The Dragon Bearers
Natsuko's Song ->
From left to right: Azure, Weisslogia, Skiadrum, Kaori, and Zodia.
And so nobody gets confused.... Skiadrum is Erza Scarlet's ancestor... that's why she resembles her so much.... the same with Zodia and Lucy.... and Weisslogia and Jellal.....
Three Months Later....
"Come on, Igneel!" Natsuko encouraged. "You just get the roar down, and you've completed basic training! Then you can go into the city!"
Igneel was breathing hard. He'd mastered 'Iron Fist Of The Fire Dragon' and 'Wing Attack Of The Fire Dragon', but the roar... it freaking hurt.
To go into the Heiwas city, you had to know three attacks, Iron Fist and Roar, and then an extra your dragon chose.
"I can't!" Igneel croaked.
Natsuko frowned. Slowly, she took her scarf off, and set it in front of Igneel.
"What..." he began quietly, before breaking into a coughing fit.
"It's fire proof." Natsuko explained. "I think it'll help."
Igneel looked doubtful, but accepted the scarf anyway. Wrapping it around his neck, he puffed up his cheeks.
A massive blast of fire burst from his mouth, razing the forest in front of him. Natsuko drank up the fire before it could do any serious damage, before smiling.
"Great job!" she praised.
Igneel popped his knuckles. "Yep, I'm awesome." he sang. "Can we go now?"
Natsuko nodded. "Next year.
Natsuko chuckled. "Kidding!" she said. "We'll leave as soon as it gets dark, so we can get there by dawn."
"The volcanoes always explode at dawn." she explained.
Igneel's jaw dropped. "Volcanoes?" he whispered in awe, his eyes shining. "Do they taste like chocolate?"
"Indeed." Natsuko replied in the same tone.
"I... love.... chocolate...."
Two hours later, Igneel was riding on Natsuko's back, flying through the air. Igneel, ignited in fire to slow the G-Force hitting him in the face, grinned brightly as he held on to Natsuko's horns.
"This is amazing!" he laughed.
"I agree, young warrior!" Natsuko yelled in response, her voice laced with humor.
They had just left the cave, a bit late thanks to Igneel, who had lost his shoe.
Igneel was excited. No, he was more than excited, he was about to explode from impatience. "Are we there yet!?" he shouted.
"Yes!" Natsuko answered. Igneel's eyes lit up.
"Nope." She grinned. "I lied."
Igneel scowled.
There was silence for a few hours, before Natsuko spoke again.
"Do you want to sing a song?"
"....What?" Igneel asked, flabbergasted.
"A song." Natsuko repeated. "I'll do it, I'm told I have a wonderful voice." she paused, thinking. "Hmm.... what about.... Fire n Gold!"
"Uh... you do know that if this was a book, people would just skip it...."
"What does that have to do with anything?" Natsuko snorted. "And besides, dragons have telepathy... I can just send you it mentally."
"That sounds complicated." Igneel pointed out.
"Well, yeah, but I'm bored."
Igneel shrugged. "Okay, if you say so."
Naysuko closed her eyes, and Igneel heard her voice in his head.
Like an astronaut that's scared of heights
With a heart that's beating at the speed of light
You've been waiting for this feeling all your life
Sometimes it's just hard to realize
When you're stuck in a moment
And your spark has been stolen
This is our time to own it
So own it
Baby, we were born with
Fire & gold in our eyes, eyes
With fire & gold in our eyes, eyes
Got lightning in a bottle
Hands on the throttle
Even in the dust we shine
With fire & gold in our eyes
There is something different about you and I (about you and I)
And I feel like I have known you my whole life
There is beauty behind every tear you've cried
Sometimes it's just hard to realize
When you're stuck in a moment
And your spark has been stolen
This is our time to own it
So own it
Baby, we were born with
Fire & gold in our eyes, eyes
With fire & gold in our eyes, eyes
Got lightning in a bottle
Hands on the throttle
Even in the dust we shine
With fire & gold in our eyes
There is love inside this madness
We are walking on the moon
Though I don't believe in magic
I believe in me and you
I believe in me and you
I believe in me and you
Baby, we were born with
Fire & gold in our eyes, eyes
With fire & gold in our eyes, eyes
Got lightning in a bottle
Hands on the throttle
Even in the dust we shine
With fire & gold in our eyes
Igneel blinked. "That's awesome."
"I'm aware of this." Natsuko answered. She paused. "Oh, and we're almost there."
"How!?" Igneel gasped. "We left like two hours ago!! It's supposed to take ten!!"
"I kinda knocked you out in the middle of the song."
"Look, there's the volcanoes!" Natsuko interrupted quickly.
With the short attention span he would later pass on to a certain wizard, Igneel's head shot around to stare at two impossibly tall mountains. The ground below was slightly trembling. And then, red lava exploded from the top.
Igneel laughed as the lava spewed around them, tilting his head back with his tongue out as if he was trying to catch raindrops.
"It tastes like chocolate!" He declared, fist pumping.
"Precisely!" Natsuko responded happily as she caught a red hot ember in her jaws.
"Natsuko!" A voice roared, and Natsuko looked down to see a massive black dragon coming her way, scowling. Natsuko brightened up.
"Hi, Isamu!" she said cheerfully. "How's Second Captain working out for you?"
Isamu, the Thunder Dragon, narrowed his eyes. "Where have you been!?" he fumed.
Natsuko frowned. "Training this Dragon Bearer." she jerked her head in the direction of Igneel. "Didn't Declan inform you of this?"
Declan was Natsuko's older uncle, who had 400 years on her 200. He was the Platinum Dragon. He was second in command of the entire army.
Isamu lashed his tail. "No." he snarled. "He didn't."
Natsuko shrugged. "Well, that's on him." she met Isamu's purple gaze. "But, anyway, this is Igneel Dragneel."
"Like Ignis Draco?" Isamu asked, failing to remain angry. Natsuko nodded.
"I found him in the woods with a hole through his stomach." she explained. "I brought him to Shosora."
Isamu's eyes flashed in shock. "Shosora?" he echoed. "I thought he hated us!"
"It's impossible to hate me!" Natsuko replied cheekily. "Anyway, can we continue this conversation somewhere else? I want to introduce Igneel to the other Dragon Bearers."
Isamu hesitated for a split second, before nodding. "They're in their secret lair." he said.
"Secret lair?" Igneel piped up. Natsuko sighed.
"They came up with the name." she remarked. "Well, actually, Kaori did, but..."
Isamu headbutted her shoulder. "Lay off her." he grumbled. "Let's just go."
Natsuko nodded in agreement, taking off after her friend. Peering over her shoulder, still munching on an ember, he saw a stairway leading underground.
"In you go." Natsuko voiced, before tossing him off of her back and down the stairs. Catching his balance near the bottom, he realized he was in a massive, beautiful cave.
With a river blocking his path.
Groaning, Igneel was about to jump in, whenever he realized something obvious; there was a bridge five feet away from him.
Laughing nervously at his stupidity, he walked across the wooden bridge, before stumbling to a stop as he realized he was back where he was he started. He frowned.
There was a girl wearing a futuristic jacket (a letter jacket from 2005) with light pink hair and violet eyes glaring at him. She seemed about thirteen or fourteen. "WELL!?!?!" she screamed. "ANSWER ME!!!"
"Er, Igneel Dragneel." he stuttered as a violet aura surrounded the girl. "Fire Dragon Bearer."
Instantly, the aura disappeared and the girl smiled. "So, you're the new recruit!" she guessed. "Lieutenant General Declan told us you would be coming!"
She snapped her fingers, and Igneel was back on the other side. He looked around. "How did you-" he started, but the girl interrupted him.
"My name is Azure Maile." she spoke. "The Time Dragon Bearer. Time Dragons are the third most powerful dragons, by the way, so don't you dare go all perverted on me."
Another girl who seemed about twelve, with brown eyes and lighter brown eyes dropped from the ceiling.
"My name is Kaori Kimura!" she greeted. "I'm the Thunder Dragon Bearer!"
She grabbed his hand, dragging him forward. "Come on!" she urged. "You have to meet the others so you can be baconized!"
"It's when we dump you in bacon grease, which is a thing from the future my dragon Kazue got us." she explained excitedly. "It's how you become accepted!"
Azure scowled, smacking Kaori upside the head. "No, it isn't!" she snapped, before looking at Igneel. "All you have to do is prove you can eat your element- in your case, fire -and you're in."
After a few minutes of walking, they were in an even bigger cave, with ceilings twice as high as Natsuko was tall standing on her hind legs. There were three other kids.
There was a boy who looked a few years older than Igneel arguing with a red haired girl of the same age. The boy had spiky blue hair and a tattoo over his right eye, with a fancy looking white cloak. The girl had short scarlet hair with a blue scarf and black gloves, and a blue crop top.
"That's Weisslogia Matiu." Azure said. "The girl he's arguing with is Skiadrum Itachi."
"They're polar opposites." Kaori added. "Weisslogia's a White Dragon Bearer, and Skiadrum is a Shadow Dragon Bearer." she sighed dreamily. "I still say they should be together."
"Don't let them hear you say that." Azure muttered.
Beside the arguing pair, Igneel spotted a beautiful blonde girl about his age with blue eyes hanging off one of the stalactites. One hand was gripped the rock formation, and the other was holding up a book she was reading.
Following his gaze, Kaori smirked. "She's pretty, don't you think?" she said suggestively.
Igneel shrugged. "I guess."
Azure smacked Kaori again, before addressing Igneel. "That's Zodia." she said. "She's a Celestial Dragon, which are the fifth most powerful dragon."
Zodia spotted Igneel, and grinned. "New recruit!" she yelled, letting go of the stalactite and landing on her feet, not at all looking dazed.
"Hi!" she said cheerfully, holding out her hand for Igneel to shake. "I'm Zodia!"
"Igneel." Igneel greeted. Weisslogia and Skiadrum had stopped screaming at each other, and were now looking at Igneel.
"Hi!" they said simultaneously, before turning around to glare at each other. "STOP COPYING ME!!! ME!?!?! SHUT UP YOU BASTARD!!!"
"They're so gonna married someday." Kaori whispered quietly, but not quietly enough.
Skiadrum loomed over her, a horrifying look in her eyes. "What was that, Kaori?" she demanded. Kaori started sweating bullets.
"Er, nothing, Skiadrum!" she said nervously. "Nothing at all! Hehe..."
"That's what I thought."
Hey guys! Before I forget, this is the scale of the dragons, from most powerful to least... the top five are the hands down most powerful.
1. Death Dragon
2. Nova Dragon
3. Time Dragon
4. Crimson Fire Dragon
5. Celestial Dragon
6. Earth Dragon
7. Platinum Dragon
8. Phantom Dragon
9. Thunder Dragon
10. Lightning Dragon (Technically, Lightning and Thunder Dragons have the same power level, but Thunder Dragons can roar as loud as thunder, and that can bust someone's eardrum, so they're ranked higher)
11. Snow Dragon
12. Diamond Dragon
13. Fire Dragon
14. Water Dragon
15. Sky Dragon
16. Destruction Dragon (This dragon is ranked low because of how uncontrollable the attacks are... you cannot control how far or powerful they will be... but it disintegrates anything the attack touches)
17. Poison Dragon
18. Silver Dragon
19. Gold Dragon
20. Ruby Dragon
21. Iron Dragon
22. Stone Dragon
23. Rock Dragon (Again, same power level, but Stone Dragon attacks are easier to control)
24. Rain Dragon (These attacks are not near as powerful as Water Dragon's)
25. Sound Dragon
26. Copper Dragon
27. Sand Dragon
28. Cloud Dragon (Not near as powerful as Sky Dragon)
29. Tree Dragon
30. Smoke Dragon (Its only attacks are smoke... no heat or fire, just smoke)
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