself had startling sea green eyes, a pretty tan complexion, his hair jet black.
"Perseus, the council calls you for a meeting." The Hades said, turning towards the boy who was named Perseus.
"I told you Hades, call me Percy." The boy named Perseus, or what he liked to call Percy said. Hades chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.
"Anyways, the council wants to discuss about the events a few hours ago." Hades said, Percy sighed, remembering the events that has transpired a few hours, the first Titanomachy.
Percy ran at a fast pace, the war already starting, Percy looked around, seeing multiple demigods fighting monsters of all types, hell hounds, cyclops', empousai, everything. Percy gritted his teeth, clutching the sword in his hand, instantly leaping into battle. Percy was but a blur of both destruction and ferocity, cutting down each and every monster that dared stood in his path, oblitering any monster of any type, be it a hellhound, or a cyclops.
Percy turned towards amount Olympus, they were currently fighting at the base of Mount Olympus, the real battle was happening at the very top of the mountain. Percy clutched his sword, looking around, seeing the battle take place, multiple demigods falling at the hands of the monsters, and multiple monsters falling at the hands of the demigods. Percy had to make a very hard decision, he turned towards his comrade who was slaying multiple hell hounds at once.
"Theseus." Percy called out, the demigod son of Zeus turned towards Percy with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm busy." Theseus said, slaying a hellhound, the Son of Zeus turned towards Percy with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, what do you want to tell me?"
"I'm going up there." Percy stated, pointing at the top of Mount Olympus, Theseus raised an eyebrow but nodded ultimately. "I need you to command the battlefield whilst I am gone."
Theseus gave off a small nod, flashing Percy a small smile. "Will do."
Percy instantly dashed off, clutching the sword in his hands, cutting down any monster that dared cross his path. Percy turned towards Mount Olympus, it was a long ways up until Percy reaches the very top of the mountain, Percy stopped, turning towards the monster in front of him. Percy clutched his sword, looking at the monster with a glare, the Minotour stood in front of Percy, holding his signature omega axe.
"Ready for round seventy?" Percy asked with a small smirk, turning towards the Minotour.
"It's seventy to one, you need to step up your game." Percy said, clutching his sword, the Minotour glaring at Percy, it was as if his head was about to explode from anger, as if steam was coming out of his ears. Percy smirked, the Minotour charging towards Percy in a fit of rage, Percy instantly side stepped, avoiding the charge easily. The Minotour clutched his axe and swung at Percy furiously, he smirked, avoiding the attack almost effortlessly.
Percy jumped on the minotours back, swinging at its protected neck endlessly, the Minotour roared in frustration, Percy clutched his sword and plunged it at the minotours skull, effectively killing it, the monster turning to dust. Percy shook his head, giving off a small sigh, turning towards Mount Olympus, a long staircase to the top. Percy sighed, steeling his nerves and jogging up the stairs in a small hurry.
The gods were looking at the opponent, clutching their respective symbols of power, the Titans were invading Mount Olympus. Zeus clutched his master bolt and hurled it towards Kronos, the Titan of time grabbed his scythe and blocked the bolt, lightning crackling from the sudden impact of the two divine weapons. Zeus gritted his teeth, stepping back, looking at the titans with a glare, the master bolt returning to his hand.
"We can't penetrate their defenses." Poseidon said, clutching the trident in his hand, turning towards the Titans who had a malicious smirk in their faces.
"Give up Zeus, you can't win against us." Kronos said in a mocking voice, twirling his scythe, ready to attack in an instant, Zeus clutched his master bolt, looking at the Titan of time with anger. Hades clutched the sword in his hand, looking at the Titans, Hades was trying to come up with a plan on how to sneak up on the Titans, Hades knew if at least on of the Titans were taken down, it would be like dominos, the other falling after the other, Hades just had to find the perfect moment to strike.
"We would never give up." Poseidon said, clutching his trident, Kronos shook his head in disappointment, looking at the Poseidon with a small smirk.
"Then die!" Kronos said launching himself towards Poseidon, the God of the sea widened his eyes and blocked, using the trident to block the scythe from hitting him. Kronos smirked, kicking Poseidon in the stomach, it sent the God doubling over. Zeus gritted his teeth and sent a lightning bolt towards Kronos, the Titan of time merely sidestepped, avoiding the lightning in an instant.
"Pathetic." Kronos said, attacking Zeus, the God of Thunder back flipped, narrowly avoiding a kick to the stomach. Hyperion, clutched the sword in his hands and went for Hades, intending to finish the God of the underworld in an instant, the God widened his eyes and raised his Stygian iron sword, blocking the attack from Hyperion, the Titan turned towards Hades with a small malicious grin, ready to finish the job.
"Goodbye Hades." Hyperion said, jumping in the air and doing one large downward slash towards the underworld God.
Percy smirked, blocking the attack from Hyperion, the Titan himself was looking at Percy with wide eyes, Percy turned towards Hades giving a small nod. Hades reappeared behind the Titan, plunging the blade in his stomach, the Titan widening his eyes, looking at the sword with wide eyes, ichor dropping to the ground from the open wound, Hyperion widened his eyes, disappearing in dust. The Titans were all looking at the scene with wide eyes, Percy smirked, instantly launching himself towards the Titans doing multiple slashes towards them.
One by one, the Titans slowly fell by the Olympians hands, each time their forces growing weaker and weaker, every time one of the Titans died, Hades was right, it really was a domino effect. The battle started to end, Kronos was the only one left, Percy sighed, clutching his sword, looking at Kronos who was kneeling on the ground, multiple cuts and slashes along his body, the floor below him had a puddle filled with golden liquid.
"Goodbye Father." Hades said, making a large slash with his blade, Poseidon and Zeus soon followed, splitting Kronos into multiple pieces and scattering him across the world, unable to reform for a few hundred years. Percy sighed, turning towards the Olympains, giving them a thumbs up, Collin, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Zeus, those were the gods that participated in the war, they could be in better shape, but otherwise, they were pretty fine, injury wise, only small cuts.
Percy sighed, standing up, turning towards Hades, reliving the events of the first Titanomachy, Percy waved the God of, shaking his head.
"Okay, let's go." Percy said, a scream echoed throughout the forest, it was a feminine one, Percy widened his eyes, looking around the sorroundings, trying to figure out where the scream happened, Percy instantly jumped to action, going to the epicenter of the scream. Percy went through multiple bushes, Hades following behind him, the two had swords in their hands. Percy stopped, turning his head behind the tree, widening his eyes.
There was a god, one of the Olympians, Collin, Percy clutched his sword, seeing the God pin the female to a tree, looking at her seductively. Percy gritted his teeth clutching his sword, Percy turned towards Hades who was looking at the scene with wide eyes. Hades was shaking his head in disbelief and shock, Percy had no time to think about it and instantly jumped to their line of sights, holding the sword in his hand.
The girl managed to take a look at Percy, Collin, the God still hasn't noticed Percy's presence, the God was still looking at the female he was pinning to a tree, grabbing a knife from his belt, licking the females cheeks, the female was shivering in her spot. Percy couldn't take it anymore and pointed his sword towards the God. The God finally noticed him, turning a look towards Percy, a small malicious smirk in his face.
Percy motioned for the girl to go, to Percy's relief, she listened instantly, darting off towards the forest, away from here. Percy clutched his sword, looking at the God who was fuming in anger at how the girl got away.
"You're going to pay for this." Collin said, unsheathing his sword, his symbol of power. Percy clutched his own sword, Hades stepped out of the tree, showing himself, he held a sword in his hand, ready to attack and defend.
"Stop this Collin." Hades said, turning towards Collin, the God merely laughed manically, turning towards the two.
"Screw you two, I'm going to go to that girl, and make her my wife." Collin said with a maniacal laugh. Percy clutched his sword, looking at the God who was laughing hysterically, he was like the Joker. Percy and Hades shared a look, the God of the underworld shaking his head, trying to warn Percy. Percy couldn't resist, he had to, Collin instantly disappeared with a flash, birds flying from the trees, obviously startled.
Another scream echoed throughout the forest, Percy clutched his sword, running towards the scream, Percy arrived at a secluded area, seeing Collin forcing himself upon her, Percy clutched his sword and charged right in, making a large slash with his sword, the Olympian God turned towards Percy, grabbing his sword and blocking the attack, Percy gritted his teeth, turning towards the girl.
"Run." Percy said, the girl instantly ran for her life whilst Percy covered for her, Collin clutched his sword and made a large slash towards Percy. Percy grabbed his sword and blocked the slash, rolling out of the way to avoid another strike from Collin. Percy clutched his sword, looking at the God who was laughing hysterically. Percy grabbed his sword and jumped in the air, making a downward slash.
The God retaliated, raising his sword, blocking the strike mid air, Percy gritted his teeth, back flipping out of the way to avoid a slash from the God. Percy widened his eyes, seeing a slash coming towards him mid air whilst he was making a backflip, Percy raised his sword, blocking the strike, the force from the slash unfortunately sent Percy flying to a tree, Percy grunted, feeling the brunt of the pain in his back, his eyes groggy, his vision blurry.
"Perseus where are you?" Hades called out, Collin smirked snapping his fingers, placing a soundproof barrier around the area. Percy gritted his teeth, getting up, shaking his head from the daze, clutching his sword defensively.
"I will kill you, you took all the fame in the war, you took my girl, now, I'm going to take your life." Collin said, zooming towards Percy, doing multiple slashes, Percy barely had time to dodge and block all of the slashes. Percy grunted, feeling a large slash open in his shoulder, Percy winced, clutching his shoulder, blood leaking to the ground, Percy tried to surpress a scream, he did surpress a scream, but Percy couldn't stop a small curse word from sprouting in his mouth.
"Gah." Percy said, moving out of the way to avoid a slash from Collin, the God turned towards Percy, grabbing his sword, power flooding throughout the area, the God sent a powerful strike towards Percy. Percy widened his eyes and raised his sword, barely able to block the strike, the force of the attack sent Pedcy tumbling to the ground, Percy shook his head, turning towards Collin who was laughing manically.
Collin himself was laughing like a sadistic bastard, placing a hand in his hair, laughing, almost pulling out his hair. Percy clutched his sword, he needed to decide, and fast, Percy clutched his sword, zooming towards Collin sending multiple slashes towards Collin, Percy not letting up a single second, sending barrage after barrage of slashes towards Collin, the God barely dodged the attacks.
Perc glared towards Collin, letting loose a small scream, sending multiple strikes at Collin in the span of a second, a slash appeared at the gods shoulder, sending him to stagger a bit. Percy clutched his sword, zooming towards the God, raising his sword. Collin laughed, looking at Percy who was already in front of him, Collin was about to raise his sword when a large swing was heard.
Collin widened his eyes, dropping his sword, the sword clattering harmlessly to the ground, Percy clutched his sword, ichor pooling onto the ground. Collin widened his eyes and let loose a powerful pained scream, his body disintegrating, exploding in a small flash of light. Percy slowly widened his eyes in realization at what he has just done, Percy dropped his sword, his weapon clattering to the ground with a thud.
"Perseus, where are you?" Hades said, bursting out of the clearing, looking at Percy with wide eyes.
"D-did you just." Hades said with wide eyes.
"Perseus, you need to run, quickly." Hades said, but it was too late. Percy was engulfed with a white light, his body being transported at the speed of light towards Olympus. Percy landed with a thud, the Olympians looking at Percy with wide eyes, looking at Percy in horror, Zeus instantly exploded in anger, his master bolt appearing in his hand, pointing it towards Percy in anger.
"What did you do!" Zeus screamed, Collin was one of the first gods, the brother of Hera, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hestia. Percy still couldn't believe what he has done, Percy was staring at the ground, wide eyed, looking at his hands in fear of what he might do, Percy read a book about deities, if they didn't disappear in dust, and they merely imploded with power, they're dead, no reformation, no nothing, simply dead.
Lightning crackled in the distance, symbolizing Zeus' anger, Percy looked up, seeing Zeus crackling with electricity.
"You will pay for killing him." Zeus said, his bolt in hand.
"What did you ou want me to do? Watch whilst he has his way with an innocent woman." Percy said retaliating. The other Olympians shifted nervously in their seats, Zeus however was still focused on glaring at Percy, his body crackling with electricity angrily. Zeus clutched his master bolt, his voice booming throughout the throne room, throughout the whole of mount Olympus itself.
"Killing an Olympian is an unforgivable crime." Zeus said.
"Forcing yourself one someone is equally an unforgivable crime." Percy retaliated.
"Enough!" Zeus bellowed, the throne room quaking from his anger, the Olympians flinched a little, looking at the God of Thunder with a raised eyebrow, afraid of the outcome. Zeus turned towards Percy giving him a full blown glare.
"Collin doesn't deserve to be a god, he thinks he is so high and mighty because he is a god, he thinks he own everything, no one has the power to force themselves upon anyone, everyone has the right to pick their partner." Percy tried reasoning out, Zeus however was having none of it, clutching his master bolt, the surroundings crackling with thunder, symbolizing Zeus' rage.
Hades appeared in a flash of shadows, looking at the throne room with wide eyed, he turned towards Zeus who was crackling with electricity, his face filled with anger and fury. Percy turned towards Hades who was looking way Zeus with a raised eyebrow, Hades sighed turning towards Zeus.
"Brother, Perseus here did the right thing, defiling a woman is the worst thing possible, you can't blame him." Hades said, Zeus turned red again.
"He killed our brother, Collin, there's no chance of him reforming ever again, this crime needs punishment." Zeus said turning towards Percy, his eyes blazing with fury. Zeus pointed the master bolt at him, his bolt crackling with electricity and power. Hades turned towards Zeus widening his eyes, raising his arms.
"Don't do anything rash brother." Hades said, Zeus seemed to pay him no mind, pointing the master bolt directly towards Percy, anger blazing in his eyes, power flooding through the room.
"Perseus, for the crimes you have committed, for betraying the Olympain Council, I place upon you the Curse of Heroes!" Zeus said, a symbol of sorts as glowing in a golden light, floating in front of the council. The symbol zoomed towards Percy, entering Percy's body, the curse placed upon him, sucking Percy of his powers, like a leech, feeding off of his energy, limiting his power to a minimum. Zeus clutched his master bolt, his body crackling with anger and fury, his body filled with power.
"For the worst of the worst crime that you, Perseus have committed, I curse you with the Seal of Silence!" Zeus said, a symbol floating in the air with a silver glow, the symbol zoomed towards Percy at frightening speeds, the symbol, the seal entered Percy, sending him to a knee, Percy screamed in pain, clawing at his throat, Zeus turned towards Percy, laying on the floor, screaming.
"Now, begone!" Zeus bellowed, Percy was instantly blasted off of Olympus with a strike of lightning, Percy falling down Olympus in a fast rate, Percy could feel his voice leaving him, Percy's eyes darkened, Percy couldn't believe it, he wasn't just placed with a curse, but two. Percy tried to scream, he couldn't, he couldn't use his voice, he tried moving his mouth and speaking, nothing came out. Percy could feel the ground inching closer and closer by the second.
Percy tried to scream for help, he tried, nothing came out, Percy could feel the seal working its magic, preventing him from speaking anything. Percy felt the ground go closer and closer, Percy shut his eyes, shutting his mouth, it was no use, Percy steeled his nerves preparing for the impact, the ground getting closer and closer.
Word Count
So guys, this is your author, so, this is chapter one of a new book, Curse of the Hero, I know this book might seem a little, what do you call it, I don't know how to describe it, but the pace picks up once there are more chapters, the first chapter is mostly the basic introduction of the book and the premise, new book, new Percy, well, for me at least.
The action would continue and pick itself up for the next chapter, this chapter is basically world building and character development, also, Curse of Heroes and Seal of Silence, seal of silence is self explanatory, Curse of Heroes, well, it's a unique one, the curse of heroes will slowly and slowly unwrap itself and be more detailed so to speak, the description wil get clearer as time goes on.
I have huge plans for this book so I hope you guys do stick around, anyways, I have nothing else to say but see you next time, also, my update/upload schedule is a bit janky, I think I will follow the update schedule the book before this one, the problem is, I was supposed to have a one week rest before I start another book, well I got excited and did this, I'm going to reserve the one week rest when I really need it, when I need to take break, anyways, see you guys next time.
Ps: By the way, this may have a lot of similarities with LunaStarTheCat's one shot, but no, I didn't copy her and vice verse, actually, she was the first to come up with the idea, I just managed to think the same or a similar idea.
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