Dedicated to vheevian_ad
'Christmas shouldn't be the only time of the year to share gifts amongst each other but a season to also care,show affection and share more of Love. Love is best shared during Christmas but you having no one to share it is so saddening.'
Stephanie thought as she rode her bicycle down the street. Finding true love hasn't been easy for her. It had been one rollercoaster of pain on to another. Going through lots of heart break had turned her to a whole different person.
Still deep in thought She hopped off her bicycle at the top of the hill and began to walk while pushing it along. Riding down the hill would be faster but it could really be hazardous due to its numerous bumps and stomps. She sighed as she imagined how lovely it would have been to feel the summer's breeze whistling through her ears and throwing her hair around. The wonderful feeling of her stomach feeling floaty and fluttery also whisked through her mind.
Soon she was passing by Mr Reynold's coffee shop. It was the centre hub during the afternoons but looking at it now it was bare of customers owing to it still being early in the morning. She moved on without making a single tire squeak.
Tomorrow's going to be Christmas,every streets in Vale town was adorned with Christmas light and trees.Smiles over every one's faces, making her wish for someone or something to put that wide smile on my face as a Christmas gift.She wished her parents could,but they're always all over the world, traveling from one country to another for a conference or an important business meeting not spending less than 3 to 4 days in each country. The only reason they're back to vale town is just to ship her off to Greenville,a _beautiful_ town in California as they had called it emphasizing more on the beautiful aspect.
Finally, she will be leaving this little town of hers behind, perhaps leaving all the pain and hurt that came with it.Her two best friends–Miley and Sandra were the only people that made her stay in this little town worthwhile.Well, not until she caught Sandra cheating with her boyfriend, both smooching and groping against the school's female bathroom like their lives both depended on it, shattering her and breaking her inside into million pieces.She hasn't even kissed him yet,in all their 6months of dating,all she let him do is give her a hug, maybe he went for someone who could give him what he wanted and that bitch happens to be one of her best friends. She could do nothing but just stare as her feet were rooted to the bathroom floor and her mouth widely gaped with shock written all over her face.To make things worse,Sandra just pulled him out of the bathroom and left her with no apologies or any remorse look but tears running down her Pretty face.
She wished Miley was here to console her or does she know about this too?.She thought. Miley had left Vale town for her Grandpa's house who was diagnosed with stomach cancer a week earlier before she caught Sandy.She left in a hurry with no hugs or kisses but just a letter which she promised to send every month.
Trying to fight away the tears that was threatening to fall out in due time.She wished change of environment could take her pains away,make her happy and live life like never before.Leaning her bicycle against the wall she entered into the house,her parents fast asleep on the sofa with papers all over the table.When will this end?.She sighed,while shaking her head as she whisk past them trying so hard not to wake them up as tiptoed to her room. But it's just a matter of time_a day to be precise for her to leave Vale town.
And well it's tomorrow,on a Christmas day.
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