Copycat copies 'Stain'?!
Izume saw her papa talking to a Cryptid who's own human form looks like 'Stain, the Hero Killer' making her to look nervous as she sneaks over and peeks out at him as her papa rubs her head to keep her calm since this is fully not something she needs to worry about.
"You got a cute daughter, Siren Head. Hope she's alright out there. A stupid human with a Copycat Quirk copied me and is using my human form to killing their own follow human as "Stain, the Hero Killer". I'm worried about this." Siren Head nods.
"This is bad. I'll keep watch in my human form for them." Siren Head told him as Izume looks very concerned as she closes her eyes making her to fear for the worse as it might expose Cryptids to the humans fully and she doesn't want that for her papa.
'This is not going to be a good thing for us.' She went to school and thinks before fully hearing Iida's brother got hurt by them on patrol making Izume to realized that the same one who copied that Cryptid's human form got Iida's older brother with that form.
Izume feels sorry for Iida as that's not right making her to deal with this personally. She'll have the police with her as she gets him to go back as his trueself. This needs to stop and fast as it's time to pick out their Pro-Hero names and Midnight's in charge of it.
Izume would go last as Asui went with "Rainy Season Hero: Froppy", Uraraka went for "Gravity Hero: Uravity" and Izume's quick to change both Todoroki and Iida's names making them to be "Duel Hero: Icy-Flameman" and "Turbo Hero: Ingenium".
Izume went up and takes a deep breath as this one has never been used before and she checked with the list of Heroes to make sure of it plus other countries to be on a safe side as she shows her own Pro-Hero name to everyone in the classroom.
"I choice this. "Cryptid Mermaid Hero: Cloudia"." Both Aizawa and Midnight were shocked as she can't use that name at all making her to look upset since she had checked and no one's using this making Tokoyami to walk up and hugs her as the water works came out.
"What the fuck?!"
"Why can't she use it?!"
"There had better be a very good explanation to why she just can't use it!"
"I fucking saw her checking every country and Japan to fucking see if it's taken and it's fucking not!" Bakugou shouts at the two Hunters for this.
"I AM HERE! WITH NEZU!" All Might shouts as he heard Izume's crying making Iida to Yaoyorozu to explain and Nezu overrules the two since it's not in use making them to explain 'Cryptid' is the reason and that it's illegal to use it.
"And that the HPSC agrees with this!" Midnight said before Nezu stops her from saying anymore else.
"Wrong. They don't mind it since it's not in use and they're finally getting their members to fully stop harassing Miss. Midoriya with the letters since they tried to turn her into a Villainess by keeping her out of Hero Schools. Only with All Might fully helping got her into here.
Do this again and your paychecks are deducted by half." Nezu said as Izume's tears were wrapped away as Tokoyami helping her out kept her calm since she's very close to awakening as a Cryptid cause of this fully. Tokoyami didn't want that for her ever.
Izume went with Iida since she wants to know what his brother's sidekicks are like since she noticed one has a water Quirk and think they might help her out with her's making Iida to notice nothing as she needs to keep an eye out for this copycat Quirk person.
Both Izume and Iida trains as she learns how to properly use the water aspect of both her Quirk and her grandmother's leftover Quirk: Ocular Gushers making her to change it into twin dragons and attacks with them making Iida to have a work out from this fully as they rest for the night.
'It's been three days now already. Where is he?' Izume thinks as she needs to find him and fast. Iida doesn't know as he wants revenge for what he did to his brother. Izume can't let that happen as she needs to find him first before then.
Izume saw Pro-Hero: Native when they went out on patrol and more Nomus are out as they're attacking civilians making her to make sure Iida doesn't see him as she points to a Nomu and has him kick it far away from the others. Once that's done, she bolts away.
She slams her right shoulder into his chest and them she sole kicked him away as she got the Pro-Hero outside of the ally cause of that person. She bolts back in as she needs to get him to show his very true-self to the police. Iida saw her and 'Stain' in an alleyway.
"You're not who you say you are. You're ruin people's lives by just pretending to be them. Using it to stay alive until you need a new victim to use. I bet ya you don't even remember what you look like." Izume said as the police was there with both Endeavor and Todoroki.
"Not true!"
"Prove it! Unless you're a coward!" Izume challenges him as he uses a picture of his true-self and he went into it making a speedy thing to knock him out which's an old man in a Hero costume making the police to take him and the picture away.
Izume sighs of relief as she can't believe that plan worked as Iida looks confused making her to ignore it as she's not going to be revealing who the person truly was. Siren Head's impressed as 'his' own daughter got them fully captured all by themselves.
That person went to the police and explains where he had fully been during those and he got all crimes off his 'record' making Izume to sigh of relief as she got them fast. After finding out just how many crimes they've done as someone else, all of the victims got it fully removed from their records.
Many got to be what they wanted to be cause this was publicized making many to be shocked and there's still people who've believe they did the crimes themselves. Many were shocked that a single fifteen-years-old Heroine-in-training had stopped them all alone.
Aizawa and Midnight were pissed as Izume's getting recognized as a Pro-Heroine early and they can't stop it since she didn't fight him at all and it's even legal making Nezu to have the perfect time to fire the six Hunters and get them all fully in jail for life permanently somehow now.
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