Chapter 32: Take Flight!
"Do you see them!?"
Raven sounded near hysterical as she held onto one of the cubes tightly.
Russ gritted his teeth as his own eyes searched desperately for their mask-wearing friend.
Snake looked off to the side darkly.
Scott's hands were clenched tightly, the knuckles were turning white.
Red was staring intently at the black abyss below, where the monster was still climbing up.
Pewds was chewing his bottom lip, hugging his knees to his chest.
Suddenly, a gasp came from Russ; everyone immediately snapped their heads towards him.
"You gotta be sh**ing me..."
Everyone's jaws dropped when they spotted two familiar faces.
But they weren't looking at that--no.
They weren't looking at Vincent's terrified face.
They weren't looking at the monster below them either.
Their attention was focused on Cry...
...who had...
What. The. He**!?
There were black, blue-tinted wings sticking out of the brunet gamer's back; his green jacket was ripped.
Cry was grinning as he flew up towards the group.
The feeling of flying was simply exhilarating!
The brunet flapped the wings and he was closer to his friends by a mere second.
He landed onto one of the cubes and placed Vincent onto the group, saluting them.
The LNC and Felix didn't know what to do for a moment; they simply gaped at Cry.
"BWAHAHAHA! Your faces are epic!"
That snapped them out of their stupor.
"CRY! YOU D*** B******!"
Russ pushed his glasses up as they glinted ominously.
"We should push you off."
Cry sweatdropped as everyone chuckled evilly.
"C-Come on guys! I had to rescue Vincent!"
His wings fluttered, causing everyone to bring their attention back to them; Pewds bounded over and poked them, widening his eyes when he made contact.
"Oh sh**! These a real!"
Everyone gave Cry bewildered looks; Scott spoke up first.
"Where the he** did you get them?"
Cry floundered slightly before rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Ahaha...I got them from Kuro, the owl in Ori and the Blind Forest."
Everyone stared at the brunet once more.
Everyone winced and covered their ears; they glanced down and saw that the beast wasn't too far behind.
They freaked out slightly; Cry turned to the door at the top and jiggled it.
'It won't open!?'
His mind quickly went through a billion ideas in a mere second.
He finally chose a feasible solution and grabbed Vincent's arm.
"Eh!? What are you--?!"
"Just open the door, Vincent!"
The ravenet quickly grabbed the doorknob and pushed it open.
A bright, white light greeted the group, along with a few feathers.
Cry shoved Vincent through and quickly called the others over.
Once everyone went through, Cry followed and shut the door behind himself.
Cry cracked his eyes open and found that he was floating in the darkness.
He sat up and glanced around.
"Yay~! You made it!"
A ball of red flames burst in front of Cry's face.
"The one and only, kid."
The ball of flames danced around his head before floating in front of his face.
" had me worried there when you went after that other kid! But then you suddenly grew wings! It was brilliant!"
Cry laughed.
"Really? I thought it was pretty cool too."
The ball of flames buzzed.
".....You've surprised me a lot, Cry. I've decided to give you a gift."
Astaroth drifted and settled on Cry's wrist; a red, demon tattoo appeared.
"I, Astaroth, demon of the underworld, have given you permission to use 'Death Space'. With this power, I allow you control over dimensions. But this power can only ever be used once--do not waste it."
Cry flexed his hand before grinning up at the ball of flames.
"Thanks, Roth!"
A white glow started to surround Cry; Astaroth chuckled.
"Man...just when things were getting interesting with you here, kid."
Cry grinned underneath his mask.
"Don't worry. I'm sure we'll meet again!"
Astaroth grew fuzzy.
"Heh, you're a funny kid..."
Cry waved at the demon; he actually started to see a small redhead teen with blood red eyes, two ram horns, a ripped, black t-shirt and dark-blue jeans.
Astaroth smirked , stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Until we meet again...I'll make sure Vincent doesn't die anytime soon! Just make sure that you don't die either, kid!"
Cry saluted the other, grinning widely.
"Yes, sir!"
He disappeared in a glow of white light.
Astaroth stood there for a few seconds before sighing.
He snapped his fingers and he was back in the shack; he heard the screams of terror, dispair and madness.
He grinned widely, showing off his sharp, jet-black teeth.
"I'll be waiting, Cry."
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