Chapter 2
Harry's POV
An hour later, the pain stops except for lingering soreness from the cuts, bruises, and burns.
I sit up slowly before grabbing ahold of my wand and casting healing charms over myself.
I'm not great at healing spells, I never have. So afterwards, I still have a lot of places that I have to bandage because I can't heal them fully.
Not to mention these hour long episodes take it out of me so much that casting any difficult spells is nearly impossible for me.
Hermione sends me regular doses of blood replenishment potions and other such potions to help ease the pain afterwards.
My body is a permanent tomb for wounds that will never disappear for as long as I am cursed. I drink my potions and I feel energy slowly come back to my body.
Once I was stable, I made my way to a cabinet that held bandages and other ointments.
I spread them on the parts I couldn't heal and looked up at the time.
Damnit! Teddy's gonna be waiting on me. His school is gonna be out in less than five minutes!
The second I was finished, I flooed to my house, knowing full well that classes are now over and then apparating in front of the school like I do five days a week.
When Teddy saw me, his hair turned to my raven colored hair and he ran up to me and gave me a hug. I flinched as he touched one of the cuts on my stomach.
Teddy pulled back and looked at me. "It already happened for today?" He asked.
Teddy knows what happens to me, but not once have I ever let him be near me when it happens. When it does, I either send him to Hermione or I tell him to go play in his room before locking and silencing my own up.
"Yes, but I'm alright." I tell him, giving him a great big smile.
He smiled back at me. "I know you are. You're my dad so your strong." My smile just grew and I knelt down and hugged him tighter.
I still get a warm feeling in my stomach when he calls me dad.
When we pulled away Teddy's hair turned pink, which meant he wanted to ask me something, but was nervous.
"Can my friend Scorpius come over and play?" He asked.
I laughed lightly. "Of course. As long as it's ok with his parents."
Teddy's eyes lit up and his hair flashed his typical bright blue. "He's waiting for his dad over there. You can come meet him in the mean time!" Teddy said joyously and grabbed my hand, tugging me in the direction of his friend.
Sure enough, a boy about the same height as Teddy wearing a wizards robe stood not too far from where I was originally at. He looked to be about Teddy's age with dirty blond hair and piercing blue/grey eyes.
He looked extremely familiar to someone I know, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Dad, this is Scorpius. Scorpius this is Harry. My dad." He said introducing us.
"Hello Scorpius, it's nice to meet you." I greeted with a soft smile.
"It's nice to meet you too sir." He had a smile across his face. "Uhm, sir? By any chance, are you Harry Potter?" He asked nervously.
"Why, yes I am. You can call me Harry."
The boys eyes lit up with excitement. "Thank you! I've heard so much about you from my dad. He said he went to Hogwarts with you. Ted, I didn't know your dad was the Harry Potter!" He looked at his friend accusingly.
"Sorry, I guess of forgot." Teddy chuckled.
"Alright, well do you know when you're father will be here? I'd like to meet him and get his approval before you come over."
"He'll be here shortly. He gets off work a little after I've gotten out of school, so it takes him a minute to get here." He said.
I nodded my head in understanding.
The two boys started to converse as we waited for Scorpius' father. The feeling of familiarity still lingering in the back of my mind, but I was still having trouble connecting the dots to a blurry picture of someone I once knew.
Just like Scorpius had said, his father appeared about five minutes later.
The first thing I noticed was the bright blonde hair, enough to blind someone in the sunlight and the piercing grey eyes that I once hated so long ago.
I then noticed the white robes he had on with some intricate designs on them. I recognized the uniform as the healers wear at St. Mungo's
"Draco Malfoy?" I called to the father who was looking around for his son.
When I saw him, I knew. This is why Scorpius looks so familiar to me, it's because he's almost the spitting image of his father, my childhood rival and enemy.
"Potter?" He turned, instantly recognizing my voice, he noticed his son standing beside me, talking to a blue haired, bubbly boy.
"Hi dad!" Scorpius said, now realizing his father had arrived.
"Scorpius." He said, his gaze still on me. "Uh, how was school?"
"It was good, boring, but Teddy came up with a really cool game earlier and we played it all through class when the teacher wasn't watching." He told his dad.
I turned to my son and quirked my eyebrow at him. He met my gaze and shrugged, a smile on his face.
I rolled my eyes.
This boy is so going to get in trouble later if I find out he's slacking in class.
"That's great." Malfoy responded.
I honestly don't think he was listening a whole ton to what his son was saying, he was still too stunned.
"Yeah, it was. Anyways, can I go to Teddy's house for a bit?" His son asked.
"Hmm?" He said, now looking at his son. He looked beside him, noticing Teddy, the friend he wanted to hang out with. "Oh uh, wait, I'm sorry, Teddy, is that Potter's son?"
Scorpius rolled his eyes at his father's antics. "Yes. Can I go."
Malfoy looked back at me, looking a little nervous. "Yeah, sure, that's fine. As long as it's okay with Potter.
"It's alright with me." I responded.
It was a little weird to see Malfoy so nervous, especially around me, but I guess that's what happens after the crap we've been through.
He probably thinks I still blame him. I don't, I understand now that he didn't have a choice and I am not going to hold that against him.
I guess I am just at that age now where I have realized that life is too short to constantly be fighting.
"Alright." He said, a little unsure. "I will come pick you up later."
"Okay! See you later! Love you!" Scorpius said and the three of us prepared to apparate back to my place.
Before fully apparating, I took a glance back at Malfoy, still seeing him standing there stunned and unable to move. Perhaps not fully realizing what just happened and honestly, I can't blame him.
Within seconds we stood in front of our home, the wards letting us through.
I guess you could say I am still a little on edge since the war, but better safe than sorry.
It's a decent sized home that was beige color and some rose bushes that I keep fresh with a spell during the harsh winter's.
It's only one story, seeing as it's just me and Teddy, with a huge backyard.
"We're gonna go out back!" Teddy called grabbing onto Scorpius' wrist and running to the back of the house.
"Alright stay out of trouble!" I called back.
"No promises!" Both boys shouted.
I laughed. I should have known he was going to be as much of a trouble maker as Teddy is.
I made my way into the house and went to the kitchen. It's probably the best time to start making dinner.
Though. I have no idea what Scorpius likes.
I'll just keep it simple with some chicken roast, French bread, and mashed potatoes.
That's seems like a good idea. I got started on the cooking.
The kitchen was a decent size. Everything was white and black, it had wizarding appliances along with muggle ones, since I was raised to use the muggle one more than the wizarding ones.
I also like cooking by hand, it relaxes me for some odd reason. I guess it's because I've spent my entire life cooking in the kitchen for the Dursley's.
An hour and a half later dinner was done and I called for the two boys who were messing around with some of George's shops items.
The three of us sat at the dinner table and dug into our food making small talk.
"So, how did the two of you meet?" I asked.
The boys looked at me before giggling.
"Well. It was recess and I was playing tag with some of the other kids when I noticed Scorpius in a tree. I went over and asked him what he was doing, he got startled, jumped up and hit his head on a branch." Teddy told me.
"Yeah, then I tumbled down and crashed onto Ted. At first we were mad at each other, but then just burst out laughing. We became close after that." Scorpius continued.
I laughed lightly to myself. "Why am I not surprised?" I asked Teddy.
He shrugged his shoulders at me.
When we all finished eating, the boys helped carry dishes to the kitchen.
"Can we go up to my room?" Ted asked once the mess was clean.
"Sure. Go have fun." I replied putting a pot of tea on the stove.
He shot me a smile back before running down the hallway which only had three doors. One being my room, the other being Teddy's, and the last being a spare.
When my tea was done, I poured it into a mug and sat down in our living room before pulling out some essays to grade.
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