Chapter 39
Harry's POV
My first guess was that I was somehow back at the Burrow. That I somehow forgot everything that I did for that day and I am now waking up in the small bedroom I share with Draco and the kids, but I was alone. I could not feel the heat of Draco's body pressed up against mine. Nor could I hear the kids sitting on their magically transformed bunk beds, laughing quietly, trying to keep quiet. but failing. It was just silent, still. It smelt weird too, not the homey smell I am usually greeted with at the Burrow.
It wasn't until I opened my eyes and realized I was at St. Mungo's, recognizing the small bed and colorless white walls. Of course I realized that this did not bode well for me. If I'm in the hospital then something must've happened. If only I could remember. I remember not feeling well, though I don't know what the cause of it might've been. Maybe I was poisoned, or ate something bad. Though, I don't know who would've wanted to poison me, it's not like I have any enemies.
Wait. No, that's not true. There was one, but his name, I can't recall. I can see flashes of what he looked like, almost as if his image was burned into my brain.
"Harry?" A soothing voice that I've grown to love drifted into the still, quiet room.
"Draco? Why am I at St. Mungo's? What happened?" I questioned as he came to sit by me. He grabbed my hand, holding it tight.
"Do you not remember?"
"No, last thing I remember is being at school. Wait, I graduated several years ago, why would I be at Hogwarts?"
"What? Harry, please tell me you're not being serious."
"Why? What's going on? Where's Sirius? I want to talk to him."
"Do you mean your God Father?" Draco asked. I noticed his face going pale, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips set to a frown.
"Well yeah, I don't know any other Sirius."
Draco stood abruptly. "Hold on, I'll be right back, okay? Don't go anywhere."
"Alright, wasn't really planning on it." He nodded his head and left the room.
I feel so confused. Nothing is making sense to me. I can barely figure out what I've been doing so long into my life. It's almost as if someone casted an obliviate charm on me or something. My memory on things feel so fuzzy.
"Harry?" A new voice called and I looked to see Hermione, Ron, Molly, Arthur, George, and Draco coming into the room. They all surrounded me tentatively.
"Hey guys. Have you seen Sirius? I want to talk to him."
"Harry dear, Sirius passed away a long time ago." Molly told me.
"What? No-I just saw him." I sat up abruptly in the bed and gasped in pain. My muscles felt like they were on fire and my head started to spin. Everyone in the room seemed to jump to action and pushed me back to laying flat on the bed.
"Harry, what do you remember?" Draco asked me.
I thought about it for a moment, I felt as if my memories were missing pieces and I couldn't seem to recall them. "I don't know. I feel confused."
"Okay, can you tell me who Teddy is?" He asked,
"My God son. I raised him after his parents-well his parents. Who are his parents?"
Everyone looked around to each other. Concern on all of their faces. "Where do you work?" Ron asked.
"Uhm, well. I don't know."
"Who's Dumbledore?" George asked.
"Ok, this is seriously not good." Ron commented.
"Harry, what do you know about the relationship you have with Draco?" Hermione then asked. The room seemed to be on a stand still about this question. Like they feared my answer.
"He's my boyfriend. Why does that feel so strange to say? Have we not known each other long or something?"
"No. We've known each other for years. We just didn't get along the first time we met." Draco explained.
"When was that?" I asked.
"First year at Hogwarts, nearly seventeen years ago." He said.
"Well we obviously get along now seeing as we're dating. Draco, don't you have a son?"
"Yes, Scorpius. He's best friends with Teddy."
"Oh yes, I remember that."
"Harry, I'm going to cast a spell on you to check something real quick. It won't hurt, your mind might feel a little odd though, ok?" Draco said, pulling out his wand and taking a step closer to me.
"Alright." He casted the spell on me and it really did feel odd. It felt as if someone was poking at my brain, not painfully, but kinda in an irritating sort of way.
"This isn't good." Draco said as he lowered his wand.
"What is it?" Hermione asked.
"Well, I think the curse is starting to deteriorate the brain. He's losing memories at random." Draco explained.
"So in other words. He can remember dating you now in the present, but not the fact that Sirius died." Ron stated.
"Is there anything else being affected?" Molly asked.
"Well, it's possible he can start losing motor skills. Like standing up or waving his hand, but the curse hasn't spread that far yet."
"How long you think we have until that happens?" Arthur asked.
"A few days maybe. If I'm correct then it's the last thing that will take into effect before he is succumbed by the curse." Draco explained.
Ok, hold up, this is too much to understand.
"You keep saying curse. Was I cursed or something? Guys, seriously, what is going on?" I stepped in.
"Harry, you were cursed about ten years ago by Voldemort." Ron said.
"What? Who's Voldemort?"
"What? Are you actually telling me you don't remember Voldemort?" Ron shouted.
"Wait, is he the guy with no nose and a really creepy snake?"
"Yes, that would be him. You killed him ten years ago and before he died he cursed you."
Wait a damn minute. I killed someone? Why aren't I in prison or anything? I'm a horrible for killing someone, no wonder he cursed me. "What curse?" I asked, now angry at myself.
"Well, it's not a curse we're really familiar with. Voldemort had created it. After a few years you started calling it the Curse of Pain." Hermione stated.
"Why are you still friends with me? I killed someone, how could you forgive that?" My voice broke slightly.
Draco sat beside me and grabbed my hand in his once again. "Voldemort was an evil wizard bent on destroying the world, the two of you were destined to fight and you didn't have a choice. You saved the wizarding and muggle worlds."
"By killing someone?"
"Yes, it was the only way to stop him." Arthur said.
I looked down at my lap.
"Draco, what do we do next?" Molly asked.
"I need to finish the potion. It's our only chance. His memories will only disappear more. There may come a point where he doesn't even remember any of us."
"He can't stay here." Ron said.
Hermione shot him a confused look. "What? Ron-"
"Listen, the whole wizarding world has caught wind of this. It's all over the daily prophet. He's not safe here, especially not with Crabbe on the loose. Not to mention I know Harry better than anyone. I know that if it came down to it, Harry would want to be where he was comfortable, with us. His family." Ron explained.
"Ron's right. He should be at home with us. There's nothing that St. Mungo's can do for him. I'd rather him be home happy with us instead of dying here in this place alone."
"George! He's not going to die!" Molly yelled at her son.
"We can't guarrantee that, mum. He may live through this and he also may not, but either way, he should be with us. He shouldn't have to go through any of this alone. We're his family and even though it's painful to watch him go through this, we need to, for Harry." George explained.
I couldn't help but feel guilty because of what I was putting them all through, but I also know George and the rest of the Weasley family are very persistent.
"You're right. They can't do anything here. Let's take him home." Arthur turned to his wife.
"Harry dear. What do you want?"She had tears falling down her cheeks.
I thought about it for a moment, really letting the situation sink in. I don't want to trouble any of them. It's one thing I have always hated doing, but this time, when death is so sure.
"I want to go home."
"I'll get the paperwork set up. We should have him out of here in an hour."
Sorry for the late update everyone. College has been killer, but luckily I have finished all of my finals for this semester so I won't have to worry about school for awhile. I also got a puppy that has been taking up a lot of my attention so I really haven't been able write much. Hopefully I'll get better at that.
Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you all enjoyed!!
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