The next morning, Phoebe, Scott, Violet, Crystal, Cheryl, Jackson and Charles met up at the street outside the inn to discuss what to do next.
"We're going to stay here.", Charles took ahold of Jackson's hand, who kissed him in the cheek.
"I was thinking of joining you and Violet...", Phoebe said carefully at Cheryl, who shrugged.
"Whatever floats your boat. We'll be heading back towards Alastor's palace to see what's going on over there. We got a... warning about something and we want to slow it down.", she replied.
"Great! I think...", Phoebe muttered the last part.
"And what do we do next?", Crystal turned to ask Scott.
"Uh... We'll make it up as we go?", he kept glancing at his sister nervously. Phoebe glared at him in return.
"Fine by me...", Crystal smiled. Cheryl eyed them suspiciously. Phoebe turned her glare towards Violet.
Violet suddenly found the sky really interesting.
"So... this is goodbye.", Jackson sighed.
"For now.", Violet put her hands on her hips. "Why do you want to get rid of me?", she teased them.
"I can name a few reasons...", Phoebe crossed her arms.
"Phoebes, you're scaring me.", Violet told her.
"Okay, that's enough.", Cheryl stepped in. "We should get going, anyway."
"Right.", Phoebe stared down at her feet. "I know you're not much of a hugger, but you'll make an exception this time, won't you?", she extended her arms to hug her brother.
"I don't have a choice, do I?", Scott chuckled and hugged her goodbye.
"Don't do anything stupid, because I'll find out and I'll come after you.", she whispered at him, then let go with a smile.
"I'm with Violet on this one; you're scaring me too.", he said, looking at Violet who nodded rapidly, a terrified look in her eyes. Phoebe ignored them as she moved on to hug Crystal.
"Come here...", she embraced her friend. "Take care of my brother.", she told her softly.
"I will.", Crystal whispered back.
They nodded at each other and Crystal rushed to hug Violet.
"I'm so sorry about last night, I didn't know--", she started apologising immediately.
"Violet, nothing happened last night. Calm down."
"Violet, it's fine.", Crystal reassured her, making her nod sadly. "Cheer up!", she smiled at her.
Violet cracked a smile. "I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too.", Crystal told her, letting go and hugging Charles and Jackson. "I'm going to miss all of you...", she said, turning to face Cheryl.
"What?", Cheryl tilted her head in confusion.
"Won't you let me hug you?", Crystal said expectantly. "You're my aunt, after all. It would be a pity if I hugged everyone here apart from my only relative."
"Right...", Cheryl frowned and hugged her. "Be careful, will you?"
"No promises.", Crystal smiled at her.
"Have a nice trip!", Charles told everyone.
"Thanks.", they all replied at the same time.
"Don't die.", Jackson added.
"We won't.", Violet shook her head, chuckling at his comment.
"Goodbye, everyone...", Crystal sighed, getting ahold of Ash's reigns.
Then everyone turned and went their own way; Phoebe along with Cheryl and Violet towards the border, Scott and Crystal inwards the kingdom and Jackson and Charles towards their new home.
"Looks like we're back down to two.", Crystal told Scott.
"Yeah...", he sighed.
"What's wrong?", her face fell.
"Nothing's wrong. I just- I stayed up a little late last night and I'm tired.", he yawned to make his lie mor believable. Crystal appeared to be buying it.
"Oh... Sorry again, for keeping you up.", she bit her lip.
"Don't worry about it, princess. It's not your fault and I'm used to it.", he shrugged.
"Is it nightmares?", she asked him.
Scott stopped walking and gulped. "Yes."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"No.", he shook his head and kept walking.
"Alright, I won't push you, but feel free to talk to me whenever you're ready.", she said for the millionth time, blushing.
"Yeah...", he looked away, as if saying that he wasn't going to be ready any time soon.
Silence took over as they kept walking, though it wasn't awkward. It was the type of soothing silence and it was one that they both wanted.
"Where are we going now?", Crystal asked a while later.
"I don't know... I was thinking maybe the capital? Even if Alastor sends people after us they won't be able to forget us easily there.", Scott suggested.
"Right! Lots of people, even more soldiers whose main cause is to keep Alastor and his army out of the kingdom... It's perfect!", Crystal said excitedly.
"I thought you preferred the countryside."
"Of course I do, but it's easier to get caught there. Yeah, you've got more places to run, but less to hide and little to no people to help you.", she shrugged. "Looks like your survival instincts are finally rubbing off on me.", she smiled.
"I don't know if that's a good thing...", he rolled his eyes.
"It is, shut up.", she crossed her arms. "And how far is the capital?"
"A day at most, but I've only been around here once before, so we might stall a bit.", he shrugged.
"Well, we're not in a rush, are we?"
Scott gulped again. "Not really.", he lied.
"Are you okay?", she asked again, worriedly.
"Yeah. Just feeling a little hot.", he avoided her gaze.
Crystal frowned. "Alright.", she sighed.
She didn't understand why Scott didn't trust her, but she did know that he'd been through a lot and that many people had turned their backs on him when he needed them most. She knew that it was hard for him to trust people, and the truth is that we're never fully honest with anyone. Don't even try to deny it.
As for Scott, no matter how much he wanted to open up to her and no patter how much he wanted to try and kiss her again, he knew that if he did, he'd never be able to leave her.
And leaving her was for the best. He didn't care about Phoebe warnings and protests, of course she tried to refuse what was best for her, but what kind of older brother would he be if he didn't help her see that she needed this? That they both did?
Besides, Crystal deserved better too. He'd never put his princess through the same trouble she'd been trying to avoid.
Just a similar one.
Tristan was exhausted and felt hungover for some reason. He really wanted to ask Violet what she'd been doing, but tried to focus on finding somewhere to stay.
He'd arrived at the town near his uncle's palace, but he steered off the capital. Someone could recognise him and he didn't want that.
It was late at night, but he knocked on a random house's door. He hadn't eaten anything in a couple days, and despite the fact that Violet had been eating for both of them, his body was on the brink of collapsing. He hadn't had a bath in more than a week and he'd barely drank any water. He hadn't slept in three days and was starting to see things.
Weird things.
Most of his hallucinations consisted of Caroline asking him why he left without saying goodbye. Others were of his father looking at him disappointedly. He couldn't take it.
He leaned against the wall by the door, panting. He really wanted to fall asleep there. He felt cold and thirsty. He was starving and sleep deprived. Maybe a nap could fix all that.
Yeah... A nap sounds good... he smiled to himself.
As the door opened, he collapsed on the ground.
When he opened his eyes, he was lying on a bed. It felt nice; he hadn't lied on a bed in a long time.
Then he started wondering where the bed had come from and shot up in panic.
His vision was blurry, but he could make out two figures; two women by the looks of it. And they both turned around when they heard him sit up.
"You're awake! I didn't think you'd make it...", one of them crossed her arms. She had her blond hair in a short braid that barely reached her shoulder.
"Ava!", the other one hissed, running a hand through her brown hair. Tristan couldn't make out any more of their features yet.
"What? I'm just being honest. You didn't think he'd make it either.", Ava rolled her eyes.
"Don't listen to her... How are you feeling?"
"Where am I?", Tristan asked.
"Great. He can't even communicate with his surroundings. Abbie, I'm telling you, this guy is dead meat.", Ava crossed her arms.
"Oh, zip it and let me see what his deal is!", Abbie grumbled, kneeling by the bed Tristan was lying on.
"Mia is going to be furious when she gets here...", Ava walked away.
"What's your name?", Abbie asked him.
"I- I can't tell you.", he muttered. He had the greatest headache ever, even though he was sure that Violet would fight him on that.
"Why? Are you in trouble? Because if you are, I can't help you any more and you'll have to go."
"I can't tell you that either.", he grunted, sitting up.
"And what can you tell me?"
"Thanks? Look, I don't have time for an interrogation. I appreciate everything you did for me, but I have to get going."
"Woah! Watch it, big guy! Last night you couldn't even stand! How long has it been since you had proper sleep? Or food? Are you wanted?", she asked again.
"Not even Caroline asks me this many questions.", he muttered to himself.
"I don't know who that is, but that's not the point here. And of course she doesn't ask this many questions, questions are my thing."
"Do you always talk this much?"
"Yes, she does, but that's none of your business! Leave my girlfriend alone and get the hell out of here!", Ava yelled from the other room.
"Ava!", Abbie groaned.
"It's not my fault! Mia is going to be pissed!"
Tristan heard a door open and close.
"Great, you're here.", Ava's voice sounded muffled from the other room.
"What happened?", another female voice asked.
"Abbie just adopted another piece of dead meat.", Ava replied.
"Dammit, Ava! I didn't adopt him!", Abbie groaned.
The newcomer walked in the room, her hands on her hips.
"Who is he and what the hell is he doing here?", the girl Tristan assumed was Mia asked.
"I don't know who he is, but he knocked on our door last night. When I opened up to see what was going on, he was unconscious on the ground. What was I supposed to do?", Abbie got up.
"Play it safe and get a guard?", Mia replied.
"What is it with the two of you and your combined attack today?", Abbie crossed her arms. Tristan kept quiet.
"Don't you remember what happened last time you let someone in?", Mia told her. She sounded more sad rather than mad or disappointed.
"I do, but he was dying!"
"So was the other guy, but it all turned out to be a ploy from your mother!", Mia said in exasperation.
"Oh, please! My mother gave up on me a long time ago, she's not coming after us again.", Abbie crossed her arms.
"I'm just worried about you!"
"You don't have to be!"
"Enough!", Ava stepped in. "There's three of us and he's half-dead, so let's just get this over with. Once we're done asking question, he gets the hell out of here. Deal?"
Abbie pouted and crossed her arms.
"I said, do we have a deal?", Ava hissed.
"Fine!", Abbie snapped.
"Mia?", the blonde turned to her other friend.
"As long as he's gone in an hour, it's fine by me."
And they went back to asking the same old questions.
"Who are you?", Abbie asked again.
"I already told you! I can't tell you!"
Mia gritted her teeth. "I'm losing my patience with you. Just tell us your name and get out of here!"
"Fine! My name's Tristan."
"Last name?", Ava asked him.
"You're pushing it.", he glared at her.
"You're not from around here are you?", Abbie eyed him suspiciously.
"That's none of your business! Can't I just go?", he he buried his face in his palms.
"Of course you can!", Mia said excitedly.
"Mia!", Abbie growled at her.
"What? He wants to leave, we want to get rid of him... It's a win-win.", she shrugged.
"No!", Abbie said stubbornly.
"Come on, sweetie! It's for the best!", Mia told her.
"Mia, no!", Abbie pouted.
"Wait... What is the whole situation here?", Tristan asked in confusion.
"We're together.", Ava said in a duh tone, but her chest swelled with pride.
"All three of you?", Tristan asked. They nodded. "And you all live here?", they nodded again. "Damn... I don't even get to see my girlfriend anymore and you have two girlfriends each...", he muttered to himself.
"Not the goddamn point.", Mia hissed again.
"Okay, you want me to leave? I'll leave. I have work to do, anyway."
"What kind of work?", Ava squinted at him.
"Ava, he barely told us his name! Do you really think he'll tell us what kind of work he has to do?", Abbie asked in exasperation.
"No, but I could have tricked him!", Ava crossed her arms.
"Alright, you fought over this long enough. I'm going to get out of your feet.", Tristan rolled his eyes and got out of the bed.
"Finally!", Mia exclaimed, but blushed when Abbie glared at her.
Tristan got his stuff and made his way to the door.
"Thanks again. And sorry for your trouble.", he said before leaving the small house.
"Don't mention it. Bye!", Ava smiled sweetly and slammed the door behind him.
He could hear them bickering from outside, but the "fight" seemed to die out as he headed towards the woods and the three girls calmed down.
Just three more people whose lives he turned upside down, even if it was for a short period of time.
Disaster followed him everywhere.
Caroline was worried not only about her stupid brother but also about how her sister was doing and Lux.
Despite Lux's award-deserving performance in the attempt to hide how she was feeling, Caroline wasn't fooled. The only problem was that Lux caught on and snapped, pushing her further away, when all she wanted to do was help out.
First Tristan, then Crystal and now Lux? And I have my father's plans to worry about too... Why is life so rough?, she asked herself.
She'd also promised Margaret that she'd help her find Faith's killer. She was worried about Andy being locked up in the dungeons. There was just so much going on in her life, that she could barely think. All she did was stress over things there was nothing she could do about.
A knock on the door shook her out of her thoughts, as doors seem to be the only ones doing that and it's the only thing they've done so far.
"Who is it?", Caroline sighed.
"Me.", the voice from outside sent a chill down her spine.
She rushed to open the door and let her father in.
"How come you're visiting here? You never--", she rushed.
"Yes, but now I came.", he crossed his arms.
"What is it?"
"Tristan was spotted crossing the border.", he growled.
"Really?!", Caroline asked, trying to mask her excitement with surprise.
"I was wondering if you know why he would be seen going to my brother's kingdom.", he narrowed his eyes at her.
"How should I know? I didn't even know he was leaving in the first place, much less his destination and reason of departure.", Caroline shrugged.
"Of course you know. You always do. You're always covering for him, and what do you get in return?", he asked her. She looked at her feet. "The blame.", he answered his own question.
"I'm not covering for him. I never have.", Caroline lied.
"Come on, Caroline. You think I didn't know about his nightly excursions? Some of which you actually joined in? You disappoint me.", he sneered.
"I don't know what you're talking about.", she replied stubbornly.
"I was just like you. Dan kept sneaking out with his... friends, and later on with his girlfriend. You do know that your aunt was a servant, don't you?"
"Of course I do."
"Then you must surely know that servants and royalty don't mix.", he told her, piercing her with a glare a that might have meant that he knew all about Faith.
"Yes, I know.", she said, crossing her arms.
"Why do I doubt that?", he raised an eyebrow.
"Because you always doubt everything I say.", she grumbled, but placed her hand over her mouth once she realised what she had said. Despite that, she didn't apologise.
To her surprise, Alastor laughed. It was a cruel laughter though, not a warm or one of happiness. "You're finally developing a backbone."
"What?", she asked in confusion.
"Are you deaf?", he scoffed. "Anyway, that's not fully why I'm here. I'm departing tomorrow morning on an urgent trip and I'll probably be back in about a week or so."
"May I ask where you're travelling with such urgency?"
"No, you may not. Goodnight, Carol.", he turned to leave.
"Stop calling me that!", she snapped. "My name is Caroline, not Carol."
"You didn't seem to mind when your mother called you that.", he growled.
"That was before you killed her.", she glared at him. This time, she didn't cover her mouth, she just looked at him straight in the eye challengingly.
"What did you say?", he turned around threateningly.
"Are you deaf?", she dared him. She saw his hand moving towards her before he managed to hit her and took a step backwards, grabbing his wrist. "I've had enough of your bullying. Everyone has. Now, you're going to free Andy Dow from the dungeons, and start treating me as an equal, if you want to have an heir to the throne.", she pushed him outside the room. "Because, by the looks of it, both of your two other children had enough of you and ran away.", she hissed.
"You dare order me around?"
"No. I dare try to make you a better person, because you've reached a point where there's no salvation for you.", she told him. "Have a nice trip, and don't forget to free Andy on your way out.", she slammed the door in his face and locked it.
Then she sat down on her bed and looked at her shaky hands. She did it; she actually did it.
In her father's own words, she finally grew a backbone.
Abbie, Ava and Mia are my first attempt in writing polyamory and I know that this sucks, but this isn't the last you've seen of them. They'll reappear at some point in the other books and I'll try to do better with their relationship, but despite all the research I did, it's still hard.
Sorry about that.
Three chapters left... Everything's going to be great, right? 😈
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