Chapter 34
Draco's POV
Harry and I made it down several flights of stairs after a few minutes. Harry is still rather weak and personally I wish he would've stayed in bed, but the stubborn mule wouldn't listen.
Hermione was already outside with everyone else telling them that we were coming and that we would need to keep an eye on Harry. Good thing too, he looks like he's gonna faint at any moment.
His skin is pale and there are bags under his eyes. His breathing is shallow and labored, showing the difficulty just to breathe with his condition.
When we reached in front of the Weasley home the first thing I noticed was a very long table surrounded by chairs that were probably conjured up.
The second thing I noticed was the abundant of extra people here that were not here prior.
In counting there was Molly, Arthur, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, George, Angelina, Luna, Neville, Ginny, Dimitri, Ron, Hermione, Rose, Seamus, Dean, Trevor, Scorpius, and Teddy.
"Harry!" Neville called as we approached the table. Harry was still draped over me as I helped him into a seat beside Teddy and I took a seat next to him.
The conversation seemed to stop and everyone took in Harry's condition. It has been awhile since everyone saw him last and I hate saying how much worse he looks compared to a few months ago.
He just doesn't look healthy. He literally looks like he is deteriorating and I guess in a way, he is.
"Uh guys? What are all of you doing here?" Harry asked.
"Hermione sent us a message." Seamus said. "She said you'd be needing our help."
Harry gave Hermione a pointed look.
"What? You can't honestly expect us to beat Crabbe and his goons on our own right? You and Draco almost died the last time you went up against him."
"That's only because of this damn curse. If I didn't have it then Crabbe wouldn't be standing a chance." Harry claimed.
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes well, you do have this curse and it's killing you, so for once let your friends and family help you."
Harry huffed and sat back in his seat, crossing his arms in the process.
"Alright then. Maybe we should talk about how Crabbe has been getting passed everyone's wards." Charlie proposed.
"Is everyone filled in on what's happened so far?" I asked.
Everyone nodded their heads. "Yes. Ron filled us in when Hermione went to get you." Luna said.
"Good. When Crabbe attacked us we asked him that exact question. Surprisingly his stupidity has never left him and he showed us. He's got the Carmine Ring."
"Carmine Ring? What's that?" George asked.
"He has a magic boosting ring? How did he get one of those?" Hermione asked.
"Room of Requirement, ironically enough." I said.
"Wait, so this ring gives his magic an extra boost? Meaning his magic is more powerful than normal?" Dean questioned.
"Precisely. There's very few out in the world and for the most part they are kept locked up by the ministry. Not all of them are accounted for though. It would make sense that he would be able to break through our barriers so easily, especially if he did his research before even showing his face again." Hermione ranted.
"Great, not only does he have death eaters on his side, but he also has some all powerful ring that can probably break any spell we use against him." Ron remarked.
"Yes, well. It doesn't make him invincible. He's still human." Harry commented.
"He had another ring too." I said.
Everyone turned back to me.
"What do you mean?" Arthur asked.
"He had another ring. It was silver with a golden gem in the center. I haven't seen something like it before and so I have no idea what it does, but he made it very clear that both of those rings were important."
Hermione hummed. "I don't know either. I don't have enough details in order to work it out, but I'll start doing some digging and see what I can uncover." She said.
"Is there anything else we should know about?" Bill asked.
I thought on it for a minute, trying to remember everything that had happened.
However, Harry beat me to it. "He knows when I'm about to have an episode."
Everyone placed around the table froze at this mention.
Harry had been suffering from this disease for years and it always strikes at a different time each day. Though I have noticed it's more frequent either early in the mornings or late in the evenings.
Even so, there is no way to calculate when the next one will appear. Only that it happens every day.
"How? That should be impossible. How would Crabbe know when you're about to have your episodes?" Ron questioned.
"I don't know and trust me, I wish I did, but he timed it just right to attack us. Only minutes after he attacked I dropped to the floor."
"Maybe that other ring has something to do with it." George said.
"I have never heard of a ring being able to predict the future." Hermione stated.
"Nor have I." I commented.
"So then, what do we do?" Ginny asked.
"Well, we should assume that the next time we see them it will be within minutes of Harry's next episode. I think in the meantime I need to see if there's a way for me to speed up the potion brewing process. Maybe I can get the antidote made sooner."
"I wouldn't rush it. We need to make sure this potion has a one hundred percent success." Hermione cut George off.
"Guys! What are you talking about? Did you find a cure?" George shouted, a little irritated with Hermione interrupting him.
"Right. I forgot that I hadn't told everyone yet." Hermione commented.
"We might have found a cure, Draco's in the middle of making it. Hopefully it'll work." Harry explained to the several confused faces around us.
"Wow. Thanks for leaving us in the dark for something so important." Dean remarked.
Hermione looked guilty. "Sorry. My mind has been elsewhere and I forgot." She told everyone.
"Well, let's move on from that. The important thing is that we might be able to save Harry." Molly said. "I think in the meantime Draco will continue to work on the potion. We'll have shifts of who stays home with all the kids and the plan is to be all together by the next time they attack."
"Wait a minute. Is everyone staying here at the burrow?" Harry questioned.
"Oh yes. I forgot to mention. This way everyone will be together and no one would be alone. I guess we should figure out room arrangements for everyone as well." Molly stated.
Harry sighed and rubbed his thumbs on his temples. "For merlin's sake." He mumbled. Only I was able to hear him apparently because no one commented.
"Yes, Ginny, Dimitri, Luna, and neville will be in one room, we'll conjure beds as we need them. George, Angelina, Bill, and Fleur will be in one room. Hermione, Ron, and Rose, in another. Dean, Seamus, and Trevor in another. Harry, Draco, Teddy, and Scorpius will be in another. Arthur and I will be in ours and Charlie gets the couch." She clarified to everyone. "I'm sorry there isn't more room." She looked guilty.
"It's alright Molly. The arrangements will work perfectly fine. Thank you." Harry told her and everyone seemed to agree.
It's gonna be a packed house, but we don't need anymore close friends and family dying again like last time there was a battle.
Especially when we're so close to actually losing Harry.
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