"Sorry I wasn't able to answer your call. The girls and I went out. I miss you cupcake, see you soon 😍"
A smile edged on the corner of my lips at the sight of her message. Our concert just ended and the first thing I did was check my phone for any message from her.
It's been almost a month since I last talk to her. We were both busy and every time I try to call her, she's caught up in a schedule and it just doesn't match.
I miss her. I miss her so much and I can't wait to see her, to be honest.
"What, is that Lisa?" I heard V hyung asked and I grin. He scoffed for a moment and I just didn't answer back.
Amongst all the boys, I can say V hyung was the one who helped get out of my shell. I was an introvert back then and overly shy. But because of him, I was able to overcome those fears.
And even now, he's the first person I get to confide with when I'm struggling. But this time, I hope I didn't because he seemed pretty pissed about it.
It was one time, we were drunk and I was trying to call Lisa. Their Coachella performance recently ended but she and the girls ended up hanging around with some friends. It's okay. I was fine with it.
I want her to have fun too. But I kinda miss her and somehow, those failed attempts of me trying to reach her via phonecall is starting to upset me too.
And that's what I told V hyung.
I didn't know he'll get pissed. V hyung was over protective. He treats me like his brother, we all treat everyone like one.
"Tss, a message, really?" he scoffed. He was sitting on on the couch as he tries to keep the adrenaline down. The others are changing as we're going to head back to the hotel to rest in a while.
"Hyung, she's just busy. They have a lot of schedules," I reasoned and he raised his eyebrows.
"You're busy too but find time to try to at least call her. And look at him," he pointed Namjoon hyung who was having a phone call while seated ln the couch on the other corner of the room. The way he grins just proves he was talking to his girlfriend.
"Granted that she's busy but why can Jisoo spare at least two minutes of her time every fucking day to talk to her boyfriend? Even Hoseok hyung talks with Jennie over the phone from time to time,"
I shut up from what he said. To be honest, I have those thoughts in mind too.
Sometimes I get so upset. I can wait for her to finish if she has a concert. If she's busy, I understand. But it feels weird when she can't talk to me yet I find my other hyungs talking with her members over the phone.
There were days when I try calling her but her phone's busy. I'll wait for her to call me, send a message but I barely get one message a day.
I'm not saying anything about it because I don't want her to feel like I was being clingy or what. I want her to enjoy too. I want her to have fun and enjoy these moments of her life.
I don't want to restrict her freedom. But I kinda feel left behind.
"It's okay, hyung. I'm sure Lisa has so much on her plate," I tried explaining but I heard him sigh.
"Tss, Kook, you know I want Lisa for you. You know that. But you can't stop me from worrying. This series of events had happened before, with your ex. The same fucking pattern where you're the only one left in love in the end. You almost wreck yourself because of that stupid girl and if I see you going in the same direction with Lisa, sorry but I won't keep quiet. I'm so done with seeing you losing yourself because of a girl,"
He stood up from his seat and headed straight to the bathroom.
A long sigh escaped my lips. I can't blame him for acting like that.
During my dilemma with Sejeong, I was always drunk and stressed out. I would cry in front of him to the point that I fall asleep unconsciously. I was an emotional wrecked and I know my members were affected too.
But this time, I know it's different. Lisa is far different from her. I know Lisa will not hurt me deliberately. I know that she loves me.
I started typing a message to her.
"I miss you baby. Are you busy? Can I call you?"
After sending, I waited for a few minutes and waited for a response. Was she asleep?
I know she was out earlier because I saw some photos of her with her newfound friends. She's a very jolly person and there's no doubt people will love her naturally.
Ten minutes...
Giving up, I ended up logging in to social media and see if I can find something interesting.
And I did.
I saw a clip of her walking with Chaeyoung and their friends.
So, she was out. Why can't she tell it to me so at least I'd know?
And it's not like she doesn't have her phone. I saw it on her hand on the clip. She can at least tell me even just that.
I bit my lower lip in frustration. Why do I feel like I'm starting to lose her too?
My heart started beating weirdly. Just the thought of losing her scares me to death.
I love her so much.
I love her so much that I can't say a word even if I'm getting a bare minimum of her this time.
It's okay Jungkook. Let her enjoy. She'll call you back.....
I tried comforting myself.
I hope.
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