"So... details? How did it happen?" Addy rambled excitedly. Sebastian groaned laying his head on the counter.
"I don't really know." I said. "It just kinda did..." Sebastian nodded in his arms.
"Well that's boring." Addy said playing with a loose strand of blonde hair. "Since I'm here... could I get some advice?"
"What do you need?" Sebastian asked lifting his head up.
"Actually I wanted to ask Pierre." She said slowly. Sebastian rolled his eyes letting his head fall back down.
"Aww." I said messing up his hair. "We're gonna go talk in the back. Drink your tea." Sebastian groaned again. I lead Addy into the back and sat down on a stool. "What's up?"
"I sorta have a problem."
"What's wrong." I asked.
"I...I... I'm going to dump Stefan!" She sighed sitting next to me.
"What why?"
"I've just been thinking... he's not the one... so that makes the whole thing a waste of time. I can't lead him along if I don't feel it." Addy continued
"That's smart, I guess. But what's got you feeling like this?" I asked.
"There's somebody else." She whispered.
"Who!" I whisper yelled.
"Hugo." She whispered.
"Yes!" She spat. "I'm sick to my stomach. I feel like a whore."
"You're not a whore. You haven't done anything right?" I said the last part as quiet as possible.
"What's going on in here?" Sebastian said as he slumped through the door.
"Go away!" Addy and I shouted, and he held his hands up walking back out of the kitchen.
"No I didn't do anything! I would never do that to Stefan." She said angrily.
"Hugo? Like shorter than me Hugo?"
"Yes Hugo! Why is that so hard to believe?" She whined.
"It's just... he's a bit of a nerd... and you're a cheerleader." I began. "And Stefan is a super tall jock."
"I know but Hugo is so sweet and compassionate. And so kind and loving. He's just so thoughtful. What should I do?"
"You have to follow your heart, and you should tell Stefan before you do anything. Like today."
"I'll tell him today." She stated.
"Today." I affirmed.
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