The sun lightly beamed down upon a shaded area In a forest, a river was nearby. Not too far from the calm flowing river was a clearing, large pine trees hung over head. Casting shadows upon the clearing and shielding It from the harsh afternoon sun In the summer time. A light, warm breeze rustled by, making loose leaves from trees fly gently In the wind and fall upon the green grass below. Rocks were scattered across the clearing, a cave was off to the left near the river and Into the side of a hill.
On a large rock below, lay two canines next to each other. One, a off white wolf with white fur and the slightest markings of black on It's back. Yellow eyes and a fluffed out pelt. Next to It lay an Australian Kelpie dog, It's fur black with brown, It had a thin yet silky coat and kind brown eyes. It was slightly taller then the wolf. The Wolf pushed It's weight onto the dog next to It, shoving the dog off of the rock and onto the grassy terrain below. The dog huffed and got up, jumping back onto the rock and laying across the wolf's back. Letting out a muffled, lazy bark of victory as the wolf huffed and gave In.
Scattered across the clearing were different wolves. A pitch black wolf with vibrant blue eyes, a dark grey one, a dark brown, light brown and hazel brown with white.
The white wolf glanced around the clearing, It's ears flickered before It let out a low howl, calling the five wolves to the rock where It and the Kelpie lay. The five wolves turned headed over to the rock, sitting down below It and looking up to the two. The Kelpie got off of the Wolf's back allowing It to sit up. The Kelpie sat patiently beside the wolf as the two over looked the five wolves below.
"Crystal River Pack," Beckoned the white wolf, all attention snapped to It. "I have received news of another pack In the area," Murmurs went throughout the five wolves as the Kelpie stood up, barking as a command to silence them. "As Alpha Tara said, we have a new pack In our area and we are not sure If they are friend or foe." The Kelpie spoke In a stern yet smooth voice, the wolf flicked It's ears. "I want all patrol, Emma and Cassie, to be on high alert when they go out for morning and evening patrol runs." Spoke the wolf, more known as Tara, the Alpha. "Hunters, Angel and Travis, be careful when hunting as well. We can't have any of our pack members Injured or killed If this pack Is vicious and has the Intention of taking our land." Tara calmly spoke, she looked to the small, light brown wolf. "Kitty, If the hunters or patrol need help, you are going to help them. Understood?" She asked, Kitty nodded quietly, averting her gaze from her Alpha. "Beta Owen will go over safety precautions with you later on tonight before Patrol leaves. So be aware of such." And with that, Tara flicked her tail, dismissing the pack meeting. The five wolves went back to what they were doing. Tara and Owen laid back onto the rock, this time, Tara used Owen as a bed. "You're faaaaat!" Owen whined and Tara huffed. "Shut It, I'm not fat, I'm fluffy!"
A/N Andddd welcome to Crystal River Pack!
Emma Epic_Emma22
Angel AngelWolf2132
Omega-Kitty kitty-chan_okasaowa
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