Chapter 30: Sheep?
Pewds ran over to the said brunet, cowering slightly behind the fellow gamer.
Cry looked at what Felix was running from and saw...sheep?
The sheep were also standing on two legs. How strange...
A sheep with a striped tie walked up to them and surprising spoke.
"Hey! You guys actually look human! But there's still some ram horns sticking out of your head." The sheep placed a hand under his chin. "I usually see sheep all over the place!"
Everyone glanced at each other before looking at the other sheep that were surrounding them.
'He's not joking about that...'
The sheep looked at them briefly before...moping? There was a depressing aura surrounding them.
The sheep with the tie sighed tiredly.
"Looks like you guys are new here. Welcome to he**."
"We're in the world of 'Catherine', yes?"
Russ ran a hand over his face, careful to not mess his glasses up.
"Looks like it..."
Cry groaned.
"The game was fun and all, but the puzzles were so d*** hard sometimes!"
Everyone turned their heads to see a ravenet--surprisingly human--wearing only white boxers with pink hearts on them.
The man was clutching a white pillow close to his body as he looked at the group nervously; he looked like he ran a marathon with the sweat that was pouring down the side of his head.
Cry turned to look at the ravenet and grinned underneath his mask.
"Yo! My name's Cry--what's your name?"
The man gave a tentative smile.
"V-Vincent Brooks..."
Pewds pat the other on the shoulder.
"I feel so sorry for you."
Cry sighed softly as the others introduced themselves.
Kuro--the cat--hopped onto Cry's head and purred softly.
"This place is filled with dark magic, yo"
The brunet glanced up for a moment before looking at his group; the other's were trying to console the frightened Vincent.
"Ah. And you'll sense a lot more when you get to the higher levels."
"U-Um...I gotta get into that little room there. If I go there and answer a few questions, I'll be able to go to the next level of this nightmare..."
Cry flickered his sea-blue eyes to small, shack-like place at the back of the platform.
'Astaroth, right?'
Cry looked back to the others.
"I'm gonna go in after Vincent, 'kay~?"
Russ swatted the brunet on the head.
"Like he**. Who know what would happen? You always get into some sort of trouble with all of these games!"
Cry grinned underneath his mask.
"Hey~I'm absolutely sure that nothing bad will happen this time--trust me."
Russ scrutinized Cry; everyone saw an elevator like room go up into the air from where the shack was--Vincent had already left.
Russ sighed before poking the other in the chest.
"Don't get killed now."
"Yes sir!"
"Well, well~you're new."
Cry leaned back in the small room.
"Yep. And your name is...?"
"Astaroth. And you?"
"Oho~? What an interesting name..."
Cry glanced at the small window beside him; the glass made it impossible to see who the other was.
"You're a demon, right?"
"Haha....something like that..."
Cry saw a silhouette next to the window.
" seem rather informed for a newbie. Actually, I sense that you're not even from anywhere near here."
"That's correct, Roth."
The silhouette shook--apparently, Astaroth was chuckling.
"Heh~you're an interesting guy. I feel like I don't need to question you." The demon sighed. "Well, you better make it through the next level. You seem to be a fun guy to talk with, ya' know."
"Will do, Roth~!"
There was another chuckle before the small room shook.
Cry felt like he was in an elevator as he was sent to the next level.
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