Chapter 27
Harry's POV
The kids and I played a few simple wizarding games after Draco had left. They seemed to appreciate the distraction from what's been going on lately and quite frankly, it helped distract myself as well.
After the kids had gone to bed, I began to worry about Draco.
He wasn't back yet and I knew this would take awhile, but I had hoped he'd be home by now.
I actually even began to wonder if I really did need to go get Ron and send out an Auror team out to find him.
I trust him, I do, but anything can happen. He could've gotten hurt, lost his wand and can't get back. Anything.
The anxiety of him not returning had me panicking. I was pacing back and forth and the emotions I was getting through our connected bracelets was not helping.
Anger, worry, frustration, and sorrow kept pulsating through me from the bracelet for several hours now and it's really freaking me out.
My breath was losing me. My vision blurred, my body grew weak all of a sudden.
You've got to be kidding me. On top of Draco missing and me worried about him hurt somewhere, my daily episode decides to kick in.
I ran down the hallway, opened it and closed it behind me. I put silencing charms up, but didn't lock it in hopes of Draco coming home soon.
I choked, not only on my own tears, but also on my own blood. I coughed violently, my body shaking.
"Please. Draco, I need you." I whispered out in a hoarse voice, curling myself into a ball on the ground, clutching at my burning throat.
It's almost as if my prayers were answered as Draco ran into the room and pulled me into his lap.
"Hey baby, I'm here. I'm so sorry I'm late." He whispered sweetly into my ear, clutching me close.
"It's o-ok" I stuttered, trying to stop the coughs. "I-Im glad y-you're here n-now." I said only to lean over and cough up more blood on the floor.
Everything burned, I was light headed from the amount of blood I had already lost. Gashes appeared once again across my stomach, arms, and legs. My knuckles turned red and became third degree burns.
My insides felt like they were ripping apart.
This is different. The episode I was experiencing now seemed different than all the others, less tolerable, more bloody, and a whole new level of pain.
I gripped my throat and chest tightly, tears stream down my face, mixing with the fresh cut the laid across my cheek that had blood trickling down past my chin and splattering on my pants. "I can't-" I struggled to get out.
"Harry? Harry, what's going on?!" He pulled me away from him so he could look at me more clearly. His face contorted into that of shock and worry. "You're turning blue!" He shouted.
The room darkened around me as it got harder to breathe. My lungs felt like they were no longer working. Almost as if someone had ripped them out of me and I no longer have the function to breathe. My head was pounding so bad and the room felt so hot, sweat rolled down from my forehead.
"Harry!" Draco's voice seemed distant at this point, but panicked. The room only grew darker, my body burned, but I was numb to Draco's gentle touch as he tried keeping me awake, but my eyes.
They felt too heavy. A weight was put on me, one I couldn't seem to fight.
Then nothing.
No pain, or struggling to breathe. I couldn't hear anything or feel anything. It was pitch black. No light penetrating the room I am in.
My body felt like it was drifting off in an endless abyss, nothing for me to grasp on to or hold myself steady.
Even though the room was dark, I could tell I was being pulled somewhere and when I noticed red snake like eyes off in the distance, I understood where.
I could never in a million years forget those harsh and lifeless eyes. Through years of nightmares and war, those eyes have always plagued my mind. Threatening to pierce through my very soul and disintegrate me.
Funny. Seeing as that's what's becoming of me.
The eyes only flowed brighter as I got closer, but no face appeared. Just those hateful eyes could be seen in the cold and desolate abyss.
"Just a little longer, Harry." A voice surrounded me. "I'll see you in hell."
Then, I awoke.....
The light coming in from the curtains in my room was the first thing I noticed. The next was the silent whimpering and sniffling next to me.
Three figures sat on the floor next to my bed.
"Guys?" I called, but only got met with a loud cough erupting from my aching throat.
All three heads whipped up to see me.
"Dad!" Teddy yelled, throwing himself on me, wrapping his arms around my neck. I responded by wrapping my arms around him as well before feeling another pressure on me, I turned slightly to see Scorpius gripping both of us tightly at an odd angle and I released one of my arms from Teddy to pull Scorpius in further.
"Boys. What's wrong? Is everything alright?" I whispered quietly.
Teddy's shoulders were shaking as sobs escaped his lips. Scorpius too seemed to be shaking slightly as well.
I glanced up to make eye contact at Draco, who stood beside us all, rubbing comforting circles over his sons back.
He looked back at me. His face paler than usual and his eyes red and puffy.
"You passed out." Draco answered, knowing I was about to ask my question again. "You've been out for almost a day." He whispered.
I gapped at him in shock.
No, that's impossible. It felt like only a few minutes. Not hours.
"Dad! I thought you w-were g-gone! I was so s-scared!" Teddy lifted his face to look at me. He looked even worse than Draco. Tears smeared down his red face, his eyes puffy and drained. Almost like he had been crying forever.
"Please don't leave us. We all were just starting to become a real family." Scorpius spoke next. His lip trembled as he tried not to cry anymore than he already had.
"Hey, I'm ok. I'm still here. I just needed a little extra rest after that episode is all. Nothing to worry about." I tried to comfort the two boys who only tightened their grip on me.
Though in reality, I was more terrified than anything. This has never happened and I feared what it meant.
"Stop lying to us!" Teddy yelled, growing furious all of a sudden. I flinched slightly, not expecting his outburst. "We know you aren't ok! We see it every time we look at you! You're not gonna get better, are you?" His voice broke towards the end.
My face dropped at the look Teddy presented me.
"Teddy." I said gently, setting my hand on his cheek to wipe away the tears. "I'm gonna keep fighting. I'm not going to give up so easily. I promise you that. I won't abandon you. I won't abandon any of you." I looked over at the three people who meant everything to me. "You just gotta trust me. We'll figure something out."
"I think I have." Draco muttered.
"What?" I stopped my ranting and looked up at my boyfriend. The two boys also looked over, their mouths slightly opened waiting for him to speak.
He sighed as he gazed at all of us. "I was going to talk to you about this alone, Harry, but I think the boys need at least some kind of good news."
Teddy sniffled before finally sitting up and sitting beside me on the bed, Scorpius followed. They both waited patiently for him to speak.
"Now, listen. Both of you." He looked at Scorpius and Teddy, hoping they'll listen fully. "I don't make any promises and if this doesn't work I don't want you getting disappointed, but I think I found a cure."
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