Chapter 45
First takes place before Draco arrives.
Harry's POV
My body was thrown against the cold hard floor of what I could only assume to be a cellar. I didn't have my wand with me since it was back at the Burrow. There wasn't much I could do with it anyways. I'm dying. This is it.
"Dad?" A voice cracked in the dimly lit room.
I slowly moved my head to see my son Teddy and Scorpius both beside me. I smiled lightly, knowing they were okay.
That smile soon vanished as I yelped in pain from what felt like my intestines turning into knots within one another.
"Dad, please. Please don't die!" Teddy yelled, pulling me into a hug.
Responding was nearly impossible, but I managed to get out a couple of words. "I won't." I promised.
"Oh Harry, haven't you learned to never keep a promise you can't keep?" Crabbe's voice sounded from the other side of the cell. "After all. None of you will be leaving this place alive." He jestered.
I growled at him. "Shut up." I yelled, hacking up blood as I did so.
He won't be getting away with this. I may be in everlasting pain, but if he thinks he can hurt my kids and get away with it, then he's got another thing coming. Obviously he doesn't know my family well enough.
Crabbe seemed to laugh. "There's nothing that you can do, Harry. You're useless. Especially when I've got these." He flashed the rings before me.
The rings.
Those are his weakness. Without them, he's powerless. I just have to get them and destroy them.
"Crabbe. Draco's received the note." A death eater entered the room and told him.
"Good. He'll be here soon then. Get into positions. We'll soon have more guests."
Crabbe left for upstairs, followed by the death eater. We were left in silence.
Well, not silence if you counted my labored breathing, groans, and constant gagging.
"Dad." Teddy cried along with Scorpius.
"Please no. Someone help him." Scorpius cried.
"Scorpius." Teddy called. The two pulled each other into a tight embrace, terrified of what might happen next.
"-Okay. Draco will f-find us." I told them. "-on't worry." I tried to comfort them, but in my current condition that seemed increasingly impossible.
I groaned in pain again and wrapped my hands around my head in hopes of getting the pain to stop.
"He's d-dying! Scorpius, what are we gonna d-do?" Teddy begged his best friend.
Scorpius whispered to Teddy that it would be okay. That the others would be here soon and we had no reason to worry.
Someone quickly came around the corner and Scorpius shouted, "Dad!" Before running to the bars of the cell.
"Shh." Draco quickly silenced him. "Are you all alright?" He asked.
"Draco. It's dad. He's not doing so well." Teddy sobbed.
"I know. I brought the potion. Let's get you guys out of here." He told us.
"No-Draco." I tried to warn him, but my words weren't coming out very clearly. "Trap." I muttered before coughing more blood up onto the floor.
He sighed. It seems he knew it would be a trap, but didn't care.
"Alohomora" He said, breaking the lock on the cell. He tried to enter the cell, but got pulled back and was slammed against the wall. "Crabbe." His voice was cold and heartless towards the man that had caused so much pain to our family.
"Thank you for joining us, Draco. It wouldn't have been the same without you." Crabbe smiled with malevolence.
"Let them go." Draco demanded while standing up.
"You see. I'm afraid I can't do that. I promised the death eaters that Harry Potter would be killed in exchange for them helping me kill you too. So, letting them go is impossible. Besides, wouldn't you be much happier dying next to the ones you love? It gives this story the perfect touch. Don't you think?"
"You vile-"
"Nuh uh. I would watch what you say near me. I just might take my anger out on the kids first." Crabbe threatened.
If he even thinks about touching the kids, I swear I will rip him apart and this time make sure nothing is left.
I gritted my teeth and grunted in pain and slowly stood up. "Stop being a coward who hides behind children and face us." I snarled, my throat not agreeing with me in the silence, but I was glad to at least get one full phrase out.
Crabbe turned to me and shrugged. "If you insist." He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and threw me against the same wall as Draco before locking the kids back up in the cell.
At least I've got his attention away from the kids, at least for now.
"Harry!" Draco helped me sit up properly before standing and pointing his wand at Crabbe. "You'll pay for all of this! Stupefy!"
"Protego." He defended. "Confringo!"
"Expelliarmus!" His wand flew out of his hand and landed only a few feet away from him.
He tried going for it, but Draco only took a step closer to him, his wand pointed. "Don't even think about it."
He laughed. "Do you honestly think you have the upper hand?" The death eaters had been lying in wait until he made a signal for them to move forward. In an instant we were surrounded with several wands in our direction.
Draco tensed up as he grasped the situation.
Crabbe grabbed his wand, knowing Draco couldn't do anything.
"Why are you so wrapped up in the past? We didn't mean to leave you there and quite honestly, if you had listened and not set that fiendfyre, then we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place." Draco tried to reason, but his skills were obviously lacking.
"You left me for dead! I always followed your lead! All through our school career I trailed behind you, admiring the kind of wizard you were. A leader, but the moment that place caught on fire you hopped on your brooms and left! Like everything we've been through with Goyle never happened!" His face burned with rage and agonizing emotions. Crabbe truly believed we left him there on purpose.
"There was nothing we could do. We tried to save you, but the fire spread so quickly and none of us knew how to stop it." Draco tried to explain, but Crabbe kept shaking his head, not really listening.
"You killed me, and now. I'm gonna kill all of you." He shifted his wand from us to the kids that were still locked away in the cell.
Scorpius and Teddy held each other, closing their eyes for impact.
"No!" Draco and I both ran forward at the same time. The pain leaving my mind for a short amount of time as adrenaline started pumping through my body. The fear of losing my kids driving me forward.
We split off. clearly having different approaches to this situation.
The words of death were hanging on Crabbe's tongue and Draco stood in front of the cell, Crabbe's wand now pointed at him, shielding the kids and his arms outstretched in opposite directions.
I did something different. While Crabbe was focused on trying to kill the kids, I pushed myself forward and shoved Crabbe to the ground. Both of us tumbling and we hit the hard stone beneath us.
My head collide with the ground, making the room spin and my glasses falling clean off my face.
"Harry!" I heard Draco cry.
"Fine! If you're so desperate to die first, then I'll grant you your wish." Crabbe stood. I could only make out the blurry vision of a large man standing beside me, wand pointed at me.
"Incarcerous!" Thick ropes laced Crabbe's body, binding him and he fell onto his side. I looked up to see several blurry figures enter the room.
Someone slipped my glasses back onto me and I saw Ron, Hermione, George, Angelina, Neville, Blaise, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Arthur, Molly, Ginny, Dimitry, Seamus, and Dean.
"Right on time." Draco told them.
"We couldn't let you have all the fun, now could we?" Ron commented.
They all looked like they had just finished battling. Probably finishing off the death eaters that lingered around the place, including the ones here in the dungeon. Hermione had a small cut on her forehead and Ron was covered in dirt. Blaise was limping slightly, but seemed to keep himself up fine. George had small cuts on his arms and face and everyone else seemed to be in similar condition.
The sight of the people I care about made the adrenaline rush out of me and the agonizing curse of pain ignited inside of me once again.
I grunted in pain and grasped my spinning head, hoping to make the room look steady. The smiling faces of reunion faded and they all stared at me.
"Harry. Harry, it's okay. I'm here." Draco tilted me so I was lying on my back and laced his hand with mine. "Can you guys get the kids out of there? Harry, I've got the potion. Just hold on."
The pain increased ten fold, racking my body with sobs of unbearable anguish. I shivered, body heat leaving me, signs of my organs shutting down and my body giving up.
A cool liquid touched my lips and I choked slightly as the disgust substance went down my throat.
"Mors finis: In Taberna Quando Sumus Pestilentiae interficitur, potionavit sanaret Purgo et cor dedit illis."
Don't worry. I promise I am not leaving you guys off on a cliff hanger this time. Later on today I will be doing a second update, so keep an eye out for that!
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