Lisa's POV
"Lisa, you're going to get really tired if you keep dancing shit like that," Jennie unnie laugh as I wiggle my body playfully.
Jisoo unnie was doing her set and instead of using this time to momentarily take a rest, I can't seem to keep myself still. I feel so giddy, I can't sit still so I was playfully dancing in front of them.
"I'm too excited I feel like something is going to explode inside me," I giggle and Chaeyoung laughed at my clumsiness when I almost tripped.
"Go wild on your number then. You're going to perform a new version of your Swalla. You do realize you're about to kill some weak hearts, do you?" Jennie unnie raised her eyebrow and I pouted.
"What are you even talking about? I am so pure and innocent,"
"Yeah, then don't twerk later,"
"And don't let that dirty tongue of yours go out of your equally foul mouth,"
"Yahhhh!!!" I exclaimed, stopping myself from dancing, my hands now resting on both sides of my hips as I gawked on my two members who were laughing at my reaction.
"I always brush my teeth and the tongue work is never intentional, oh my God that didn't sound right," I exclaimed once again and they were laughing their asses, having the time of their lives.
It's our last concert for this leg and I just can't seem to calm myself.
A lot of things had happened since the Sejeong incident. The issue has been long buried and Sejeong went on hiatus. Her agency stated that all her activities will be halted until she got better. They said she's undergoing some mental health problems which did not really surprise any of us.
I do hope she got better though. I have never really gotten a proper apology from her nor I was expecting to receive one. Somehow, Jungkook also felt so bad because a few of their fans went berserk after his name got dragged into it.
He knew something's wrong with Sejeong and as much as we would like to hate the girl for doing so many things that kinda made us wanna hurt her back, we still worry for the girl.
The past few months, Jungkook and I just did whatever we want. Our companies gave up on stopping us. Not that I would let them anyways.
Those people who love us will remain no matter what. Whatever we do or we don't do, people will say shit about us.
And I say they can keep their bullshits to themselves.
Additionally, it's been almost a month since I last saw my guy. He is on a world tour so we just make sure we chat and video call each other.
We've learned from our past mistakes. I've learned. I won't neglect him as I did before and whatever problems we encounter, we make sure to talk about it.
"Lisa," I turned my head towards my right when I heard one of my managers.
"Let's go. Your unnie is almost done," she answered and I gave my other two unnies a wink.
"You little piece of shit. Break a leg,"
"Shake that booty and kill'em!"
I laughed at their unsolicited advice and even send them my kisses, Jennie unnie even playfully catching one then forcefully smack it on Chaeyoung's cheeks.
"That is so disgusting!"
So basically, I was calmer until I reached the platform, my set about to start. And when it did, I gave my all like how I usually do.
The screams were louder, they were cheering my name. And that's one of the best feelings in the world, knowing that these people love and supports me and the girls.
After my last pose, I was catching my.breath but I can still make out a few words the fans were screaming about.
"Oh my God, Jungkook oppa!"
"Namjoon oppa, saranghe!"
I was already on the lift as it pulls me down but I was so confused.
Are they shipping again?
I shake my head a little and was greeted by one of our staff. "Let's go, be careful," she uttered.
I was high-fiving a few of our staff who were greeting me while I drink on my tumbler.
Jennie unnie is up for her solo and we'll go do our last set next.
Just when I entered our dressing room, I saw Jisoo unnie fiddling with her phone and a few of our managers doing some phone call.
I walked a little and was about to reach her hand when she looked behind me.
"You sneaky bastard!" she exclaimed and I was surprised when Jisoo unnie made a run.
The moment I turned around, I saw how she buried her face on Namjoon oppa's chest, his arms wrapped around her.
"Oh, I miss you too, baby" he chuckled and my mouth went agape.
Holy shit.
So the fans were really talking about them?
My heart started hammering inside my chest. I gulped. I just drank water but I feel like my throat is getting dry for some weird reason.
And then I saw him, his figure slowly emerging from the door. He was wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants. Damn kiddo still looks fine as hell even with the simplest clothing the had on.
He stopped walking the moment our eyes met.
"So I'm not getting a warm welcome like Namjoon hyung?" he chuckled but I was too lost. Just the idea of him and Namjoon oppa watching our concert and fans seeing them had lost of my wits.
Like, what the fuck?
I saw them chuckle at my reaction and Jungkook was smiling amusedly. My eyes caught how he gracefully made his way towards my direction before engulfing me in a hug.
His warmth, it was calming me down.
Have you ever felt so contented in your life that when a person hugs you, all you feel inside was pure bliss? Like, your heart was beating rapidly but your insides were calm like you were in some secluded island and it's just the two of you?
I don't exactly know if I'm making sense but that's how I feel.
My gaze lifted until our eyes met. He leaned forward and gave me a quick peck on my forehead, his kind of thing.
"I miss my cupcake so much, I had to make sure I go straight to you the moment the plane landed. Don't even ask how I got in baby coz I have tons of resources I'm willing to use if it's for you," his bunny smile showing.
He gave me another kiss on the forehead before pulling me even closer.
"Damn, I miss you," he whispered and Chaeyoung whining broke me of my trance.
"I hate you guys! Stop hugging in front of me you shits," she was stomping her feet rather adorably.
"Not our problem your boyfriend doesn't have balls and can't visit you," Jisoo unnie raised her eyebrow.
"Flash news unnie, he has balls. And they're exclusive, okay,"
"Ewwwww!" I whined and they all chuckled. Not until we saw one of our managers coming. Her face was so serious and someone from the boy's company is also here.
"You kids really like it when you make trouble and we'll work our asses to fix it, don't you?" she scowled but we made a peace sign.
Last time, Hoseok oppa attended one of our fan signing events and nearly got mobbed. The excuse was that he was passing by and got curious, fucking lame but he posted it on Twitter before consulting the company. In short, we almost got our asses busted.
"Tell me Hoseok isn't here too because I'm going to break his balls,"
We all turned to Jennie unnie who obviously caught up with the situation. One of the staff reached for her so she can put her jacket for the next number.
"Wow, that was the exact same thing Hoseok predicted you would say so he said he'll see you after the concert instead," Namjoon oppa answered and I smile as I saw him brush Jisoo unnie's hair.
"Okay, stop with the PDAs and work your fucking asses. Meeting after this and just so you guys know, your puppy smiles won't work this time. And you two, kiss your girlfriend's goodbye because you have to be out of here before the concert ends or the media will be on your tails,"
Jungkook grunted but he faced me and cupped my cheeks.
"I miss you. cupcake. I'll see you later. We'll go straight to your dorms, okay?" he smiled and my heart melted.
"I miss you too, you guys could have waited there instead," I chuckled but what he said next made my heart flutter even more.
"I don't even mind crashing on the stage with you now. Much better so I won't have to answer tons of text from your admirers,"
I smile at him adorably.
Jeon Jungkook, I fucking love you...
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