Chapter 33
Harry's POV
A sharp pain came from my head. A rather unpleasant one.
Opening my eyes, I winced from the bright blurry sunlight.
At first I didn't realize where I was or how I had gotten there. All I know is I am on a comfortable bed with what felt like several different heat sources.
My arms seemed trapped by something so I couldn't reach out and look for my glasses.
"Hello?" I called. My voice scratchy and dry.
The heat sources moved closer to me, pulling me in a bone crushing hug.
"C-Can't breathe." I called out, my lungs losing the ability to breathe.
"Boys. I told you not to overwhelm him when he woke up." I heard Draco call as a door closed shut.
I figured Draco had just entered the room.
The boys pulled away from me. My wrist was tugged slightly and my round glasses landed in my outstretched palm.
I slipped the glasses over my nose and stared at three separate figures.
Teddy and Scorpius sat on each side of me on the bed and Draco stood next to the bed. He held a glass of water and a couple different potions.
"How long have I been out?" I asked after looking around the room and realizing that I'm at the Weasley's burrow.
"Not long. It's two in the afternoon now." Draco replied.
"Oh." Is all I said as I grabbed the potions Draco handed me and started downing them one by one, a look of disgust flashing on my face. "What happened? How did we get out of there?"
Draco sighed before sitting next to me, the boys making enough room for him to do so. "Before you passed out, you hit Crabbe with a stunning spell. Few minutes later the Weasley's came through the floo to assist us and they got us back here." He explained.
My memories of what what happened seemed slightly fuzzy.
Then it hit me, like I was just punched in the gut. "Draco! You were injured! I watched Crabbe torture you!" I shouted, wrapping my hands around his wrists, pulling him closer to me to inspect him.
"I'm fine. Couple of cuts and bruises, but nothing serious. It's you I'm worried about."
My face scrunched up in confusion. "Me? Why? Did something else happen?"
Draco sat silently for a moment before replying. "No, not exactly, but Harry, you could've killed yourself using the last bit of your energy like that." He said.
"I had to. I had to protect you. I couldn't let you die!" I proclaimed.
"Always the protector, Harry, but you really need to be more focused on yourself. You're in no condition to be pulling a stunt like that. I know why you did and thank you so much for saving my life, but Harry, you've could've died! Then where would we be?"
"Draco." I called his name and laid my hands gently on his cheeks before resting my head against his. "I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm sorry I scared you, but I couldn't lose you either. I had to do something." I whispered to him.
"I know." His voice cracked slightly.
I kissed him gently on the lips and he responded by putting his hands on my waist, pulling me in closer. One of my hands slipped up to pull on Draco's neatly done hair.
"Whoa! Kids still in the room!" Scorpius shouted.
We pulled away and looked at the two boy's very disgusted faces.
"I thought you would be happy that we're together." Draco remarked, a slight smirk resting on his features.
"Oh trust me, we are, but it doesn't mean we need to see that." Teddy said sticking his tongue out in disgust.
"I'm with Teddy on this one."
I laughed lightly at the two boys.
A light knock came on the door.
"Come in." I called.
"Harry, it's good to see you up." Hermione came into the room. "How are you feeling?"
"Good. I've got a mild headache, but I'm fine nonetheless."
"That's good to hear. We were all so terribly worried for you. The both of you." She glanced at Draco as she said the last part.
"Arthur wanted me to see if you were up. He and everyone else in the house want to discuss what happened and figure out where to go from here."
"Can we join?!" Teddy asked. My gaze flashed to his, noticing him giving me puppy dog eyes. I then focused on Scorpius who was doing the same exact thing.
I sighed. "Draco?"
"We can't keep them in the dark. They might as well be apart of it if you're fine with it." He replied.
"Alright boys, fine, but this is very serious, please be on your best behavior." I said.
They nodded their heads in understanding before darting downstairs.
"Are you sure this is wise? Having them in on it?" Hermione asked.
"Those kids have been through a lot this year that they really shouldn't have been dragged into. Sadly, they're gonna continue being involved until we finally deal with it. I think them understanding what's going is going to help them in the long run." I explained.
Draco nodded his head in agreement.
"Going off experience, Harry?" Hermione remarked.
I smiled. "Perhaps. Sometimes I do wonder if things could've ended differently if everyone would've stopped hiding things from me."
"Understandable. Well, let's go. Everyone's waiting. We're all outside since there's a lot of us."
"Don't we risk being heard from out there?" I commented.
"No, we put up some charms to keep eavesdroppers out and then fortified them with alarming charms since they seem to be getting through our barriers."
"Smart." Draco commented.
"Thanks. It was my idea."
I rolled my eyes playfully at Hermione. I bet anyone could've guessed that she came up with that.
Draco stood up and I followed in pursuit, but I got dizzy and instantly sat back down.
"Harry, are you okay?" He asked me, crouching down in front of me.
I gripped my pounding head and closed my eyes before responding.
"Yeah, sorry. I don't think I've got much of energy back yet."
"Probably from all the blood loss too. You lost a lot more blood than normal." He commented.
I nodded my head in agreement as I tried standing up again.
"Whoa, Harry." Draco called, quickly draping my arm over the back of his shoulders and then him wrapping a hand around my waist to keep me steady. "Give me a warning next time. I don't want you falling and hitting your head. That's the last thing we need."
"Right, sorry."
"Are you sure you want to go down, Harry? Maybe you should continue resting." Hermione suggested.
"I agree with Hermione on this one. You're still rather pale."
"No, it's alright. I'm fine. Let's get outside." I said.
Draco gave me a hesitant look before sighing and following Hermione out all the while still helping me out.
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