*Zayn's POV*
"Zayn how do you take such good selfies man?" Niall asked, in awe. "What can I say, the greatness of Zayn Malik." I said, shrugging as he started laughing hysterically.
Me and Niall had had no work the whole day. We were practically idle this afternoon, so we decided to take some selfies and post it on our Instagram.
It initially started with Niall wanting me to take a picture of him eating a chilli. Yes, a chilli.
Then he saw that I take really good pictures (because, well, Zayn Malik is so talented and everyone knows that), he decided we should take selfies and pictures of each other, which was a great idea.
I sent a few pictures of Niall blowing a kiss to Liam, with the caption 'He's so gay for you' Liam responded with one emoji: 🖕🏻 . Niall burst out laughing as he recorded an audio message to send Liam in which he said, "Liam owns my ass."
As we were troubling Liam a bit, we saw Harry rush out of their shared cabin and walk in a hurry downstairs. "Hey, H!" We called but he didn't pay any attention as he hurried away.
With one knowing look at each other, me and Niall rushed in opposite directions; Niall went behind Harry and I went to the cabin to know what was the matter.
I entered the cabin without knocking. I saw Louis sitting at his desk, head buried in his hands. "Louis? What's wrong?" I asked, walking towards him.
Without looking up, he shook his head. "Come on, you have to talk bro. It will bottle up inside. Plus, I saw Harry hurry out of here without even talking to us." He sniffled a bit more but didn't say anything.
I began rubbing his back slowly and after a while he said, "I messed up. I made a mistake. A big mistake." "Why? What did you do?" I asked, slowly.
Louis took a deep breath and finally sat up straight. His eyes were red and he was pale. He said, "I k-kissed H-Harry." This was definitely not what I expected. But, wow.
"That's great, Louis!" I said but he shook his head, "No, it isn't." He said, his voice cracking a bit.
"He didn't l-like that. He l-left. He left m-me." Louis said as fresh tears left his eyes. "No, h-he must have some reason, Louis-" I started but he shook his head, "No, he probably h-hates me now. No, h-he definitely hates m-me now."
"Louis, please. Don't jump to conclusions already." I said as he continued sobbing, "It was a mistake. I just fucked up. I'm so fucked up."
"No, you aren't, Louis just because your step-dad-" I started but he glared at me through his tears and I shut up. "Don't talk about him. I fucking hate him." He muttered.
"Okay, I won't. I'm sorry. Can we about something else, please? I have a question for you." I said. he looked at me and said, "Yeah. Ask." "You love him, don't you?" I asked. "What my step-dad? Didn't just say I hate him?" Louis said, trying to put up a fake smile. "Come on. You know who I mean." I said, crossing my arms on my chest.
"Zayn, come on. You know I d-" Louis started but I glared at him and he sighed and closed his eyes. "Y-Yeah, I think I'm crushing on him." Louis said, as a few tears rolled down his cheeks.
I placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, Louis. You are falling, and I can see it." He didn't say anything but was looking down at a bracelet around his right wrist.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Harry gave me this last month. As a gift. It's a bracelet with half a gree-" Louis' head snapped up suddenly and his tear-filled eyes were as wide as saucers.
"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.
"Oh my God, it cannot be." He murmured under his breath. "Louis, what?" I asked. "Zayn, he gave me this bracelet and said it was a message. A message, a code, I had to crack. I think I just did." Louis said, as he got up from his chair and began pacing in the cabin. "What is it, then?" I asked, more confused than before.
"See, he gave me this bracelet with half a heart, green in colour. Now, what else is green? Harry's eyes. I think he's trying to say something..." Louis said, all in one breath and I was trying to make some sense out of it. "He said...He said that only I can understand it's meaning, nobody else. Does-what does a heart, half a heart, signify, Zayn?" He asked.
"If I had to explain its meaning, I'd associate it with myself or my life. So, I would say half a heart, it's like, I'm half a heart without Gigi. I'm incomplete without her, and so is she. We complement each other, and two halves make one whole. So, I, Zayn, and Gigi make one whole. That's all I can make out of this." I said, honestly.
That's when it hit me. "Louis, do you get it?" I asked.
"He's-He's already, he l-loves, no, l-likes me?" Louis stuttered, his hands wiping his uncontrollable tears. I nodded, "That's what! Oh my God, why didn't we realize this earlier?" I tried sounding shocked, like I didn't know Harry was already gone for Louis.
"No, Zayn. We're most probably mistaken. H-He doesn't. He c-can't." Louis said, shaking his head. "Didn't I just say some time ago not to jump to conclusions?" I said, sternly.
He just shook his head and sat back down on his chair. After a few taps on his phone, he picked his bag and said, "I'm going home."
"No, Louis, why? It's just three in the afternoon." I asked, trying to stop him. I knew why Louis was doing this. Whenever he had any problems which were too stressful, he would dissociate, lock himself up alone, and either cry or drink into oblivion. And trying to convince him to stay away from alcohol was hard, really hard. He would get violent, mad, if anyone tried keeping him away from alcohol. But I always tried my best, and succeeded a few times too.
"I want to go sleep. 'M not feeling well." He mumbled.
"You have two calls to attend before you leave, what about those?" I asked. Usually, even if Louis wasn't feeling well, he would work and finish all his calls, only then would he go home. Louis never went out of routine. In fact, I would have to forcefully send him home or plead him to go home, with a few fake tears.
"You're acting like you don't know shit about my post. Attend them on my behalf, be the amazing assistant you are." He said, smirking at me. This wasn't some time when I was going to give in, even if he blabbered on about how great I was. "No, Louis. Stay. I don't know what to do in today's call. Philip is a bit hard to deal with." I wasn't even lying.
"If you can't, ask Neil to attend, or your other boss." He said.
"You mean Harry?"
"Yeah, Styles. He can attend. He knows what has to be done." Louis said, and walked out of the door. I walked out behind him and asked, "Can I come too, then? I'm knackered already and I didn't sleep last night." I lied.
"Go home to Gigi. Why my house?" He asked. "Beca-" I began but my phone rang and I had to see who it was.
Gigi. Oh no.
"Hello? Oh-Oh my-I'm on my way, yeah deep breaths, Gi, just like we learnt, yeah? Deep breaths, I'll be there." I hung up and ran a hand through my hair.
"What happened? Is she okay?" Louis asked, wide-eyed.
"Khai...She's a month early. I need to go."
*Third person's POV*
In less than 10 minutes all of them, Niall, Liam, Maya, Gemma, Ashton, had arrived at the nearest hospital. Louis had called them all and asked them to come as soon as possible. He and Zayn were the ones who drove Gigi to the hospital, who was now in the ICU with Zayn.
Louis was leaning against the wall, waiting for his niece to finally come into the world while Niall and Liam were really nervous, sitting on the ruddy old hospital chairs.
Ashton and Gemma were doing all the payment in the billing counter, while Maya was getting everyone some water.
There was some shuffling of feet heard and when Louis looked up, he saw the only person he hadn't called to be present during Khai's arrival.
Harry was panting and he asked, "Where's she? Where's Khai? Gigi? Is she okay?"
"They're fine. Who called you here?" Louis sneered.
"Niall texted me. Due to traffic, I'm a bit late." Harry said. He was wearing a black pair of jeans, black full-sleeved t-shirt, and a bandana holding his ever-growing hair.
Harry asked Louis, "Why didn't anyone call me? Niall told me you called him." Louis snorted.
He walked towards Harry and held him by the sleeve of his t-shirt and said, "If I didn't call you, there must've been a reason behind it. Why did you even come here, honestly? Nobody wants you here."
Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Let me go. And if anyone isn't wanted here, it is you, Mr. Tomlinson."
"Is that why I'm going to be Khai's godfather?" Louis asked, smiling evilly. Harry laughed, "You must be joking. Gigi quite clearly mentioned that it was I, who was going to be announced as Khai's godfather."
This got Louis pissed. First, the afternoon incident and now, this? He got his already curled right fist in front of Harry's face and smacked him hard, hitting the curly-haired boy's mouth and causing his bottom lip to split open. Harry scowled in pain but fought back though. He hit Louis' nose with his right hand, causing Louis to grow even more angry and his nose to bleed.
Before he could hit Harry again, Niall and Liam both pulled Harry and Louis apart respectively. "Do you both realize that this is a hospital and not a boxing ring? Besides, we haven't assembled here to watch you fight over who is the godfather. We are here for Khai, Gigi and Zayn. One more word and both of you will be out, you hear me?" Liam said, fiercely.
Louis freed himself from Liam's grip and sat down on one of the hospital chairs, not before muttering a, "Piss off" to Harry, who rolled his eyes and spat a silent, "Wanker."
The red light of the ICU went off in a few minutes, and a few nurses came out. Louis was the first to rush there and ask, "How are they?"
"Ms. Hadid is doing quite alright, Sir, however Ms. Malik is three weeks early and has to be kept in the NICU for complete development. Her lungs aren't fully formed yet." One of the nurses said.
Louis nodded weakly as Harry, who was right beside him, asked, "Will she be okay?" "Sir, babies that are even 2 months early make it. Ms. Malik will most probably make it, don't worry. For now, the chances are 50-50." She assured him, squeezed his hand and walked away to another room.
Harry turned to Louis with tears in his eyes. Louis was already looking at him wearily. "She will be okay, won't she?" Harry asked in a chocked up voice.
Louis wrapped an arm around his waist and said, "She will be, Harry. She's Zayn's daughter, who is one of the strongest people I know." Harry gave him a watery smile and reached forward to hug him. Louis rubbed his back gently, his hand never leaving Harry's waist, while Harry pressed his head in Louis' neck and prayed for his goddaughter's well being.
~2 hours later~
*Zayn's POV*
Being the first one to see Khai was the best. I was so happy! She looked just like my Gigi, the little blonde hair on her head was the proof.
It was really upsetting to see her attached to wires and machines that were helping her breathe, but I knew that with little extra care, she'd be just fine. She was Gigi's daughter, she had to be fine! I had my full confidence in her.
When the boys (and Gemma and Maya) were finally allowed to enter our hospital room, Niall and I exchanged a subtle and small thumbs up and Gigi gave him a knowing smile. We had a plan, and it here it goes!
"Hey Gigi, you doing good?" Harry asked as he sat down next to her and smiled. Gigi smiled back and said, "I'm okay, I guess. Just a bit woozy..." "When will you be discharged?" Liam asked. "In two days." Gigi replied as Niall motioned to me to start the plan.
I nudged Gigi from behind. Gigi looked at Harry and said, "Okay, guys. Zayn and I have an announcement to make. We have chosen the godfather for Khai and that is...Harry!" Harry beamed and I saw the way he looked at Louis and smirked.
Everyone cheered, but Louis was glaring at me. I knew it was now my turn. I said, "No, Gi. We decided it would be Louis. Did you forget?"
"No, Z. It was Harry."
"Oh no you're forgetting again. Remember we were talking the other day about which brand of diapers to buy and I said Louis should be the godfather?" I asked.
"Yes, I do remember. But did you forget that the very next day when we were painting the nursery I said Harry would be an apt godfather?" Gigi said, smiling at Harry widely.
"No, no. After that, just two days ago, I told you Louis will be the godfather? When we were arguing about who will do the dishes?" I asked.
"But Zayn, just before we got into the operation room I told you Harry-"
"Okay, okay, one minute. What's the matter with either of them being the godfather?" Niall piped in, doing his job.
"I don't mind..." Gigi and I said at the same time.
"Then why not both of them? Louis and Harry." Niall suggested, smirking at me. I flashed him a thumbs up and he nodded. Liam noticed this exchange and smiled at us.
"Okay then, it's settled. Louis and Harry, the godfathers of Khai." Gigi announced and I smiled wide as all of them celebrated.
All, in the sense, everyone except Louis and Harry.
They both stood glaring at each other, and as they made a step towards each other, I mentally prayed there would be no bloodshed.
"I uhm, I'm okay, you know? We can be co-godfathers just like business partners?" Harry told Louis and me and Gigi did a quick hi-fi under the blanket.
"I think that will be perfect, Styles. Shall we go home now?" Louis asked and Niall suddenly threw himself on Liam, hugging him tightly.
"Ouch, Niall get off me, Niall!" Liam complained while Niall began kissing both his cheeks fiercely.
"Liam, our ship is sailing Liam! Finally it is sailing!" Niall 'whispered' to Liam.
Louis chuckled nervously, "What ship? Are you drunk Niall?"
Before anyone could say anything else, a nurse entered the room and said, "Excuse me. The patient in the next room who just had an ear surgery is able to hear you all. Could you please lower your volumes? Also, the visiting time is over and now you'll all have to leave Mr. Malik and Ms. Hadid alone."
"When do we get to see Khai?" Louis asked, hopefully.
"I'm afraid that until she leaves the NICU only the parents can meet her, I'm sorry Sir." She said and left the room.
"Well, guess we gotta leave. Bye then, my favourite pair. See you tomorrow." Niall said, yawning, as he left the room after hugging Gigi.
"Need any help, I'm a call away, mate." Liam said and Maya hugged Gigi as they both left.
Gemma and Ashton also left, after telling us that we can call them for anything and everything.
The only visitors remaining were Louis and Harry. Harry asked Louis, "Can I uhm stay uhm the night with you? Niall said he has some girl coming over so he uhm wants the house for uhm the night."
Niall was really a dark Larrie, he remembered every step of the plan.
"Oh...Okay, I guess. Fine, yeah. Okay." Louis said. Both of them hugged me good night and Harry kissed Gigi on the cheek before leaving the room.
I just hoped Niall's ship would truly sail.
2830 words. HELLO BISHES
How was this chappie? More like a filler but KHAI IS HERE WOOHOOO
What do you think'll happen at the Tomlinson mansion?
1 year since I joined this fandom, woohoo! Been a great great great time xx
Anygays, vote and comment besties!! FOR FUCKS SAKE JUST CLICK ON THE STAR
Hahahahaha shit is about to go downnnn sooon hahahahaha
P.S. Lots on the wayyy xx
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