Chapter 5
Ren wished she had died in that battle.
Trapped in the middle of a cold room with stone walls, she hanged from her hands, the chains that bound them hanging from the ceiling. All around her a powerful stench of blood was evident. The room was filled with demon heads. And Saun's was amongst them.
The demon's empty eyes stared back at Ren's terrified ones. Everyone was gone. General Ulran's head stood out from the rest, the horns ripped off his head. Ren guessed his death had been a painful one.
Ren tried to remind herself that everything happens for a reason. She then chuckled at the absurdity of that sentence. This wasn't supposed to happen. Her companions were all dead and she was still alive for Gods know why. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good.
Tortured for information? Yes that was it. Ren bit her split lip. Her arm burned in pain. The arrow had been pulled out and the bleeding had been stopped but that was just about as much care as she was going to have.
Ren wondered for how long would she be left to rot in that room with the corpses. Many figures crossed her mind, the Godess Karian, her mother, Saun, Lord Sargdon, General Ulran. Would she be missed? Everyone that cared for her was already dead.
After hours of being forced to hang from her hands Ren's muscles felt sore. Her mouth was dry. She desperately needed some water. Wouldn't someone come see her?
Yet no one came. Minutes turned and hours turned into a day or two. Ren felt herself slip in and out of consciousness, too weak to even think. Then when she thought she couldn't take anymore the door behind her finally opened.
In a daze, Ren heard footsteps approach her. A meek figure came into view and lifted something to her lips. As the water hit her mouth Ren suddenly came to life, greedingly swallowing the liquid.
Everything became clearer. A small human stood in front of her with a scared expression.
"Leave us," another voice called, making Ren flinch. The small human nodded and left, the door shutting behind them.
"Feeling better?"
The man from the battlefield stood in front of Ren, dressed in fine garments in a deep crimson colour. His blonde hair reached his shoulders and his eyes were red, like any vampire's.
Ren glared at him but didn't speak.
"Don't make me regret giving you that water," the vampire said with narrowed eyes. "Be a good pet and answer."
"I hope you burn," Ren spat, her eyes shining with hate. The beast grinned, exposing two shining fangs.
"You're feisty, I hope His Highness likes that... Now listen closely, pet. You've been spared. From now on you're property of the vampire King Galar. You will be his prize, a token of his victory against your puny General. You should be grateful you still have your pathetic life."
Ren couldn't believe her ears. "I'd rather die than serve your King!" she screamed, her voice echoing around the walls.
"Guards!" the vampire yelled and two armed vampires entered the room. "Take her and have her prepared for His Highness."
"You fanged worm, don't touch me!" Ren growled in anger.
The blonde vampire eyed her and grinned. "Oh, and gag that mouth."
A few agonizing moments later, Ren stood between the vampire guards, her feet, hands and neck chained up. A cloth had been tied over her mouth serving as a gag. She had been bathed, her wound had been treated and she had been given new clothes that looked more like a rag.
"Move it, pet," one of them ordered and Ren felt a hard push on her back. Her stomach twisted painfully in both fear and anger.
They began to walk down the hallway towards a large set of doors and Ren felt her heartbeat speed up. What cruel fate awaited behind those doors? She would find out soon enough.
"Bring in the prisoner!" a voice called from inside and suddenly both doors opened. Ren's eyes went wide.
In front of her eyes spread a large throne room, a lit chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Candles decorated the walls as well as multiple horrifying paintings that made Ren's heart skip a beat.
The room was filled with well dressed vampires that stared at her curiously, whispering to each other. But what really drew her attention was the lone vampire sitting on the golden throne in the back of the room, staring her down. At his side Ren recognized the vampire from the battlefield.
"Ladies and Lords, our ambush on General Ulran's troops was successful. The demon General is dead. His Highness's plan was a genius one."
Clapping filled the room as well as words of praise. Ren felt anger rise inside her chest, hot and burning.
"This rare halfling is a gift to His Highness for this victory. Bring her forward!"
Ren was pushed forward again, almost stumbling and falling on her face. As she reached the throne she was forced to kneel, the gag still not removed from her mouth. From this close she could finally see the one she had been so curious to see for many years. The vampire King Galar.
His silver hair fell gracefully down his shoulders, his gentle face emotionless as he stared her down. His eyes were a deep crimson colour, reminding Ren of blood.
"Lord Lysander, why is she gagged?" the king asked the blonde vampire who only smiled in answer.
"Remove the gag," Lord Lysander ordered and suddenly Ren's mouth was free. She breathed in deeply, looking around her in panic.
"Speak, pet," Lord Lysander ordered again, narrowing his eyes. "Greet your King." Ren glared at him. Oh she would speak alright.
"You disgusting leech, vile spawn of the God Veanke, you will regret what you did. The wrath of the Gods will fall on you! Damn you!" Ren began to speak, her voice trembling in anger.
The King's eyes widened for a moment before he looked back at Lord Lysander.
"And I'm supposed to keep this feral creature as a pet?"
"Your days are numbered, King of Leeches," Ren seethed. "I won't let you go unpunished."
She wanted to scream, yell and curse, her anger taking over. Perhaps she would be killed for that outburst but Ren didn't care. All she wanted was to let her pain out. She gritted her teeth and glared at the King.
"Enough of this," Lord Lysander scoffed, staring at her in disdain. "Take her away."
Ren growled as she was dragged away. The double doors of the throne room shut again and the halfling found herself dragged towards a different room.
The room was small, beds lined against the wall. A cage awaited in the corner, making Ren's eyes widen.
"Get inside," the vampire guard ordered, pushing her in. Ren didn't have time to react before the door locked behind her, leaving her crouched down on the floor.
"You can't do this!" Ren screamed, still chained up. The guards ignored her, tying the chain that was connected to her neck on the base of the cage. Ignoring her yelling, they left, shutting the door behind them.
Ren felt tears prick her eyes. Yet she held back from crying. Those leeches didn't deserve her sorrow. And apart from that, she wasn't alone.
On the beds sat multiple men and women, humans from what Ren could understand. They stared at her in both fear and curiosity, yet for a few moments no one dared to speak.
"Who are you all?" Ren asked dryly.
No one answered, making her nerves worse. She was about to yell when a thin, ginger woman spoke up.
"We are pets of the Lords and Ladies of this castle. I'm Vaia."
Ren sighed and covered her face with both hands. So it was true that vampires had pets they fed from. The thought made her shiver. Those were slaves, not pets.
"You must be the King's prize," Vaia said, getting up. Interest was clear in her eyes. "I'm sorry for what happened to you."
Ren bit her lip at the memory of Saun's head staring at her with lifeless eyes.
"I'm Lord Lysander's pet, " Vaia continued, taking a seat in front of the cage. A soft smile was on her lips. Ren frowned. She could only imagine what this woman went through daily. And what she would be going through herself soon.
"Stay away from her Vaia, she's dangerous. I heard she can produce fire from her hands," a young man said, keeping his distance from them. Vaia laughed heartily.
"Look at her, Darco. She's chained up and locked in a cage. I think we're safe."
Ren glared at the man named Darco. "I have no intent to hurt any of you. My name is Ren."
Slowly the rest of the humans began to get closer to the cage, observing her.
"Well, Ren. Welcome to your new life," Darco said and Ren felt dread settle in her stomach. Her new life? Was this her destiny? No, no, no! A slave under the creature she had sworn to slay? Ren refused to accept it. Surely something would happen, someone would help her...
No, what was she thinking? Such things only happened in fairytales. Real life was unforgiving. She only had her own self.
Ren felt herself bend under the harsh reality of her situation. After everything, was this how she was destined to end up?
"Godess, give me strength to endure this," the fleshling whispered quietly.
How cruel fate was...
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