Chapter 14
Hermione's POV
I shut the door and put up all the silencing and locking charms.
When I finished I turned towards my husband, a worried expression across his face. I sat down in the chair beside him. Rose sat on Ron's lap and played with the fingers of his non broken arm.
Awhile passed and we sat in silence. We never could talk to one another when this would happen.
He always insisted on being alone during this time. It frustrates me to all of hell. I mean, what if something worse were to occur this time and we would have no idea?
I get it, he doesn't want to worry anyone or freak anyone out. I've only seen the full hour of it a couple times in the last ten years. He's gotten so used to it that he's become a genius to know when it's about to happen and pushes everyone out.
It pains me to see him like this. His life has been full of nothing but pain and I just wish for once he could live his life and be happy. I know he says he's happy and in some aspects he is, but he won't let himself fall in love because he doesn't want to hurt them like he had Ginny. Though none of it is his fault, he still blames himself.
"Alright, the tests ca- where's Harry?" Draco walked into the room and stopped when he noticed the lack of a presence.
He hasn't told him. I knew he wouldn't. Harry's stubborn like that. It took us forever to convince him to tell the others.
When we didn't answer, Draco's face went grim.
"Where is he?" He asked again.
"I can't tell you." I replied, not making eye contact with him.
"Why? What if he's hurt? Teddy's told me enough to know he's not alright."
I looked up surprised. "Teddy? What do you know?"
"Not much. Just that Harry's ill."
I sighed. "I guess you could say that. Draco. The thing with Harry is that he hates getting others involved. Not to mention if people found out, then he'd have a bigger target on his back."
"Target? What do you mean? What is it that he's keeping from me? I thought I've proven myself for him to know that I'm not going to betray him."
"It's not like that." Ron spoke. "Hermione and I only know because we were there when it first happened. If it wasn't for that then he probably wouldn't even tell us. He hates worrying people. It took us forever just to convince him to tell the rest of our friend group and our family. Plus there's still a lot of death eaters at large that would jump at the opportunity."
Draco looked taken aback by Ron's words.
"Is it that serious?" He voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes and no. He won't talk to us about it and when he does he keeps it pretty vague." I replied.
"What's happening to him?" He seemed hesitant to ask, too afraid of what it could be.
"We can't tell you. It's Harry's secret, but I will tell you this. He cares about you. I didn't know how much until today. He's been through enough in his life. He deserves someone that will make him happy. Please. Don't hurt him. He's suffered long enough." I replied honestly.
He nodded his head. "Never again. I promise." I smiled at him.
A second later the door to the bathroom opened and a limping Harry walked out.
I stood up to help him, but got beat to it. Draco helped him to the chair and began inspecting several burns on his hands, and several cuts on his cheeks and arms.
His magic is too weak after one of the episodes and so his magical healing is nearly impossible for him to do. Which is why I make those potions for him so that he at least has one way to recover even if it isn't much.
Draco pulled out his wand and casted it in front of a pale Harry.
My heart breaks every time I see him like this. The world is so cruel. Why can't they let him live in peace?
He muttered some spells over him and slowly the cuts and burns faded. "How's that?" He asked.
Harry smiled slightly at him, clearly exhausted. "Good. Thank you." He whispered back.
Draco nodded then sighed. "Uhm." He turned to face Ron and I. "Your results all came back positive so after we just change your bandages and get meds sorted out you're free to go. Though we do want to keep an eye on you for the remainder of the day so it won't be until about six o'clock that you're released." He said.
I sighed a breath of relief. "Wonderful." I said. It's good to know that nothing else is wrong and he is stable and he is coming home tonight, that's just amazing.
"Yes, well I've got a couple others I need to check on. I'll be back later. If you need anything there should be someone at the desk right outside." Draco left the room.
"When are you going to tell him Harry?" I asked. He looked at me and sighed.
"I don't want to, but I'm starting to realize I'm gonna have no choice. That's the second time he's caught me like that." He said looking down at his hands.
I sighed. "I'm amazed he didn't question you about it. He really is worried, Harry. All of us are. He seems to respect your wishes not to talk about it, but still. I don't think you can keep him in the dark much longer, at least not with how much time you've spent together." I told.
Harry looked guilty at his hands. He knew he couldn't keep it up, nor does he really want to. I sighed again. "Well it's a good thing he's good at healing magic, it makes me feel better knowing your wounds are getting healed more instead of just being out in the open." I told him.
"Is it wise to tell him? I mean, do you really trust him that much, Harry?" Ron asked.
"Ronald! After everything he's done you're still questioning him!"
"I don't mean it like that 'Mione. I'm just asking Harry if he trusts him with his biggest secret, that's all."
"I do trust him I-"
"Then tell him!"
"Hermione it's more difficult than that. I finally met someone I like and I don't want to freak him out or hurt him because of this damn curse!" He burst out. His eyes widened at what he said.
"You like him? As in more than a friend?" Ron asked.
"I-" he looked down at his hands again. He was quiet for awhile. Ron and I didn't say anything until he finally looked up at us. "Yeah. I think I do."
Ron's eyes bulged out of his head. "Malfoy? Of all the people, Harry."
"Ronald, knock it off!" I shouted. Seriously, I wonder why I put up with him sometimes. "He's changed, he's not like he used to be. He's really trying with all of us and he and Harry seem to get on swimmingly."
"Ok. Ok. If he makes you happy Harry, I'll support you. I'm still keeping an eye on him though." I glared at him.
"Thanks Ron. That's all the approval I need." Harry said. I smiled over at him.
"I'm happy for you Harry. Now tell him."
He groaned. "Anyways. What happened Ron?"
Ron's face grew grim at Harry's question. To be honest. I would like to know what happened too.
"Death eaters recently have been at large again. Not like before. You know, after the fall most went into hiding, but recently they've been growing in numbers. I think their planning something." He explained. "We went investigating in muggle London when we stumbled across their hide out. Only problem was that they were expecting us. We were ambushed."
"You think they want revenge after everything?" Harry asked.
"I wouldn't be surprised. Be careful, Harry. Whatever it is they're planning, isn't good and based on some maps and other stuff I found, it has to do with you and Draco."
"Draco?" He asked completely confused.
Ron shrugged. "Yeah. I don't know what it's about. All I know is that the two biggest players in the war is you and Draco. You're the hero and he's the traitor. It only makes sense to go after him."
"Not entirely." I interjected. "Yeah, he betrayed them, but they never knew that he purposely saved Harry's life. I think this runs more personal than that. Maybe someone the two of you know?"
Someone we know, but is a death eater. "Greyback?" Harry asked.
"Dead. And so is Bellatrix, and other known death eaters. That or they're in Azkaban."
Who would be after the both of them though?
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