Chapter 7
Harry's POV
Sunday afternoon rolled around and Teddy and I were just about to leave the house for the Cafe when the doorbell rang.
"I've got it." I told Teddy who currently was tying his shoe laces together.
When I opened the door, I can face to face with Draco and Scorpius.
"Oh. Hey Draco, Scorpius. I didn't know you were stopping by today."
"Yeah. Sorry. Scorpius dragged me out. We don't do anything usually on Sunday's so he got bored." Draco explained scratching the back of his head. "I'm sorry if this is a bad time."
"Oh, uhm. A little bit, but that's alright. Teddy and I usually go to a local cafe to meet up with Ron, Hermione, and the others every Sunday. Sorry, I guess I should've mentioned that." I explained.
"Scorpius!" Teddy shouted from behind me.
"Hey Ted!" He shouted back.
The boys ran up to each other and did some weird handshake before Teddy turned to me. "Can they come with us?"
I didn't know how to respond. I know Hermione would be ok with it, but I haven't talked to the others about it. Especially Ron. He hates surprises. I was actually planning on talking to all of them today about it and seeing if he could join us next weekend.
Draco noticed my hesitation. "I'm sorry. Maybe next time around." He told Teddy. "Sorry, Harry. If I had known, I wouldn't have stopped by."
"No you're alright. I would love it if you could come. It's just. I need to make sure everyone is ok with it. I know Hermione would be fine with it, but it's mostly Ron I'm worried about. He has a temper sometimes as I'm sure you know." I told him.
He chuckled softly. "Yeah, I remember. I'm not offended or anything. I completely understand."
I gave him a light smile. I noticed I've been doing that more as of late. Smiling. With everything going on, I haven't been myself and it feels good to not have to fake it all the time. I wonder why he makes me feel like that.
"Well, can I stay home then?" I turned my attention over to Teddy. "I mean. I go to these all the time, could I just stay here with Scorpius and Draco while you go?" His hair turned pink.
I looked up to focus on Draco before looking back down at Teddy. "I don't really mind, but I don't think Draco wants to go around and babysit." I told Teddy, who huffed at my comment.
"I'm not two anymore." He crossed his arms over his chest and his hair went black.
"You're right. You're still a little baby!" I cooed pinching his cheek playfully.
"Stop that!" He screeched backing away from me, his hair going back to pink.
We all seemed to burst out laughing at Teddy's reaction and a second later, Teddy joined in. A month ago I couldn't see myself laughing carefree like this, mostly because I rarely have the energy anymore, but I have felt oddly refreshed these last few days and it's wonderful.
"I don't mind, Harry. Go have fun. I'll watch the kids." Draco said to me once we all calmed down.
I looked at him. "What? No. I couldn't do that. I don't want you to feel like you have to." I said honestly.
He shot me a smile. "No really. It'd be my pleasure. Go enjoy yourself."
"How could I ever thank you?" Don't get me wrong. I love taking Teddy with me, but I was a bit nervous talking about Draco in front of him if things got heated with my friends.
"How about, dinner. Tonight? I'll make us something." He grinned at me.
I looked confused. "Didn't you just make us dinner Friday night? And not to mention, doesn't that benefit me more than you?"
"Well, I don't mind cooking and no. I'd like to spend more time with you, if that's okay with you, of course."
I smirked at him. "Draco Malfoy. Are you asking me out on a date?"
He froze. His face grew incredibly red. "What?! Why would I do that?!"
I looked down at the kids who soon burst out laughing along side me. "Ha. Ha. Very funny Potter."
"I thought so." I replied wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Y-You should have seen your face!" Scorpius gasped.
"It's was h-hilarious!" Teddy finished.
"Alright. That's enough embarrassing me for one day. Thank you." Draco crossed his arms.
"Sure. Whatever you say hon." I replied.
Draco paused again and Scorpius snorted.
"Oh Harry dear! Not in front of the children!"
Now it was my turn to freeze. "You git!" I replied.
"Takes one to know one." I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.
"Alright, fine. You win. Dinner tonight. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Teddy be good, please. Make this some what enjoyable for Draco." I said.
"Ok dad! See you in a bit!" He shouted before grabbing Scorpius by the forearm and running into the house.
"Thanks Draco. I'll be back as soon as I can." I told him.
"Take as much time as you need. You deserve some fun."
I smiled lightly at him before apparating.
I popped up in an alleyway right next to the cafe. It's a muggle cafe so I can't just apparate right in front of it.
When I entered, I found the whole crew at our usual table. It consists of Ron and Hermione and their daughter Rose, Neville and Luna, Ginny and Dimitri, Dean and Seamus, and their adopted son Trevor, and lastly George.
There was a silencing charm that is placed over the table, that way we can talk freely and not worry about any eaves droppers, muggles and wizards alike. You have to be pretty close to the table to be able to hear the conversation going on.
"Hey guys!" I said as I approached them.
"Harry! You're late!" Ron screeched as he stood up to hug me.
"Sorry, I got a little caught up." I told him.
"Where's Teddy?" George asked as he came over and gave me a hug next.
"Oh he's back home. He wanted to stay there to hang out with his friend Scorpius." I sat down next to 'Mione and across from Ginny.
"You mean to say he's home alone with another child?" Dean asked.
"Merlin, no! Scorpius' dad is there with them. He volunteered to watch them while I came here." Hermione threw me a look that said, 'You better explain to everyone.'
"Oh I see." Dean replied.
"How's work been Ginny?" I asked.
"It's been good. Thanks. I leave for Germany in two weeks." She answered.
"Oh that's exciting. Is Dimitri going with you?"
"Yes. I will be." He responded. He's usually very quiet. Very opposite of Ginny, but they balance each other out I guess. He's not a bad guy, he's pretty friendly actually. He's tall and lean with light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He seems to love Ginny very much and that's all that matters.
If he can with stand all of the Weasley's threats when they first got together, then he has my blessings.
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