Chapter 6: Let the Chaos Commence
"Where is he?! He couldn't have gotten far!"
"Check the balcony! He might--!"
One of the guards didn't have time to get out of the way as Cry suddenly popped out of nowhere, knocking the man out with his Skyhook.
Cry chuckled evilly as he turned to the other guards, who were staring at him with disbelief.
"Who the heck are you, intruder?!"
"Mwahahaha~I am your worst nightmare~!"
Everyone sweat-dropped slightly.
'He's nuts.'
Wind started to whip around Cry again, alarming the guards.
Cry's Skyhook spun rapidly as the brunet started to run after fleeing guards.
"Phew! That's the last of them!"
Cry glanced around the area; he then spotted a bottle of Salt.
He took it and drank the entire bottle, lifting his mask onto the side of his head.
"Eh, it doesn't taste too bad--almost tastes like cola."
Cry wiped his mouth before chucking the empty bottle to the side.
After replenishing his energy, he lifted his right hand to activate his new power; his hand turned into a swirling mass of wind, still compressed in hand-like shape.
Cry grinned.
"This is so cool~!"
The brunet deactivated his power before setting his mask back into place.
"I wonder if there are anymore..."
Cry flew from rooftop to rooftop, careful to not make any loud noises, since the guards were after him for some reason.
When the brunet unhooked himself from one of the hooks, he landed on one of the tall buildings in Bioshock; he was closer to the angel statue.
'...I wonder how the others are doing...'
Cry frowned under his mask.
'How will I find them?'
Cry was cut out of musings when he heard loud bangs and shouts; he quickly turned his head to the source of the commotion.
A man with slicked-back, dark-brown hair emerged from a cloud of smoke, holding a rifle in one hand while his left hand was blazing with molten fire.
The man was apparently shooting at guards that were chasing him and...a raven-haired woman?
Cry lifted his mask up to get a better look before widening his eyes.
'Woah! That's Booker and Ellie!'
The two were dangerously close to the ledge of the building they were standing on; Cry widened his eyes before setting his mask back into place.
He started to charge his Skyhook, a grin slowly appeared on his face behind his mask.
00(Booker's P.O.V.)00
I widened my eyes before quickly jerking my head to look upwards.
Some kid just suddenly fell from the sky and hit one of the guards with a Skyhook.
The wind seemed to bend to his will as he attacked the other guards.
'What the heck?!'
I took the chance to bring Elizabeth closer to me; she quickly gave me a Salt.
When the kid turned around, he was wearing some strange, white mask; it creeped me out slightly.
He wore a simple green jacket and navy-blue jeans; it didn't have that formal style that everyone else had...a new design for clothes these days?
I was snapped out of my musings when the kid spoke.
"You guys alright?"
00(End of Booker's P.O.V.)00
Cry tilted his head curiously at the two.
Booker and Elizabeth were staring at him warily, causing Cry to laugh sheepishly.
"Ah, my mask must be a bit freaky..."
"Who are you, kid?"
"Booker! Be nicer..."
Cry laughed again as Sup crawled out from the brunet's hoodie.
Booker blinked dumbly at the creature.
"What the heck is that?"
Cry rubbed the nape of his neck.
"Err, that's gonna be a bit hard to explain--"
Cry turned around to see more guards.
The guards started to aim their rifles at the brunet.
Everyone sweat-dropped slightly at the childish answer.
A glimmer of purple caught Cry's eye.
The brunet turned to look and a grin split his face as he reached into the nearby crate to take the object out.
'Ohohohoho~Shock Jockey! Awesome!'
Cry ignored the panicked calls from Elizabeth while Booker stared at the brunet gamer with curiosity.
Cry lifted his mask up slightly before chugging the drink down; he then threw the empty bottle to the side.
The brunet furrowed his brow slightly in concentration before a glow of blue light appeared in his left hand; dark-blue crystals also coated his hand.
Cry grinned before placing his mask on back into place.
The guards never stood a chance as Booker watched with amusement and Elizabeth with worry.
Cry picked up a nearby pistol and toyed with it, filling it up with new ammo.
"Hey, kid."
Cry looked up and spotted Booker, who was shouldering a rifle; the man was smirking.
"Nice moves."
The gamer grinned underneath his mask.
Cry trailed off, trying to sound like he didn't know their names.
"Ah. I'm Booker DeWitt and this is Elizabeth."
"Cool. You can call my Cry."
Booker raised an eyebrow at the peculiar name but didn't question it as did Elizabeth, who was staring at Cry with curiosity now.
"Where did you come from Cry?"
The brunet pointed at a rooftop that was like five buildings away from them.
Booker whistled in amazement while Elizabeth shook her head.
"No...I meant--you're not from this world are you?"
Cry blinked in surprise at the question before slowly nodding. Sup hopped onto his shoulder and danced around.
The brunet stood up, strapping a rifle to his back while grabbing a few packs of ammo.
"I'm looking for my friends actually." Cry petted Sup on the head with one finger. "I don't think I'll find them here..."
Elizabeth gazed at him before big smile spread across her face.
"I can probably help you."
Cry's sea-blue eyes widened slightly behind his mask as he straightened up slightly.
Elizabeth frowned thoughtfully.
"Do you have anything that one of them once held?"
Cry hummed.
'Before coming here...did I....ah! A note from Scott about the next Late Night Crew ideas.'
The brunet rummaged through his jean pockets before pulling out a crumpled up note; he handed it over to Elizabeth. Booker was looking at their surroundings, keeping watch for enemies.
Elizabeth took the crumpled note and started to concentrate.
She positioned her hands in front of her before a Tear appeared before her.
Cry widened his eyes slightly at the sight of large city, possibly set in the nineties.
"This place..."
"Eh? You know it?"
Cry gazed at the world beyond the Tear before turning his head back to look at Elizabeth.
"Thanks, Ellie! I can take it from here!"
Elizabeth blushed slightly at the nickname before smiling warmly.
"Please be careful, Cry."
"Hey, kid."
Cry blinked before looking over at Booker, who tossed a bag at him; the gamer caught the bag and opened it to look at the contents.
All of the different potions were there, with a few extra bottles of Salt.
"Don't go drinking all of the potions at once--you might combust."
Cry grinned before waving to them.
"Thanks! I hope we can see each other again! See ya' Booker, Ellie!"
The brunet stepped through the Tear before it closed behind him.
Booker and Elizabeth stared at the one spot he disappeared to.
"We'll see him again. I have a feeling..."
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