When Eileen had told Wendy she had completed her training, she was quick to run to Anna to ask if one of her spirits would be willing to regrow her hair. She knew that the Celestial Zodiac spirit, Cancer, loved to play with hair. She had been given permission and she asked to have her hair as long as he was willing to make it for her. The seven year old was so happy to have her long hair back, but she wanted her hair in twin tails, which Cancer granted and gave her a red pair of cat ear hair clips. As a birthday gift, which confused her since her birthday passed less than five months ago but she shrugged it off and gave a bright smile.
Happy to have her hair as she wished, she gave the spirit a tight hug before going around the Forrest area to show off her long hair again. She almost didn't care that no one seemed to really care, well the adults did it was the other kids and her sister who didn't really care. Boys were boys, so she shrugged off their indifference as that, her fifteen year old sister was trying to enter Dragon Force again as she squinted her eyes.
Wendy wanted to help, but her sister didn't like Wendy helping her saying that she was the big sister and it was supposed to be the other way around. With frustrated tears in her brown eyes, Wendy blew a raspberry at the older bluenette before stalking off to find Eileen. She never found the Dragon Queen, but she wasn't upset about it since she was a busy being and had a lot of duties to do as a Queen.
As it was now beginning to grow dark, Wendy decided to go to bed with a wide yawn. She trudged herself over to lay beside Wednesday and cuddled into her side. It wasn't long before she was out and in a deep sleep.
Some time later the adults were about open the Eclipse Gate, but there was a sudden magical storm. The Magic in the air became more dense, it made any mage that was magically weaker collapse, as there seemed to be a white portal forming, it seemed to confuse the humans in the area, but the dragons knew what was happening and tried to quicken the pace of the humans. They allowed their spirits to enter their students, Igneel was quick to tell the humans to hurry before something horrible happened. The other dragons, there was close to forty other dragons surrounding the dragons who had taken on a human student.
Wendy was separated from the other slayers', as her own dragon was already inside of her, as they were a practice and test for the others. It took a lot of magic power from the dragons casting the merging spell so it was also why they chose to get as many other dragons around to perform the spell. The children were all asleep, unaware of what was going on. It wasn't long before Igneel, Grandeeney, Metalicana, Weisslogia, and Skiadrum to have been merged with their respective Slayer.
"Remember," Anna Heartfillia called to the other dragons, "it is much easier to do this on your own. Although, if a dragons soul is as damaged as theirs were they may need help which is why we had you all here to learn and witness this spell."
Pushing all the young dragon slayers through the Eclipse Gate before Anna, Wendy was held in her arms as she tried to stay calm with the strengthening mana around them. She didn't get very far with the last child.
Wendy woke with a start as thunder rolled over them, she quickly jolted out of the arms of Anna, and was quick to use her Dragon Slaying magic to fly herself over to the white portal, drawn to it like a moth to a flame. She ignored every call aimed at her, so if something happens to her she has no one but herself to blame.
She barely touched it when a zap had her pulling her hand back, stunned, It wasn't long before she was slowly turning transparent. Looking down at her hand she wondered what had just happened.
Fear and excitement flooded her as she watched as she floated in the air, her long hair flowing rapidly in the air. Closing her eyes Wendy took a deep breath and allowed the magic to come over her. She knew that if she fought against it she would be seriously hurt. With a slow breath the magic around her calmed as her own settled within her. She only wish that whatever happened to her wouldn't be in vain, she knew what she was doing could save many lives and she hopes she could save many more afterwards.
When she opened her eyes again she felt she had too much energy to have. Looking down, Wendy saw blue lightning sparkling over her fair skin. She was so amazed with the blue lightning that she didn't realize that she was floating just before the Eclispe Gate. Though she did when she felt something push her inside of the door that she squeaked in terror.
She felt weightless and out of control, she was falling and she had no idea how to stop herself. Reacting on instinct, she called upon her magic, noticing the blue bits of lightning in the air she pulled to her she directed herself to the huge building with a red flag. Her landing wasn't at all graceful, she did what she could, but she fell through the roof and landed on the hard floor.
Before she fell unconcious, Wendy saw a tiny old man in her vision before everything went black.
-Time Skip-
Wendy had been in a coma for a month, inside of a guild called Fairy Tail. She learned the year was 777 and that Natsu had joined the guild a week after she had arrived. She had been a member for close to a year now, but she had been learning all she could about this new time and trying to find Wednesday and the other slayers. Though, it wasn't a month after that she woke from her coma that Natsu was found and became an official member of Fairy Tail.
Wendy kept her distance just to be sure that it was Natsu. Magic had become much more powerful and diverse than it was X377. She had to be sure. It sounded like Natsu, smelt like him too, but she had to watch how he acted. It wasn't until he mentioned Igneel that she knew that it was her Natsu. Since then she relaxed immensely, she still looked for the other slayers though she came up empty handed.
Deciding she shouldn't waste her training and magic abilities by not training Wendy went outside to started with what she could remember doing before coming to Fairy Tail. Though, she didn't realize that the blue lightning would come every time she activated her magic.
"Whoa, Wen," Natsu blurted out when she tried to use her magic without the lightning to walk in the air making her lose focus, "since when did you have blue lightning?"
Wendy sighed and allowed her magic to flow under her feet as she flew around the training ground. "It's fairly recent. I got it during a magical storm, although my memory is a bit fuzzy, but I remember feeling safe and accepted by the storm. When I opened my eyes I saw the lightning."
Not to mention chaotic and playful, Wendy added in her mind.
She knew Natsu was only excited about her extra power, so she didn't explain too deeply so he wouldn't lose the interest he had in their conversation. Wendy didn't explain that it felt as if she had connected with the lightning in a way she never had thought possible before, especially since her element was air. The blue lightning felt, if there was a single word to describe it, safe. Protective even.
It felt odd to Wendy, as if she was using someone else's magic connected to her own. Maybe she had connected in someway with someone when she touched that magical storm? Wendy wondered, but she never stayed on the topic for long before she would get called to heal someone. Being one of the younger people around the guild meant that they didn't want Wendy to strain herself trying to use her magic, but they would ask her to heal wounds that a healer wouldn't be able to. She exhausted a lot of her magic just to heal someone on deaths door, but she did it with a smile on her face.
"Oh, yeah," Natsu said slowly, bringing her attention back on him. "Didn't you say you wanted to use your magic in a spar soon? Why not spar me?"
Wendy gave an excited grin, but she paused at the sound of someone calling Natsu. Soon, a voice called out to Natsu and a small white haired girl jumped onto Natsu with a wide grin. "Let's play!"
"But I was about to fight with Wendy, Lisanna," Natsu whined.
"You could do it later!"
Sighing, Wendy went back to trying to walk on air again. Sure, Wendy was young, but she was stronger than most of the adults in the guild. She was on par with the other kids in the guild.
"You know, Wen, you should see if you could harden the density of the air," another voice called. A boy with dark hair and no clothes on walked onto the training field. Gray. A good friend of Wendy's since she joined the guild.
"I have tried that in the past, but it never worked."
"How so?"
"I tried to have the air be hard around my magic."
Gray looked thoughtful, "maybe you shouldn't make the air harder. Rather make the mana denser. Like this," he held a hand that was lightly misting in cold air, but it slowly became similar to a smoke screen in the training field.
Nodding her head, the idea sounded like a good idea so she would give it a shot. Wendy closed her eyes as she allowed her mana to flow around her feet, it was an easy thing to do. Since her element was air, she didn't have to focus her magic to make anything that wasn't there already. A small tornado began to form around each of her feet as she allowed her mana to change the density around her, but that didn't feel right. Removing the tornado to just focus on the mana around her instead of her own, she was surprised with how much harder it was to control mana that didn't come from her first.
Growing slightly confident, Wendy began to steady the mana to allow for an even terrain in the air. As she took a step without her magic swirling around her feet, she was able to stand fully on open air. When she opened her eyes, she saw no lightning to indicate her use of magic. She also noticed that she was standing on flat air. Or what would look like flat air, she could feel the firmness of the mana beneath her feet.
"I did it! Thank you so much Gray-san," Wendy cheered as she ran around.
"No big! You look cool up there," Gray said with a smirk.
A blinding smile was sent his way as she began to do flips and tricks in the air. She was so excited about this! It barely even took any magic at all to do this either, so she felt she should use this in practice when she would train or spar. She will take her first job in a year. Though, she was getting a bit tired from trying so many times before that she allowed herself to rest for a while before trying it again.
Wendy wanted to make this trick to be as effortless as breathing. Second nature.
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