Chapter 49: Are you my big brother?
Blue eyes fluttered open, staring up at a wooden ceiling with confusion. Cry blinked once more before shooting up--except he couldn't. The brunet blinked and widened his eyes when he felt something restraining him to some sort of bed, judging by the cushion-like feel to it.
Cry grunted as he shifted his head to the side. It was apparent that he was in some sort infirmary with all of the medicine cases that were against the walls. But not only that...the room had a Japanese feel to it.
Cry widened his eyes--where the he** was his mask--as a black, misty arm moved across his line of sight. He clicked a few things together and shut his eyes, sending a burst of lightning magic through his body.
There was a screech before Cry felt his restraints disappeared. The brunet sat up quickly and swung himself off of the infirmary bed, blue eyes glowing in the dim lighting of the room as he summoned his Okami sword, leveling it at the shadowy mass in the room.
"Okay, f**ker, I'm a little disoriented, but I can still kick your a**." 'I believe this is the weird, spooky ghost thing in Corpse Party. Yeesh, I died a few times against this thing.'
The mass of black mist hissed and lunged toward Cry, who quickly dashed forward to meet the being halfway. He slashed through the darkness, bursting through to the other side. The brunet turned to see...that the mass was there, swirling around as if taunting the gamer.
Cry blinked and huffed, eyes glowing as lightning crackled around him this time. He grinned wryly as he mimed a gun with his hand, shouldering his Okami sword.
"So....physical attacks don't work?" Cry charged up a ball of lightning. "How about this then?"
The black mist gave one last screech before it disappeared completely.
"I ' l l k i l l y o u n e x t t i m e. . . ."
Cry narrowed his eyes slightly, running a hand through his hair as he squinted at the disappearing mass.
"Yep, good luck with that..."
Cry stored his sword away as he then glanced around the room, looking for anymore dangers. He then realized--
Cry snapped his gaze to the door, hearing a familiar voice. The brunet dashed over and grimaced slightly when there was a bunch hair binding the door shut. Cry quickly burned it away with his lightning before sliding the infirmary doors open with a bang.
A blur of green had darted past him before it screeched to a halt. Cry sweatdropped when his new companion tripped over his feet, sliding across the wooden floorboards.
"Uh...buddy, you alright?"
"Hmm phh." (I'm fine.)
Cry then reached out to the other, offering a hand. Once Jack was back on his feet, Sam drifted into view. The green eyeball cooed as he drifted around Cry and Jack.
"So Jack," Cry spoke up. "I'm guessing I'm the first person you've met so far...?"
Jack nodded, a frown on his lips as he lightly patted Sam's side in a comforting manner.
"Yeeeep! I 'aven't run into anyone else 'cept you, Cry."
Cry nodded, humming thoughtfully as he grimaced inqardly.
'Split up again? Not good...especially in a place like this. If I recall correctly, Corpse Party has characters existing in different timezones. We won't be able to meet up with each other until we break a few curses...or get on the good side of a few ghosts...'
Cry snapped his gaze back to Jack, grinning slightly to reassure the other
"Okay, Jack. We just need look around for the group. But keep your guard up; this place is haunted."
Jack nodded, patting Sam's side one more time before crossing his arms, looking at Cry thoughtfully.
"Gotcha...and this game we're in right's Corpse Party, ain't it?"
Cry laughed weakly.
"Yup. So...we gotta watch out for vengeful spirits."
"A'ight! Let's go, Sammy!"
Cry brought out Corvo's sword and used it to carve words into the wall. He hummed in satisfaction before sheathing his blade, following Jack and his glowing eyeball-companion.
"Alright, let's go."
On the wall was a small, scratched note.
Stay safe. -Cry :3
"'Ey, by the way, Cry. Where's your mask?"
"Eh, somewhere close hopefully."
Snake glanced around the area quietly, eyes glowing green as he used Peeping Tom.
"O-Onii-san...why do your eyes glow?"
The dark-haired brunet glanced down at the child he was currently carrying. The brunette girl had teary eyes as she kept her arms around his neck. The gamer had met the girl on his own, wandering around the haunted school before following the crying. Snake immediately picked the girl up when he caught sight of her, calming her down as best as he could while he tried to map out the area.
And now, the two were having their first conversation. Snake inclined his head, thinking of a way to respond to her question.
"...I'm magical."
The girl blinked before giggling slightly, her sniffles dying off slightly.
Snake merely nodded, bringing his gaze back to his surroundings as he walked down the hall, avoiding gaping, black holes in the wooden ground.
" name is M-Mochida Yuka." She said timidly. "What's yours?"
She tilted her head, eyes wide with curiosity.
"'Snake'?" She furrowed her eyebrows thoughtfully before smiling brightly. "It's nice to meet you, Hebi-san!"
Snake blinked at the nickname before offering a tiny smile to the girl.
"Nice to meet you too, kid."
"Ugh...I'm gonna be sick." Scott muttered under his breath, looking away from another bloody corpse. "Dude, do you have ginger?"
Russ deadpanned the other.
"Do I look like the kind of guy that would have ginger on me?"
Jund shrugged, looking nonchalant as if he hadn't seen a corpse just a few seconds ago.
"Dunno. I just thought it'd be funny if ya' did."
Russ shook his head exasperatedly and sighed.
"Oi, summon more ghosts, will ya'? This place is he**a dark."
Scott did as he was told, squinting his eyes as green light flooded the area--
"Sh**, vengeful spirits! Stay behind me, Shinozaki!"
The two paused at the panicked shout and swiveled their heads to look behind themselves. Russ blinked and pushed up his glasses at the sight of a platinum-blonde and a ravenette.
"Huh...looks like there are some people in this haunted building." 'Corpse Party, huh? Dang...what were their names again...?'
The ravenette who was standing behind the blonde perked up at that, her eyes growing wide with hope.
"Y-You guys aren't ghosts?"
Scott blinked before waving his arms around while grinning creepily.
"I dunno. Are we?"
Russ smacked the other on the head.
"Stop terrorizing the kids, Jund."
The ravenet merely flipped the bird at him.
"F**k you too, dude."
The blonde teen took a cautious step forward, gaze narrowed at the two gamers.
"But...what are those ghosts around you? Are you being manipulated...?"
Scott grinned lazily.
"It's actually the other way around. These ghosts are under my command at the moment."
The ravenette girl stared in awe at his green ghosts, slightly stepping out from behind the blonde.
"Amazing..." She then smiled timidly as she took a step closer to the gamer pair. "I'm Shinozaki Ayumi. And he," She pointed over at the platinum-blonde. "Is Kishinuma Yoshiki."
Russ nodded, jabbing a thumb at himself.
"Russ." He then pointed at his current LNC companion. "Jund or Scott."
The ravenet scoffed at the introductions, using his ghosts to swat Russ in the head.
Russ squinted his eyes at the other before sighing.
"Ah, whatever." The brunet turned to look at the two teen with him. "You two...what are you guys doing?"
Yoshiki still looked suspiciously at the gamers, so Ayumi spoke first.
"We're looking for our friends...and our teacher." She shuffled her feet, eyes downcast. "She hasn't come back yet."
Russ blinked, humming thoughtfully.
' did the story line go? I have no freakin' clue right now...oh well, we're bound to bump into the others sometime soon. Best to keep moving and watch out for bad guys...'
The brunet snapped his fingers and turned to look at Scott.
"Yo, Jund, send a few ghosts to scout around ahead so we don't die, alright?"
The ravenet rolled his eyes but he did as he was told, summoning more ghosts to send down the halls.
"Okay, Mr. Bossy."
Russ then turned to look at the teens, grinning slightly.
"Alright, we'll help you out. You see, we're separated from our friends too, so let's help each other out."
Yoshiki studied the other a while longer before nodding, relaxing slightly when he saw some truth to Russ's words. Ayumi nodded also, gaze determined. The four set off down the halls.
<<(A different timezone)>>
"Bro, this place is suuuuper creepy."
Pewds sweated as he gripped Marzia's hand tightly. Cutiepie herself was also pressing against his side, trying her best to stay away from the shadows as Maya and Edgar trotted next to them. Red stood in front of the group, using her Devil's Kiss to light the way. The redhead grimaced as she stepped over yet another corpse, motioning to her companions to warn them of the dead body.
"Watch your step."
Red brought her gaze forward be freezing. She held up a hand, telling the other two to be silent. Pewds and Marzia tensed up, watching as Red inclined her head, listening intently. She then narrowed her gaze, throwing two words over her shoulder.
"Follow. Quickly."
Felix and Mariza did as they were told, dashing after red with Maya and Edgar at their sides. Red turned a corner to find a few stairs before scaling over the steps.
"Watch the hole!"
Pewds, Marzia and their pugs reacted in time as they leapt over a space in the stairs. They met Red at the very top of the stairs, watching her look both ways down a hall before turning right. As they moved towards some sort of bathroom, Pewds and Mariza could finally hear crying and choked screams. The pair tensed as Red marched right into a room.
"Aah--w-wait, who are y--!?"
"No time! Hold the girl up so she can stop choking!"
"But the n-noose has alread--!" The new voice said timidly.
"D**n it. Fine."
As Pewds and Marzia got closer, they saw that the room was labeled bathroom on the outside. They peeked their head in time to see a crouched Red burn a rope that was tied tightly around an auburn-haired girl's neck, a brunette teen sobbing quietly right next to the two. Red sighed in relief as she helped the auburn-haired girl sit up, allowing air to go past her lips--in and out.
"Seiko!" The brunette girl lunged forward from her place next to them, hugging the other tightly, sobbing. "I-I'm so sorry! I-I shouldn't have said those things t-to you! I--!"
"I-It's...alright...N-Naomi-chan..." The auburn-haired girl reached up, coughing as she lightly patted short brown hair; she smiled shakily. "I...I know you d-didn't mean it....I...forgive you..."
This made the other sob louder. Red then turned her gaze over to Pewds and Marzia, waving them over silently as she walked to the side. Once they were a slight distance away from the two girls, giving them their needed space. Red turned to look at her companions, murmuring softly.
"Felix, I believe you understand where we are?"
Pewds nodded.
"Yupper-doodle. It's Corpse Party."
Red hummed, looking at the other sharply.
" know more about this game than I do. I'm trusting you to warn us about the great dangers of this place."
Pewds saluted the other playfully, grinning amusedly.
"You can count on me, Ma'am."
The group turned around to see the two girls looking at them. The brunette was the first to bow towards them, tears leaking from her eyes.
"Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you...! If you hadn't come, Seiko would be--!"
Red smiled a bit, waving a hand in the air.
"It's alright..."
"Ah, m-my name is Nakashima Naomi, and my friend here is Sh-Shinohara Seiko." Naomi smiled shakily at Red. "I-It's nice to meet you..."
Red walked over, to the two girls, offering a hand to each to help them on their feet.
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Red." Once the two were on their feet, the redhead pointed over at her current companions. "That guy over there is Felix, and the lady is Marzia." 'We're suddenly back to speaking in Japanese again...weird.'
Naomi moved to help her friend.
"Ah, let's go."
Red noticed the minute flinch Seiko had when she was touched before she followed the other.
As Marzia stuck with the two girls with her pugs, Pewds leaned towards Red, muttering softly.
"If I recall correctly, the Naomi-girl was manipulated by a ghost and hung Seiko," Red tensed and narrowed her eyes, side-eyeing the blonde. "I'm sure Seiko's gonna be a little paranoid around Naomi for a while...but I'm sure they'll forgive each other." Pewds grins a little. "They seem like awesome friends."
Red merely nodded, moving forward to catch up with the group, lighting her right hand up with Devil's Kiss. But of course, she would have to later explain how the heck fire can appear on her hand without hurting her.
"Kyaaa, Red-san! Your hand is on fire!"
Red rolled her eyes mentally and groaned.
'Here we go...'
<<(With the Pink Mustache)>>
"Mr. Mark...this place is rather..."
Arthur trailed off, the bear-child looking lost as he stared at the dead bodies littering the area. Markiplier frowned, reaching out to pat the ghost-boy on the head, pulling Anda to his side too since she started to shiver with unshed tears.
" can go back into the tattoo if you don't want to see..." Mark grimaces as he carefully steps over another corpse. "All of this, kiddos..."
Arthur smiled weakly at Mark, drifting closer to the other.
"It's fine. Honestly, I should've gotten use to this by now..."
Mark frowned before reaching over, hugging the ghost to himself, ruffling brown hair. He brought Leve and Crevan closer too.
"Thanks for helping me out here, guys."
Arthur teared up slightly and laughed a bit.
"Aw...thanks, Mr. Mark."
Crevan rolled his eyes and huffed. Leve chuckled wearily. Anda giggled softly.
The group tensed. Arthur floated in front of Mark, summoning his blue shield as metal bear ears popped in existence onto his head. His blue eyes narrowed as something moved out of the darkness towards the group.
"G-Ghost! Let's--!"
"W-Wait, guys! I think that's my friend! Mark, is that you!?"
The ravenet squinted his eyes into the darkness, watching as a familiar bearded brunet walk out of the shadows. Ken laughed nervously as he adjusted his bear hat.
"Yo, Mark!"
Mark blinked in surprise before dashing over, bawling comically.
Ken dodged to the side, sweatdropping as Mark's grabbed nothing and slid across the floor.
"Dude. You gotta stop doing that. Not everyone likes to be tackled to the ground, ya' know?"
Mark grumbled before pushing himself up from the ground.
"B-But what about those ghosts!?"
The ravenet perked up at the new voices and lifted his head, looking curiously up to see a teen.
' of those guys...Satoshi or somethin'? From Corpse Party?'
Mark gut up to his feet, dusting himself off as he looked at the teen.
"Yo! My name's Mark, and those ghosts over there are friends!"
The brunet looked at Mark with uncertainty before slowly nodding, mumbling under his breath.
"Well...if they aren't going to kill us, I guess there's no use in rejecting them." Then the teen grinned brightly at Mark. "Hello! My name is Mochida Satoshi."
Mark grinned as he extended a hand out.
<<(Somewhere else)>>
"Well...ain't this swell?"
Minx squinted into the darkness, grumbling when there were no light sources ahead.
"Hmph, tell me about it...."
Minx blinked at the new voice and turned to look down, seeing a black cat.
"Uh...did you just talk?"
The black cat seemed to huff.
"Of course I can, you nitwit. I believe I haven't met you before..."
Minx crouched down, trying to be a little respectful by appearing shorter for the cat, crossing her arms. She grinned roguishly.
"The name's Minx. What's your name?"
The black cat hummed, licking at his paw before rubbing his head, grooming himself.
She tilted her head at the cat.
"How come I've never seen you around before?"
Kuro's ear twitched, looking irritated.
"It was apparent that Cry had forgotten to retrieve me in a few worlds before this one. I was lucky a Tear appeared so I could step through it. I'm lucky that I've finally caught up with you lot." He sighed and muttered off to the side. "I miss Ellen and Viola..."
(O.D.D.- To be honest, I forgot Cry had Kuro in the first place. Kuro came from the Witch's House chapter, and he was given to Cry to assist him. I felt bad for forgetting Kuro, so I made up a pretty lame explanation of why he wasn't there. Haha...I'm so sorry, Kuro. I lost you in the Ori and the Blind Forest part. ( ༎ຶོω༎ຶོ ; ))
Minx chuckled.
"Ha! That sound's like something that Cry would do! Anyways..." Minx opened her arms up to the feline. "I can carry you. You deserve a break for being left behind on accident."
Kuro snorted before leaping up into her arms, making himself comfortable.
"I hope you don't leave me behind. I'd claw your face off if I ever find you again."
Minx barked out a laugh, turning on her heel to march forward, sniper-rifle bouncing against her back with each step she took.
"Fair enough!"
"Ugh...that's a lot of dead bodies..."
Minx grimaced as she found an entire room filled with bodies. She then slid the door shut and continued her trek down the hall. The brunette paused when she heard something. Kuro also perked up and looked at her.
"Yo...evil spirits...10 o'clock, just up ahead."
Minx nodded before setting the cat on the ground.
"Alright, buddy, I don't want you to get hurt, so I'll just put you here for a bit..."
Kuro rolled his eyes, his tail curling around him.
"Please. An evil spirit is nothing compared to me." He smirked, a fang glinting in the darkness as he looked up at her with his dark, slitted eyes. "I am a demon."
Minx raised an eyebrow at the cat, feeling a bit unnerved now.
"Oh...? Is that so, Kuro?"
Kuro widened his grin.
"Also, my name ain't Kuro. I just let Ellen call me that to make her more comfortable." A mist formed around him, following his cat-body as he trotted towards the room ahead of them. "I am Capalu, a Demon of Discord. I'm known by other names, but Capalu is one that I favor the most."
Minx blinked. She stared at Kuro, now Capalu, with mild surprise before shrugging, grinning slightly.
Capalu huffed, glancing over his shoulder to look at her.
"I'm surprised that you're not even trying to exorcise me or anything."
Minx shrugged again.
"Hey, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Let's just be buddies, Palu."
Capalu snorted as Minx walked forward to move beside him.
"Even giving me a nickname..." His ears flickered. "You are certainly a strange human."
The two slid a door open, Minx charging in with her rifle unstrapped from her back. Capalu slinked in, sneering darkly at the misting figure that was hovering over a brunette woman who seemed to be bleeding out.
"Such a pitiful soul, aren't ya? Holding a grudge against a teacher that ain't even yours."
The misty figure regained some of their form, revealing that it was a young boy in a school uniform. The vengeful ghost's eyes were crazed as he looked at Minx first before glancing at the one who originally spoke up. The boy froze as he stared at the cat, feeling something...sinister from the other.
"Wh...What the he** are you!?"
Capalu smiled--well, the cat version of a smile--as he rubbed his side against Minx's leg.
"I am something much more powerful than you at the moment."
Minx leveled her gun at the spirit, eyes narrowed.
"Hey...I really wouldn't like to shoot you--I know you're capable of killing me and all--but we can do this the easy way."
The spirit seemed to regain his confidence as he glared at her.
"Yeah? And what are you going to do, huh!?"
Capalu padded forward tail swishing.
"Well, she could put a couple of holes through you. I've enhanced her gun to shoot through phantoms, so you ought to calm down, kid."
Minx in mild surprise, glancing at her gun to see a purple glow surrounding it, seeing that Capalu really wasn't joking. The vengeful spirit seemed to realize this too, tsking before stepping backwards, body slowly disappearing into black mist.
"I'll be back," He hissed venomously. "Don't think that this is over!"
The boy disappeared. Minx lowered her gun cautiously before darting forward, grimacing at the blood that was pooling around the young lady underneath a wooden shelf. She bent down and wedged her fingers underneath the heavy wood, grunting as she lifted the heavy shelf. Minx narrowed her gaze as she finally shoved the shelf roughly to the side, hearing it crash to the ground rightside up this time.
Minx crouched down, grimacing at the small knives that were wedged into the woman's back. The gamer murmured softly to the other.
"I'm sorry. Grit your teeth while I pull these buggers out, alright?"
She got a muffled groan of pain in response before a tiny bob of her head showed that the lady understood. Minx deftly pulled out the knives, not wanting to prolong the other woman's pain. The gamer then glanced over her shoulder at Capalu.
"Oi, buddy, do you have any power boost so I can heal her?"
Capalu's black ear flickered before trotted over, landing on her shoulder gracefully as his eyes glowed purple and red.
"Why...of course."
Minx felt her breath leave her for a moment as power surged through her body. The brunette then shook her head slightly as she focused the energy to her palms, resting them gently onto bleeding cuts and stab wounds. A choked scream came from the lady and she squirmed. Minx grimaced but she murmured encouraging words as she patched up the wounds.
"Almost...done. C'mon, just one more. And...there..."
Minx sighed in relief when she sealed up the last of the injures, grimacing when she saw all the blood on her hands. Luckily, Capalu poofed the mess away as Minx helped the young lady up in a sitting position.
"Th-Thank you..." The shorter-haired brunette murmured. "I...heh, I thought...I would've died there....ah!" Her eyes widened and she looked up at Minx in a daze, grasping the taller's shoulder desperately. "My students! Have you seen them? Any one of them? A-And a little girl--she's the little sister of one of my students and--oh God, they could be...!"
Her breath became short and Minx frowned slightly. She lightly patted the other's face.
"Hey, hey." Once the gamer got the other's attention, Minx grinned. "Everything's gonna be alllllright, okay? Take deeeeeep sloooow breaths. No one's gonna die."
The young teacher stared at Minx for the longest time, her breathing slowing. After another moment of silence, she nodded her head, smiling shakily up at Minx.
"S-Sorry. I shouldn't have let my mind run rampant like that--er...who are you...?" She blinked her eyes owlishly at the taller.
Minx grinned and assisted the other onto her feet, dusting some splinters from the teacher's shoulder.
"The name's Minx. And my talking cat-friend here is Capalu. Nice to meet you."
The shorter brunette laughed nervously at Minx before bowing her head slightly in greeting.
"Well, my name is Shishido Yui. But Yui is fine."
Minx grinned again, lightly clapping a hand over her shoulder.
"Well, Yui. Like I said before, everything's gonna be alright. We'll find your class, and I'll find my friends."
Yui widened her eyes before her gaze grew sorrowful.
"'re looking for others too?" The brunette lowered her gaze. "Then you should go ahead of me. I'm still a little weak from blood loss, so I'll only drag you do--"
"Ha! Drag, shmag!" Minx interrupted, looking sternly yet playfully at the teacher. "We'll both find our group together!" She brushed a hand through her purple bangs, grinning cheekily at Yui. "I am actually a Queen, you know!" She said, slipping into her British accent. "And Queens always get what they want!"
Yui blinked before snorting, laughter slipping past her lips.
"Y-You...are quite the interesting one, Minx-chan. But you're right. We'll do this together then." The teacher looked up at Minx determinedly.
Minx smirked.
"There we go! That's the kind of fire I want to see! Now--!"
Rattle, slam!
"Minx! Is that you!?"
The said brunette lifted her said to see the second classroom door slid open. Capalu casually hopped off of Minx's shoulder, purring with amusement. Her gaze lit up when she saw who was there.
The gamer darted over and lifted the said ravenette into the air, twirling around happily. Krism blinked in surprise and blushed slightly before smiling down at Minx.
"Alright, alright. I'm happy to see you too, Minx, but I also want to hug you."
Minx set Krism down and the ravenette quickly hugged the brunette. Krism then noticed the new presence in the room.
"Oh, hello. My name's Krism! It's nice to meet you!"
Yui smiled back and waved.
"Shishido Yui. It is nice to meet you Krism-san."
There was a 'meow', causing the ravenette to look down to see Capalu gazing at her with dark, onyx eyes.
"Greetings," He purred. "I am Capalu."
Krism blinked and stared. She crouched down in front of the demon and picked him up before slowly smiling, her red eye glowing slightly within the darkness.
"Oh~you're so cute!"
Capalu's face blanched and he stared at Krism.
"I am not cute."
Minx chuckled.
"Hey dude, when she says you're cute, you're cute."
Yui sweatdropped in the back, limping over to the odd group that would now accompany her.
' least I'm not alone anymore--oh no!'
The teacher gasped and hobbled faster to Minx.
"Minx-san! I nearly forgot! I still have two of my students in a classroom! I think they might still be there!"
The taller brunette stared for a bit before nodding, ruffling Krism's hair once before holding the ravenette's right hand with her left. Minx grinned brightly slinging Yui's arm over his shoulders, using her right arm to hold the teacher up by waist.
"Alright then! Let's go! I'm sure we will run into many more along the way."
Capalu huffed and trotted in front of the group, now free of Krism's grasp.
"I shall warn you of any dark presences, but I would like for you to look out for yourselves, no?"
Krism chuckled.
"Of course, Cap."
"New people..." A soft voice muttered. "How strange...."
A little girl drifted around in an abandoned classroom, she twirled a lock of long raven hair around her index finger. Slowly, a maniacal smile spread across her lips and she giggled.
"Oh...this is so I N T E R E S T I N G ."
The ravenette child adjusted her red dress and floated higher.
"If we're going to have more fun....I need more...friends to send to our guests."
She giggled again before it turned to crazed laughter. Black mist raised up from the wooden floorboards and whipped around dangerously. Ghastly faces screamed out in pain and anger before the ghosts rushed down the halls.
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