Chapter 48: Stars
(O.D.D.- Oh my...what's this? I'm alive!? School hasn't killed me yet! Mwahahaha! Please enjoy this chapter because I haven't updated other stories in forever! Have fun! (*⁰▿⁰*))
<<(Back with Cry and Mark)>>
The said brunet snickered and turned to look at Mark.
The ravenet flailed as he motioned his arms at the FNAF children that were still floating around them.
"W-What do you mean take care of these guys!?"
Cry shrugs and gestures to them lazily.
"I mean what I mean. They're still my friends, but you're partners with them now."
Crevan lifted his eyepatch, golden eyes blazing with confusion and irritation.
"Oi! What do ye mean, Mr. Cry!? Why're we with Glasses!?"
"Hey, my name's Mark!" 'Glasses' interjected, pouting childishly. "But I guess you can call me Markimoo."
Artie tilted his head curiously at the ravenet, Anda giggled and Leve grinned brightly. The rabbit-child crossed his arms and nodded his head.
"I like him already! C'mon Crev, loosen up a bit for the new guy~!"
Crevan huffed and drifted away slightly, grumbling under his breath. Artie scratched the back of his head, laughing nervously at Mark.
"Uh...sorry about him, he's always pretty crabby."
Everyone looked over at Anda, who was looking at Crevan.
" have fox ears!" She squealed, darting over to the other child. "Look at them! They're so this made of metal?"
Anda watched as she poked them, hearing them creak slightly, the sound of metal rubbing against metal. Crevan swatted at her and frantically touched the ears himself, eyes wide with shock.
"Wh-Wha--?! Yee've got ta be jokin'! Am I changing into Foxy!?"
Artie frowned at this and sighed.
"This must be because we're now connected to Mr. Mark. I think your emotions are affecting your new powers."
Crevan's right hand glowed before morphing into a real, sharp hook, metal peeking out from under his sleeve. Artie quickly drifted over and patted the other's shoulder.
"Crevan, calm down. If you're calm, then I think your spirit will turn back to normal."
"Ya' think!?"
But the redhead did as he was told, slowing his panicked breathing. Soon enough, his hand returned to normal and his ears disappeared. Leve's eyes sparkled before scrunching his face up. Cry noticed this and looked at the rabbit-boy with confusion.
"Lev.....what are you doi--?"
Metal, bunny ears appeared on top of Leve's head, and his eyes glowed a bright red. A red, electric guitar appeared in his hand and a pick materialized between his fingers in his right hand. Leve grinned widely as he turned to look at the others, eyes sparkling.
"This...This is AWESOME!"
Everyone whipped their heads around to see WAUs heading towards them at a fast pace, hearing their screeches come closer.
Mark's eyes glowed red, his face serious but panicked slightly, and Leve moved forward to float in front of his friends. The rabbit-boy flipped the guitar pick in between his fingers, a wild grin on his lips.
"Let's make some MUSIC!"
Leve raised his arm and brought it down quickly, playing a shrill B note. The WAU monsters were instantly blasted backwards, tumbling back to where they came from. Some of them had their heads explode, bodies falling limply to the floor.
Mark and Leve shared a glance, red eyes meeting similar ones. Both of them grinned widely as they spoke at the same time.
Artie perked up before calling out in alarm.
"Guys, they're still some of them coming back!"
Mark's eyes flickered to blue as Artie charged forward, metal, bear ears popping in existence on his head. A blue, circular, transparent shield appeared on Artie's arm, and expanded to seal up the hall as the WAU monsters uselessly attacked it.
Cry blinked before grinning beneath his mask.
"Wow, Mark and kiddos, look at you guys go!"
Mark made a peace sign to Cry.
"He** yeah!"
"They're still attacking!"
"Arr, let me at 'em!"
Mark's eyes glowed blue and gold when Crevan floated forward, fox ears appearing and metal hook gleaming in the dim light. The fox-child smirked darkly.
"I need something to let my anger out on."
Mark and Cry sweatdropped.
<<(With Red and Raven)>>
"Hey, Red!"
The said redhead turned her gaze from the empty office she was looking into to glance at Raven, molten hand glowing brightly beside her face.
The brunette grinned and waved her hands around excitedly.
"I think I found where the ark was transferred!"
Red smiled and followed her exuberant to, what-seemed-to-be, a security room. Some of the screens were working, lights flickering on and off, showing a few empty halls or WAUs staggering around. Raven was jumping up and down excitedly as she pointed at one of the screens.
"See, see! Right there~!"
Red squints at the screen, adjusting her glasses. It seemed to be some sort of underwater area...but at least they found out where it was. Somewhere in the West part of the building. Red ruffled Raven's hair and smiled.
"Nice. Let's tell the others. Catherine, are you here?"
"I-I'm h-h-here...."
Red blinked and narrowed her eyes slightly. Catherine sounded....different....could it just be the bad condition of the speakers down here, or....?
The redhead narrowed her eyes before calmly speaking.
"Can you tell the others to go onto the East side of the building to get the ARK? It's on that side."
Raven was about to correct Red, but the flame-user silenced the brunette with a look.
When the speaker fuzzed off, Raven sent a confused glare at Red.
"Red! Why did you lie to Cath--!?"
"That wasn't Catherine."
Raven blinked in confusion.
Red settled her narrowed, green eyes on Raven as she explained herself.
"I think my virus-self was talking to the speaker. I don't know if she could see us, but I have a bad feeling about what she might do next. Hopefully, she will tell Cry and the others to go West instead of East to 'trick' him, but in reality, Cry is going in the right direction."
Raven stared at Red before grinning widely, eyes sparkling.
"You're so smart, Red!"
She squealed and hugged the redhead tightly. Red chuckled and sighed.
"Well...let's just hope this works."
<<(With Jack and Ken)>>
Jack kicked a random trashcan, knocking it to the side. The green ghosts were still blocking their path, so they could only hope that Scott was still alive and kicking. Ken paced around frantically, holding a crowbar he found in one of the offices, before sighing.
"Jack, dude, we both need to chill and hope that Scott's alri--"
The ghosts suddenly disappeared quickly, and that made both of their hearts drop to their stomachs.
"Oh sh** Scott--?"
"No d**n way he ain't! Let's go, Ken!"
Jack and Ken dashed down the halls, remembering each bend the ghosts took them to get back to Jund. They didn't care if their noisiness would attract WAUs--they needed to find their friend.
They turned a few more corners unti--
"Holy sh**, more WAU motherf**--!"
Jack and Ken yelped at the gatling gun that was aimed at their faces, causing them to fall flat on their backs.
Familiar green ghosts drifted in front of Ken and Jack to protect them incase a certain brunette with purple-dyed hair pulled the trigger of her gun on accident. Scott swatted the barrel of Minx's gun down, tick marks on his head.
"You nearly killed them! What the he**!?"
Minx shrugged and grinned lazily.
"Sorry, buddy. My ol' reactions are as quick as lightning, so ya' gotta be careful around a person like me."
Ken groaned on the ground.
"Ugh...I think I just lost a few years of my life."
Jack seemed to be unconscious, twitching slightly from shock. Sam floated around him anxiously.
<<(With Pewds, Marzia, Chey and Simon)>>
"Edgar, Maya! Come here ya' little devils!"
The said pugs sniffed Pewds as they pounced on him and licked his face, yipping happil, causing the blonde to fall on his butt. The blonde laughed as he ruffled their head, cuddling Maya to his chest.
"You so fat, Maya," Felix said childishly, playing with the pugs hands and making her bat at Edgar. "Ya' little Jabba the Hut!"
Currently, the small group was back in the safety of the halls, and Felix sealed up the underwater tunnel properly with an ice wall. Chey was introducing Marzia to Simon, who awkwardly returned a greeting of his own. When Pewds finally caught up with his pugs, he stood up and walked over to join the others.
Chey said something to Marzia that made the brunette to frown slightly. When Pewds got closer, Cutipie then rounded on her boyfriend and shook him violently.
"Felix! What. In. The. World. Were. You. Thinking!?"
The blonde that was questioned flailed in her grip.
"M-Marz-z-zia--! Still...injured!"
Marzia sighed but she let go of Pewds. Chey sweatdropped when Felix fell to the floor, groaning in pain. Cutiepie placed her hands on her hips as she huffed, narrowing her gaze at her boyfriend.
"As heroic as it was, Felix, you can't just risk your life like that! You could've gotten killed! And I could tell you were pretty close to it if I hadn't arrived in time! Felix, you're such an idiot! You....y-you.....!"
Fleix lifted his head, wincing slightly at his jostled wounds, but his gaze immediately trained on Marzia when he heard a sniffle. The blonde sighed as he stood up, wincing slightly before hugging Marzia again.
"I'm sorry."
"Wh--oh my gosh, Felix! There's a tiny Cry on your shoulder!"
Heart-felt moment gone, Pewds turned his head to see Sup on his shoulder, blinking in slight surprise.
"Woah. When did you get here, bud? I thought you were with Cry or something...."
Chey spoke up.
"Ah, remember? Cry left him with me for safety reasons. So...Sup, meet Marzia. Marzia, meet Sup."
Marzia giggled, reaching over to lightly pat Sup on the head with her index finger.
"Hi, Sup! It's nice to meet you!"
Sup smiled widely and hopped around Pewds's shoulder before pausing, frowning at the blonde's injuries.
"Fu! Fu~fu!"
A white glow surrounded Pewds, blinding everyone momentarily. When the light died down, Pewds felt not pain whatsoever and looked over at Sup with sparkles in his eyes.
"Awwwww! You healed me? Thanks little guy!"
Marzia blinked and rubbed her eyes because of the bright light before bringing her attention back to what Felix had said, eyes bright with relief and happiness.
"He did? That's great!" Marzia hugged Pewds tighter as she giggled. "That means I can do this!"
Pewds chuckled, hugging Marzia back.
"Aw, you were already hugging me before, so what do you me--" Felix's feet left the ground; Sup quickly hopped off of the blonde's shoulder. "Uh?"
Chey sweatdropped on the side, letting Sup crawl onto her hand before standing up while Simon made panicked noises. Marzia proceeded to suplex Pewds, causing the blonde's head to meet the ground.
Marzia let go of Felix's body, dusted her clothes off, and smiled happily at her boyfriend's deathly still form.
"There. I feel much better now."
Pewds groaned and flopped to the ground. Chey sighed and shook her head slightly with amusement.
"Alright. Now that we've caught up with each other for now, let's get going. We still need to find the whereabouts of the ARK and the launching area."
Pewds whined playfully as he got up, batting uselessly at Marzia for suplexing him. She merely giggled in return, reaching out to lace her fingers with his, kissing his cheek briefly as an apology. Felix grinned bashfully, before leading the way for her with Chey and Simon. With that, the group walked down the dark halls, intent on meeting up with the rest of the group.
<<(With Snake & Russ)>>
"You...! No...there's no f***ing way that Cry is dy--!"
"I never lie, Russ." Snake wasn't shouting, but his voice was harsh. "....I wouldn't joke about something like this."
Russ quickly spoke up, running a hand through his hair, eyes drawn to the metal floor beneath his feet, eyebrows furrowed with surprise and anger.
"I-I know! Just...! I.......I never thought...that someone like Cry would be...."
Snake watched the other with a grim expression before turning away, eyes training on the hall ahead, but he didn't take any steps forward to leave Russ behind. Russ took his glasses off and rubbed at his eyes, and Snake couldn't tell if the other brunet was frustrated or crying slightly--it could've been both.
Clang, clatter.....
Snake quickly summoned his Return-to-Sender shield and activated Peeping Tom, eyes glowing green as he studied the darkness behind Russ.
"Russ, get over he--"
A WAU infected hand lashed out from the darkness and latched onto Russ's neck, yanking him back; the brunet dropped his glasses, . Snake widened his eyes with shock--he was already moving when he called Russ over--and dashed over.
Lights flickered and the air became slightly distorted. Snake skidded to halt and kept his eyes sharp, watching the outline of Russ and a few WAU beasts with Peeping Tom. The bandana-wearing brunet blinked when he saw a few of the energy signatures of the WAUs disappear.
Russ's energy signature drew closer. Soon, the brunet came into view from the darkness, crouching down to pick his glasses up calmly, ignoring the angry screeches of the WAUs behind him. Snake widened his eyes in slight surprise when Russ stood, completely obsidian irises meeting glowing green ones. Russ folded his glasses and shoved them into his pocket, sending a lazy smile at Snake, black eyes twinkling slightly with amusement.
"I never got to tell or show you guys," Snake blinked at the distorted voice. "But when Slendy nearly killed me, he gave me some of his powers, and I gained a few new tricks..."
Russ shook out his wrist and turned to look at the WAUs that shook off brunet's earlier attack. Snake watched at Russ's hands glowed bronze before black mist circled around his curling fingers. Russ aimed both of his open palms at the fast approaching WAUs, posture relaxed as he spoke in a cool, clear voice.
"Gravity Void."
The WAUs seemed to freeze for a moment before crumpling in on themselves. Black orbs surrounded by a bronze glow appeared in the middle of their bodies, slowly getting sucked into the mini voids that Russ made. The screeching died out soon enough and the WAUs that were hunting the two were gone.
Snake stared at Russ for a moment before walking forward, swatting the other on the head. Russ yelped in protest, eyes fading back to brown, bronze light and black mist fading from the area.
"Ow! What the f*** was that for!?"
Snake huffed and crossed his arms.
"Don't make me worry like that. I thought you were...." The brunet huffed and ran a hand over his face, hiding a wry smile. " know what? Never mind. You always find a way out of a situation."
(O.D.D.- Big Brother Snake is best Snake. (*⁰▿⁰*)♡)
Russ merely grinned and lightly punched Snake's shoulder.
"Yeah, I don't need you to babysit me! However...." Russ grew solemn as he gazed at Snake sharply. "....Since I'm in on the little secret between you and Cry....I want to help out now. No protests. I'm gonna kill Cry myself for not telling me sooner."
(O.D.D.- Russ would also make an awesome big bro. ( ⊙ω⊙ ))
Snake quirked a small smile to the other when Russ continued to mutter about 'kicking Cry's a** around the world and back'. The bandana-wearing brunet, furrowed his eyebrows as he glanced out off to the side, thinking back to his check up with Cry.
'.....I'm unsure of how much time we have left. Cry's not telling me everything.....and those glowing veins are growing again.' Snake narrowed his gaze. '......The virus versions of ourselves......'
The brunet thought back to those times where Cry looked more at ease and energetic after defeating the evil clones of his friends. Perhaps the virus doubles were connected to Cry's illness?
"Snake? Hello, earth to Snaaaaaaake?"
The said brunet jerked his head over to Russ.
"M'sorry, did you say something?"
Russ merely sighed and shook his head, reaching into his pocket to bring his glasses out, unfolding it and pushing it up onto his face.
"I said, what about the others? Are you the only one who knows about Cry's condition?"
Snake blinked before sighing tiredly.
"....Cry's stubborn. He doesn't want anyone to worry about him. I only know about his condition because I found out by myself." The brunet shut his eyes. "And if you're planning on telling the others....don't. I know it sounds f***ing stupid, but think about how Cry's feeling. He's stressed enough and he's exhausted. He's putting up a strong front for everyone.....but he's f***ing tired. The best we can do is support him.....alright?"
Russ looked like he wanted to punch something rather violently before his expression cooled and he sighed.
"....Fine. But I get to bop Cry on the head when we meet back u--"
"S-So you g-g-guys have gotten s-sm-smarter! H-Hurray for y-yo-you two!"
Snake and Russ snapped to attention; the voice was familiar yet not. Footsteps echoed down the hall, becoming louder, indicating that the newcomer was closing in. The two brunets turned fully to face their opponent. With the flickering lights above, they managed to catch sight of a familiar ravenet....with glowing, sea-green eyes.
Virus-Scott inclined his head at the two, eyes screaming boredom as he rolled his shoulders. The ravenet darted his gaze between the two brunets, yawning slightly as he spoke up.
"Y-You guys are th-the sharpest of th-the group. But B-Boss-s thinks th-that you'll spoil th-the fun." 'Jund''s voice grew dark and slightly amused. "He thinks y-you guys would be better off watching C-Cry disappear suddenly, r-re-realizing too late th-that he was d-dying in the first p-place. He w-wants to see yo-your h-h-horrified expressions filled with despa--"
A glowing, green spear pierced 'Scott''s throat, cutting the clone's speech to a gurgle. Russ gaped slightly at 'Jund' before slowly bringing his gaze to Snake. The taller brunet's left eye was glowing, a trail of light following the iris as Snake inclined his head at 'Scott'.
".....I've got a question for you."
'Scott' glared at Snake, yanking out the spear from his throat, 1s and 0s scattering before bonding together to fix the ravenet's throat.
Snake kept his posture relaxed but his eyes were burning fiercely.
"If I beat you to a sh**ty pulp, does that mean Cry's burdens will be lessened?"
The clone narrowed his gaze, and that was all Snake needed for confirmation. The brunet summoned more spears. Before Russ could comment on how he was doing that, Snake responded, as if reading the other's mind.
"I went into the game Undertale with Cry. When he went all the way back to the start of the game, Raven and I were hanging out with the other characters. Undyne, the fish monster, took an interest in me and gave me a brief overview of how to use her own magic." Snake paused for a moment before quirking a small smile of amusement. "Her enthusiasm caused me to learn it quickly."
Russ whistled lowly before smirking widely.
"Hey~I'm not the only one who's got some tricks up their sleeves! Anyways..." Russ turned to eye 'Scott', taking his glasses off and placing them back into his pocket. "Snake, you said kicking this guy's a** will help Cry out, right?"
Russ punched a hand covered in black mist and bronze light into an open palm, grinning widely.
"Alright! Time to help out Sir Trooper!"
'Scott' lowered his gaze before letting out a puff of air.
Snake and Russ narrowed their gaze at the ravenet. Did he just....laugh?
'Jund' raised a hand to his mouth.
His voiced crackled a bit in his laughter. Snake and Russ tensed slightly.
"What the he** is so funny?" Russ readied a bronze fist. "I didn't catch the joke apparently."
'Scott' slowly calmed down, chuckling slightly as he lifted his gaze up, sea-green eyes blazing as his sclera turning black. Lifted his right arm in a partial shrug, grinning madly.
"....Y'know, V-Virus sent me a-as one of the l-l-last few to go a-against you guys f-for a reason." The ravenet snapped his fingers, the sharp sound echoing in the now silent hall. "Don't y-you know what m-m-my power is?"
Russ blinked and opened his mouth before freezing, spotting something in his peripheral vision.
"....Snake....?" 'Ah, f***ing he**. I'm not gonna get out of this unscathed.'
Vm, vm, vm...
Magic crackled in the air as Snake summoned more spears. However, they were all aimed at....Russ. The taller brunet's eyes were glowing green, but he wasn't using Peeping Tom. 'Scott' chuckled as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, grin becoming maniacal.
"M-My power is to possess-ss living p-people, ya' know."
<<(With Cry and Mark)>>
Mark was laughing evilly with Crevan at the massacre of WAUs that the fox-child had left behind. Cry was sweatdropping on the side with Anda, Leve and Artie.
'Goodness gracious, those two destroyed the WAUs.'
"Whahaha! That was fun!"
(O.D.D.- Just imagine Markiplier playing Yandere Simulator; his evil laughs in that game are super funny. (≧∇≦))
Crevan huffed, a grin on his face before he lightly punched Mark on the shoulder, metal ears fading from view along with his hook.
"Ye ain't so bad! If I can kick a** like this now, then I wont mind fightin' with ya'!"
Mark smiled and started to talk with the rest of the FNAF children while Cry watched with amusement on the side. The brunet then darted his gaze to the other side of the hall, a feeling of foreboding entering his gut.
'....Something's wrong.' "Catherine? Are you there?"
Cry paused. That's not Catherine. The brunet then continued as if nothing had happened.
"Has anyone found the location of the ARK or the launch area yet?" 'Virus-Red. Greeeeeaaat....'
"Y-Yes. Red has f-found the A-A-ARK in the W-West building."
Cry pondered this for a moment.
"Thanks. I'll see ya' later then, Cath." 'Knowing the original Red, she probably caught on to that she was talking to her virus self. So that means...West is correct. Red probably told Virus-Red to tell the others to go East, but that was a lie. West it is then.'
Cry huffed before turning his attention to the others, who were watching him expectantly.
"Guys. We're going West."
<<(With Red and Raven)>>
Klang, klank, clatter....
The two whipped their heads around to the hall behind them. Red raised her hand, palm up, an orb of fire bursting to life. Raven summoned crows into existence, letting them flap around the area.
Click, click.
A single red eye cut through the darkness of the hall before a brown boot broke through too. The newcomer had black hair, tied up in a short, high ponytail, bangs slightly covering a brown eye. The other eye, the newcomer's left eye, was a bright red, a great contrast to their right eye. She had a red bomber jacket, a white t-shirt underneath, dark-gray jeans and brown boots. She was carrying two pistols in her hands, cocked and ready.
Red and Raven stared at the ravenette for a bit before widening their eyes slightly with surprise and realization.
"Krism?" Red asked first, blinking in surprise. "How did you....?"
The ravenette in return quickly lowered her guns and smiled brightly.
"Hey! It's good to see some familiar faces in this spooky place. Anyways, I bet you were going to ask how I'm here?" She frowned slightly. "Well, I was walking to Cry's house with Minx. When Cry wasn't responding to her texts for two hours, Minx decided to call." The ravenette's expression darkened slightly. "And before I knew it, Minx disappeared. A weird glow just surrounded her and she....she vanished."
Krism lowered her gaze to the floor, hands shaking slightly as she stuffed her pistols into their holsters. Her red eye shifting this way and that.
"....I hope she's alright."
Raven bounded over, patting the other's back, crows slowly disappearing into small clouds of black mist.
"Aw, don't ya' worry, Kris. We'll help ya' find Mink and meet up with the others." She hummed thoughtfully. "Currently, we found this device and...actually, lets start with the very beginning! It all started on a warm, sunny day. Cry woke up late in the noon and finally responded to our texts and stuff. After that we decided to play Assassin's Cree--"
As Raven continued to fill Krism in, Red used her powers to light up the hall a bit more and started to walk ahead, leading the way. Raven, still chattering about her point of view in the virtual world, and Krism, who listened attentively with amusement, followed behind the redhead.
<<(With Russ, Snake and 'Scott')>>
Russ skidded back, huffing slightly before clicking his tongue, rolling to the side to narrowly avoid a glowing spear.
"F***in--! Snake, snap out of it you freakin--!" The brunet had to dodge again and flatten a few spears to the ground with his gravity powers. "Hooooollllyyy f***ing HE**! That nearly hit my d**n, pretty, princess face!"
'Jund' scowled on the side.
"You still h-have that irritating s-s-sass in yo-you?"
Russ grinned lazily as he jumped back a few times, eyes darting at the spears that pierced upwards from the ground.
"What can I say? I'm a little Russ-ty in fighting, but I have quiet the silver tongue if I do say so myself, hehe."
'Scott''s expression darkened at the small pun that was laced within the brunet's sentence. The ravenet snapped his fingers and possessed-Snake summoned more spears into the air, illuminating the hall. Russ sweated slightly and chuckled.
" and my big mouth."
(O.D.D.- Russ is the human version of Sans. (≧∇≦))
Russ stuffed his right hand into his pockets as he raised his left up, hopping back once more before shooting a gravity orb at Snake.
"Don't worry, bud. You're just gonna stick to the ground like superglue wanted to suddenly become friends with your shoes..." But then a spear got in the way, deflecting Russ's attack, and Snake merely closed the distance with a quick sprint towards the shorter. "...Well f*** you too, Snake."
Russ cursed mentally when a spear was darting towards his face--
"Yikes. Looks like we have a problem..."
Russ stared at the blur of red, gold and brown in front of him with surprise.
The said brunet grunted as he struggled against Snake, who didn't even look like he was breaking a sweat. Cry then used his wind powers to force Snake back before herding Russ behind him, creating distance between their opponents and themselves. Cry huffed and leveled his Okami blade at Snake, mask set firmly in place, but Russ could feel the anxiety and worry rolling off of his friend in waves.
"Russ....what the he** happened?"
Russ couldn't tell how Cry was feeling at the moment. His friend was speaking in a complete, monotone voice, devoid of any emotion at the moment. Russ swallowed slightly at this.
'This....I've never heard Cry speak so....coldly before...' "Well...ya' see he** spawn Virus-Jund over there? Yeah....possession and all that sh**."
"I see."
"You seem...rather calm about this...?"
Cry's shoulders raised slightly before he spoke once more.
"Calm? Oh-ho-ho-ho....not even close, buddy. And...Russ...I want you to go down the hall and take a few left turns--you'll find Mark. Anyways....calm? I am not calm." Wind blew away from Cry, kicking up dust and small pebbles. Lightning crackled up his left arm and wind swirled around his right arm. The brunet glanced over his shoulder, and Russ could see a glowing, blue eye through the eye-hole of his friend's mask. "I'm f***ing pissed off right now."
Cry lifted his sword up and pointed it in 'Scott''s direction, looking back at his opponent.
"Hey, jacka**." 'Jund' raised an unamused eyebrow as Cry continued. "I don't appreciate my friends fighting each other. More so, I...don't like...when they're f***ing puppets."
'Scott' snickered, sea-green eyes becoming half-lidded with boredom.
"S-S-So? Your point is? A-Are you j-just gonna wave your-ur silly sword a-around?"
Cry lowered his sword before dropping it completely, letting it vanish into red and gold flames. Russ widened his eyes in surprise, taking a step forward before being forced back by a wind barrier.
"Cry, you f***er--!"
"Go find Mark, Russ. I got thi--"
"I know what's going on with you Cry." The said brunet tensed slightly. "Snake told me."
Cry inclined his head before sighing deeply, shoulders sagging tiredly.
"....Heh....Snake's not one to lie, so I should've expected this. But Russ....please let me do this." Before Russ could protest, a white mask was tossed into his hands. The glasses-wearing brunet started at the blank expression on the mask before lifting his gaze to see Cry's weary and pleading eyes. "We promised to watch each other's backs."
Russ stared into blue irises before shutting his brown ones.
".....Five minutes. If you haven't got Snake back to his senses and decked this a**hole in five minutes, then I'll be here to help."
Cry grinned, looking back at 'Scott' and Snake, who summoned more ghosts and spears respectively.
"Sounds like enough time to me."
Russ scoffed before lightly tapping the barrier.
"Five minutes," He reminded. "Or I'll crash through this barrier and kick all of your a**es."
Cry merely chuckled wind and lightning swirling and crackling around him.
'Scott' watched Russ turn on his heel; the brunet started to walk away. The ravenet quickly called out to the other.
"Ha! Y-You're abandon-ing-ing him!?"
"Nah." Russ glanced over his shoulder to look at 'Jund' with glowing, bronze eyes. "I'm trusting him."
A lightning-infused fist socked 'Scott' across the face. The ravenet was sent crashing into one of the walls, kicking up dust. Russ sighed and chuckled, walking away, humming a random tune as he disappeared around the corner. Cry cracked his knuckles, brown bangs falling into his blue eyes for a moment before he brushed them back, smirking darkly at 'Scott's fallen form.
"Is that all you got?"
'Jund' shoved a chunk of rubble off of himself, sending a deadly glare towards Cry.
"Y-You li-li-little sh**...!"
Cry's eyes darted to the side, seeing a bright glow in his peripheral. The brunet let his right hand flicker with wind, letting green strands catch and wrap around multiple spears that tried to take a stab at him. Cry grimaced when he turned around to look at Snake.
"Hey, Snake, bud, chum, pal, bro. I need ya' to snap out of i--WHUP!?"
Cry hopped back, bending forward slightly so he couldn't get gutted open like a fish by Snake. The shorter brunet huffed, and rolled under Snake's next stab, standing up behind the taller before deactivating all of his powers. Cry spread his arms out open wide as Snake slowly turned around.
'Sorry about this, Russ.' "C'mon Snake...I know you can do this. Snap out of it."
Snake approached and 'Scott' smirked.
"Y-You're seriously leaving y-yourself open?"
Snake summoned a spear and continued to approach. Cry merely smiled serenely as he spread his arms out wide. Snake raised his spear as Cry shut his eyes, taking a deep breath.
'Fight it, Snake.' "I trust him."
Cry felt no pain, so he slowly cracked his eyes open, eyebrows furrowing slightly with apprehension, an uneasy feeling filling his gut.
" think...that I'm kill a single....o-one of my friends...." Snake growled out. "Then y-you're a lot....more s-stupid than the Jund I...know."
Cry stared, eyes wide with shock and dread. Snake....with his own spear....had stabbed himself. The taller brunet coughed shakily, glancing at Cry for a moment before ripping his spear out, collapsing to the floor with a dull thud; the spear disappeared with a soft pop. Cry stared at Snake wide eyes, watching to pool of blood that was slowly forming.
'Scott' blinked before blanching, snickering turning into full-blown laughter.
"HAHAHAHA!? He just k-killed h-h-himself!? What the h-h-he**!? That must've been the most w-w-worthless sight I've e-ever laid eyes o-o--hurk!"
'Jund' widened his eyes, lowering them to the red, gold sword that was stabbed through his chest. He didn't have time to get a grasp of what was going on before Cry sliced upwards, cleaving 'Scott' in half from chest to head. The virus version of Cry's friend burst into 1s and 0s, scattering all over the place before disappearing completely. Cry frowned when he didn't feel anything different before he heard a cackle echo through the air.
"Y-You can't defeat m-m-me. Only my non-virus-s-self can. So y-you'll just h-have to suffer a w-while longer, h-heh."
Then 'Scott''s presence was gone. Cry didn't even really pay attention to 'Jund''s words before he dashed back towards Snake, activating his healing, wind magic, trying his best to not jostle his friend harshly as he flipped the taller over onto his back.
'C'mon, happy thoughts, Cry, happy thoughts.' "Snake, stay with me bud. Open your eyes. Open your God d**n eyes. Just--just look at me okay? That's all I'm askin', bud. Just...j-just until I heal you, okay? Open your eyes..."
The whisper of Cry's wind magic and his breathing filled the hall, but other than that, silence laid heavily upon the brunet's head. Cry gritted his teeth when he saw that Snake's chest was barely moving once he finished closing up the wound. And then...Snake stopped breathing all together. Cry widened his eyes and activated his lightning powers.
"No. F*** you, Snake. You aren't dying on me!"
Snake's body jerked, but he still wasn't breathing.
"You a**hole! Son of a--"
Still no response.
"--b***h! You f***ing promised me that...." Cry took in a shuddering breath. "....We...I was gonna get everyone out of here. I....nearly losing Russ and Pewds made me more alert, a**hole...!"
Cry fisted a hand and brought it down onto Snake's chest.
The brunet winced at the sound.
'Aw sh**, I think I broke his ri--!'
Snake gasped and bolted upwards, reflexively reaching a hand out to get a good grip of Cry's jacket before practically throwing the shorter into a wall.
Snake blinked blearily before his shoulders slowly lowered, relaxing when he realized there was no threats in his vicinity. He brought his gaze slowly to the side to see Cry upside down, arms and legs flopped haphazardly around himself.
"...Cry? What....?"
"Remind me to never wake you up when you nap or sleep, 'kay?"
At that, Snake brought his hands to his chest and stomach, feeling a fractured rib--but his stomach wound was gone. Cry rolled onto his stomach, huffing as he looked at Snake.
"If you had enough control to stab yourself, couldn't you have at least tried to attack Virus-Jund instead?"
Snake inclined his head and glanced at the blood on the floor before shrugging, smiling wryly at Cry as he rubbed his chest to soothe the dull pain of his fractured rib.
"Eh. It's not as cool."
Cry facepalmed, hiding his blue eyes from view as he laughed loudly. Snake quirked a small smile, but it slowly faded when he listened closely to his friend's amusement. Cry's laughter was slowly turning into...soft sobs...
Snake blinked and hesitantly reached over.
"Cry? What's--?"
"D-Dude....just....just don't risk your life like that...ever. Okay?" Cry's smile was shaky now, lower lip trembling slightly. "I...I don't want to go through that sh** ever again."
Snake's silver gaze softened slightly as he stood up slowly, crouching down to extend a hand out to Cry.
"I can't promise you that," Snake responded firmly before softening his tone. "But I can try."
Cry chuckled weakly before responding gruffly, bringing his hand away from his face to grasp Snake's offered hand.
"Do or do not. There is no try, my fellow Jedi Knight."
Snake scoffed softly as he pulled Cry up onto his feet. Just then, they heard footsteps.
"Cry, your five minutes are up! I'm gonna--HOLY SH**! WHO'S INJURED!? GET YOUR D**N A** OVER HERE IF YOU ARE! CRY, IF YOU'RE ACTUALLY DEAD, I'M GONNA KILL Y...ou...oh. Wait a sec." Russ slowly relaxed his posture, taking in the scene before him. The brunet then made a gun hand motion to the recently freed Snake. "Eeeyyy, Snake, you're alright. And judging by the blood on your stomach, I can tell that you were injured, but Cry seems calm, so I'm going to guess he healed you and you're fine."
Snake merely nodded and roughly ruffled Cry's hair as Russ handed their 'leader' his mask. Once Cry got a hold of his mask, Russ smacked the brunet on the head, causing the other to yelp.
"Ow! Hey, what the f***!?"
Russ smirked, crossing his arms.
"That's what you get for not telling me about....your sickness..."
Cry grimaced at that, looking down at his mask, sorely wanting to hide behind it at the moment before sighing, knowing that his friend would like to see his expressions better.
"I...." Cry lifted his gaze to reveal determined blue. "I'm sorry. But you understand that I don't want to mess with anyone's concentration. It's selfish of me to keep this secret from you guys--I trust all of you, I do--but I don't like it when people worry too much about me. This sickness-thing is only temporary anyways."
Russ frowned, opening his mouth to respond before someone else shouted.
Mark came sliding into the scene on his face, scorpion style, legs nearly going past his face. Cry sweatdropped as he looked down at the other.
"Uh...are you alright there, bud?"
Mark pushed himself up from the ground immediately, looking at Cry with teary eyes.
"Cry! Why did you leave me in that dark scary hallway?! You suddenly said, 'Stay here with the ARK', and then you ran off in a random direction!"
The ravenet pouted at Cry, who laughed nervously in return, carefully putting his mask in place on his face.
"Sorry, Mark. I sensed a disturbance in the Force."
Mark rolled his eyes and finally stood. He then grew panicked as he glanced around himself.
"Sh**! I left the ARK behin--!"
"Geeeeez, Mr. Mark! You're lucky we were still summoned when you ran off."
"Ugh, this thing is heavy!"
Artie and Leve came floating into view with the ARK in between them. They set the metal box down next to the humans. Cry and Russ gave pointed looks towards Mark, who at least smiled guiltily at the two. Artie waved at Mark as the other FNAF children floated beside him.
"Well, Mr. Mark, we'll see you later when you need us! We'll be going back into the tattoo for now. Bye!"
With a small pop, the FNAF children were gone. Snake immediately leaned down to pick up the ARK, but Cry stopped him, using his wind magic to help fix Snake's rib back in place before the taller could do any heavy lifting. Snake grunted a thanks before finally lifting the ARK up into his arms without a hint of effort. With that, Cry led the group, using his lightning powers to light the hall up.
"We need to catch up with the others now. Cath?"
"Yes? Cry? I've been trying to get a hold of you lately, but I coul--"
"Sorry to interrupt, but we have the ARK now." 'Looks like Virus-Red is gone...'
"Really!? This...this is wonderful! Okay, I'll tell the others. And I've managed to find the launch room despite the damage around this area. Just keeping heading forward before going left at the second intersection you find. Go it?"
Cry went over the direction, grinning beneath his mask when he got it.
"Understood, Cath! Thanks."
"You're welcome. Good luck."
Raven flitted around Snake worriedly before glancing at Cry, Russ and Mark. She then relaxed when seeing her friends' calm expressions before swatting Snake's arm.
"Geeeez! We all were only separated for a while and you get hurt! But it looks like you're alright!"
Cry on the other hand was currently looking at three new faces in the group.
"Oh....uh...this is something."
Minx waved exuberantly at Cry, one arm wrapped around Krism's waist while Marzia held hands with Pewds.
"Yo, Cry/Hey, Cry/Hello, Cry!"
Cry rubbed the back of his head bashfully, smiling at the three beneath his mask.
"Hey, all know what's going on?"
The three nodded. Minx grinned roguishly.
"Sh**s' goin' down."
Krism chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"We were all dragged into a virtual how I understand it."
Marzia giggled.
"But we're slowly making our way out of here...with superpowers gathered from games we have played."
Cry chuckled.
"Yeah, it's pretty random...but we'll make it out. By the way...Jund, you look a little roughed up. Something happen, bud?"
Minx answered before he could.
"He almost got killed by a bunch of WAUs."
Scott frowned and slapped a hand over Minx's mouth before she could continue further.
"Hey, wa--!"
"He almost got KILLED," Jack interjected loudly. "Because he was a stubborn, selfish a**hole that played the self-sacrificing hero."
Jund glared holes into the Irish gamer, but he sweated slightly when he felt Cry's burning gaze. Cry took a step forward, mother-hen mode activated.
After a long lecture from Cry on 'how-to-take-care-of-yourself-because-God-d**n-it-Jund-I-can't-be-everywhere-at-once-and-I-don't-like-it-when-my-friends-get-hurt', Catherine spoke up.
"Hello, everyone! The launching area is just up ahead, and there'll be water everywhere, so be careful out there. I'll see you--"
"You're not going anywhere."
Johan, the crazed, WAU infected man, came staggering into view, sinister smile warped and cruel.
" still haven't killed the source of the WAUs! Don't you want to have revenge, or--!?"
Cry punched the other and sent him flying, a tick mark on his head, muttering under his breath.
"Dude. When I did that thing, my entire arm got chomped off when I played as Simon, so yeah, not happening."
"Uh...Cry? What do we do?"
The questioned brunet merely waved a hand carelessly.
"Leave 'im, Simon. We'll be fine. Let's just launch the ARK."
' comes the hard part. Even though a brain copy of Catherine and Simon are going on the ARK...their other selves will stay this dark place.'
Cry looked at Simon solemnly through his air bubble as the diving suit talked animatedly with Catherine about sending the ARK off into space. Other gamers who have played SOMA also understood, keeping silent as Simon and Catherine got ready.
Simon hesitantly called out to the group of humans.
"So...uh...I guess this is goodbye? I mean...I don't know what we could do for you--we can get your brains scanned and--!"
Cry merely waved a hand.
"Uh, it won't work that way, and you don't have to worry about us...but um...I'm sure we'll see each other again."
Simon slowly nodded before activating the launching sequence. It wasn't long before the building rumbled and the ARK was sent off with a copy of Cath and Simon on it....but leaving the others behind. Cry's hand reached for his Okami tattoo.
"Wait...why are we still he--?"
"Simon," Catherine's voice came out strained. "I told you before, only a copy of our brains get onto the ARK and then our original selves are left beh--"
"This is BULLSH**! I thought we were supposed to b--!"
Cry stared with wide eyes at the beheaded form of Simon's diving suit body and the destroyed Omnitool on the side.
"I knew you were going to do it yourself, Cry." Snake twirled one of his spears, expression neutral. "But I don't want you shouldering all of the burdens by yourself."
The taller brunet looked solemnly at Cry, who merely sagged with exhaustion.
"Thanks, I guess....I just...really didn't want them to stay alive in this place, so I thought....a painless death would be better...."
Snake merely nodded, patting Cry's head before joining the others, who were silent and watching.
A Tear opened near the group. Pewds kept a gentle, but tight, grip on Marzia's hand as he went through with her. Krism and Minx followed Scott, who was looking to the side blankly, hiding his emotions carefully as Mark sullenly with Jack and Ken into the portal. Russ stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked into the Tear with Red. Snake and Raven went next before Cry finally followed before glancing over his shoulder one more time.
"...Rest in peace, Simon, Cath. And enjoy watching the stars for me."
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