~Two weeks later~
*Louis' POV*
Harry stumbled into the cabin with his unhealed broken wrist and sprained foot.
I walked towards him from my desk, immediately. "Hey! I told you not to walk around!" I complained. I held his good hand and placed a hand on his lower back, providing the man a bit of support.
He chuckled and said, "I'm fine, Louis. The doctor said I've healed." "You haven't! Can you not see the plaster on your wrist and foot or what?" I argued and he giggled.
I slowly walked with him to his desk and helped him sit down. Once he sat down, I said, "You shouldn't be so fucking careless, Harry. What if you hurt your ankle further, huh? And your wrist is broken, for fucks sake! Can you for once, listen to me, when I ask you not to move around the entire day. It's your day two here after you've healed and you're already risking it all! Care about yourself, at least a little bit! If you want to hurt yourself any further, then go home and ask Niall to beat you up. I can't see you being so fucking irresponsible! Get some sense and use it and be a bit more sensible."
By the time I was done, he was giggling to himself. I placed my hands on my hips and said, "Was all that funny to you?" "You're acting like my ex-boyfriend. He was over-protective of me and that's how he used to be like." Harry said, laughing.
"Y-You had a boyfriend?" I asked. I felt a weird feeling pooling in the pit of my stomach. "Yeah, why?" Harry asked. "I-just I didn't know that..." I said. Harry nodded as I asked, "What was his name?"
"Nick. Actually Nicholas, Nicholas Grimshaw, but everyone calls him Nick." Harry answered.
"Did he hurt you?" I asked. "What? No, why would he? He wouldn't." Harry stated. "Then why did you break up with him?" I asked. "Louis, Louis, wait. What's the matter with you? We ended in good terms. We're still friends." Harry said. "Oh...Okay. Sorry, I just got carried away I suppose." I stated and turned away to walk back to my table.
"Uhh Louis, wait." Harry called and I turned back. He got up, walked towards me slowly, and said, "The day I got kidnapped, I went to buy bread, right?" "Yeah." I agreed.
Harry snaked his hand inside the back pocket of his pants, took out a small ouch and pulled out a bracelet in his hand. I saw it had something on it, but I couldn't clearly see what, because it was a bit far away. I asked, "What's that?"
He looked at me and said, "Oh. This. I bought this for you, here." He handed it to me. I took it in my hand and saw it had half a heart, green in colour.
"Why is it half? What does it mean?" I asked him. He smiled and said, "It's a message. Only you can understand it's meaning, nobody else. When you understand what it means, then...you'll understand what to do." I wiggled my eyebrows and asked, "Harry, what? I'm unable to understand this and I suck at puzzles and riddles."
"Nothing more from my side. When you get it, you'll get it." He said. He reached out and tied the bracelet around my right-hand wrist. With that, he sat down on his desk, starting to work on our next deal.
I sat back down on my desk, and thought about the goosebumps on my arms (which of course weren't visible due to my suit jacket, and I was thankful). I wondered why I was even interested and hyped about the fact that Harry had had a boyfriend before...and he never told me. I didn't like that. Fucking Nickshit.
I'll admit it, alright. I just couldn't stand it that someone else had touched Harry before.
Also, he was the 'him' I was probably, remember I said probably, crushing on.
I quickly pulled out my phone and typed Zayn a message.
Louis: Zayn
Louis: ZAYN!!
Louis: ZAYN??
Louis: I'm literally shouting for you, when will you come?
Zayn: yo wassup
Louis: I need a help
Zayn: shoot
Louis: shoot who?
Zayn: wtf I mean tell me wht help do u need?
Louis: how did u realize u liked Gigi?
Zayn: How I realized I loved her? hmm...first I thought she looks hot
Did Harry look hot? I had to agree that yes, he did look hot.
Louis: what else?
Zayn: I loved her personality. still do btw. ah man she's the one
Louis: what's a personality?
Zayn: it means I like the way she is. her confidence, the way she fights when someone disagrees with her, her career (!!!!), her power, the way she deals with the haters, the way she tackles her problems, her philanthropic self...
Zayn: Louis...I think I wanna write a book abt her
I rolled my eyes but thought...did I like Harry's personality? The obvious answer which I didn't want to admit, was yes.
Louis: oh. ok. If you write a book about her, do give me credits, as it was I who helped you realize you want to write a book about her.
Zayn: and u give me credits when u finally realize that u r in love with H
Louis: WHAT? No, come on, I told u it was an old school friend
Zayn: Ik u from kindergarten and idk this friend, cool....
Louis: there are things I don't tell you Z
Zayn: yea yea sure...so u r asking me all this for educational purposes? business purposes? or for general knowledge?
Zayn: yea where r u now
Zayn: no replies hehe
Zayn: I get it, u dont wanna admit it
Zayn: I see the way u look at him. like he hung the stars, moon and sun in the sky
Zayn: u know u love him
Louis: No I don't
Zayn: whatever helps u sleep at night, Sir
Zayn: but I'll always be here to help u further in this matter :)
Louis: yeah whatever bye
Zayn: byeeeeeeeeeee
So, did I love Harry?
~A month later~
*Liam's POV*
I crossed the road and stopped in front of the flower shop. It was Maya's birthday and she was coming home from her mum's in an hour's time. I thought I should keep my gifts for her ready by then.
I walked inside the shop and was welcomed by the smell of flowers. It felt as though I was in a garden. I saw the girl standing at the counter smiling at me, "Hello sir, what can I do for you today?"
The badge on his t-shirt read 'Eleanor'. "Hi Eleanor. It's my girlfriend's birthday today, and I came to buy her some flowers."
"Oh, I see. Which flowers would you like?" She asked. I thought for a while and then said, "White baby roses and sunflowers."
"Uhh...okay, let me help you with that." She said and reached out for the sunflowers. She took a few of those along with a few...lilies? "Not lilies, I want white baby roses." I told her.
"Oh, so, that's what I'm picking." She said. "Those are lilies." I stated. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I thought those are roses. I'm so sorry. I'm new her, this was the only job I could find with a suitable salary after I quit my previous job." She said, shyly. "Oh, where were you working before?" I asked.
"Tomlinson Worldwide Enterprises." She replied and I was too stunned to move. She saw my pale self and asked, "What's wrong?"
"So you are Evanesca!!" I blurted out.
"Uhm, what?" She asked and I immediately said, "No, nothing..."
"I-you're-Louis-why did you quit?" I asked. "Uhh why do you ask?" She asked. "I'm Louis' friend, Liam." I said and her eyes widened. "Will you help me get the job back?" She asked.
"Certainly not. You left. Tommo doesn't need you for sure, as the company seems well off without you as well." I said, casually.
"Well, after knowing why I left the job, I don't think you and your Tommo will remain friends." She said, smirking. "Well, why did you?" I asked.
"Okay, long story short. He wanted me to be his pretend-girlfriend, and I agreed, just because he was wanted to get distracted from someone. That someone was Harry, I soon found out. But later whenever I would ask him to kiss me, he would refuse. After a while, he dumped me because he didn't want to kiss me. So, I left the job." She said.
So...she was the reason Harry had been upset. And, Louis was getting attracted to Harry, which was why he needed her to get distracted from him? This was too much information in just one day and I wasn't feeling fabulous after hearing all this. Louis was actually liking Harry!
But wait, could I trust her?
"How can I trust you? Do you have any proof?" I asked. She smirked, "I do have a proof. Here." She pointed to her phone, which she unlocked and tapped on some file. She handed me her phone and said, "Watch this."
I took her phone and saw it was a video of Harry:
Eleanor walked up to Harry and placed a hand on his shoulder. He turned and I saw how pale he looked.
"Hello Harry." Eleanor said and I could clearly see how angry Harry was. He had curled his fists into balls and was biting down on his bottom lip. But he said, "Hey Eleanor. What do you want?"
"Just came to say 'hi'. And that I know about you and Louis." Eleanor said. Harry was pale all of a sudden. He whispered, "How do you know?"
"C'mon, I'm no fortune-teller. Of course, Louis told me! He told me you're his annoying ex and how much he hates you." Eleanor said, casually and he seemed to believe every word.
He closed his eyes and nodded. He said, "I'm not his ex, but yeah, we had a thing which I wouldn't want to share with you."
"Oh, I know that. You were just fucking, weren't you?" Eleanor asked and Harry looked at her with wide eyes. I glared at Eleanor, who was chuckling in front of me.
"H-How...Wh-Who-" He began but Eleanor said, "Louis, of course! He told me. What did you think, I was stalking you both so I'd know whether you were fucking? Of course not!"
I saw as both his hands flew to his mouth and his eyes filled with fresh tears. He said, "Excuse m-me, please." He walked past me, into the building, and Eleanor was laughing slowly.
The video ended and I handed the phone back to Eleanor. "Eleanor. How dare you lie to him about such a thing?" I stormed. She laughed, "Trust me, seeing him like that was so much fun."
I said, "When someone is upset, you are supposed to either walk away without saying anything or help them out. You made him more upset? How dare you, you heartless prick! I hope you rot in hell." She was still smirking so I flipped her off and got off the shop.
I was walking to the nearest cake shop as I saw someone very familiar.
Simon Cowell, lurking in shadows, wearing a hoodie like any commoner. He wasn't looking at me, but I could clearly see it was him. I slowly pulled out my phone, dialled 999 and asked them to come there immediately.
Till then, I followed Simon stealthily. After a while, I heard the siren sound and saw two police cars pull up next to me. I saw Simon walking hurriedly. I gestured the police that the person in front of me was Simon. Soon, before Simon could run, three police officers had their arms around him and were incorporating him into the police van.
Simon Cowell had been finally arrested.
*Third person POV*
Li: Harry
Li: simon got arrested
Li: the police just took him
Li: yup
H: omg this is great news!!
Li: ikr
Li: go celebrate :) ttyl
H: yes! Thank youuuuuuu byee
"Louis!!" Harry shouted.
Louis pulled out his earphones, kept his coffee cup down and looked up from his laptop. "What happened?" He asked.
Louis got up and began walking to Harry's desk, who was also getting up from his chair to hold Louis' shoulders as he said, "Simon just got arrested!!" Louis' face broke into a big wide smile and his eyes crinkled, which made Harry smile wide with dimples. He loved it when Louis smiled that wide.
"Haz, this is great news! I'm so happy, oh my, this is so great!" Louis exclaimed as Harry nodded happily.
Harry reached forward to hug Louis, only to be surprised when Louis brought his hands to his cheeks and leaned forward, kissing him deeply. Harry was startled, he didn't know how to react. He kissed Louis back weakly, moaning into the kiss when Louis tugged at his curls.
After a while when Louis pulled away, Harry saw that his eyes were incredibly blown and he was looking at Harry with so much fond, Harry wanted to die then and there. Harry cleared his throat and Louis broke his eye contact with Harry.
Louis stepped forward once again but Harry moved three steps back. He shook his head and exclaimed, "What the holy fuck?!" Louis gaped at him but Harry exited the cabin with one last look at him.
And Louis was left in tears.
*Third person's POV*
4:52 pm
Mitch: guyssssss what's the next plann
Li: Im out of ideas :/
Ni: it's fine mr. brainy
Ni: oooooo yeah so I got this plan in me head
Z: shoot
Ni: it's actually relating to you n Gi Z
Z: yayyyyyy what do v have 2 do?
Ni: ok listen
Ni: we have to stage an argument between u and Gigi. an argument about who should be Khai's godfather... u say Louis and she should say H. Then I will pipe in n do smth and they both will be declared godfatherS. Key word here is 'godfatherS'. Okie???
Mitch: indeed
Ni: also after tht I have another idea...I could tell H later tht I have some girl coming over at night so he n Louis can be at Louis' house for the night...I'll plead
Z: ily Ni
Ni: everyone does :D
Why did Harry not kiss Louis back?
Also, what do you think about the 'godfatherS' plan?
I personally hated this chappie but anygays...fank you 400 votes<3
Anygays...Vote and comment bestiesss
P.S. Lots on the wayyyyyyy xx
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