Chapter 30
Draco's POV
"You want to what?"
"Move in with the Weasley's." Harry repeated himself.
"Harry, what makes you think that this is a good idea?"
"Well, the death eaters are breaking through our wards. They broke through yours and they broke through Ron and Hermione's. I just think it would be better if we all went to the Weasley's. Someone will always be home and we'll all be together in numbers in case something happens."
I sighed, sitting down on the living room couch. Harry stood more in the doorway to the kitchen and leaned against the wall, his arms crossed.
The kids were down the hall playing, doing Merlin knows what.
"All of us are somehow going to fit in the Weasley's house. I don't even see that working."
"I know, I talked to Molly and Charlie and Bill are coming home as well, they wanted to help all of us out if they can."
"So then let me get this straight. Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, George, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Rose, you, me, Scorpius, and Teddy are all going to be living in a burrow together. I'm sorry, but I seriously don't see that happening. There's no way everyone would fit!" I tried imagining the entire Weasley family, plus Ron's family, plus our family all fitting into that place and the visions I perceived were horrific.
Multiple people in one room, people eating dinner on the floor or in the living room. All of us waking up at the same time to get ready and use the same restroom.
Nope, no. I don't like that visualization at all.
"Draco, please. This is the Weasley's we're talking about. You'd be surprised how many people they've had staying at their house at once."
"I know that, but why can't we just handle things here?"
"Because Crabbe somehow is getting through other people's wards!" Harry shouted. "We can't protect the kids on our own with how things are playing out now. I'm getting weaker and Crabbe's getting bolder. No one is home for the duration of the day, we could be coming back and the place could be trashed, there could be traps set up, or hell, they could even just sit here in the living room waiting for us. I much rather be somewhere that there's a less likely chance of them getting in and hurting the kids." Harry explained thoroughly.
He came over and sat beside me, laying one hand on my shoulder and the other on my thigh. "I know it won't be the most comfortable places and I know you still feel awkward around everyone, but I think that for our safety, as well as the kids, this is the best decision we can make."
I took in Harry's words and as much as I hate to admit it. He's right. People would be home all the time and they'd be able to protect the house, we wouldn't have any surprises, not to mention there would be more eyes on the kids and even on Harry. I'm sure Hermione has informed all of them about him getting worse.
Not to mention I could spend more time at St. Mungo's working on the potion for Harry without worrying about everyone at home.
They would be safer with others around and the weight on my shoulders of staying at work late working on this potion would be lifted off of me.
Maybe I could even enlist the help of Hermione with this potion since it needs to be done soon. Harry's running out of time.
"Fine, but only until this all blows over." I told him, finally.
He smiled brightly at me and hugged me tightly. "Thank you, Draco. I really do think it would be better for all of us there. I was hesitant at first too until Hermione made sense of the situation and I got to think more on it."
"Oh so this was Hermione's idea." I commented.
"It was, but I had made the final decision to ask you about it." He explained.
"Whatever, as long as you and the kids are safe then that's all I really care about anyways."
Harry kissed me on the lips abruptly. I could feel the slight smile resting on his lips as they moved with mine.
A few moments had passed and Harry pulled away.
"We should get packing then. Ron and Hermione are already done and moved over so I think it's best we get it done by tonight."
"Alright. You start helping the kids pack and I'll pack our room."
"Ok." The two of us got up and headed down the halls, Harry turned into Scorpius' room and I turned into ours.
This may all just be a horrible idea, but it's the best one we've got, so we don't have much choice.
I find it ironic, however, Harry's prediction of them breaking in is far from being a lie.
There's no telling when they would've accomplished it, but they would have done everything they could to get in. That much I'm sure of.
I had spent the next hour on a Saturday, packing up my stuff along with Harry's. Magic made it a bit easier, but I wanted to make sure I was only packing essentials. We definitely didn't need extra stuff at the Weasley's house with how crowded it will be.
I had just finished when I heard a loud bang that shook the whole house.
I grabbed the bags immediately and went to find Harry and the kids.
They stood in the middle of Teddy's room, just finishing up with his packing, Scorpius' bags were out in the hallway.
"What was that?" I asked them.
They turned to me abruptly. "That wasn't you?" Teddy asked.
I shook my head. "No, I thought one of you made the noise."
"Draco, we didn't. We just finished packing and we were just talking." Harry explained.
Another loud bang shook the house.
Harry brought both of the kids closer to them as I ran to the window in Teddy's room that over looked the front yard.
There stood several people in black out on the streets. It looked like they were trying to get through our wards, which easily meant they weren't muggles.
I watched them cast a spell at the wards around our house that shook it once again.
"Dad! What's going on?" Scorpius screamed.
I was about to respond when I saw a face flash in my peripheral and I saw a man that was bald and his face was all burnt. He was tall and rather fat, but still had this angry aura around him.
I knew it was Crabbe. It had to be, but he looked nothing like he used to.
"Harry, we need to leave. Now."
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