Chahpture Too
Reeeecap -
Jast rede da oder one.
Present (MIC)
i was jast crieing happie. i wiped me teers becuz i am just no need saving.
AmberBrixleyRoseTaiChi: Eye now. now i be will the nuber 1 hero.
But jist then, Bitch Momo and her posse of Bitches came to me AGAIN
Bitch Momo: Hey bitch' U jus uh bitch......bitch
eye jus run an sed
AmberBrixleyRoseTaiChi: Wel; u dunt hav a sponerchip leyek me? Uh?
Bitch Momo and her posse of bitches jus luked at me and sed
Bitch MomoAndHerPosseOfBitches colectivlie: BITCH
eye just cried bur didnt.
Mi boifrend came two me und cissed mi ceek. hiz nayme is endinever an hiz boifren OkiDokie.
i hait dem bofe.
i closed my eyez and den titans ataked.
levi ranned and saved me but Eye just dunt neeed saving* i cant beleve da animae i maid godded reel lyfe.
sabashten beated up Levi wif hiz demin powerz und den, j can5 beelive dat anime too. DEN, a boi wif a bootychin and yellow mowhok an skar om hiz fce;
and randomly, i waked up. I woner wat happen?
Dere waz just my boyfriend midekuda neked WIF MANETA
Dare cheening on mea¿¡¿
eye clenched my I's clozed an jsist squeezex and farned and just blasted them awaya becuae dye are just disgraced.
eye gonneted ump an wen to squool and sad in mu chair and sed
AmberBrixleyRoseTaiChi: eyem sorry for mi acshons an u javed to see my teue pawur and i hoepuh u all and still cum to mi queencinyara.
evryone cried and apladsed. Crapping, day oll ran and hugged me
All: Danks fer sayving uz!"
I just nodded.
"G'mornin' class it's ya boi Awaza here back atcha' with another lessin ;)'' he says, understanding
I fink fas all he says. Eye am creeped.
Getted to runch and I satted bie my boifren; The Disasterous Life Of Saiki.K
"Ur a hoot." He sen to memed and den jus "heyyyy gurl. Hiz eyes are wanering an he wiped hiz eyes and he screemed as a babi came out.
I gazped wif joi "waz his nayme?"
Saikine: Kayo Hinazuki
Kayo Hinazuki; yo yo Binch, make me sammich.
Eye bmusjrd at he hairy legs and just siged
AmberBrixleyRoseTaiChi: oh no, getted kinnamed.
I yam jinmaped wif kazuki.
to be continuened.
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