Entrance Exam
AN: We know how the training yet, but she's been melting them down a lot to make ingots like BigStackD Casting for stuff at the trading station in the forest, so entrance exam time.
She looks at the gates of U.A Academy making her to be very nervous, but she takes a deep breath and calmly walks towards the school as she hopes they'll accept her as many of the HPSC members keep telling her she's a Villain.
Sure, she eats her follow humans, but she has to since she lives in the Cryptid Forest. Plus she's the fully adopted daughter of Siren Head who cares for her. She started to eat the organs of both females and males, but avoids the balls plus manhoods.
She has fully two male and one hermaphrodite Cryptid Spiders living in the same territory as her making her to sneak out in the early morning making her to not know they're going to be going to the same school as her making her to not noticed them looking at her.
She looks and sits down in seat number forty-eight making her to be away from her only childhood friend/playmate as she listens to Present Mic who's the announcer as she didn't noticed the three are behind her. She did the written test and waits.
She heads to the next one and on the train, saw a human girl having a hard time staying calm and she has a Cloud float the brown paper bag towards her who takes it and nods as a blue hair human boy looks towards her as if trying to figure her out fully.
She doesn't have any shoes on her feet as she's soo use to not even wearing them as the schools had never noticed this at all. She saw that Present Mic's there faster than them as he starts the test since Villains don't wait for the Heroes to arrive.
She bolts fast as she had noticed dummies playing the role of the civilians making her to fix them up, but she's attacked making her to glare and her eyes to go fully red irises with black spectras before she attacks as the robots are defeated and out of camera's view...
Her clouds steal the many robots she defeated making them to not noticed it. She kept going as she saw a huge ass robot with the nervous girl under rubble making her to run back and jump up as she punches it in the face making it to fall backwards.
A giant cloud stores it fully away without anyone noticing it as she lands and caused a cater to form in the ground as she got the pile of rubble off of the girl. The exam's over making her to sigh of relief, but then she realized they don't know her address.
She has a postbox where she gets her mail and HPSC loves to harass her through it fully as she fully has their mail sent to the police to deal with it for her. All Might gave her his Quirk a week after the exam as she wants to enter the exam without it fully.
For a week, she trains in the Quirk as she swims in the air at night time if she can't sleep making her to notice the middle ring on her hands connected to fabric which covers the back of her hands and then covers her wrists all the way above her elbows.
It ends with some clouds as on her hands with her chest covered by a halter shirt with biceps shelves made out of clouds as the bottom and top of her halter shirt's all clouds as her bosom's pushed against her chest since it's lifted and firm actually.
Her three measurements are fully one hundred and seventeen", fifty-nine" and ninety-three" making her to be more of a short woman than a fifteen-year-old girl making her to worry as she can sit on the clouds in the sky like she can with her own clouds.
Her hairs up in twin pigtails with clouds holding them up as she also has a tiara made out of clouds with raindrop shaped ice making her to control the weather cause of this. Her ears are pointy like an elf's ear making her to worry about this fully.
She starts to turn a part of her home into a home for hedgehogs as she boards it off and fixes it up with four homes and made sure there's cat food and crickets plus inch worms making her to trade for some stuff to finish it off fully.
They loved it since they're Cloud Hedgehogs making her to see lots of clouds appearing under their feet a lot and it's soo cute. She did noticed the three spiders were of three different colors which were blond, purple and black making her to be confused by this.
'I thought they were all one same color? I guess not really.' The only reason they're different is because their only half Cryptid and half Human making them to be fully Cryptid-Human Hybrid which are extremely rare for the Cryptid Forest to have inside.
Their fathers' were fully Humans and their mothers' were fully Cryptid Spiders. She gave them all food when they're starving cause of their full-Crytpid siblings fully making them to live in the same territory as her cause of this now.
She tosses them full bodies to eat making them to feel full and much stronger thanks to this. She looks around as it's almost time for the hunting season again as she goes and gets her arrows ready to fire at the new prey as all of the many Yazuka groups, but one are gone in Japan.
She brings the money over to the Matron to use for the children as the clothing's used for trades and the weapons were taken apart to cast with as the human food's also fully giving to the Matron for the children. They're all fully on Mafia Families now.
She knows they can hunt, but they allow her to take them out to keep the prey from noticing them as screams aren't a good hunting method in the forest. She takes out as many as she can in her four acre territory that she rules with her three spider 'allies' fully.
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