Chapter 35: Cry vs. Slenderman
Cry's eyes were glowing as he blocked Slenderman's tentacles in a blur of red, orange and blue; his Okami sword met with the black limbs with a 'clang'.
The brunet did a backflip as he charged lightning up into his left hand.
Cry swung his sword and let go, sending the sharp blade towards Slenderman.
Slenderman, who was still grinning, grabbed the sword by the hilt before it could pierce its midsection.
Cry was already over there in an instant, using the Okami sword as a footstep as he launched his left fist at Slenderman's face.
Slenderman opened his mouth wide, and Cry's fist went into the gaping hole.
Cry didn't even flinch as he felt a bone in his arm snap as Slenderman clamped his teeth down, crushing his limb.
The brunet growled lowly as lightning sparked to life on his left hand once more while it was still in Slenderman's mouth.
Slenderman's head blew up, releasing Cry's arm in the process.
The brunet jumped away and touched his arm, hissing slightly in pain when he felt the blood trickle out of the punctures Slenderman's teeth left behind.
Cry turned a glare to Slenderman's unmoving body.
'....That was too easy...'
His thoughts flashed back to Russ and Pewds.
'Russ and Pewds can't lose that easily to something like thi--'
Cry widened his eyes as he jumped back.
He received a cut to the chest, but it wasn't as deep as Russ's.
The brunet glowered as Slenderman's body started to move.
Its legs moved first and stood as the rest of its body stood up straight.
Cry narrowed his gaze beneath his mask as Slenderman staggered--still headless.
'The he**!?'
<<(With the Others)>>
"We need to go after Cry! He can't face that f****** monster alone!"
Scott was about to dash off, but a hand grabbed his ankle.
"Don' that...."
Everyone's eyes widened.
They followed the hand to an arm, then a shoulder--a bloody one--and then to a face.
Slowly...chestnut-brown eyes opened.
They blinked blearily.
A weak smile formed on bleeding lips.
Red's green eyes widened further.
The said brunet managed to widen his smile slightly.
Red broke out into more tears and quickly kissed the other on the lips, not minding the blood as she gently ran a hand through his hair.
"D*** it, Russ. You f****** son of a b****. D*** you."
Russ chuckled weakly.
There was another groan, and everyone turned their heads to see a certain blonde waking up in Raven's arms.
"Uuuugh......I need kitten and puppy therapy."
Felix's injuries wasn't as serious as Russ's so the blonde could move a bit better.
Russ closed his eyes and sighed softly.
"Had looked...different.....I...had sea-green...eyes..."
Everyone stared at the other curiously as he continued.
"Had to...fight......I won. Before...that other me...disappeared....he said...that....there...would be...others..."
Russ coughed harshly, and Red sat the other up, pressing a hand firmly on his chest; Sup popped out of nowhere and started to heal the two injured gamers with a white light.
"He also said....that...'papers are...good for fires...'."
Russ smirked as he shakily pulled out one of the Slenderman's papers from his pocket.
"I...understand now..."
<<(With Cry)>>
Cry grunted as he was thrown back for nth time; he growled lowly.
'I thought I f****** killed him ten times already! What the f*** is going on!?'
The brunet tsked as he used his Okami sword to block the black tentacles again; it was much more difficult now since his left hand was already injured.
Slenderman knocked Cry's sword out of his right hand.
Cry got cut across the cheek by another tentacle; his hand touched Aiden's tattoo. He kept his hands on the tattoo so his spirit wouldn't get ejected from his body.
The brunet's eyes glowed in the darkness as he saw something in Slenderman.
Cry widened his eyes at the sight, but he had to let go of his wrist in time to dodge a barrage of tentacles.
Suddenly, a few of Slenderman's tentacles burst into a cloud of ashes.
Slenderman's grin disappeared as it screeched loudly in agony.
Cry winced slightly at the sound and widened his eyes slightly when Slenderman's 'gaze' was directed towards the area his friends were in.
Slenderman screeched again as it darted towards the oil containers.
Cry quickly dashed after it, grasping his left arm.
<<(With the Others)>>
Everyone flinched when they heard the loud screech; Red simply continued to to burn Slenderman's papers with her Devil's Kiss.
A then a shadow loomed over them; they froze slightly when they saw the it.
Black blood(?) oozed from Slenderman's missing tentacles as it breathed harshly.
The mouth was pulled in an ugly scowl as Slenderman raised its other tentacles into the air.
Snake quickly got in front of the group and set up a yellow barrier with his Return-to-Sender, narrowing his glowing, green eyes since he was also using Peeping Tom at the moment.
The tentacles struck the barrier, but Snake held firm.
Raven and Scott quickly assisted the brunet as they sent crows and ghosts at Slenderman; Red continued to burn the papers.
"Five...six...we only have six! Where's the seventh and eighth!?"
Red burned the last papers that they had as she glanced around at the others.
"Right here."
Everyone turned their heads to see Cry standing behind Slenderman, holding the two said papers.
They gasped when they saw his injured, left arm, but Cry glanced at them, shaking his head.
*Don't move, guys.*
Slenderman slowly stopped its onslaught and twitchingly turned its head to look at Cry.
The brunet gazed at it and slowly walked towards it, deactivating all of his powers, alarming his friends.
"CRY!? What the f*** are yo--?!"
The brunet stopped a foot away from the heaving monster.
Cry slowly raised a hand to his mask and took it off.
Slenderman screeched and swung its tentacles down; Cry friends shouted in alarm.
Cry's friends watched as the dust settled.
They blinked in shock when they found the tentacles just a foot away from Cry at his sides.
The brunet blinked his sea-blue eyes before grinning.
"Hey kid."
Everyone stared at the brunet with bewilderment.
"Cry...that's a f****** monster. What are y--?! Cry!"
Cry walked closer; his unmasked face was half a foot away from Slenderman's.
The brunet held the papers in his hand at the side, looking into Slenderman's 'eyes', which was pretty much a smooth, white surface.
More black blood oozed out of Slenderman.
Cry stared a while longer before smiling sadly.
"I saw what you truly are, ya know."
Slenderman made soft clicking noises, but it made no move to attack the brunet.
The rest of the team listened intently; Snake, on the other hand, widened his eyes when he used Peeping Tom to look at Slenderman.
"...You're just a kid, aren't you?"
Slenderman grew silent.
Cry stepped back slightly as a black mist surrounded Slenderman.
In the middle of it all...stood a young boy.
A child.
Completely white.
When the white-haired boy lifted his head, it revealed an eyeless, and emotionless face; the eyes were simply black sockets.
The boy's mouth opened and and closed briefly.
And then...a scratchy voice spoke.
So soft and dead.
Black tears fell from the sockets.
The child raised his hands and covered his face.
Slenderman was still there, hanging a bit limply, as if it were a puppet that had its strings cut.
Cry looked at the child and crouched down before him.
"Hey....kid..." The boy inclined his head slightly but he kept his head buried in his pale hands. "...What's your name?"
The boy lifted his head in surprise, blinking his eye sockets in surprise.
Cry smiled and nodded.
The pale boy gripped the hem of his white shirt.
Cry quirked his lips up.
"Nice to meet you, Slen. My names Cry, and I will be your friend."
The eye sockets widened.
"Fri...end...? My...frie..nd..?"
Cry nodded.
More black tears dripped from his eye sockets.
Slen suddenly grasped the papers in Cry's hands and took them, burning them with black flames.
The body of Slenderman shuddered and screeched loudly; Slen wrapped his arms around his body as he started to cough up black blood.
Alarmed, Cry moved towards the other, but Slen caught his wrist and smiled weakly.
The white-haired child tapped Cry's left wrist; a black, swirling tattoo appeared.
Slen pushed the other away and smiled, closing his eyes.
The boy smiled one last time as he and Slenderman crumbled into piles of ash.
Cry stared at the pile before bowing his head.
The others walked up to the brunet, Snake held them back when they were only a few feet from Cry.
Scott was about to curse the other out, but he saw Snake's solemn gaze.
Red supported Russ and Raven supported Pewds.
Silence filled the clearing...and then Cry spoke.
"....He...was just....a kid...."
The team grimaced at the sad tone in the brunet's voice.
For a brief second, a tear fell from his right eye.
The brunet stood up and placed his mask back onto his face.
A Tear appeared beside the group.
They didn't need to be told to go through as they went before Cry.
Once they all went through, Cry glanced behind himself one last time before stepping through the Tear.
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