Chapter 46
See? I promised a double update.
Draco's POV
Everyone stood still. Waiting to see if it had worked.
Though, there was a problem. Harry still laid on the floor writhing in pain. The potion seemed to not have taken affect. That, or it was too late and he was going to die, right here and now.
"Why isn't it working?" I asked loudly. Tears were now forming in the corners of my eyes, threatening to rush down my pale cheeks.
"No, dad!" Teddy and Scorpius, who were released by Hermione, ran to our side and collapsed beside Harry.
"I don't understand!" I screamed. "I must've d-done something wrong, with the p-potion maybe, o-or with the spell." I started panicking, clutching his hand tightly in mine while sobbing. "I'm so sorry, Harry! I don't know what went wrong!"
"It's ok-ay" He tried saying. He squeezed my hand tightly back and used his other one for Teddy to grab. "I-I'm sorry, Teddy. I-I fought. Just wasn't s-strong enough. I love all three of you. Don't ever f-forget that." His voice grew incredibly weak towards the end and he began coughing up more blood, leaning away from us slightly.
"Dad, please. You can't leave me. I-I need you. Who's gonna take me to the H-Hogwarts express for the first time and who's gonna t-tuck me in at night and r-remind me to take a shower? Who's gonna teach me s-spells and to ride a b-broomstick and t-tell me stories. I-I can't do this without you!" Teddy cried loudly.
Harry sobbed loudly at Teddy's questions of a future without him.
"You promised not to leave us. That we were gonna be a family forever." Scorpius had reminded all of us of the day we promised to always be a together.
"No. No, Harry can't go down like this. We did everything right. We must have missed something." Hermione contemplated after falling to the ground crying. Ron comforted her, but he was having a tough time keeping it together. All of us were.
"I had to speed up the potion. If I hadn't then it wouldn't of been done in time. That's what went wrong."
"No. A little speeding up wouldn't cause a potion to have zero affects. It could make it weaker or stronger, yes, but not completely canceling it out. There has to be something else." Hermione tried to reason. "We can't just sit here and let him die. It's not right! Harry deserves better than this!"
"It's okay, 'Mione. You all tried your best, thank you." Harry whispered to them.
"Harry, don't say that. You're not dead yet, we can still do something." Ron stated.
"Someone just help my father, please!" Teddy screamed.
Hermione's head shot up and she stared at me. "Draco. What did your father say about the spell again?" She asked.
I thought back on what my father had told me so long ago when I visited him in Azkaban. "He said I needed two things. The potion and the spell."
"Did he say anything else?" She questioned me.
"Only that the spell would need to be casted by the person who cares the most about Harry."
I froze. That's right. I only assumed that I cared the most about him, but what if it's someone else?
"Teddy. You need to say the spell." I told him urgently.
"What? But I don't have any magical training. I can't do that." He hesitated.
"Teddy, listen to me. All you need to do is say the spell and wish in all of your heart that you want him to get better."
"But what if it's not me? What if I'm not the person to break the spell?"
We don't have much time and Teddy's right. If we waste too much time trying to figure out who cares the most about Harry, we could already be too late, but we have to try something.
"All three of you say it. Together." Neville suggested.
"What?" I questioned.
"That's right!" Hermione gasped. "All of you care the most about Harry, but in different ways. All three of you have to do it."
"We'll give it a shot." I cut Teddy off and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We've got this."
Both boys nodded at me and we focused on Harry who was barely breathing at this point and his eyes were closed shut, probably not even realizing what's going on anymore.
I repeated the spell a couple of times for the boys to get a hang of before all three of us prepared to cast it.
Harry had stopped breathing at this point, his lungs were filled with blood, basically drowning him. "Okay, ready? Now! Mors finis: In Taberna Quando Sumus Pestilentiae interficitur, potionavit sanaret Purgo et cor dedit illis." The three of us said in sync. Harry's body quit writhing and he laid there, still.
No one made any sudden movements. No one even dared to breathe. We waited to see if it had worked, but nothing was revealing itself.
I watched, tears flooding down my cheeks. My eyes didn't leave him, hoping for some kind of miracle.
However, life didn't work that way and the longer Harry's body laid there completely still, the less hope I seemed to have.
Teddy began sobbing, the fear of his father gone was crushing him. Scorpius tried to comfort him, but he was crying just as hard.
Then, I noticed something strange.
I leaned forward quickly, taking a closer look at Harry. The others came closer, trying to figure out what I was doing.
The wounds on Harry's face were slowly disappearing, healing all on their own. Not a second later and Harry's eyes fling open and he gasps loudly for air, coughing the remaining blood out of his system.
"You're alive!" The boys screamed and crushed Harry in a hug instantly. Harry wrapped his arms tightly around the two boys.
"I'm so sorry. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." Harry told both of them.
The rest of us cheered and ran towards Harry, putting us all into one giant hug. All of us were relieved that the potion and the spell seemed to work.
Harry's curse is now lifted. Whatever restraints Voldemort had placed on Harry are finally gone and he can live his life in peace.
We all pulled away, but I stayed close to Harry and waved my wand over him, using my wand to check for any damage that still might be there.
As I checked on him, Hermione handed Harry his wand that was left behind at the Burrow.
"You'll need to rest a few days. You're still lacking a lot of strength and energy, but other than that. I think you'll be okay." I told him smiling brightly. Things were how they should be now.
"All thanks to you. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, Draco. Thank you." He placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me on the lips. Our problems seemed to have melted away in that kiss and it was just full of love and passion.
"Uh, yeah. Not to cut things short or anything." Ginny spoke up and we pulled away to look at her questioningly. "Crabbe's gone."
We looked in the direction of where Crabbe should've been binded, but all that remained were the ropes on the ground.
"How touching is this. Though, I hate to cut the party short. Poor Harry. You all tried so hard to save him from that curse, but I promise you, he's not making it out of here alive. None of you are." Crabbe grapped Scorpius and pointed his wand at his neck.
"No! Scorpius!" I yelled trying to get closer to him.
"Don't take another step or I will kill him." He threatened.
"Dad." Scorpius cried.
"It's going to be okay. We're gonna get you out of there." I tried comforting him, but staying away like Crabbe demanded.
"You're stupid if you think I'm gonna let you harm my family." Harry pointed his wand at Crabbe.
"And what are you going to do to stop me? Don't you get it. I'm invincible! I'm more powerful than you could ever hope to be!" He gloated.
"Only problem is that you get your power from a bunch of rings." Harry commented.
Crabbe smiled. "Exactly and it's how I'll have enough power to destroy you all."
"Are you sure about that?" Harry questioned. We all stared at him confused at what he meant. Crabbe has the upper hand here and yet Harry is calm.
"What are you on about?"
"I'm gonna take a guess that you didn't see this coming. Accio rings!" The two rings on Crabbe's fingers flew off and landed in Harry's hand.
"No!" Crabbe yelled, throwing Scorpius to the side and darting after the rings.
Harry threw the rings on the ground hard before stepping on them and shattering them completely.
Bursts of red and orange shot out of the rings and flew across the room at lightning speed. We all bent down for cover, not knowing what will happen next.
I saw Crabbe's face go pale as the lights zoomed passed all of us and headed straight for him. He tried to dodge it, but it seems like they were targeting him in the first place. The lights hit him on the chest and brought him a few feet up into the air before coursing through his whole body, disintegrating him until there was nothing left.
He was gone.
I rushed over to check on Scorpius. "Are you okay?" I asked, hugging him tightly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I knew you guys wouldn't let anything bad happen to me." I smiled at my son and hugged him again.
"Harry, how did you know to do that?" Blaise asked.
"I remember when you guys talked about the type of price that comes with those rings. I figured if I destroy them then Crabbe would be hit with a bad case of karma."
Ron laughed and clasped his hand on his best friends shoulder. "You always have had a habit of just breaking stuff in order to solve problems."
"Hey, it's how we got rid of Voldemort, remember?" Harry said.
"How could we ever forget?" Hermione commented and hugged Harry.
"Where's Luna?" Harry asked, changing the subject.
"She stayed back with the kids. It wouldn't be safe for her. You know, pregnant and everything." Hermione explained.
"Can we please get out of here? I'd like to forget everything that just happened." Scorpius commented.
We laughed. "Sure thing. Lets go home."
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