Chapter 3: Abduction
In another area, a dark-haired brunet--Snake--with an olive-green band tied around his head, glared at his fire alarm.
He toyed with the pistol in his hand, debating whether he really should shoot the stupid alarm.
Suddenly, his silver eyes darted to where his room was; his door was closed.
Snake narrowed his eyes when he found a sea-green light seeping through the small openings of his door.
The brunet crouched down slightly as he slowly made his way to his room, turning the safety off of his gun.
His hand gripped the doorknob tightly.
Snake quickly swung his door open and aimed his gun at the source of the eerie, sea-green light.
He didn't have enough time to react when he distinctly felt himself get pulled into something.
(Cry): Hey...guys...
(Ru$$): Yes, Sir Trooper?
(Cry): Pfft--um....well, Snake hasn't been on for a while.
(Red): Now that I think about it...
(Raven): Should I call him?
(Scott): I'll do it.
Scott rolled away from his computer and grabbed his phone on his nightstand.
He went through his contacts and picked 'Snake-butt'.
The raven placed the phone by his ear as he scratched his head with his free hand.
Finally, the phone was picked up.
"Oi, Sna--"
"A-Ah? Wh-Who's th-this?"
Scott snapped his mouth shut and leaned forwards in his seat, narrowing his eyes slightly.
'It sounds like Snake-butt...but the voice is glitchy...' "Who are you?"
"...I'm d-done here. Th-The others should h-hurry up too."
"Wait! Hold up!"
Scott growled when his phone went on dial tone.
The raven spun his chair around so he could look out the window of his room.
He dialed Snake again.
Suddenly, a flash of sea-green light glowed from behind Scott; he quickly turned around to look.
"Aw sh--!"
"G-Got you!"
(Cry): ...Guys...
(Ru$$): Yeah...those two have been gone for awhile.
(Red): Hey.
(Cry): Yeah Red?
(Red): Raven hasn't been responding either.
(Cry): ...This doesn't sound good...hey, Russ?
(Red): better answer...
Cry grit his teeth as his friends slowly stopped speaking--one by one.
"Red? Russ, Snake, Jund, Raven? Hey?"
No answers.
Only silence.
Then his screen became that familiar, eerie sea-green color; Cry widened his eyes with shock.
"C-Come on. Y-You c-can't ge-get rid of m-me that e-easily."
Cry jumped out of his seat and grabbed the gun at the corner of his desk before quickly backing away from the computer.
"But that...was only a dream..."
The clone of Cry slowly exited the computer, cackling softly.
"D-Dream? Nah, I w-wasn't able to kill y-you. I had to re-return to th-the computer. Materializing in th-this world is s-such a pain."
Cry narrowed his eyes before firing a shot at the clone.
The bullet phased right through the clone, hitting the wall behind it.
The clone tutted the other, waving his finger mockingly.
"N-No can do." He grinned before grabbing Cry's arm with a surprising amount of speed and strength. "L-Let's go now. Th-The others were done l-long before m-me."
Cry didn't have enough time to react as his vision was suddenly filled with a sea-green light.
The brunet knew no more.
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