Chapter 26: The Forest
"C...ry!....Cry! CRY! YOU BETTER WAKE UP, D*** IT!"
Slowly, sea-blue eyes cracked open and spotted a familiar ravenet.
Onyx eyes softened with relief as Scott sighed.
"You son of a b****. Don't do that..."
Cry sighed and took his mask from the ravenet, who was holding it out to him.
After fixing back into place, he glanced at his wrist and saw the light-blue tattoo he got from Aiden.
'So it wasn't a dream...'
Cry glanced around and found that the others were there; Pewdie ran up to the brunet and shook him.
Cry sweatdropped when he saw Felix start to cry comical tears.
"...Sorry Pewds..."
The blonde immediately brightened up.
Everyone sweatdropped once more.
"Where are we?"
Russ shrugged as he pushed up his glasses.
"Dunno. Some spooky forest."
Snake's eyes turned a bright green as he used Peeping Tom to get a better look of their surroundings.
Scott raised an eyebrow.
"'Alive'? You mean this entire place is a living thing?"
Snake merely nodded once more, watching the glowing plants that surrounded them.
Cry spotted a white glow that sped past him, hiding behind a bush not to far from him; the brunet raised an eyebrow as he slowly edged over to the plant.
He heard soft chattering noises as he pushed the leaves away.
A strange white animal stood there. Long, white ears twitched at every noise Cry made as its tail swished along the ground--it almost looked like a monkey.
Cry recognized the animal and slowly called it by its name.
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