Chapter 34: An Enemy Hidden Whithin the Shadows
"Ken!? What the he** are you doing here!?"
"CRY!? The heck!?"
Cry let his sword disappear as he helped Ken up onto his feet.
Ken poked at the other.
"What happened to that sword? Are you even Cry--gasp! You must be some evil spirit that's trying to persuade me to follow you into a dark place where I'll get killed by pretending to be one of my best friends!"
Cry sweatdropped.
"Dude. Chill."
Ken continued to look at the other with suspicious eyes, puffing his cheeks out like an indignant child.
Cry sighed and scratched his head, turning away from the other as he spoke monotonously.
"Welp. If you want to get killed by Slendy, be my guest; you don't need to follow me."
Ken paled.
"BWAAAH! Cry! Don't leave meeeee! Why would Slendy be here anyways!?"
Underneath his mask, Cry was smirking mischievously; he sighed softly and stopped walking away.
'I guess that's enough with the teasing...' "Come on, Ken."
The darker-haired brunet sniffled and pouted.
"You're so mean sometimes, Cry."
The brunet merely chuckled as he lit the way with his left hand, which was coated with blue lightning.
<<(With Snake & Scott)>>
"What's wrong, Snake-a**? Why did we stop?"
The said brunet was looking to the right, inclining his head slightly.
"....A scream. Male--despite the girly pitch." Scott raised an eyebrow as Snake continued to speak in clipped sentences. "Someone new, but someone we know."
Scott let a tick mark appear on his head.
"I hate it when you talk in riddles--USE ENGLISH, SNAKE-A**!"
The brunet ignored the other as he walked in the direction he heard the scream from.
Scott quickly jogged after the other; the green ghosts continued to float around them.
<<(With Russ & Felix)>>
Russ resisted the urge to use his powers--Bucking Bronco--to lift Pewds ten feet into the air before slamming him back down to the earth.
"RUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSS, I SWEAR THAT SLENDY WAS STANDING RIGHT THERE! Bro, he's going to eat us alive while using his tentacles to rip us to pieces--!"
There were multiple tick marks on Russ's head as he looked at Felix's steaming head with indifference.
"Please stay silent for at least five f****** seconds."
Pewds pouted as he nursed his throbbing lump on his head, but he held his tongue.
Russ sighed in relief at the silence as they walked through the yellow containers.
The brunet's eyes landed on a piece of paper that was stuck to one of the oil tanks; he grimaced slightly.
Russ motioned for Pewds to come closer; the brunet didn't want to lose a friend because of his own carelessness. The Slenderman could be nearby for all they could know.
The two silently walked over to the container; Russ let his sharp eyes dart around for a few seconds before letting them rest onto the paper before him--it was a picture of a stick figure surrounded by trees.
He quickly ripped it off and activated his power in case something came at them.
A few things floated around--an effect from Russ's powers--as the brunet scanned the area.
Felix had a serious expression on as ice coated his left hand and water swirled around his right hand.
They both waited......
....And the sound of static reached their ears.
<<(With Red & Raven)>>
The redhead blinked her eyes in slight surprise when she spotted a break in the seemingly never ending forest.
The two stepped out and sighed with relief...
...but it wasn't for long.
Red and Raven widened their eyes when their noses both caught the smell of...blood.
Fresh blood.
They felt their instincts screaming at them as they followed the scent.
Red covered her nose with her arm as it grew stronger, including Raven, who was having a harder time in resisting the urge to empty her stomach.
They passed by a few yellow, oil containers.
Red stopped and slowly looked downwards.
Red, red, red blood.
The redhead flinched and stepped backwards, but she jumped when Raven made a choked cry.
Looking at the other, Red saw that Raven looking at something with horror within her usually zealous eyes.
With a shaky finger, Raven directed Red's gaze to what she was looking at.
Slowly, Red turned to look.
She widened her eyes.
Her heart seemed to stop.
Her blood ran cold.
" F-Fel...ix?"
The blood that was staining the ground.
It was human blood.
And it was coming from two.
Red's gaze stared at the large--deep, bloody, messy--gash on....Russ's chest.
Felix wasn't faring any better.
His left arm looked dislocated and he had a bleeding lip; his right thigh looked punctured.
Raven rushed over to the blonde as Red quickly tended to Russ; the redhead cupped the bruent's cheek.
"Please, please, please, Russ. Open your eyes, please."
His chest wasn't moving.
It wasn't moving.
Red's vision blurred with tears as she hiccuped.
She screamed towards the black sky above.
<<(With Snake & Scott)>>
The two widened their eyes; Scott spoke first.
"F****** he**."
The two immediately bolted after the scream that sounded familiar, yet not.
Snake narrowed his gaze as he saw a paper on a tree that the dashed by; he ripped it off.
Snake growled lowly.
Scott also came across another paper as they continued to run; he tore it off hastily.
The two finally burst through a break in the forest.
Snake froze; Scott rounded on the other with annoyance.
"Why the f*** are you stopping!? That was Red--!"
Scott then saw the fear in Snake's eyes; the ravenet blinked in surprise before following the taller's sharp eyes.
"....Russ? Felix?"
<<(With Cry & Ken)>>
"D-Did you hear that!?"
Cry narrowed his gaze as he quickly tugged the other along.
'Sh**! That sounded like....Red. But what could've drove her to do that!? F***!'
The two suddenly came upon a tree that had a paper stuck on it; Cry quickly ripped it off.
*NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!*
The brunet ignored the disturbing picture as he stuffed it into his jacket pocket.
The two finally ran through the end of the forest.
The two panted; Ken lifted his head first and froze.
Cry noted the other's rigged frame and also lifted his head.
His blood ran cold.
He felt like it was all some sort of nightmare as he numbly made his way over to the rest of the group.
Red had Russ's head on her lap.
Raven was sobbing next to Felix's body.
Snake was looking at the ground darkly.
Scott apparently punched one of the oil containers hard enough to leave a large dent in it; his ghosts were swirling around him anxiously.
Even from his place by the forest, Cry could tell the Russ's and Pewd's chests weren't moving.
Not a single bit.
Ken was wailing next to Felix's unmoving body.
Cry stood away from them; he continued to look at them with a numb feeling.
The brunet finally found feeling in his body once more as he walked over the muddy-grassy ground.
He crouched beside Russ and touched the other's arm.
It was so cold.
Cry stood up again and walked over to Pewds.
He ended up with the same results.
They were both so cold...
Cry stood up from his crouch next to Felix and started to walk away from the group.
A paper fell from the dark--inky-black, not a single star, cloudy--sky; he caught it with ease.
It had a picture of Slenderman, surrounded by trees.
A staticy noise filled the air, but Cry paid no heed to it.
The brunet lifted his right hand to the side; the paper in his hand burned into ashes.
The wind kicked up around Cry as the Okami sword appeared in his hand; he wrapped his fingers around the hilt.
Black tentacles swished through the air.
A suit-wearing creature--tall, skinny, long arms, inhuman--was suddenly there, standing before Cry.
The emotionless face--no eyes, no eyes, no eyes--seemed to look into Cry's soul.
Yet Cry was unnerved by any of this.
The area became thick with killing intent.
But not just any killing intent.
It wasn't Slenderman's--no.
It was the masked brunet.
The wind continued to whip violently around Cry as the brunet became surrounded with lightning also.
The brunet lifted his head; his sea-blue eyes burned fiercely--like bright stars--through the eye-holes.
"I'm gonna f****** kill you, you d*** b******."
The Slenderman remained emotionless.
Suddenly, the lower part of its head--the mouth area--began to rip open.
Black, black blood oozed down its chin.
The new mouth opened and closed for a few moments...
...And then it formed a malicious grin.
Sharp, long, jet-black teeth were revealed.
The Slenderman simply continued to grin at Cry.
The brunet's gaze never wavered for a second.
Cry narrowed his eyes as he positioned his blade into a ready position.
The tentacles lashed through the air at the same time Cry lunged at the monster.
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