Chapter 11
Draco's POV
The night had been long and excruciating. Every part of me hurt when I was finally allowed to leave.
The hospital sat quietly now, which I found off after today's events. I checked up on Ron a few times throughout the night after Harry left with all the kids.
I could tell he wanted to do nothing but stay here, close to his best friend. It was nice of him to not only look after Rose, but Scorpius as well.
I apparated right in front of Harry's house. It was past midnight at this point.
Only one light was on in the house, which was in the living room.
I knocked on the door. A few moments later, a disheveled Harry opened the door. His clothes from earlier were still on and completely wrinkled. His face pale and his eyes were red.
He gave me a small smile before opening the door more and allowing me to enter.
"Scorpius and Teddy passed out in Ted's room. Rose is out in the spare." He told me as we sat on the couch in the living room.
"I figured. It's rather late." I looked at the coffee table that had a piece of parchment, a quill, and some ink sitting on it. "What's this for?"
"Oh, I just finished writing a letter to Minerva about what has happened. She's given Hermione and I tomorrow off, but we'll have to be back Friday for finals." He told me. He slumped against the couch, his head dangling back slightly.
"I see. Thank you again for watching Scorpius for me."
"It was no problem. The boys caused no trouble at all and even helped me put Rose down." Harry's eyes began to shut.
"That's good. I'll let you get some rest." I went to stand when Harry grabbed my wrist.
"Stay the night. It's late and the kids are already asleep." He said through droopy eyes. "My rooms the last one on the left." He said.
"I'll take the couch. Go rest in your bed." I told Harry gently, but the boy had not listened as he finally fell asleep.
I sighed. Of course he would fall asleep on me. The git.
Well I'm most certainly not hogging his bed. He needs rest more than anyone.
I picked the sleeping Harry up bridal style and carried him to his room.
His room was not how I imagined it. It was a mixture of gold and green with a queen sized bed in one corner, a black desk across, a dresser and two doors. One I assumed to be a closet and the other a bathroom. He also had a TV stand with a DVD player hooked up to it and a cable box.
Yes. I know what a TV is. I immersed myself in muggle technology after the war.
I laid Harry down on the gold and green bedsheets before tucking him in. I was about to turn and leave when I remembered his glasses were still on his face. I took them off and set them on the nightstand next to him.
Before I left the room, I grabbed a blanket from the end of his bed and made my way to the couch in the living room.
For awhile, I just laid there thinking, processing today's events.
I don't think I've ever seen Harry cry. I had left the scene at Hogwarts the moment Voldemort fell and so if he had cried then, I didn't see. Though I would imagine he did.
It's pains me to know that even after his downfall, Harry is still struggling through life. Between that illness he has that Teddy told me about and his best friend ending up in the hospital. It's rough. Life sure has dealt him a heavy hand.
But what is this illness that Harry has? How is it possible to get scars and bruises from an illness? Nothing in my logical brain made sense of it.
Could it kill him? Will it get worse? Well, I mean, if I were to guess the answer to both of those questions, it would probably be yes.
I need to find out more. I'm a healer after all! You would think I knew what was happening to him, but I don't. I've never seen someone walk out of a bedroom with fresh bloodied scars, bruises and blistered burns. Never in the years of being a healer had I seen such a site and all I want to do is help him, but he's so distant about the situation.
I can't blame him. I'm not the most trust worthy person, at least based off of past experiences. I've changed though, I hope I can get Harry to see that. I'm definitely not the same person I used to be.
However, neither is Harry, but he's different in a negative way. He's sick, pale, exhausted. He has no energy sometimes. He pretends like he does, but I can see the exhaustion in his eyes. He looks worse than he did in fifth year.
There was a shout.
What the?
I got up from the couch and went to Harry's bedroom. He was tossing around in his bed, mumbling under his breath.
"Harry?" I called gently, getting closer.
He did not wake up. "Harry!" I shook him lightly and his eyes fluttered open.
"Damn it." He muttered before sitting up.
"Are you ok?"
He looked over at me. He looks so exhausted.
"Yeah. Sorry. I haven't had one of those in awhile."
"You get them frequently?" I asked sitting on the edge of his bed.
"I used to. Now I just get them when I'm overly stressed."
I nodded my head in recognition. "Well, you definitely have a reason to be stressed."
He sighed. "Yeah." He looked around himself before throwing me a questioning look. "How did I get in my bed?"
"I carried you." I said it so simply.
"Oh Merlin. I'm sorry." His face heated up slightly and he tried to hide it, but I saw it as bright as day.
I waved my hand. "Don't be. You're exhausted."
He gave me a small smile. "Thank you. For everything."
"You already thanked me, Harry. No need to do it again."
"I know, I just really do appreciate everything you've done and not just for me. For Ron and Hermione, even Teddy."
I stared at him for a moment. "Teddy?" I questioned. I don't recall that I did much for him.
"You gave him another person to look up to, a person to give advice to and ask questions even when they may have been awkward for you. Not to mention you easily could have taken Scorpius away and never let Teddy see him again. Those two are as close as I am with Ron and Hermione. So thank you."
I was shocked by his words. "I don't deserve your kind words. Not after everything I've done." I looked down at my hands.
Harry scooted closer to me and put his hands over mine. "What happened is in the past and you've more than made up for it. You saved my life, that day in the manor. We've all done things we regret, Dray, but I've forgiven you. It's time to forgive yourself. You learned from your mistakes and you prove that every day with Scorpius, so please. Forgive yourself." He said gently.
I looked up at him. Green clashing with grey. Just by looking at him I could tell that his words were sincere. That he meant all of it. "Thank you." I whispered.
He smiled. "Any time." I smiled back. "Though, I think we should go to bed. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow."
I nodded my head in agreement before standing up and walking towards the door. "Draco."
I turned back to him. "If you want. You can stay in here. There's more than enough room and it's gotta be more comfortable than that couch."
My face heated up.
Did he just ask me to share the same bed as him?
"I mean." Harry stuttered. "I don't mean anything weird by it. I just figured. Nevermind it was a du-"
"Sure." I cut him off. He glanced at me before sliding over and lifting the comforter for me to slide in.
I did so without hesitation and the two of us lulled off to sleep instantly.
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