father!Sherlock x Reader x boyfriend!Stiles
Sherlock likes Readers new boyfriend Stiles more than her previous lovers and makes it known.
Dad a I were having a silent Monday, and by we, I mean he hasn't talked for 3 hours straight with me sitting staring at him silently. I had been thinking about calling my boyfriend Stiles but I assumed if I did he would pull my dad from his mind palace undoubtedly annoying him...or so I assumed
"Oh, for god sake reader" Dad groaned as he threw his head back "will you please call Stiles now?"
My eyes grew wide as I processed what he had said"My boyfriend?" my curiosity peaked when Dads smile grew at the reminder
"Yes, the charming, smart, interesting one."My dad said dreamily "He's a lot better than Tonio. I'll tell you that much"
I quirked an eyebrow at him "I thought dads never liked their daughters boyfriends?" I silently chuckled at his odd ways
"That was before your boyfriend had a werewolf best friend and could keep a slightly more intellectual conversation than most people" By now dad had walked to the other side of the flat and gotten a hold of the phone "Just forget it, i'll call him myself"
I stared wide eyed at my dad(who was usually not one for sentiment) go gaga over my boyfriend, who admittedly would probably go gaga for him as well, the phone rang not once before being answered by a very hyper sounding Stiles
"Reader?" I could hear the smile in his voice prompting one of my own
"No, Its Sherlock" on the other side of the phone their was a crash and some shuffling before Stiles cleared his voice "No need to be intimidated Stiles, we all know I adore you more than my own blood " I glared at dad heatedly be fore breaking into small smile at least he likes him "Reader wants to know if you can come over" I open my mouth to speak but before I know it dads hand is over my mouth He's been doing more experiments I see. He smells like dead bodies I silently gag before beginning to fight dad for the phone
"Is everything okay over there Sherlock?" at this point me and dad have begun to tumble around "Is reader there?" I put my dad in a head lock and we struggle a bit before he throws me over the couch
"NOT AT THE MOMENT" dad yells from across the room where he has now put me in a head lock"I"M JUST GETTING RID OF A FLY" I glared at my father with a new spark in my eye
The game is on dad
I flip dad onto his back before making a b line for the unattended phone "Hey stiles" I looked back at dad who now had a new fire in his eyes and a smirk across his face. I let out a loud laugh as he lunged for me again"Dad and I would like it if you could join us for lunch"
I could hear Stiles laugh before he replied "Yea, I'll be there" and with that I hung up before turning in dads arms and giving him a rather affectionate hug
"I was only kidding bug, I love you more than anything or anyone you or I could possibly Imagine" I beamed at dad before slowly releasing him from my death trap hug
"Even more than Stiles?"he beamed back at me
"He never stood a chance."
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