Chapter 5: Flying
Giant angel statue?
Big blimps?
Floating city?
There was only one place that Cry recognized the place as.
"Bioshock Infinite..."
Sup giggled and walked around Cry's shoulder.
The brunet pinched himself.
"Oh my nutella this isn't a dream!"
Cry sighed; Sup nuzzled against his neck.
The brunet gazed at the long drop before him and sweat-dropped.
"How am I going to get off?"
Cry turned his head slightly to look at Sup.
The creature was tilting his head in one direction.
A glimmer of light reflected from the grass caught Cry's eye as he turned in the direction Sup was tilting his head in.
Cry reached down to grab the object before widening his eyes in surprise.
A wide grin split his face behind his mask.
"Oh no way~!"
Cry brushed some loose grass from his new find.
"It's a freaking Skyhook~!"
Cry grinned widely as he tried it out.
The Skyhook spun rapidly as the brunet played with it.
"Aw this is gonna be freaking awesome!"
The wind running through his brown locks was exhilarating.
Cry had gotten used to using the Skyhook and he was 'flying' from building to building.
Sup was giggling the entire time while riding in the hoodie of Cry's green jacket.
Cry stopped on one of the hooks and glanced downwards.
A guard of sorts was currently pointing at him, a whistle at his lips.
Cry widened his eyes before unhooking himself and jumping to another hook.
Unfortunately, a bullet grazed his side, causing the brunet to miss the next hook.
Cry fell to the crates below.
"AW CRA--!"
A loud crash was heard.
Cry clutched the side of his jacket that was slowly getting soaked with blood.
Sup crawled out from Cry's hoodie and made panicked noises.
The two were currently in a warehouse.
Cry managed to sneak inside to hide from the guards.
Sup hopped onto Cry's leg, beady, black eyes filled with worry.
Cry chuckled softly.
"I'm alright, Sup. It's just a little scratch."
Sup shook his head vehemently before crawling to Cry's side.
Suddenly, there was a soft glow of white light, blinding Cry momentarily.
When the light died down, Sup emitted a small giggle before hopping onto Cry's shoulder; the brunet checked his side, feeling no more pain.
Cry widened his eyes at the sight of unscarred skin.
The small gash was gone.
The brunet slowly grinned before patting Sup on the head.
"You're amazing."
Sup giggled before returning to Cry's hoodie.
Cry chuckled before standing up slowly, looking to see if anyone was nearby.
It was then that he spotted a certain bottle of something.
His grin turned wicked.
"Ohohoho~! Now the fun's just about to start."
Cry grabbed the green-colored potion before him.
It had a picture of a ram skull on it.
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