Chapter 47
Draco's POV
The end of summer is finally here. The sun is bright and the sky is clear. Our troubles from this past year seems to have passed and life honestly couldn't be any better. Harry's curse is lifted, his strength returns to him more each and every day. He no longer is exhausted and afraid of life ending short.
The entire family has taken everything that had happened in and swears to live a much fuller and happier life.
Scorpius and Teddy still seemed to be affected of the past, which makes sense with all of the trauma they went through, but they're getting better. They are attached to Harry by the hip though, still fearing the thought of the curse to make a return, but things have been peaceful.
Voldemort can no longer torture Harry in death and Crabbe is now gone. The remaining death eaters were rounded up and are waiting trial.
We moved back into Harry's home a little after Crabbe died and the others soon followed, going back to their own homes.
Luna had a baby girl only a few weeks ago and she is perfectly healthy. They have decided to name their daughter after Neville's mom, Alice. A very fitting name in my opinion.
A large group of us stood beyond the nine and three quarters wall where the Hogwarts express whistled, signalling it was almost time to leave for Hogwarts.
"I'm going to miss the both of you. Be on your best behavior and remember to have fun. You'll love Hogwarts, I just know it." I told Scorpius and Teddy, hugging them goodbye.
"Bye dad. I'm gonna miss you." Scorpius said.
"We'll keep in contact. Either through dad or by owl." Teddy commented. "Dad, will you be taking the train with us?" He asked.
Harry smiled down at his son. "No, but I will be there at the feast and watch both of you get sorted. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Harry told both kids.
"I wonder what house I'll be in. Do you think I'll be in the same house as you were, dad?" Scorpius asked.
"It's possible, but really, it's all about what house you want to be in. Which house shows more of who you are. Each house is amazing in their own rights and you should be proud no matter where you are placed." I responded honestly. I don't care if my son ends up in Slytherin or not. He should be in the house that he is most happy in. That's what matters.
"Will the sorting hat really put us in the house we ask it to?" Teddy asked.
"It will take your opinion into consideration when deciding, that much I can promise." Harry responded.
The whistle on the train sounded again. It was time for the kids to leave.
"Take care boys. We'll miss you so much, but you'll be home in a flash for the holidays." Molly stepped in and hugged the boys. The others followed in pursuit and told the boys they'd have a blast.
I don't think the kids are nervous. After all, they've heard so many great things and Harry will be there with them every step of the way. I feel like they cheated in that aspect. Most people coming to Hogwarts are terrified because of the unknown and not having familiar faces in the crowd, but Scorpius and Teddy will have both of that, which makes them extremely lucky.
"Bye!" They shouted getting onto the train. We waved them off as the train disappeared and their new journey was now beginning.
After the group of us caught up a bit since the last time we saw each other, we all apparated back to our homes.
I moved in with Harry fully this time. Partly because my house was destroyed, but also because Harry and I have decided to make things more permanent.
It didn't take long before we were home and sitting in the living room right next to each other. Harry would need to leave in a few hours to prepare for the students arrival at Hogwarts. Until the, we took the time to just take in the peace and happiness that lingered in the air.
"It's gonna be weird. Knowing they'll be in my class and not here." Harry commented after a few moments of silence.
"It'll be weird not seeing them at all." I stated. "I'm not sure I can handle them being so far away from me."
Harry smiled and kissed me gently on the lips. "I'll be able to keep an eye on them. Besides, they're about to have the time of their lives."
"Yes, you're right. I'll try keeping that in mind." I replied.
"I know it's gonna be hard, especially for you, but we'll get through it together and they'll be back home in no time." He said.
"I hope so." We fell into a silence again, However, this time it was slightly uncomfortable because of me. My nerves were picking up because of something that I wanted to do, but knew it'd be better doing it more in private. "Harry, can I ask you something?" I whispered.
He looked at me concerned. "Of course. Is something wrong?"
"No, it's just. I wanted to ask you something and I didn't know when it would be appropriate, but seeing as you're about to go back to work, I figured I'd ask you now before you became too busy." I rambled.
"Alright. Well I'm all ears. You can ask me anything."
I slid off the couch and kneeled before Harry, pulling out a ring from my pocket. "Harry James Potter. I have never been so happy before in my life until you can along. Both you and Teddy joined the small family Scorpius and I had created and I would love it if we can make this a little more official. So, would you do me the honor and marrying me?" I asked, a little terrified as adrenaline pumped through my veins.
Harry smiled brightly before hugging me tightly, both of us falling to the floor. "Yes! Of course!" He cheered. "But we're using my last name." He stated and I couldn't help but laugh.
This story has finally come to a close. It has been a journey and I couldn't be more proud of myself for completing a second book.
Thank you everyone that has followed this journey until the end! I hope it met your expectations and you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Though this story is now over, I would like to make a comment on my other stories. I have one completed Drarry story and I am currently writing another Drarry called Obliviate and I have several chapters already published. I also have another story that is not Drarry related, but it is a fanfic so if you love My Hero Academia then please check it out.
And don't worry! I plan to have an entirely new Drarry story published soon, possibly even two depending how far I get, so keep an eye out for those.
By the way, none of my Drarry stories are connected so you can choose any to read from or you can read them all. It's really up to you. Anyways, thank you for all of the support and encouragement throughout this story. I have written these chapters in some of the worst moments in my life and your comments and amazing support is truly what kept me writing as much as possible.
I hope to see you in my other books! Bye Everyone!
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