Chapter 23
Draco's POV
"Draco?" Harry called.
"Yes?" I hummed.
"Are you gonna get off me? We've gotta get the kids ready for school."
My eyes opened wide. I laid on top of Harry, wrapped in my dark green sheets. "Oh sorry, I didn't realize how late it's gotten." I said, getting off of him and getting out of bed.
"It's alright. I'm gonna get ready and make breakfast, you wake up the kids?"
"Sure thing." Harry and I both got some clothes on and finished getting ready for the day. Afterwards, Harry left for the kitchen to make breakfast and I went to each of the kid's rooms.
Scorpius' room is the closest to mine and so I woke him up first. "Scorpius, time to get up. You've got school."
"Oh, five more minutes." He groaned and went back to snoring in sleep.
I sighed. "Alright. You've forced my hand." I said before falling flat on him.
"Ah! Dad!" He screamed, trying to push me off of him.
"Are you awake?"
"Yes! I'm up! Now get off me!"
"Good." I said standing up. "Harry's making breakfast. Get ready."
"Yeah, yeah."
I laughed before leaving for Teddy's room.
"Teddy! Time to get up."
"Do I have to?" He groaned.
"Yes. Now don't make me crush you like I did Scorpius."
"He's heavy! Don't let him!" Scorpius shouted from the other room.
"I'm up!" Teddy bolted out of bed.
"Hey! I'm not that heavy."
"Sure, dad. Whatever you say." Scorpius said coming into the room.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Just finish getting ready, you two. You've got school soon."
I left the room and headed downstairs in the kitchen to find Harry making waffles, eggs and cutting up fresh fruit. "It looks amazing." I said hugging him from behind.
"Well, of course. It's coming from me after all." He responded dramatically.
"Someone's certainly filling their oats this morning." I replied, kissing him on the cheek.
"It's not the same unless I say at least one remark towards you a day."
"You're right."
"Now, go sit down. Foods almost ready."
I sat at the table. Teddy and Scorpius joined me only a few minutes later as Harry set plates of food in front of us, along with my coffee, and then sat down himself.
The morning went on as usual. A nice light conversation filled the table.
Afterwards, we dropped the kids off at school. Then Harry and I parted ways going to work.
Nowadays I spend most of the time balancing between patients and experimenting and researching anything that can help with Harry's condition. I no longer take breaks or do much chit chatting with my fellow colleagues.
Time is running out and the least I can do for Harry is to find a cure, even if it pains me.
"Healer Malfoy. Someone is here to see you." Another healer came into my office.
I left my office and went to the front of St. Mungo's to find Granger standing off to the distance.
"Hermione? Is everything alright?"
She turned to me and smiled gently. "Of course. It's just. There's something I wanted to talk to you about, without Harry around."
"Aren't you supposed to be at Hogwarts?"
"I am, but this is the only time Harry's not here and I don't have a class right now."
I nodded my head in understanding before leading her back to my office. "Please, take a seat." I told her.
She sat down and I took a seat next to her.
"Draco. I wanted to ask you about your father."
I froze. "What about him?" I asked, a little wary.
"Well, Harry's just getting worse. He stumbled in the middle of class a few days ago and almost collapsed."
"What? He didn't mention any of this to me."
"Yes, well. This is Harry we are talking about." She looked away from me. "But listen, would you say your father was close to Voldemort?"
"He was living at our house, so I would assume so. My father was also beside him most of the time."
"Do you think you could ask him about the curse?"
It all hit me. My father probably knew about the spell that Voldemort cursed Harry with. If that's the case, maybe he knows of a cure or at least some sort of clue that would lead me in the right direction. "I don't know. It's possible. I've never thought about it until now. I'll see if I can arrange a meeting with him. I doubt he'll speak, but I'll give it a shot."
She smiled brightly at me. "Thank you, Draco. I can only imagine how hard it is for you."
"It's no problem, but why didn't you want to talk about this in front of Harry?"
"You know how he gets. He'll say no. Probably won't let you. After everything that's happened to you, to all of us. I don't think he wants to put anyone through more pain." She explained. "Anyways. I better be going before I miss my class. Thank you again, Draco."
"If it will save Harry, then I'll do anything."
She left and for the rest of the day I contemplated on meeting my father again, while trying to juggle the next few hours of work.
Three o'clock came around and it was time to pick up the kids from school. I said goodbye to my coworkers before apparating to their school.
Harry was already there, standing in all of his glory. As much as I wanted to scold him for not telling me about the incident that happened in class, I decided for the time being to keep it to myself until I've spoken with my father.
He smiled at me as I approached. "Hey. How was work?" He asked.
"It was good. What about yours? Are you feeling ok?"
"Work was fine and I'm doing good. I haven't had an episode yet today."
"Dad! Harry!" Scorpius called, running up to us. Teddy just beside him.
"Hey guys! How was school?" I asked.
They smiled brightly. "It was awesome! We're starting to learn cursive and it's really cool!" Teddy said.
"Yeah. We can spell our names all fancy like now." Scorpius followed.
"Sounds like you two had an adventure today." Harry commented.
The boys nodded their heads in agreement. "Can we go to our house today?" Scorpius asked. "We've got a bigger backyard and Teddy and I wanted to try more of George's shop jokes that he got us."
I laughed. "As long as you don't blow each other up."
The four of us grabbed hands and apparated to my place.
However, something seemed off.
First, it was the odd smell of burning wood and a bright light, a burning heat admitting from where my house stood. When I focused on it more clearly I realized my house was on fire.
"What the hell happened?!" I screamed before rushing forward with my wand, using it to spray water on it, in hopes of diminishing the flames.
Harry joined me. "Did you leave the stove on or something?" Harry asked.
"No, I haven't been here in a few days. This doesn't makes sense." I yelled.
"Mom's picture!" Scorpius yelled before running into the house.
"Scorpius! Scorpius! Come back!" I yelled running in after him.
I coughed as smoke filled my lungs. "Scorpius!" I called.
I started walking up the flights of stairs towards Scorpius' room. My eyes burned and my lungs hurt. I kept my arm over my mouth in hopes of breathing in less fumes.
"Scorpius!" I heard Harry call behind me.
I didn't even know he followed me into the house.
"His room!" I called as we reached it.
The door was already wide open, but the flames were already tearing at his room, turning it into nothing, but ash.
"Scorpius!" I yelled again. I found him hiding beside his bed, a burned photo frame in front of him. "Scorpius! We've got to get out of here!" I yelled grabbing onto him.
"No! I can't leave mom! I can't!" He screamed and pulled away from me. Hot tears ran down his ash covered face. He coughed and heaved from the smoke.
"This is not the time! We need to get out!" I called, trying to reach him again.
"Scorpius. Your mom's gone! She's not here anymore, her picture is replaceable, but your life is not! You're not alone anymore Scorp! You've got a family! Your dad, teddy and I. I know we're not your mom, but she wouldn't want you wasting you life like this! If we stay much longer in here then all of us will die!" Harry told him.
Scorpius sobbed before standing up and grabbing both of our hands. "Let's get you out of here."
The three of us made it for the exit and we made it down the stairs, but the ceiling began to give in. "Watch out!" I screamed shoving Harry and Scorpius out of the way from falling wood.
"Draco!" Harry called. Scorpius and Harry were now near the entrance, but I was cut off by the flames.
"Go! Get Scorpius out of here!" I yelled.
"I won't leave you!"
"My son comes first! I'll be fine! Now go!" Harry listened to me before pulling Scorpius along and dragging him out and away from the fire.
I started to try and get rid of the fire again, but I couldn't get the wood out of the way. It was just too heavy. Before I knew what was happening, another part of the ceiling collapsed and landed on my leg, pushing me to the ground.
I was stuck. I couldn't move it off of me.
"Draco!" I heard someone say. "Draco! Please!"
"I'm over here!" My voice broke the air. "Help me with this!" I called. Both of us used our wands and levitated it off me.
Harry grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me up.
"Wait!" He called.
"What? Harry we need to leave!"
"I know, but look!"
My eyes followed to where he was pointing. On the walls someone had wrote.
'Your family will burn in hell.'
My mouth flew open. Who would put this? This fire was intentional. It was a warning.
Harry and I made it out of the fire just as Ron and the other Aurors arrived.
"Harry! Draco!" Teddy yelled and ran over to us, Scorpius just behind him.
"Are you ok?!" Ron called, helping Harry to bring me away from the fire and leaned me up against the tree.
"We're all ok." Harry said, coughing.
"You better get to St. Mungo's just to be sure. We'll take care of the rest." Ron said. We nodded our heads.
We apparated to St. Mungo's. Although it probably wasn't the best choice for me, it was the only thing we could do. My head pounded and my stomach felt twisted.
Healers came rushing over to us and pulled me away as I was the most injured.
They did some scans with their wands and found no serious injuries.
"You were very lucky, healer Malfoy. That could've turned out a lot worse." He said.
"Will I have to take time off from work?" I asked.
"Maybe a day or two. You can come back after that, but I'd recommend you staying off your leg as long as possible. Maybe stick to just desk work for the time being." He explained to me.
Eventually, Harry and the kids came into the room.
"I'll leave you all to it. I've got some last minute things to fill out and then all of you should be free to go." The healer said before leaving.
"Is everyone alright?" I asked.
"Yes. We're all fine. What about you?"
"I'm good. Got some smoke in my lungs and my ankle is sprained, but nothing serious."
He sighed in relief, walking up to me and wrapping his hand around mine. Holding my hand tightly.
"I-I'm sorry!" Scorpius cried. "If I hadn't run in there then none of this would've happened!"
"Scorpius. It's ok. We're not blaming you." I said, laying my hand over his salty wet cheek.
"Your father's right. You're safe and that's all that matters." Harry smiled lightly at Scorpius.
"I-I know! B-But still! You got hurt, dad I'm so sorry!" Scorpius cried harder grasping onto his hand tighter.
"Scorpius. It's just a little sprain. It's nothing serious and I'm gonna be perfectly fine. I promise. Ok? This is not your fault. Your heart was in the right place." I said wiping away his tears.
"Ok." He said trying to take some deep calming breaths. "I'm sorry to you too, Harry. You're right, my mom's not here, I barely even know her, only the things dad has told me, but you're all my family and I forgot that."
Harry smiled brightly before bending down and pulling Scorpius into a tight hug.
"I love you, Harry. You're just like another father to me."
A smiled grazed my lips at the vulnerability my son was showing towards someone I too love. Just, you know, in a different kind of way.
"I love you too Scorpius. Just like my own son."
The same healer came in and Harry and Scorpius pulled away from each other. The healer said we were all free to go and that we should rest for a few days and drink lots of water. They also said to ice my leg regularly and only limited walking for the next week.
The four of us left St. Mungo's and made it to Harry's house.
"Go clean up you two. We'll have a talk afterwards." Harry told the kids. They nodded their heads and left.
Harry led me to the couch and set me down, putting my leg up.
I stared into nothing. The horrible events flashing through my mind.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"I don't know. My whole house just burned down and I almost lost my son. We did everything we could to shield them from the death eaters and still it wasn't enough." My voice broke as tears ran down my cheeks.
Harry sat beside me and wiped the tears away.
"It's gonna be ok. Scorpius is safe. You're safe. No one got hurt. We just gotta up our protection a little more. Maybe talk to the kids about what's going on."
"My homes gone." I whispered, looking at nothing.
"Draco Malfoy. Look at me." I stared up into his beautiful emerald green eyes. "Your physical home may be gone, but we're not. We are your home, Scorp, Ted, and I. We're your home and we love you and you already know that you both are staying here with me. Ok?"
I wrapped my hands around Harry's neck. Tears soaking his shirt. He wrapped his hands around me, holding me as tightly as I am to him. "Thank you." I whispered.
Hey everyone! So I made this chapter longer than usual because I don't know if I'll be able to update next week.
As long as everything goes ok on Tuesday, then I will be having surgery on Thursday, but I'll be in the hospital for a few days. I don't know when I'll be back or how I'll be feeling once I'm out. It's a pretty risky surgery and there's a lot of precautions that I have to take.
Anyways, I just wanted to give you that update in case I don't update and everything. I hoped you enjoyed this long chapter and thank you so much and I'll talk to you all later!
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