Chapter 6
Ren counted the seconds for yet another time, trying to ignore the ache in her stomach. It had been 3 days since she had been moved to the cage and hunger was now a real problem for her. They were trying to weaken her as much as possible but Ren wouldn't let them break her. She knew how dirty those leeches played their games.
So with nothing else to do she spent her time observing the rest of the slaves, or pets as they were called. They slept and ate inside the room, talking in hushed voices amongst each other, breaking down, crying and complaining about the cruelty of their masters. Their stories made Ren shiver and dread the fate that awaited her.
Everyone knew how cruel vampires could be if they wanted. And of course their King would show her no mercy.
Ren didn't care if they willed to starve her to death. Death was a far merciful end for what she believed they had planned for her. Servitude.
At night, nightmares plagued her sleep, making her jump up, trying to cover herself from the cold with the rags she had been given. Saun's empty eyes, her mother's screams, it all messed with each other creating horrid images that kept her up until dawn.
Ren knew that soon those sleepless nights would catch up with her. On par with her starvation, dehydration, losing sleep was the worst that could happen.
How long had it been since she had been locked inside the cage? From what she had learned from Vaia the guards had threatened that whoever fed or spoke to her would be executed. That however didn't seem to stop the ginger woman from keeping her company, singing to her softly. Foolish or brave, Ren didn't quite know how to describe the woman's choice. However on the third day, Ren could feel her end was near.
And yet again, that night, just when her strength began to leave her, the door to the slaves' quarters swang open. Ren watched as the blonde vampire walked inside, followed by a pair of guards.
The atmosphere in the room seemed to shift from relaxed to on edge. Ren guessed it was effect the leech had on the slaves. She tried to pretend, lie to herself, that this creature did not frighten her but as their eyes met Ren felt a chill run down her spine.
"Get ready to meet your new Master, Ren."
The sound of her name rolling off his tongue made her shudder.
"Vaia," Lord Lysander ordered, "make sure she gets dressed. And if you speak to her again I'll have your tongue cut off."
"Who even are you?" Ren rasped, annoyed.
The vampire smiled. "Lord Lysander, His Highness's right hand. Bring her out."
The cage was unlocked and Ren felt herself being dragged out. She tried to resist yet it was as if all strength had abandoned her. The guards lifted up with her, ignoring how she stumbled. They led her to a different room, locking the door as they left her alone with Vaia.
This time the ginger woman did not dare speak, the previous threat still stuck in her mind. She helped Ren strip and wash up, dressing her in a white small dress silently.
She then knocked on the door and the guards re-entered without Lord Lysander.
"Move," the vampires ordered, making Ren want to argue back. Yet for some reason the halfling felt as if she had to save her strentgh for something bigger.
Weakly, they made their way up the tower, the chains around her body rattling as they dragged against the floor.
They stopped before two doors that looked more elegant than the rest in the castle. It wasn't difficult for Ren to guess where she was headed.
The doors opened and Ren was forced inside, where two vampires awaited.
Lord Leander and the King.
"Your Highness, here is your new pet. I promise she's much more docile now," Lord Lysander smiled at the King.
The vampire stared her up and down, clearing his throat.
"Was it necessary to starve her, Lord Lysander?"
Ren frowned. He sounded much younger than she expected.
"Yes, Your Highness. Still I should advise you to be careful with her. Creatures like her tend to be... unpredictable."
He then turned to Ren, his face hardening.
"Kneel, pet," he ordered. Ren smirked.
"No-" the halfling let out a grunt as the guards forced her on her knees. Submission, that's what they wanted. Well she wouldn't give in.
"I'll leave you two alone now," Lord Lysander said and handed the King the chain that was connected to Ren's neck. And with that he bowed, leaving the room along with the guards.
Ren finally could get a good look at the King after their first meeting. He still had the same unreadable expression on his face, and something else that looked like... pity.
The halfling frowned, wondering what would for her to kill him with her bare hands. An unlikely scenario, but it wasn't a problem to try. However as she tried to get up her legs wobbled, and the room in front of her spun. Her body was against her it seemed.
"Ren, right?" the vampire asked coldly. "Let's get a few things straight... as my pet I will allow you to have a good life. In return you will obey my every word, or else there will be consequences for you."
Ren snorted. "You think I'm scared of your empty threats? You can not make me your pet, Leech King. Keep me and I promise you your end will be in my hands."
"Perhaps then I should let Lord Lysander have you," the King's expression hardened. "Know that he's not as merciful as I am."
Ren glared at him and balled her fists.
The King sighed and walked towards the window, looking outside with longing. "I didn't wish to have a pet. I find it a waste of time."
Ren rose a brow.
"You leeches love to dominate others and own them. You can not be serious."
"You think so?" Galar asked, narrowing his crimson eyes.
"I know so," Ren challenged. She watched the vampire observe her with those dangerous eyes, looking her up and down, his gaze finally resting on her face.
"You have many scars," he said, moving closer. "You must have lived the life of a warrior."
Ren grimaced. Her life of a warrior had ended abruptly fast. Now she was about to live the life of a slave.
"Don't get any closer," Ren growled, finally managing to stand up. Surprisingly, the vampire stopped in his tracks.
"I didn't realize that I scare a brave knight such as yourself," Galar taunted, a small smirk on his lips.
"You're a vile creature," Ren replied with narrowed eyes. "Don't you touch me."
"You have quite a mouth for someone that's been starved. I do wonder what you'll be like once fed."
The mention of food had Ren's breath stuck in her throat. Lost in her hateful words, she had forgotten how hungry and thirsty she was.
"Let's get some food, pet."
After eating Ren's head had become much clearer. And a daunting realization had hit her. Everything did happen for a reason. For the first time in her life, she was in breathing distance with her ultimate target. Perhaps this was her chance to kill the vampire King for good.
The question was how. Ren just had to survive long enough to find out. And that required her dignity to be sacrificed. It wasn't the first time that would happen unfortunately.
Ren wondered if Lord Sargdon was even still thinking of her. Or had he moved on to the next lover like there had never been anything between them? She had to forget about him and her anger for now. What she needed to be was calm.
Sitting on the floor of the King's chambers, Ren finished her food, having devoured it in seconds. The King was still watching her with interest in his expression.
"Tell me about yourself, Ren. I want to know who I own."
Ren scowled but her inner voice reminded her to be calm.
"I've been living in Gharnadul since I was a child. My father was a demon and my mother a human. I hate leeches. That's about it," she said.
Galar seemed somewhat dissapointed. Ren wondered if he was expecting a different answer, or if he had seen through her lies. No, she wouldn't tell him how her whole village had been wiped out by his kind. How she had seen her mother perish in front of her eyes. How she had spent her childhood alone with no one to care for her. He didn't deserve to know.
"Tell me Ren, were your friends amongst the knights my troops killed?"
Ren froze. Images of Saun's cut off head flashed before her eyes, bringing a bitter taste up her throat.
"Yes," she simply said.
"And I suppose you hate me for that," Galar spoke, staring into her eyes with that unreadable expression. No, this time it was clear. He pitied her.
"I hate you for many reasons, Your Highness. But do not pity me, for I would kill you in a second if I had the chance."
Galar smirked. "I appreciate the honesty, Ren. Now, I would like to feed so be a good pet and come here."
This was where her patience would be tested. Ren had never been bitten. Her pride didn't allow it. At times she had thought that she'd rather die. But now was time that her pride had to be swallowed.
Ren gritted her teeth and slowly walked towards the vampire, the chains on her body rattling against the floor.
"I can make it a pleasurable experience or I can make it hurt. That depends on you," Galar spoke quietly, making hot anger rise up her chest. Why was he being kind? Most vampires would have done whatever they wanted without giving her a choice. Nevertheless, it was Ren's pride that answered.
"Then make it hurt, Your Highness."
Galar seemed surprised at first but then he chuckled. "What a prideful creature you are... come here."
Ren cringed as he took her into his embrace, tilting her head to the side. She tried to comfort herself, trying to distract herself from how his hands held her. A cold breath hit her neck and then there was pain.
Searing heat entered her body, travelling from her neck to her head and heart. A sharp cry left Ren's lips as she began trembling, held still by Galar. The vampire drank slowly before retracting his fangs and letting go.
Ren hissed in pain and held her neck. Tears of humiliation reached her eyes, falling down her cheeks. She wiped them quickly, trying not to let the vampire see. It was too late.
Galar grabbed her hands, pulling them away from her face. Ren awaited to see sadistic pleasure in his face yet all she saw again was pity.
"Let go of me," she said, her voice trembling. And the vampire did so.
"There's a blanket for you in the corner. You can take it to your cage."
Ren didn't have to be told twice. She grabbed the blanket as the two guards entered the chambers to take her away.
As she was dragged away, she spared Galar one last glance, looking deep into his crimson eyes. All she found was an unexplainable sorrow. And yet at that moment her hatred burned even stronger than before as she made a silent promise to herself.
She would destroy him.
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