Chapter 42: WATERFALL
(O.D.D.- Sorry about this super late update, but there have been many requests for a different story. Anyways, enjoy! ( ^ω^ ))
Cry blearily opened his eyes.
The broken sentences were slowly starting to make sense.
"...Did ya'...check his temperature? He might be si--oh, hey! Kid's awake."
Cry's eyes began to focus and he felt large hands on his shoulders, shaking him frantically.
Cry groaned softly, but the shaking stopped.
"Paps, you'll make him feel worse that way. Why don't you go with Frisk and get something to eat."
Cry opened his eyes to stare up at an orange ceiling.
"Hey, kiddo."
The brunet looked over at Sans and sweatdropped.
'Oh sh**. The lights in his eyes are gone.'
"I'm gonna ask you again......h a v e w e e v e r m e t b e f o r e ?"
Cry grunted and sat up, noting that he was on the couch of the skeleton brother's cozy home.
The brunet chibi rubbed his face before looking over at Sans, who had lights back in his eyes, but they seemed a bit cold.
" a way....yes? Kinda?"
Cry laughed nervously, waving his hands around.
"Erm....I haven't actually met you like, um, face to face, or face to skull, eheh....."
The brunet had tried to joke a little with the short skeleton.
Sans stared for a bit before he snorted.
"Heh, good one."
The short skeleton then inclined his skull.
"But tell me, what do you mean by tell you a little thing about myself....I can go through various timelines.....but I've never seen you once in any of them."
Cry played with his fingers.
"Well....I don't want to be rude and say that I was playing a game that had everyone of you monsters in it, including Frisk, but that's kinda what happened...."
The brunet floundered.
"I never killed anyone when I played. I never RESET, but I guess you wouldn't believe me so easily...."
Cry sighed.
"Welp, I bet you might kill me or something, but I can't do that just yet. I need my frien--."
"I believe in you, kid."
Cry blinked owlishly.
"You do?"
Sans sighed, the lights in his eyes became warmer.
"Well....despite all of the magic you've been doing, I feel like I can trust you. You've proven it right now--you told at least a part of the truth, which is great. It's better than being told a fibula, ya know?"
Sans winked at the end.
Cry grinned at the skeleton's little joke; the brunet raised a hand out tentatively.
"So...we buddies?"
Sans nodded and reached a hand out to shake Cry's.
Sans grinned at Cry, who had a whoopie cushion on his hand; the laughed.
"Got you!"
The short skeleton huffed.
"Got me....but where'd you get that?"
Cry laughed sheepishly.
"I found it on the snow, so I thought I should return it to you."
Sans then accepted the whoopie cushion from Cry; the undead gazed at the brunet kid.
".....I know you don't have any ill will, but....why'd you look like hail?"
Cry glanced at the door of the house before looking back at Sans; the brunet started to roll his sleeves up.
Sans looked at the strange veins with curiosity.
"What's that?"
Cry smiled grimly.
"Not sure....but it's killing me."
Sans' eyes flickered in alarm.
"....Do you know how to get rid of it?"
Cry shrugged.
"Well....there was this weird...virus copy of my friend and....when I defeated that dude...the veins receded slightly? I really don't know how this works..."
Sans nodded.
"....Do you think...I can help?"
Cry blinked in surprise as Sans continued.
"You're an honest kid and a punny buddy; I wouldn't like to lose a good pal like you."
Cry felt a warmth in his chest.
"Aww...thanks, buddy."
The brunet sighed.
"But I don't know what you can do for me.....but I guess you can help me when I pass out, heheh..."
Sans grinned brightly.
"Snow problem, kiddo."
Papyrus came in, looking a little exasperated.
Sans gave a grateful grin.
"Heh, thanks, bro."
Papyrus snored loudly as he slept on the couch with Frisk in his arms; she was also asleep.
The two had their 'date', and Papyrus 'turned Frisk's love down'.
Cry gently placed a blanket on both of them, chuckling softly at the sight.
The gamer was feeling a lot better after 'dinner'; he was able to move around like nothing had happened before.
"Ya' still up, kiddo?"
Cry turned to see Sans walking down the stairs; the lazy skeleton had his usual grin on, but Cry noted that it was a lot more genuine now.
"Yep. I napped enough, so I'm pretty much wide awake."
Sans looked over at Papyrus, the lights in his eyes glowed warmly.
"...Thanks for taking care of Paps.....and for not killing him."
Cry gave a wary smile.
"I try not to kill as much as possible."
Sans nodded.
"That's a good influence for the other kid...if ya' know what I mean."
Cry scratched his head.
" mean....genocide...."
Sans flinched slightly at the word, but he nodded.
"The kid could've killed every monster in sight if you weren't there to tell her what's right and wrong."
Cry shrugged and sighed.
"Why don't you go to bed? You look like you need it."
Sans' eye-lights flickered over to Cry.
"What about you?"
Cry smiled.
"Don't worry, buddy! I'll get my rest. Come over here."
Cry patted the area on the couch beside Papyrus and Frisk.
The brunet stood up and let Sans settle down; the skeleton yawned.
"Welp....g'night, I guess...."
Sans slowly closed his eye sockets.
It was the first time his sleep wasn't interrupted with nightmares.
Sans woke up and stared up at the ceiling with a bit surprise.
'...Huh....a peaceful sleep for once....'
The short skeleton got up from the couch and found that the humans were standing by the door with Papyrus; Cry waved at Sans.
"I'll see you later, buddy!"
Sans grinned.
"Same to you. I'll keep an eye socket out for both of you."
Frisk smiled, a light blush on her face as she bowed a thanks to the skeleton brothers.
The humans continued their journey out of SNOWDIN.
*Look, Cry. Waterfalls everywhere!*
The gamer snickered.
"This place is called WATERFALL for a reason, Frisk."
The girl blushed.
*Shut up.*
The two ventured through the wetlands.
However, they met Sans at another sentry station; the short skeleton grinned brightly.
"Hey. Told you two that I would see you guys later."
Frisk rose her eyebrows; Cry merely smiled.
Sans got up from his seat.
"So, wanna head to Grillby's?"
Frisk looked at her ketchup-covered burger with disappointment.
Sans chuckled and handed his own burger to her.
"Here, you can have mine."
Frisk made a happy noise and silently dug in.
Sans then turned to look at Cry, lowering his voice.
"So....I wanted to talk to you about my brother."
Cry straightened his back slightly.
"What's up?"
Sans crossed his arms and leaned against the bar, resting his jaw on them.
".....Have you....seen a talking flower before? It's not like an echo flower, know...."
Cry nodded his head slightly, whispering back.
"Ya' mean Flowey?"
The lights in Sans' eyes disappeared briefly before returning.
"Yeah.....keep an eye out for him......fighting him was pretty simple...but I'm not sure about you two."
Cry made a peace sign.
"Heh, we'll be alright; I'll make sure of that."
Sans' grin brightened; Frisk just then finished her burger.
"Alrighty...I'll send you two back....but be'll meet Undyne there..."
They met new monsters: Aron, Shyren, Moldbygg, Dummy and Woosha.
Along the way, they found Napstablook's house and stayed for a bit.
They ran into Monster Kid.
And then....they met Undyne.
The fish-woman stood on the mountain.
She removed her helmet and grinned maliciously; her eyes glinted.
"FUHAHAHA! Get ready, runts! This battle begins, now!"
Cry tugged Frisk out of the way in time as glowing, blue spears jutted out of the ground.
The brunet tsked and started to run with Frisk holding his hand.
Cry's eyes glowed as he activated Aiden's tattoo.
He could see the spots where the spears would appear.
'Svart. A little help please.'
The Outsider mark glowed and Cry used Blink to get past the wall of spears.
Frisk stumbled slightly at the sudden, new footing and lost her grip on Cry's hand.
Within the shadows, Undyne prepared to throw a spear at Frisk.
Cry widened his eyes and darted over to the collapsed brunette.
Cry brought out his Okami knife and deflected the spear.
Undyne blinked in surprise before smirking; she sent out more spears.
"Try this on for size, runt!"
Cry darted his gaze around and saw multiple spears approaching; he lifted Frisk to her feet.
The gamer then shut his eyes, activating his Outsider mark once more.
He froze time and used the opening to sneak past Undyne along with Frisk.
Cry panted as he released the spell; the time returned to normal.
Undyne immediately spun around when she sensed them behind her.
"What the--!?"
Cry and Frisk started running; Undyne let out a frustrated scream, throwing spears at them.
"GET BACK HERE, RUNTS! Stop running and fight!"
Cry merely looked to the side and saw a giant sign.
'Yes! We're almost there in Hotland! Just a few more steps...'
With renewed energy, Cry gripped Frisk's hand tightly as they continued to run.
Cry chuckled mentally when they passed Sans who was sleeping at one of his many sentry stations.
Undyne stopped temporarily to yell at Sans, but she quickly found that it was useless and continued to run after Cry and Frisk on the bridge over the lake of lava.
Cry and Frisk made it on the other end of the bridge; Undyne was struggling.
Finally, the fish-woman gave into the heat and collapsed; Cry nudged Frisk gently in Undyne's direction while handing a cup of water to the brunette.
Frisk blinked in confusion and panic; Cry whispered to her encouragingly.
"Help Undyne out. I'm sure this way you can try make friends with her."
Frisk gulped and shuffled over to Undyne.
Undyne groaned before perking up when she felt nice, cool water poured onto her head.
The fish-woman stared at Frisk with surprise.
Undyne slowly stood up, staring at the two children before walking away; confusion filled her mind.
Frisk sighed in relief once the Captain left.
Cry patted Frisk on the back.
"Nice job, Frisk!"
The brunette whacked Cry in response.
*Do you have any idea how nerve-racking that was!? I thought she would spear me once she felt better!*
Cry merely laughed.
"Nah! You're fine, right? Let's just go~!"
Frisk shook her head exasperatedly as she took Cry's hand in her own.
The brunette took in her surroundings.
*....So this is Hotland....*
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