Chapter 16: Slowly Fading
"And~that's the last of them!"
Cry grinned as he deactivated his powers, flexing his fingers.
Raven sent out a few crows to get rid of the defeated zombies.
Once she was done, she brought Snake and Cry in for a group hug.
"Yaaaay! We're together again!"
They felt a heavy weight on them and looked up to see the rest of the LNC members.
"Haha! Everyone's back together!"
"Hey! Don't leave me out!"
Pewdie bowled into the group.
Everyone laughed as they dog-piled each other; Lee chuckled and Clem giggled as they watched from a distance.
Suddenly, a Tear opened right next to the group, shocking Lee and Clem.
"Wh-What's that!?"
Cry saw it and deflated slightly.
'Aw...I don't get to spend time with Clem anymore...'
The brunet sighed before walking over to Lee and Clem; he told his group to step through before him.
The LNC did so while dragging a confused Felix through the Tear, leaving Cry with Lee and Clem.
Cry kneeled down to Clem's height and moved his mask to the side of his head, chuckling when he saw her eyes sparkle with curiosity and surprise at his face.
"You're really handsome."
Cry chuckled once more and patted her on the head.
"And you're beautiful."
Clem blushed before smiling brightly.
Cry then stood up and looked towards Lee, a serious expression was present.
"Keep your guard up no matter what. Never let your eyes off of Clem." He dropped his voice to a whisper so the girl of topic couldn't hear. "You might just be the only family she has left."
Lee saw the sad smile that was on Cry's face before the brunet pulled his mask onto his face.
"Stay safe, Lee. Clem wouldn't want you to get bitten."
With that, Cry waved goodbye, cheery aura surrounding him once more.
"See ya' later, Lee, Clem!"
He stepped through the Tear, and it closed behind him.
Lee stared at the spot until he felt a tug at his leg.
"Lee, what did he tell you?"
The man looked down and smiled, hiding his pain behind his eyes.
"He only said I need to keep a closer eye on a troublemaker like you."
Lee tickled her playfully as she giggled.
"Hahaha! Lee! Stop~!"
<<(A Separate Digital Dimension)>>
"Y-You're back..."
Cry sighed before turning to his mirror image.
"Yep. What up, Virus?"
Currently, Cry was alone again but in the company of Virus as glowing, green 1s and 0s flew past them.
Virus scowled, crossing his arms.
"Y-You're near th-the halfway mark, C-Cry. I-It'll be a matter of time b-before you b-begin to f-fade..."
Cry was busy floating on his back, crossing his legs with his arms behind his head; Virus nearly gaped in shock.
"C-Cry! Th-This is your l-life we're talking about!"
"Yeah....I. Don't. Care."
Cry rolled onto his side to look at Virus in the eye.
"So what? I'm going to die--boohoo." Cry smirked underneath his mask as he jumped and landed in front of Virus. "But I don't care." The brunet lifted his mask to flash a smile to the stunned Virus. "I have all of my friends with me, so I. Don't. Care."
Virus stumbled back, putting distance between Cry and himself.
"Y-You're f****** c-crazy..."
Cry laughed at that as he placed his mask back onto his face.
"Crazy is fun. I go by Mad-Cry when I go crazy."
Virus gazed at Cry silently before scoffing; he waved his hand and the world slowly faded to black as Cry closed his eyes.
"D*** brat."
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